I have been Collecting Data for Nesting Swans for Years..
Swan Folks Sharing the Happy News when Healthy Cygnets Hatch.
I Share the Basics with ALL.. Feeding Cygnets Basics..
AND >>> PLEASE PINION and DNA the Cygnets and Arrange for Homes.
To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.
By Pinioning Cygnets before THREE Weeks Old..21 Days
you may Save their Life.. And you can Skip Reading this Topic Page.
I have Suggested that Folks New to Swan Care and want Help the First Time they Pinion
ask their Avian Veterinarian to Help Pinion their Cygnets. Show you How – Learn Together.
Many Veterinarians has No Experience with Swans.
Pinioning is Permanent
BUT: With each Passing Year,
I have New Swan Folks who Try to make these Arrangements and are being Told,
their Veterinarians have an Ethical Issue with Pinioning Waterfowl – Swans.
These Vets will Clip Wing Feathers but they will NOT Pinion.
As a Result Some Swan Owners Attempt to do a Crude
Wing Pinion on their Older Cygnets/Swans themselves.
I have Learned of a Number of Horrific Cruel Ways that this might be done.
I can not Imagine how Terrified the Cygnets and Swans would be
when a Section of their Wing is Removed without Sedation.
I had been Planning to List some of these…To Shock Readers..
But, I will NOT.. I would Hate to Give Anyone an Idea.
IF you are Unable to SAFELY and HUMANLY Pinion an Older Cygnet/Swan..
then Please Plan to Clip to keep these Swans Grounded and Safe from all the Perils of Flight.
Clipping is a Reasonable Commitment for an Unpinioned Adult Swan in Private Care.
The Swan Pays the Price if you do not get it done.
On a Nice Breezy Day, they may just Fly Off and be Destroyed.
Being Socialized with Humans, the Swans will look for someone to Feed them.
They really are not Suited to Live Feral after being in Human Care..
Over Time, if they Survive the Winter Months.. they Relearn being Wild..
but, it is not Automatic. Many will Perish..
I Wish ALL Veterinarians would Think about ALL the Dangers for Domestic Swans that Fly.
Within a Week these young Female Mute Swans were Shot..
Hunters, Power Lines, Fences, Wet Roads, Traffic, etc. If Swans Fly they are at Risk..
In the Following – these are Swans and Cygnets that we Cared for.
Several had OTHER Surgical Wounds while in our BackYard Rehab Enclosure.
I have Included their Images that Reflect the General Care that is Similar.
I am going to Section the Information by Basic Ages:
#1 Cygnets UP to 28 Days – 4 Weeks..
#2 Cygnets that are 4 – 10 Weeks Old.
#3 10 Weeks to Mature Adults..
#1 Cygnets UP to 28 Days – 4 Weeks..
It is Important to know the Date that your Cygnets Hatch..
It is BEST to Pinion by Day 21.. When the Opportunity Allows.
Try Not to WAIT until the Last Few Days to Pinion. The Days Tick By Quickly.
Sometimes the Swan Family will NOT Cooperate so that the Pinioning Gets DONE
when you are Planning. It Happens.
We have Learned some Tricks.. to Catching the Swan Family.
Pinioning is Permanent
IF you are planning to have a Veterinarian Pinion Cygnets
that are older then 4 Weeks Old.. THEY Need Sedation..
I have Pinioned Cygnets Safely up to 4 Weeks..
I will only do this if I KNOW the Date the Cygnets Hatch.
28 Days is my Limit. The Cygnets are a Little Bigger..
Before Doing ANYTHING.. I Check for any Firm Bone Forming in the Distal-Primary Wing Tip…
I have not Felt any Stiff Bone at 28 Days. I have Tied and Snipped the Wing Tip as Usual.
We Keep a Close Watch for any Bleeding before Cygnets are Release to the Water.
So Far, I have not had ANY Cygnet have a Problem.
This is the Same Cygnet when she was Four Months Old.
#2 Cygnets that are 4 – 8 – 10 Weeks Old.
Cygnets on Average Hatch in May.. 4 – 10 Weeks would be into July..
HOT Summer Months.
Swan Cygnets Older then 28 Days Need to have Extra Care to keep them Safe.
SURGICAL PINION ***ONLY Done by a Veterinarian.
The Responsible way to Pinion an Older Cygnet, Juvenile or Adult Swan is by
a Veterinarian who is Willing and has been Trained to do Surgical Pinion.
The Procedures become much more Involved and Costly with Each Passing Week.
The Younger the Cygnet – the less Involved this will be.
Cygnets from 4 – 10 Weeks Old may only need a Simple Sedation Procedure..
NO Pain or Stress. Recovery is Quick and Simple.
An Example of this: Rescue Friends – Rescued a Brood of Cygnets 55 Days Old.
Last Week of June.. None were Pinioned..
I Checked for the Bone Forming in the Distal Wing Section.
YEP !! It was Firm.. Called our Trusty Veterinarian.. made Appointment.
We took 5 Healthy Cygnets to the Vet’s Clinic the Next Day.
They were Exactly 8 Weeks Old.. (Below Image is a Different Cygnet 58 Days – as Example.)
Each Cygnet was Sedated.. Pinion Joint Prepared for Surgery – ONE WING ONLY..
Colored ID Bands were Placed on the Same Side the Pinion was being Done.
The Bones were Developed Enough that a Bone Cutter was Used to Remove
the Distal-Primary Wing Tips..
Each Cygnet took an Average of 15 Minutes..
The Cygnets were Waking-up within Minutes..
I was Able to Express a Nice Drop of Blood from the Wing Tips Removed..
for a DNA-Sex Blood Dot Sample.
2-3 Stitches were Placed in the Skin at the Surgery Site.
We Checked each Cygnet for any Bleeding before we Left the Clinic..
We were Home within 30 Minutes.. The Cygnets were Placed in a Safe Place
for the Rest of the Day and Over Night.. Checked in the Morning – All OK
and Release to the Rescue Center’s Pond..
There were NOT Antibiotics Needed.. NO Restrictions for the Cygnets..
The Cygnets were Checked Daily for about a Week.. for any Sign of Infection.
ALL Cygnets did Well.. NO Further Appointments. DONE..
Within a Few Weeks New Homes were Arranged..
ALL 5 Cygnets were Adopted to Loving Home..
#3 Cygnets 10 – 12 Weeks to Mature Adults..
TO PINION SWANs – Juveniles and Adults – Swan 3 Months Old and Older – Mature.
The Diagram Below is the BASIC Idea of the Action to Pinioning a more Mature Bird.
This Diagram is of Smaller House Birds.. Cygnets and Swans are MUCH LARGER.
This was the Plan for this 11 Month Old Male Mute.. to Constrict and Cause
the Distal Section of his Wing to Die.. This was the WORST I have Every Seen.
This was a Healthy Young Swan.. He Died due to this Terrible Effort to Pinion him.
Older Cygnets and Swans are TOO BIG for Constriction Amputation.
The Older the Cygnet, the More Extensive the Procedure WILL be.
Once a Cygnet is 3-6 Months Old..
Your Vet will Decide what is the Safest Procedure for the Growing Swan Cygnets.
Older Cygnets, Juveniles and Adult Swans.. BIGGER Procedure.
If you have WAITED until the Cygnets are Several Months Old,
then try to Wait for Cold Weather to have them Pinioned. ( if Possible.)
The Risk of Infections is much Higher in Warmer Weather.
You will have a much Better Outcome if you Wait until after Heavy Frost in the Fall.
In Areas where there are True Cold Winter Conditions,
it is Recommended that Surgical Pinioning be done during the Coldest Months
to Reduce the Risk of Infection and Insect Maggots..
In Pennsylvania, December, January and February are the Preferred Months.
If you Plan to Surgically Pinion a 16-18 Month Old Swan during the Swan’s Moult..
(Summer) the Swans will be trying to Preen MORE and there will be LOTs
of Loose Feathers to Deal with.. BIGGER Mess..
Better to Consider Waiting for the Winter Months.. ( if Practical )
In the Mean Time You will need to Ground your Cygnets-Swans
(#1) Clip 5-7 Primary Flight Feathers on ONE WING Only
OR (#2) Pull some Primary Flight Feathers – ONE WING Only
until you are Ready to have the Surgical Pinion Procedure.
DO NOT CLIP OR PULL Primary Flight Feathers unless you know
when and how to do ONE of these Safely.
Clipping Captive Swan Pets
For Cygnets 3-4 Months Old to All Mature Adults.
This is Elective Surgery.. to Render a Swan Flightless.
You will Need to Locate a Veterinarian who is Trained and Willing to Preform
this Procedure.. If you Talk with your Avian Veterinarian while your Adult Swans
are Incubating their Clutch of Eggs.. you will Know what your Options are..
It takes a Minimum of 3-4 Weeks. Three-Four Vet. Visits.
(1) Discuss the Cost with your Veterinarian…
Average Total Cost $600-800-1200 for Surgical Pinion of the Older Cygnets/Swans.
(2) First the Swan Needs to be seen by the Veterinarian for a Pre-Op Evaluation.
(About 7 – 14 Days before Surgery)
The Evaluation will likely include Laboratory Blood Tests.
Maybe an Ova & Parasite Check on a Fresh Stool Sample.
Swans need to be Healthy to have Elective Surgery-Anesthesia.
There will be some Blood Loss. The Swan should not be Anemic.
Their Kidneys and Liver need to be Healthy.
Various Medications need to Clear through these Organs.
This is a GOOD Time to Pull a Sample of Breast Feathers
to send for DNA-Sex Testing. (If you do not know the Swan’s Sex.)
It takes 7-10 days to get the DNA-Sex Test Results.
This way you will know which Wing to have Pinioned.
Have the Sample Submission Bags/Envelops Ready..
Determine the Sex of Swans-Cygnets by DNA
For Cygnets Too Young to have Feathers, (True Feathers start around 55-60 Days Old.)
Ask for a Drop of Blood when the Lab Tests are Collected and Send
this Blood-DOT Sample for DNA-Sex Testing.
Order or Prepare Blood-DOT Collection Cards/Papers Ahead of Time.
It takes 7-10 Days to get the DNA Results.
This way you will know which Wing to have Pinioned.
MALEs – Left Wing …..FEMALEs – Right Wing
If you are Having Several Cygnets Pinioned..
BE SURE you can Match the Results to Each Cygnet/Swan.
Banding with Colored Leg Band is the Easiest.. Change as they GROW…
ID Banding for Swans
(3) CONSIDER the Difficulty in having to Recapture the Cygnets/Swan…
For the Day of Scheduled Surgery.. PLAN Ahead..
(4) Post-Op Care… The Veterinarian will Advise HOW LONG to Keep
the Swan OUT of Water.. PLAN for a Safe Place to Recover.
The Cygnets/Swan will Likely need Antiboitics for 10-14 Days.
The Surgical Wounds will Need to be Checked and Bandages Changed.
You Need to Keep the Cygnets/Swan in a SAFE Fenced Area
or in a SAFE Shelter during Recovery.
This is a GOOD TIME to GIVE Parasite – Medication.
These Treatments are usually 2 doses – Given 14 Days Apart.
These Medication need to be Prescribed by your Veterinarian.
(5) Once your Swan is Cleared for Surgery…
Set-up an Appointment for the Surgery.
This Young Female was Under Weight when we Rescued her.. Her Moult was Delayed.
We did needed to Wait for her Health to Improve before having an Elective Surgery.
EXPECT the Following and Prepare for these Post-Surgery Needs.
To keep the Swan/Cygnet DRY & CLEAN for Two to Three Weeks..
NO POND – NO POOL… Keep Wound DRY.
You will Need a VERY SAFE PLACE for the Feathered Patients Day and Night..
They will be Recovering..Healing. They Can NOT Protect themselves.
Best to keep Swans in a Barn, Shed, a Sturdy Tent
or a Protected Covered Fence Enclosure. Protect from Predators !
Check these Areas for Hazards to Create a Safe Place.
Remove Glass Items, Sharp Things, Things they may Reach and Pull Down.
Check Cables, Cords, Ropes, etc. Swans will get Bored and Explore.
AND, LOOK for Places they may Crawl through and get Stuck.
Swans CAN NOT Breathe if they can not Move their Rib Cage.
If they get their Heads Stuck, they may Pull Hard Enough
to Injure themselves or Worse.
Protect from Freezing COLD. Provide Safe Heat..
Out of their Pond they are Subject to Air Temperature.
Consider an Electric Heated CAT PAD..
Put Inside a Thick Trash Bag to Protect the Pad from being Soiled.
Provide Plenty of CLEAN Dry Bedding Material to Snuggle Down into.
> > > STRAW NOT Hay.. NOT Wood Chips.
SAFE Swan Bedding
Electric Heated Water Dishes are very Useful.. Available at most Farm and Pet Stores.
Try to have Blunted Scissors to Cut Bandages OFF. Safer..
Some Blunted Kid’s Scissors do fine. Try them first.
Antiseptic Wet Wipes are Useful. A Gallon of Clean Water/Paper Towels.
Plastic Bags – Gallon Size – Not ZipLoc. NEW Roll of Paper Towels. (In Clean Bag)
Roll of 1″ Painters Masking Tape. Plastic or Vinyl Disposable Gloves.
3-4 Large Clean Short Cotton Tube Socks. Cut Ribbing off Old Tube Socks.
Medium Bowl to Soak Wound.. If Advised.
Have a Bottle of Betadine – Povidone-Iodine,
an Antiseptic used for Skin Disinfection before and after Surgery.
Several Large Clean Bath Towels. Wash after each Use – Sanitize in Dryer.
You will need Food and Water Containers..
Choose Containers that will NOT BREAK. (NO METAL)
Swans will STEP-in and Upset Containers
Not Fastened or Not Heavy Enough to Stay Upright.
Choose Smaller Container for Water.. Swans will Try to Climb
into or onto Larger Water Dishes or Pans..
**For Very Small Cygnets 2 Weeks to 2 Months..
Use Containers only 2-3 Inches High.
They will try to Climb into Buckets and MAY GET STUCK
or if they Fall in Head First may Suffocate or Drown.
Keep Water Dish Small, but Adequate.
If the Water Dish is TOO Large the Cygnets will Try to Swim in it.
**For Young Cygnets 2-6 Months Old…
It is Safer to use Containers only 6 Inches High.
They will try to Climb into Buckets and MAY GET STUCK
or if they Fall in Head First may Suffocate or Drown.
Keep Water Dish Small, but Adequate.
If the Water Dish is TOO Large the Cygnets will TRY to Swim in it.
**For Cygnets 6 Months to Adult Swans..
Look for Heavy Containers or Ones you can Secure to a Post or Fence.
A Short Bucket for Dry Feed Mix. We used Polyvinyl Dish Pans for Wet Vegetables.
Tie or Bungee the Handle of a Bucket to Prevent it being Knocked Over.
A Short Bucket for Water is also Good for Swans Tall enough
to Stand Up and Comfortably Drink. Lettuce Greens are usually Welcome.
Swans have a STRONG Desire to be “IN Water.”
Do not be Surprised to see them Sitting on their Water Dish.
The Water may need to be Changed Several Times a Day due to Poop.
A Little Poop in the Water is OK.. This will Add Bacteria to their Gut.
Keep Feed and Water Containers Side by Side.
Or Put the Feed in the Water.. a Slurry.. They will Suck it Up..
Provide Feed which is Appropriate for the Cygnets/Swan’s Age.
We carefully Wash their Bottom as Needed. Swans HATE to be Dirty..
They will try to Clean-Preen and Spread Poop all over themselves.
Remove Body Waste as found. Poop will Attract Flies and other Insects.
You may have Maggots if their Bedding is not kept Clean.
On Nice Days, we Covered the Wound Dressing with a Gallon Plastic Bag
to Protect the Surgical Site..
Painter’s Masking Tape is Great to Keep a Plastic Bag in Place.
And GENTLY Sprayed the Cygnet/Swan ALL OVER to Encourage Preening.
This Helps to Maintain Good WaterProofing and Warmth Insulation.
The Cygnet above had a Nasty Foot Injury.. He would Play in the Sprinkler..
Get ALL Wet and then Preen in the Warm SunShine.
Observe Stools for Loose Runny Material.
There should be some Formed and some Liquid Watery Poop.
Antibiotics may be causing Diarrhea.
Food is not being Digested Very Well and Excess Fluid is being Lost.
Check with your Veterinarian for Advise.
There is a Product Called Bird Bene-bac Probiotics Gel for Replacement
of Beneficial Live-Culture Digestive Bacteria when giving Antibiotic Therapy.
Or Check with your Vet.. maybe Using Probiotics Powder would Work-Help..
Swans are VERY Social Creatures. Restricted from being on the Pond and Alone,
Swans become Sad, Depressed.. try to Visit and Talk to them more Often.
It is Comforting if Another Swan or Duck can be in with the Patient Swan.
Even for Several Hours each Evening and Night..
If Possible, Allow your other Swans to Visit.
Read your Newspaper Aloud… Read Junk Mail.. Visit.
Think of them as Small Children. Tell them Stories.
I have not tried a Radio on a Music Station set Low.. Might Help.
Try to provide Sunlight on nice Days. We all Feel Better getting some SunLight.
(7) The Night before the Cygnets/Swan’s Surgery
Food and Water will be With-held According to Instructions given to you.
Direct your Questions to your Veterinary Staff..
**** ASK the Veterinarian to “SPARE” the ALULA…
This leaves a Nice Cap of Feathers over the Pinioned Site.
Pinion a Known Female on Right Wing.. Pinion a Known Male on Left Wing..
(8) The Cygnets/Swan will generally be Released to you once they are Awake and Drinking.
Follow the Veterinary Post Surgery Instructions carefully.
They may have information I have missed.
To Give Medications and do the Wound Dressing Changes..
This is MUCH Easier with two People. One Needed to Hold and One to Do.
Expect to give Antibiotics Twice a Day for 10-14 Days.
Ask for Liquid Medications if available.
Give a Few Drops at a Time. Give the Swan a Chance to Swallow.
Check if Long Acting Antibiotic Injections are Appropriate.
This will make your Life Easier.
But, Often this is NOT the Preferred Treatment.
Once a Medication is Injected, it is IN the Body.
If there is a Negative Reaction.. Not much can be done.
ASK your Veterinarian to Demonstrate giving the Medications.
He may have Tips I have not Learned.
***REMEMBER – Food, Fluids, Medications Etc..
ALL Need to GO Down the RIGHT Side of the Swan’s Neck..
the Esophagus to Gizzard.
The Trachea goes Down LEFT Side of the Swan’s Neck
for Air to Enter and Leave the Lungs.
***Any Medication going down the Trachea Left Side can be DANGEROUS.
Some may Burn the Trachea or Lungs.. Cause Aspiration Pneumonia..
Whole Pills CAN BLOCK their Airway.
If possible, I Dissolve Solid Pills, Caplets, Tablets and Capsules
with a Very Small Amount (3-5 Drops) of Water.
Draw into a Small Syringe to Slowly give as a Liquid.
GIVE LIQUID MEDICATION SLOWLY. Give Cygnets/Swans a chance to Swallow.
OR in a Small Container.. One Dose – Pill.
Add 1 to 2 Drops of Water.. Dissolve to a ToothPaste Texture.
Place this on a Finger and Spread on the Roof of the Upper Beak.
Allow the Cygnet/Swan to Lick and Swallow for a Few Minutes.
Then Allow them to Drink some Water.
DO NOT FORCE MEDICATION when the Cygnet/Swan are Struggling.
The Risk is they may Aspirate by Panicky Gasping..
Call your Veterinarian if there is ANY Change in their Breathing.
If there is ANY Liquid that Get into the Trachea..
Put the Cygnet/Swan on your Lap.. Head and Neck DOWN.. Pat their Back.
Until the Fluid Drains OUT ! If a Pill Goes the Wrong Way.. Do the Same.
Give the Medication/Antibiotic as Ordered for the Prescribed Time.
A Complication Free Recovery is Best for Everyone.
PLAN AHEAD – Have Everything Ready and in Easy Reach.
Work on a Raised Surface, put Towel under Swan’s Feet.
Swans DISLIKE Smooth Surfaces and Will Struggle More.
Be Patient and WAIT for the Swan to be Calm before Care Treatments.
Wrap a Large Bath Towel around Body to Control their Wings.
**DO NOT Hold TOO TIGHTLY, Swans DO NOT have a Diaphragm.
They MUST Expand their Ribs to Breathe.
Be Careful of their Feet, the Toe Claws are SHARP.. Wear a Jacket to Protect your Arms.
Swans have Very Little Bite Pressure. Biting is not much more then a Mild-Pinch.
Depending on your Skin and where they Bite.
Try not to Pull Away if they Bite, the Beak Nail might Scratch.
I have rarely been Bitten.
Scratched by Toe Claws… YES !!! My Fault ! !
Once VERY Deep – Required a Stitch and Antibiotics for me.
If each Time you do the Cygnets/Swan’s Scheduled Care,
YOU are Calm and you Keep the Cygnets/Swan Calm,
it will become a Routine and become EASIER.
Move and Work CALMLY, Speak Calmly, Softly… be Reassuring.
If the Cygnets/Swan are FRANTIC your Job will be Very Challenging.
Think Calm, Be Calm, Remain Calm.
If Necessary, STOP, and Try Again when Everyone is Calm.
Once your Cygnets/Swan knows they will be OK,
they will Generally not Try so Hard to Free themselves.
We have found Mute Swans Settle, Calm Down once you hold them.
Black Australian and Trumpeter Swans keep Struggling. (Sigh ! )
** Change Wound Dressing as directed…
WASH YOUR HANDS and Wear Disposable Gloves.
Take Care NOT to Cut Cygnets/Swan when removing Old Dressing.
Blunted Scissors are Safer. Some Blunted Kid’s Scissors do fine.
Take the Gauze off VERY Slowly, it is often Scabbed into the Wound.
If it Hurts, you may see the Cygnets/Swan Trembling… it Hurts.
There will be Stitches. Keep the Wound/Stump as Clean as Possible.
Do NOT Allow the Wound to be Uncovered for the First Few Days.
Watch for Sweating.. You want the Wound to Stay Dry.
** Report if the Wound Smells Nasty or has Yellow-Green Discharge.
Check for Bright Bloody OOzing.
A Small Amount of Watery-Blood Tinged Fluid.. is OK.
** We Soaked the Wound with a Light Solution of Betadine
for Several Minutes when we changed the Wound Dressing.
Mix with Fresh Clean Water until it looks like Weak Tea.
So you can Read Newspaper Print through it.
Allow the Wound to DRY before Applying Fresh Dressing.
** It is a GOOD Idea to Check for Insect Eggs or Maggots on the Wound.
More Risk in Warm Weather.. Little Problem in Cold Months.
Just in case an Insect gets under the Wound Dressing.
These would Look like Tiny Specks of Pepper..Tiny Eggs.
A Simple Magnifying Glass is Helpful.
If Insect Eggs or Maggots do Occur – Report to your Veterinarian..
Follow his Instructions..
When we had Swans with Surgery done during Summer Months
when Insects-Flies are more of a Problem..
The Insect Repellent we use is an ORGANIC Repellent Pump Spray.
A Product blend of Natural Botanical Extracts.
Peppermint, Cinnamon, Lemon Grass and Thyme Oils.
***DO NOT SPRAY Directly on the Surgical Wound.
Spray a Spritz on the Outside of the Wound Dressing after you finish Taping.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Plant Oils
in these Product for use as Food and Beverage Additives
for Human Consumption. These have a very STRONG Smell.
Take care not to get this in the Swan’s Eyes. Or Yours.. !!!
We ONLY use DAWN Liquid – Original Scent. Cool to Cold Water ONLY.
Warm/HOT Water will Cook a Bird’s Tissues. THEY WILL STRUGGLE.
This can cause a Wide Range of HARM and MAY become a Medical Emergency.
We use a FRESHLY Opened Roll of Paper Toweling. (Keep Clean-Covered)
Wrap One-Two Sheets LOOSELY around Surgical Wound.
Some Air Space will help keep the Covered Wound from Sweating.
In the Summer Months – Sweating is a Concern..
During the Winter Months.. Less of a Problem.
Tape with 1 Inch Painter’s Masking Tape several Loops Around
and some Tape onto Feathers so Toweling will NOT Slid-off.
There is a GOOD Chance the Swan will Pull at the Dressing.
There are NO E-Collars for Swans. (I Don’t Think So.)
So the Cygnets/Swan can not Pull the Dressing OFF….
ONLY do this if Necessary.. it can make the Wound Sweat.. NOT Good !
I GENTLY Pulled a CLEAN Short Cotton Tube Sock over the Dressing
and up over the Remaining Wing.
Tape to Feathers above the Dressing. Snug, but not too tight.
Best to use a Clean Sock each time the Wound Dressing is Changed.
You will not need to have the Wound Covered for the Entire Recovery.
Check with the Vet at the First Check-up Visit.. If the Wound will
be OK to Leave Open to the Air..
YEP.. the First POST-OP Check-up Visit.. So the Vet can see his
Handy Work is Healing Properly.. Depending on the Progress..
there will be One to Two more Vet Visits.
SO FAR, (Knock on wood)
We have NEVER had an Infection or Complication in our Elective Post-Op Care.
Follow the Veterinarian’s Post-op Instructions…
(10) You will likely be Instructed to see your Veterinarian One Last Time
before your Cygnets/Swan are Allowed Back on the Pond.
The Cygnets/Swan can NOT go back into Pond Water until
ALL the Stitches are OUT.
The Stitches going through the Skin will Allow Bacteria to Enter.
Stitches Out FIRST.
(11) You might be Asked to Wait Three Days after the Stitches are OUT to Release
Your Cygnets or Swan to the Water.
The Juvenile Below had her Stitched Removed at the Third Visit..
The Fourth Visit was a Week Later.. ALL CLEAR for A SPLASHY BATH.
She is Healed and Healthy. We can FINALLY Start to Arrange for a Forever Home.
This Young Female was SO Happy to be on a Real Pond Again ! !
She Splashed, Rolled, Dove, Flapped and Kicked UP her Feet.. Such Joy !
It has been Four Months since her Rescue.. Her New Life is about to Begin..
It was a Sad and Happy Day when we Released “Lily” to her New Home Pond..
BASICALLY That’s ALL Folks.. ( I have probably Forgotten Some Tips..)
Every Time I read through this I think of Something ELSE !!!!
OH YES !! There is ONE Last Something Else…
If you Pinion your Cygnets before 21 Days..
You and Others will not be Doing ALL THIS.
(c) L.M.Sweger – Finally Organized October 2021
Working on this Topic Page.. has been more Difficult then I had Imagined..
I have Lots of Experience with the Losses of Full-Wing Swans..
Yes, it has Been Hard, all these Sad Memories Bring Tears..
Swans are Safer if they are Grounded..