A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans


April 22nd, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in SWAN CATCHING IDEAs - (Comments Off on HOW DO WE CATCH SWANS and CYGNETS ?)


SWAN UPPING is an Annual Ceremony in England.
The Mute Swans on the River Thames are Rounded-up,
Caught, Counted, have a Health Check, are Banded and then Released.

 Catching Swans

Those British Swan Lovers Make this Look EASY !!
Take Note – They are Using Kayaks !

 Catching Swans

If you are Interested: Swan Upping – Wikipedia
OR Search: *Swan Upping* – There are Many Website on this Topic..

To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.

Until you have a Need to Catch a Waterfowl-Swan on a Body of Water,
Most People have NO Idea how Challenging it will be..

 Catching Swans

Every Situation is Different.. Any Body of Water is a Risky Unknown.
A Frozen Pond in the Winter.. The Worst Time of Year to Catch Swans.

Catching Swans

Especially, when your Helpers are Unfamiliar with your Body of Water.

 Catching Swans

Over the Years, we have had our Share of “Try this, then Try that.”
My Husband has often said, “It is Better to be Lucky, then Good.”

Catching a Swan

Our Quickest Captures.. have been 5 Minutes.. “JUST GOOD LUCK.”

 Catching Swans

The Male Pictured Above was Sitting in a Shady Area with Dense Plants.
He was EASY to Catch.. Bless him..

The Longest Time to Capture a Swan we wanted to Move took 8 Weeks.
Multiple Visits, Several Failed Attempts.. Our “Brooke” made it HARD.

Catching Swans

The Farm where our Swans had lived for Five Years was being Sold.
We Found a Lovely Pond for them much Closer to our Home.
Two of our Three Swans were Ambush Captured by the Farm Worker who Cared for the Animals.
He Watched for an Opportunity, Placed those Two in the Barn..
We Drove there, Helped made a Feeble Attempt to Catch “Brooke.”
She was the Winner that Afternoon.. We were the Stressed Ones that Day.

 Catching Swans

We Left with the First Two Swans.. Released them to their New Home Pond.

 Catching Swans

Once we Move her two Companions, “Brooke” went into Survival Mode.

 Catching Swans

A Lone Swan will Frequently become Many Times more Cautious.
She did not Trust Anyone and Stayed as Far from us as Possible.

 Catching a Swan

It took Several Weeks of Visits for her to even come to us for Treats..
A Thick Layer of DuckWeed was a GREAT Summer Diet. Forget the Treats.

Catching Swans

After One or Two Bites of Salad Greens .. OFF she Went to the Far Side of the Pond.

 Catching Swans

Patience was not Working. My Husband had an Idea.. Why NOT !
He Played Vocals of the Other Two Swans Recorded on his Cell Phone..
“Brooke” heard the Happy Snorting.. and came Closer to Rob.

 Catching Swans

Just Close ENOUGH for Rob to FLOP our BIG Net Over her..
She was NOT Quite inside the Net.. and Started to Back OUT !!
BY “Good Luck” her Pinioned Wing Joint SNAGGED in the Net.
JUST Long Enough for Us to GET HOLD of her !!!
It was NOT a Graceful Capture. WE had the Adrenalin RUSH !!

 Catching a Swan

Finally ! We were able to MOVE “Brooke.”

 Catching Swans

Our Threesome was Together Again.. I LOVE this Happy Image of them.

 Catching a Swan

Having our Mute Swan Threesome was Unplanned Luck.. (We were Lucky)
Odds are Low for this Pairing to Work..
I will Explain more on a Topic Page about Three Swans Living Together..

 Catching Swans

And there were Swans, Mostly Feral Swans that we were Never Able to Catch.. in Time..

Catching Swans


There are Various Capture Methods, that take Time..
Before you Need to Catch Your Swans..
Think about what you might Realistically do..
HAVE A PLAN.. or Two.. or Three.

 Catching Swans

We Make a Plan Depending on ALL the Factors.
What we know about the Swans’ Routine Habits, the Body of Water, Obstacles,
And How many Helping Hands we Will Have.

 Catching Swans

And How Urgent is it to Catch the Swans.. or do You have Time.. ??

Before I Share Ideas.. and they are Just that – Ideas..

I want to Impress it is Important to do Captures with as Little Stress as Possible.
There is a Condition called “Capture Myopathy.”
There are Various Website that will Provide Information..
Take a Few Minutes and Read a Few..
Does this Really Happen ?? A Small Percentage – Yes.

WILD INSTINCTs Capture Myopathy

OZARK – Capture Myopathy

Merck Manual > Veterinary Professionals > Poultry > Myopathies
Exertional Myopathy in Poultry

Capturing Healthy, Well Socialized Swans or Cygnets – this is Less of a Concern..

 Catching Swans

Hot Weather will add a Stress Factor..
It is Safest for Swans and People to Capture with as Little Stress as Possible..

 Catching Swans

It Does HELP if your Swans and Cygnets TRUST You..
They will often be Unhappy when you Move them..
Keeping their Distance for Days. Just keep a Close Watch..
Be Sure they are ON their New Pond/Lake at SunSet and SunRise.
Adjustment Time will Vary. Watch Them..

Catching Swans

We Visited our Young Male and just Sat with him.. Quietly..

Catching Swans

It Took Weeks – Finally, “Meadow” was Happy to See Us Again..

Catching Swans

Finally “Meadow” came Closer.. Nodded “Hello” and was Making Eye Contact. FINALLY !

Catching Swans

The Trust you have Established with your Swans will Return after a Few Days.
(Well, it might take Longer. Be Calm and Patient..)


When it is an Emergency to Capture a Swan..
Do what is Necessary Calmly.

Catching a Swan

The Left Image Below is the Original – Impaction Photo – I Edited the Right Image..
This is How the Swan’s Chin Should Look. She NEEDED Help !

Catching Swans

Under Tongue-Chin Impactions TRY to REMOVE – NOT Normal..

Under Tongue-Chin Impaction


Injured or Depleted Waterfowl-Swans are Very Fragile.

 Catching a Swan

Their Stress Level must be Addressed or Capturing them may be your Final Act.

Do YOUR Best to be Calm, not Chase, have some Support Fluid..
A Thin Syrup of Honey or King Syrup to Drip a few Drops on or Under the Tongue.
Only put Small Amounts of Fluid on or Under the Tongue
IF the Swan is able to Swallow Normally. A Few Drops..
Be Careful NOT to Cause Aspiration.

Covering the Birds Head will help to Quiet and Reduce Fear.

If there is ANY Active Bleeding..
Carefully Apply Pressure to Stop Blood Loss.

Having a Safe Dark – Well Ventilated Container to keep the Bird in
until you can take the Swan/Cygnet for Veterinary Helps.
Call Ahead for Care Instructions.

 Catching a Swan

Capturing Healthy Swans on their Water is a Challenge..
They have the Advantage.

If you are VERY Lucky, the Swans you want might be in an
Area AWAY from their Water, so they are Easy to just Collect..

 Catching a Swan

When you are “Not Lucky.” You will NEED a Plan.

 Catching a Swan

It is SAFER for Everyone to “BAIT” them with Food – Treats.

Catching Swans

Use a Small Temporary Fence.. Put “Treats” inside.

 Catching Swans

Sprinkle a “Hansel and Gretel” Trail of Salad Greens.

 Catching a Swan

Place the Feed Bowl.. and LEAVE do NOT Stay with the Fencing.

 Catching a Swan

Give the Swans a Chance to Explore with NO Human Nearby.
Watch from a Distance until you see them Entering for the Food.

Catching a Swan

Repeat for Several more Days..
This is a NO Stress – Safer Way to Work with Swans.

Catching a Swan

This takes Time, but it will Work if you are Patient.

 Catching Swans

An Inexpensive Vinyl Garden Fence 25 or 50 FT Long.
AT LEAST 3 1/2 – 4 Feet High… Several Stakes.

Catching Swans

If you have Lots of Trees, you can use the Trees to Support Temporary Fencing.
Anchor the Fencing as Close to the Ground as Possible.
It is AMAZING how Swans and Cygnets will FIND
the Weakest Spot in the Fence and Slip UNDER.. DARN !
Leave some Fence for a Gate.. Secure the Gate OPEN.

Catching Swans

Check that there are NO Tangle Hazards..

Catching Swans

Swans LOVE Lettuce and will Often go into a Fence Area for this Treat.
Put the Treats by the Opening the First Day.
Then each Day move the Treats Further Toward the Back.
Walk Away for Several Days..
The Swans will Explore.. Finding their Treats.
The Swans become Comfortable being inside the Fencing.

 Catching Swans

I have Two Examples: First a Swan Family with 8 Cygnets.

Catching Swans

This was the First Summer ALL the Cygnets Survived. SO Cute !

 Catching Swans

It is Time to Get the Cygnets Ready to Collect their DNA Samples,
and Band them with Colored Cable Ties. They are GROWING !!
In Four to Six Weeks they will be Leaving for their New Lives.

Catching Swans

After 5 Days getting them Familiar with the Fencing,

Catching Swans

As we would Walk Down to their Pond, the Whole Swan Family
would Swim Over and Walk Inside the Fence and Wait for us. “Treats.”

Catching Swans
Catching Swans

For Several Days we just Fed them inside, Visited and Left..

Catching Swans

ALWAYs Making Sure the Gate is Secured OPEN when you are not there.

OR CLOSE and Secure the Gate until you want to Start Baiting..
Inside the Fenced Area Could be a Trap if there are Predators in your Area..

Catching Swans

When we wanted to Work with the Swans.. We Closed the Gate.
Best to have a Second Person there to Help.
Put a Large Towel or Blanket around a Swan to Control Wings.

 Catching Swans

Be Extra Gentle with Cygnets, their Legs are Fragile.. Up to 18 Months.

Catching Swan Cygnets

When we wanted to Band and Collect Feathers for DNA..
We Closed the Gate.

Catching Swan Cygnets

It was Cooler to Do this Project in the Shade, but the Images are Bluish.

Catching Swan Cygnets

When it was Time for Rehoming.. We Closed the Gate..
Have your Transport Boxes or Carriers Ready..

Catching Swans

Pick out the Cygnets for their New Owners.. Released the Rest..

Catching Swans

ANY TIME you Catch your Swans.. Do a Quick Check..
Check the Color of their Tongue. REMOVE Any Under Tongue Impactions..
Feel Keel Bone.. for Body Condition.. Check Feet for Bumble Sores.

 Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swan Cygnets

We used this Fencing Over and Over during that Summer.. Worked VERY Well..

Temporary Fencing can be Stored and Used Again and Again..

Catching Swans

Yummy Treats are a BIG Help !

Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans

Catch Times:
Less then 10 Minutes.. We Moved a Young Male to his New Home.
Then Returned a Week Later and Moved a Young Female.. Time 5 Minutes.

 Catching Swans
Catching Swans

We had a Chance to Visit “Snow White” with her Mate “PiP.”

Catching Swans


The Second Example using the Temporary Fencing:

Catching Swans

We wanted to help Move Two of a Juvenile Group to their Permanent Lake.
The Young Males are Nest Mates.. Banded with Red Bands..
Several Weeks before the Target Move Date, a Fenced Area was put up and
ALL their Feed and Treats were put INSIDE the Fenced Area..
You can Barely… See the Fencing at the Far End of this Lawn.

Catching Swans

The Grounds Staff at this Property Watched for the Young Swans
to become Comfortable going into the Area for their Foods.

Catching Swans

The Morning we Planned to Move the Two Juveniles,
They were in the Catch Fencing when we Arrived and Parked our Van..
YEAH !!! Close the Gate !
All those Helping were Prepared to Move them.

Catching Swans

The Young Swans were Greeting us with Lots of Head Nodding.. Cute !!

Catching Swans

There was NO Attempt to Escape. We Closed the Gate – It was Stressless.

Catching Swans

Transport Boxes were Ready – Loaded Safely with NO Stress.
Everyone is Safe – OFF we Go to their New Home Lake.

Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans
Catching Swans

The Young Swans are MOVED !! Now they will Explore this New Place.
They WILL Need to be Watched Closely for Several Adjustment Days.

Catching Swans


Rolls of Vinyl Snow Fencing is very Light Weight.. but, needs Stakes.

Catching Swan Cygnets
Catching Swan Cygnets
Catching Swans

North State Fencing is Sturdy.. and does not need Stakes.
??? Maybe One or Two.. for Stability..
This Fencing is STURDY – Folds for Storage..

Catching Swans

These Flexible Panel Puppy Pens might Work. Worth a Try if you have them.

Catching Swans
Catching Swans

For Years we used Wooden Snow Fencing.. Not Portable – Semi-Permanent.
It Worked Well for our Needs.

Catching Swans


A Fenced Area can be used at Various Times.
So think about having a More Permanent Fence-Gate Area Available.

Catching Swans

If You Want or Need to Work Around your Pond in the Spring,
it is Nice to have a Safe Place for a Hormonal Cob..

Catching Swans
Catching Swans

They are Easy to Net in the Spring, Contain and then Everyone is Safer.

Catching Swans

When it is Time to Pinion Tiny Cygnets..
They will follow their Dam into the Fenced Areas.. Catch her and You have them..

Catching Swan Cygnets

IF you Need to Catch Small Cygnets on the Water..
Look for Nets with LONG Handles and Small Gauge Netting.

Catching Swan Cygnets

When it is time to ID Band the Cygnets and Collect Feathers for DNA-Sex Testing,
Catch Fencing is a BIG Help..

Catching Swan Cygnets

When there are many Growing Cygnets there will be Poop all over the Place, that is expected.
The Ground can get Slippy. Be Aware !

Birds-Waterfowl Poop as Defense due to the “Fight or Flight” Response:
When Bird “Take to Air,” they Poop to Lighten themselves.

Catching Swans

SOME SWANs HATE Lawn Mowers.. Especially Cobs-Males..
AND/OR Loud Motors.. like Chain Saws, Weed Whackers and Leaf Blowers.
Being able to put them in a Fenced Area is a BIG HELP…

Catching Swans

Catch Enclosures can be Half in Water or All on Land near the Pond.
Temporary… or Set-up for Long-term Multi Purpose Use..
There are Many Times it would be Nice to be able to Contain a Swan.

 Catching Swans

If you do Set-Up a Permanent Fence Area.. Try to Avoid Right Angle Corners.

Swan Capture Fencing

An Oval Type Design is Better.. If a Predator gets into a Fenced Area..
Swans can get Trapped in Right Angle Corners.

 Catching Swans

An Oval – Round.. Cornerless Design.. Allows the Swans to Move Side to Side.
This Concept also Applies to Permanent Perimeter Fencing..


Catching Swans

If your Swan/Cygnet is Full-Wing.. – They will be Safer Grounded.
When it is “TIME to CLIP” after their Annual Moult Catch Fencing is Helpful.

Clipping Captive Swan Pets

ANY Swan that has Learned to Fly is Trickier to keep in Place.
Catching them is a BIG Challenge.. Keep the Fence NO Wider then 3 Feet..
It helps to have a Narrow Fence Area which make it Difficult for the Swans to Open their Wings..

Catching Swans

We put Food inside the Narrow Fence Area..
First by the Entrance, then moving the Bowl further in each Day.
Let the Swans or Cygnets go into the Area for several Days with NO One there..
Let the Swans Explore at their Own Pace… Patience..

After Several Days.. they Know their Food will be Inside..
The Fence is not a Threatening Place.
HAVE all your Clipping Supplies Ready..
Try NOT to Look at the Swans, Walk Slowly, Speak Softly.. Close Gate.
Have a BIG Towel or Large Net. And Extra Helper Hands..

There have been Times that Swans Needed to be Captured that
for various Reasons the Temporary Fence was not Practical..

 Catching Swans

We have used the Sweeping Method with Some Success.
The SIZE of the Water Area May be Unworkable to Sweep Swans Off the Water.
Sweeping is Easier with a Smaller Pond.

Here Obstacles will Limit your Plans.. Trees, Bushes, Fences, Rocks, Plants.. Docks, etc..

 Catching Swans

A Rope to Slowly Sweep over a Small Body of Water so the Swans
Walk-Out in a Location where there are People Waiting with Nets.

Catching Swans

This will Work.. At Least One Pass Over the Water.. “Slowly”
If the Swans Double Back Under the Rope, they Know
how EASY it is to THWART this Method.

After a Few Times the Swans get Wise to this Method..
Swans have VERY Good Memories.. They Learn.

Catching Swans

I Found this Idea on the Internet.. Worth a Try. It Might Work..
A Rope with Plastic Bags Tied on to Sweep over a Narrow Water Area
to Move the Swans OFF to People waiting with Nets.
The Fluttering Bags are a Little more Reason for the Swans to Move Away.

Again, One Pass over the Water and the Swans KNEW
they Could Swim Under the Rope and it Rarely Worked Again..

Catching a Swan

We Tried a Rope with Empty Milk Jugs that Float on the Surface..
Seemed like a Good Idea.. Humm..
“Sorta” Solid Looking Objects for the Swans to Move AWAY from..
This Tangled Easily if the Rope was too Long. Not for a Large Pond.
It was Difficult to Work with.. And, it was Wet and Messy to Take Home.

I Wonder if these Colorful Streamer that are Often over Car Lots might Work ??

Catching Swans
Catching Swans

One Women we know, uses a Long Length of Landscape Cloth..
It is about 3 Feet Wide.. Big and Black and Successfully Sweeps her
Waterfowl off the Pond when she need them to Go in for the Night.

Another Sweep Idea… Is to use a Kayak or Canoe, a Surf Board or a Large Floating Object
with Ropes tied on Each Side. Sweep Slowly over Surface.

 Catching Swans

No One in the Boat.. just use as a Sweep Object..

Chasing Swans around a Large Pond or Lake in a Boat
– The Swans Generally Win..

 Catching Swans

Any Water Environment with Lots of Rocks. Forget Using Boats. Swans WIN ! !

Catching Swans

You will not be able to Catch them.. unless you have several Boats..
and MANY Hands.. Row Boats, Canoes, Paddle Boats are too Slow..

Catching Swans

Swans CAN Swim MUCH Faster then Most Boats can be Rowed !

 Catching Swans

Kayaks are the Most Agile in Pond. Having a Least TWO or Three Works Best.

Catching a Swan

A Kayaker is Trying to Encourage the Swan OFF Pond to People with Nets.
Be Careful NOT to Over Stress the Swans..

 Catching Swans

Trying to Capture Full-Wing Swans by Chasing is Hopeless.
They get Excited and KNOW that all they need to do is Fly Away from the Boat..
The BIGGEST RISK is they will just keep Flying..
This is Especially Challenging with Rogue and Feral Swans.

Catching Swans

When there is LOTs of Confusion, Strange People, it is …
Well, not a Great Way to Catch your Swans..

Catching Swan Cygnet

We Stopped this Crew of Helpers.. They did not Understand keeping Calm.
Rob and I Returned a Few Days Later..
We had the Cygnet we wanted to Move in just a few Minutes..
NO Fuss.. NO Stress..

Catching Swans

There is more Success if the Swans are Pinioned.. Flightless.

We have No Boats.
When Necessary, we have Arranged for the Help of People in Kayaks
to Slowly Work the Swans off the Pond.
ALWAYS have Anyone in a Boat or Kayak Wear a Life Jacket.

Catching Swans

Have Several People with Nets Waiting..
Give the Swans Space to Walk 10-15 Feet Away from the Water,
then QUICKLY Net.

Catching Swans

Large Nets are Available at Wal-Mart Sporting Goods…
Less then $20.00 Frabill Fishing Nets – Telescoping Handle.
For Adult Swans the Hoop Needs to be 20-24 Inches…
Nets are VERY Helpful..

Catching Swans

You can NOT Aggressively Chase Swans for more then a few Minutes..
Slow is Better.. They will become Tired and Go to Land..

Swans can develop “Capture Myopathy”.. which can be Fatal..
“The Fight or Flight Response” Pumps High Levels of Adrenalin into their System..
Quickly Depletes their Blood Glucose..
Over Stressing them, they may Collapse – “Faint.”

In Extreme Cases, they might Drop Dead – “Stress Death.”
Prolonged Chasing is not a Good Plan…
Take Breaks in the Action..


True Story: I will do a Basic Summary.
There are many more Details to this Sad Saga.

A New Golf Course in North East Pennsylvania wanted to have Beautiful Swans on their Ponds.
They acquired 5 Pair of Swans.

One Pair of Trumpeter Swans.

Catching Swans

Two Pair of Black Australian Swans.

 Catching Swans

Two Pair of Mute Swans.

Catching Swans

Each Pair was Placed on their Own Ponds Scattered through the 18 Hole Golf Courses.

Catching Swans

The Swans did not Understand they were to Stay on their Assigned Ponds.
They would walk to other Ponds.. There were Fights and Chasing between Pairs.

Catching Swans

The Golf Course Owner wanted the Swans, Basically as Live Pond Ornaments.
He wanted them on their Assigned Ponds..

Catching Swans

So One Summer Afternoon, he Sent the Grounds Staff to Chase the Various Swans
with the Greens Hole Flag Poles Back to their Assigned Ponds.

Catching Swans

It was a Hot Summer Day that Ended Badly for the Swans.

 Catching Swans

A Call from the Angry Golf Course Owner,… Five of the Swans had Dropped Dead..
He Accused the Breeder (Not Me) of Selling him Sick Swans..

 Catching Swans

But, it was the Excessive Chasing that caused this Tragic Outcome.

Catching Swans

Five Swans died that Day. Three more were Killed by Night Predators.
Turned out, the Ponds were Shallow with NO Deep Water Safe Area for the Swans.
The Remaining Two Swans were ReHomed to a Private Home Pond.

 Catching Swans

These Pond Images are Random, NOT from the Golf Course in this Story..


These Capture Ideas Diagrams are from the a Book about Swan Care:
SWAN Breeding and Management by Loyl Stromberg.

Catching Swans
Catching Swans


Many Swans will Come VERY Close to Eat from Your Hand..

A Different Person MIGHT Get Behind the Swans.. and Net One.
Swans have a WIDE Peripheral Vision. This is Possible – Risky.

Catching Swans

If you are Patient and WAIT for JUST the Right Moment..
You MIGHT be able to Get Hold of the Swan’s Neck..
JUST DO NOT YANK their Neck, Just HOLD IT !!

Have a Second Person READY to Step in and Help Bring the Swan Under Control.
If you Try this Way to Catch you Swan… Be Prepared to get WET !!
Their Wings and Feet will be Splashing the Water..

Catching Swans

A Deep Feed Bucket.. has Worked Several Times.
Wait for the Swan’s Head to be INSIDE the Bucket.
You Must be Quick.. While they Can NOT See you Move.

Catching Swans

In the Image Above, there is Whole Corn in the Bucket..
Our Little Female Put her Head into the Bucket..
After we did this for Several Days…
I was Able to Reach Down and Get Hold of her Cute Little Neck.

Catching Swans

DuckWeed can be Helpful !

Catching Swans

A Pond Covered with DuckWeed has been Helpful at Times.
Again Do this for Several Day. Have your BIG Net Close and Ready.
We put some Corn in Water about 10-12 Inches Deep Close to the Bank..
The Swans Can Not SEE what we are Doing..

Catching Swans


Catching Swans

For a Few Moments, you have a Chance to Flop a Net over the Swan.
Make SURE you Aim for their TAIL !!! Push the Net DOWN to Solid Ground.
Swans are Experts at Sliding Backwards and Out Under a Net.
If you Miss, there is Little Chance you will get Another Chance that Day.

Working with Swans will Test your Patience and Creative Thinking.

Catching Swans

Swans CAN Easily Out Maneuver a Person Walking in the Pond.

Catching Swans

Catching Swans is Tricky. But, WHEN Successful, it Feels GREAT !!

Catching Swans


IDEAs Organize by Linda M.Sweger UpDated May 2021

How to Tell if your Cygnets and Swans are Pinioned

April 15th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in PINIONED or FULL Wing - (Comments Off on How to Tell if your Cygnets and Swans are Pinioned)
Full Wing Swan   PINIONED or FULL-Wing

I Frequently Speak with Swan Owners who are not Sure if their Swans are Pinioned.
Properly Pinioned means the Swans are Grounded – Flightless.
If you have Acquired a Cygnet or Swan from a Rescue Group,
it is VERY Common for the Rescued Swans to be FULL-Winged.
Able to Fly !!!
It is Sad to hear the Anguish of these Folks, who are Excited to have a Swan,
then the Swan Suddenly Flies Away.. I have heard this Story Too Many Times.
I WISH the Rescue Groups would Share this Information with
People New to Swan Care..
I Wish ALL Rescue Groups would CLIP to Keep their Rescued Swans Grounded.
When these Cygnets and Swans Fly Away,
they are out in Feral Conditions AGAIN.. And in Peril.
These Swans were Lucky to be Rescued the First Time.
A Second Rescue … Poor Odds..

Pinioned Mute Swan

This Topic Page will Mainly be Images for you to Study and Learn
what to Look for.. Basically ONE Wing Missing the Primary Flight Feathers.

To Enlarge Images – Right Click and Open in a New Tab.


It does Help if you Watch for your Swans to Stretch and Flap.
This is Usually Part of the Preening and Bathing Activity.. FLAPPING.

Flapping will Allow ALL the Wing Feathers to Shake Out and Lay in Order.


View these Photo Images and then Watch your Swan to see
if you can Tell if they are PINIONED or NOT
When a Swan is Properly Pinioned Part of One Wing is Removed.
Comparing the Swan’s Wing to a Human Hand and Arm.


Lets Start with the Basic Wing Anatomy – the Beautiful Feathers.


BEST Time to Pinion a Swan is before they are Two to Three Weeks Old.

IF you want to see if your Swans are Pinioned… Gently Extend their Wings…
IF the Wings are BOTH the Same Length… with Three Distinct Sections..
                                                           . . . . . . . . .                    NOT PINIONED ! 
IF Pinioned – ONE Wing will be Shorter. 
                                           . . . . .         ( The Distal Section will be Missing. )


I Love the Beautiful Colors of a Royal Mute Cygnet’s Plumage !


Now Look at the Wings from Behind and See what is Different..

PINIONED or FULL-Wing******
Same Young Pen.. Now you can SEE her Left Wing.. it is Pinioned. 
The Ideal Side to Pinion – is Males on the Left Wing – Females on the Right.

The Swan Below is Pinioned. She is Grounded – Unable to Fly.
There are a Few Primary Flight Feathers on her Right Wing.

Here is an Example of a Pinioned Black Australian Swan.
The Black Australian Swans have BRIGHT White Primary Wing Feathers.
PINIONED or FULL-Wing******

There are Lots of Poses and Times when it is Impossible to Tell…


A Moment of Just Plain Cuteness – Nap Time


These Swans are Both Pinioned – One the Right Wing – One the Left Wing.

Looking at the Same Swans when they Changed Places… 
Their Pinioned Wings are Now on the Far Side..
You can See their Primary Flight Feathers in this View.
Now you can See the Difference as they Swim in the Same Direction.

It does Help when the Swans Hold their Wings Up in Display.


Look Close – Do You SEE the Difference ???

Now Look Closely – What do you See with the Swans Below ???
PINIONED or FULL-Wing******
PINIONED or FULL-Wing******

This is a True Sad Swan Story.
This is a Summary of the Events. 

A Person who Found an AD on Craigslist for a Free Swans..
had No Experience with Swans..
He Arranged to Pick-up this Young Male Swan..

He was Told the Swan was Pinioned..
That the Original Farmer had done the Pinion
and Said the Swan was Permanently Grounded.

The Family Advertising to Rehome this Young Swan had
Never Seen this Swan Flying while Living on their Pond.

He was Adopted, Transported to the New Home/Pond..
Released the Same Day.. Lots of Happy Smiles.
Looks Great on the New Family’s Pond..

Next Day, the Swan was Missing.. ??
He >> Flew << Away to a Nearby Neighbor’s Pond.
Several Days Later, a Stiff Wind during a Summer Storm..
and OFF this Young Male Flew.. GONE..
PINIONED or FULL-WingThis Young Swan had NO Trust with the New Family or their Pond.

Apparently, this Swan was Only Clipped by the Original Farmer..
It is GOOD TO CHECK the Wings when you are Adopting any Swan.
Check their Wings YOURSELF.
I hope these Examples will Help you SEE

What is Missing or Not Missing. Pinioned or Full-Wing.

To Keep a Full-Wing Cygnet or Swan Grounded
and Safer from the Perils of Flying.. PLEASE Consider Annual Clipping.

Clipping Captive Swan Pets


There was a Sad End for this Beautiful Female Swan that was Full-Winged.
She is the Title Picture on this Topic Page..
We were Never Able to Get Hold of her to Clip..
“Sweet Harmony” was a Feral Mute Swan.
She lived most of her Life on our Local River System.
We shared many Delightful Hours with her.
She is the Dam of our “Meadow.”


She Flew to an Area where Hunting was Allowed. A Public WaterWay.
“Sweet Harmony” was Shot on a Fall Day during Hunting Season.
The Hunter was Bragging about Shooting her,
while he ate Dinner at a Nearby Restaurant.
We were Heart Broken.. and Learned this Lesson.


If your Cygnets or Swans are Full-Wing they are Not Safe.

Images Collected as of April 2022 by (C) Linda M. Sweger


Mute Swans – Polish

April 6th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in Mute Swans - Polish - (Comments Off on Mute Swans – Polish)

( Just a Color Variant)

There is a Color Variation in Mute Swans.
Cygnus immutabilis (changeless Swan).

Right Click Images to Open in New Tab to Enlarge

From the Swan Keeper’s Handbook:
“Polish Mute Swans (Cygnus olor immutabilis) are a Leucistic form of Mute Swans.

A Leucistic Animal has a reduced intensity of Pigmentation while an Albino lacks all Pigments…

Polish Mute Cygnets are Creamy White to Light Beige when they Hatch.
Their Tiny Beaks are varying Shades of Light Brown.


Their Legs and Feet are Pinkish/Beige.

The Adult Polish Mute Swans have Apricot to Orange Beaks.

Many have Beige/Light Brown Legs and Feet.

Polish Mute Swan Male

The Polish Male’s Legs and Feet may be Shades of Dark Orange to Chocolate Browns.

The Pale Webbed Foot of a Polish Mute Swan.

The Immutabilis Form is less Common in the Mute Swan Populations
than the Royal form, and there tends to be
more Female Polish then Male Polish Swans.

Records suggest this Mute Swan Variant was first seen along the Baltic Sea Coast
of Poland (hence the “Polish” name) and then brought back to England
to Breed for the Color Variant as a Novelty Swan.

In the Middle Ages of Europe, the Polish Cygnets were Highly Prized
for being (almost) White from the time they Hatched.

As their Numbers increased, it was noted they had a more Stocky Breast Muscle.

Averaging 15-20 Pounds at 6-7 Months Old.
Not all Swans were in England, where they were Protected by the Royal Crown
– (Today King Charles.)

Imported to Eastern England and Raised as a Meat Bird,
they became the Preferred Swan Cygnets for Winter Holiday Feasts.

In the 1800s, both Royal and Polish Mute Swans were brought to America..
The Polish were often raised on Farms as a Meat Bird.

The Royals were more likely to be for Show on Estates Ponds and Lakes.

As the American Settlers found they liked the Taste of the Wild American Turkey,
the Polish Swans gradually Stopped being raised as Food
and became mostly Pets – Poultry LiveStock.


Today, most Swan Breeders prefer to Raise a Pure Royal Line..
They Command more when Sold.

Royals are Preferred for their Stricking Black Feet and Rich Orange-Red Beaks.

Both Royal and Polish Adult Swans have White Plumage.

I like the Polish Swans, I find them to be less Aggressive.
My Sample is Too Small to say this is a Fact… just my Experiences.

You may find mention of the Polish Variant Swans given the Species Name
– Cygnus immutabilis.

Polish Mute Swan Female

The “Polish Mutes” are not a Different Species, just a Color Variation,
which is the Result of a Sex-Linked Recessive Inheritance.
A Pigment (Melanin) Deficient Gene in the Sex Chromosomes
is what causes the Whiteness.

The Fuzzy Down of the Tiny Polish Cygnets is Creamy White rather than Grey.

Their Beaks, Legs and Feet are Pale.

Depending on the Parents Genetics..
You may have BOTH Polish and Royal Cygnets in the Same Brood.

I do not Understand how this Genetic Trait Demonstrates.. it is Confusing.
Mammals have Genetic Dominant and Recessive Traits.. Predictable Outcomes.

But, Birds Genetics are like Reptiles.. I have not found a Good Explanation..

The First Five Years, I was Learning about Swans,
an onLine Article (Since Removed) Stated that all White Cygnets would be Female..

I LIKE to Collect Data.
We send DNA for Sex Determination for all the Swans we work with…
Surprise ! There are Polish Male Swans.

Fewer Males then Females, but Sending DNA for Sex Determination
on ALL Swans and Cygnets has put that Old Claim to Rest..
There are Newer Articles that have Corrected the Information..

Polish Mute Swan Cob

Years Ago, I Read an Anecdotal Article that some Royal “Sires”
will not tolerate their White Cygnets..

Polish Mute Swan

Hormonal Male Swans are Very Territorial, and they React AGGRESSIVELY toward White.
(Do not wear White near a Swan Pond in Early Spring.)

This may have been a Unique Story: A Farmer noticed his Male Cob
was killing the White Cygnets and Raising the Grey Ones..
One Spring when the Cygnets Hatched, he Quickly Scooped-up the White Ones..
and Stained them with a Safe Cloth Dye..
The Darker Color Dye Faded as the Cygnets Grew..
The Account said, the Cob was Caring for all his Cygnets
as the Dye was Fading and some became Pale… (-;

Personally, I have Notes of the “Dams” going after their Polish Cygnets..
Whatever the Reason, Avian Infanticide does Occur with Swans.
There are Probably many Reasons.. ???
Do the Parent Swans see these Pale Cygnets as Defective.. ??
There may not be enough Reasons for this to be Studied.

The Creamy White Cygnets are EASILY Seen by all their Natural Predators..
Hawk, Owl, Snapping Turtles, Cats, etc.

The Polish Cygnets tend to be the First to Disappear from a Mixed Brood..

Linda M. Sweger Information Organized UpDated May 2021