Before Considering Mute Swans for Your Property,
It is Advisable to Check with your State’s
WildLife Management Services..
Where to Find Information for Your State
Click Images to Enlarge
In the United States *Captive* Mute Swans are Classified as “EXOTIC.”
Living Free off Private Property they are Classified as Invasive- “Feral.”
Since December 2004 Mute Swans are no longer
Protected by
The Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
The Management for Mute Swans is handled at the State Level.
Each State in the United States develops their Individual
Management Program.. They are being Revised all the time.
Many States are very Strict Requiring a Permit.
More and More States have decided to Prohibit Mute Swan.
Some have Guidelines that if Followed will allow Ownership.
Each Year the Rules Change –
Always Check the Current Status.
You will need to Contact your State’s Department of Natural Resources.
DNR – WildLife Management Services
Fish & WildLife Services – *** WaterFowl Management.
WaterFowl Breeders offering Mute Swans for Sale,
May not warn you that your State has Regulations,
Management Guidelines, require Permits
and/or Prohibit Mute Swans in your State.
Moving Mute Swans into States that Prohibit them,
may end very badly for the Swans.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SOME States have this Information readily available
on their DNR Game Commission – Fish and WildLife Websites.
SOME States have Little to NO information.
Best to Call these States for Information.
Use these Terms to help with a “SEARCH”
(State Name) Mute Swan (Add a Word from the Following)
Guidelines, Regulations, Rules, Policies, Plans,
Restrictions, Codes, Prohibitions…
Example: Maryland Mute Swan Code
******* Then try a different word.
Until you find information about Mute Swans.
Try to determine when the Information was Posted..
If it is more then Two years Old…
Best to Call their Waterfowl Management for Update.
U.S. Fish & WildLife Service State by State….
Contact Phone #s Call 1-800-344-WILD
This Site has an Interactive STATE Map..
Select the State you want to Check..
Press and the Current Information will display..
INTERACTIVE MAP of DNR Contacts by State
**General Mailing Address in Wash, D.C.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Information Collected and Compiled by L.M.Sweger 2016
I am Starting with
Guidelines for OUR Home State Pennsylvania.
Below I will include information for other U.S. States
that I have check over the past several years for their
Mute Swan Policies.
I have NOT researched all States. Policies KEEP Changing.
If you have any DOUBT
Please Call Your State DNR-Fish & WildLife Service.
As of 2016 Mute Swans are Allowed on Private Property.
They are Classified as Captive Domestic/Exotic Waterfowl.
In Pennsylvania Mute Swans are Considered Captive Pets.
Mute Swans and/or their Young may not be Released
to Public Lands or WaterWays.
Arrange for All Mute Swan Cygnets to have Proper Homes.
Hunters destroy the Feral Mute Swans in Pennsylvania.
In early Spring Helpless 10 month old Cygnets are chased off their Parents Ponds. Most are not Pinioned. If they are LUCKY and Rescued, they will need to be Clipped Annually by their new Owners.
Mute Swan Regulation in States around Pennsylvania.
As of 2016
In most States surrounding Pennsylvania, owning Mute Swans is Prohibited or Restricted by Permit.
Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virginia consider Mute Swans as Exotic Domestic unprotected Birds.
Pennsylvania and Virginia allow Feral Mute Swans to be Shot by Hunters.
Delaware and Maryland DNR-Fish & WildLife aggressively removes Mute Swans from State Lands.
** DELAWARE – Ownership Prohibited
3.5 Mute Swans (Cygnus olor)
3.5.1 Mute Swans shall be considered an Exotic, Invasive Species that is not subject to State Protection.
Mute Swans may only be taken during legal Waterfowl Hunting
Seasons and Shooting Hours.
The method of take for Mute Swans is restricted to shotguns no
larger than 10 gauge and with non-toxic ammunition no larger than size T.
3.5.2 It shall be unlawful to possess, buy, sell, barter, trade, or transfer any live Mute Swan or their eggs to or from another person unless permitted by the Director of the Division of Fish and Wildlife.
3.5.3 It shall be unlawful to release any Mute Swans into the wild.
State of Delaware – 3000 Division of Fish and Wildlife
Federal Laws and Regulations Adopted
** KENTUCKY – Ownership Prohibited
Kentucky State Laws Governing Private Possession of Exotic Animals.
ADMIN. REGS. 2:082 – Transportation and holding of Exotics.
Kentucky Mute Swans – You will find several sites that have lovely Photos of Kentucky Mute Swans. AND you will find several sites that have information about them being a Prohibited Exotic Specie in Kentucky. Before you continue Searching for Mute Swans PLEASE contact your Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Services.
Speak to the Kentucky Waterfowl Biologist.
** MARYLAND – Code of Maryland Regulations for the
Possession and Trade of Captive Mute Swans
.13 Possession and Trade of Captive Mute Swans.
A. Except as provided in §B of this regulation, it shall be
a violation to buy, sell, barter, trade, or transfer any Mute Swan
or Mute Swan Eggs to or from another person.
You may not legally move Mute Swans into Maryland.
After Aug. 31, 2009, it shall be a Violation to Buy,
Sell, Barter, Trade, or Transfer any Mute Swan
or Mute Swan Eggs to or from another Person.
A Few Mute Swan in Maryland were “GrandFathered.”
Mute Swan MDNR Permits are only for Mute Swans that were
on private property in Maryland before Aug. 31, 2009.
C. A person may not possess a Mute Swan unless permitted
under this regulation. Possession shall include any Mute Swan
held in an enclosure, pinioned to prevent its escape, or otherwise
confined on a person’s property.
D. A person may apply, through August 31, 2009, for a permit
to possess a Mute Swan by completing a form prescribed by
the Service. After that date, the Service may not issue permits
allowing the possession of Mute Swans.
This Site Removed
** NEW JERSEY – Ownership Prohibited
May 2015 – I Spoke with the New Jersey Northern Regional Office WildLife Law Enforcement. 1(908) 735-8240
Checking to see what the New Jersey Policy is for Mute Swans.
Exotic Animals need an approved Permit in New Jersey.
NJDEP F&W will not approve a Permit for Mute Swans.
** NEW YORK – In 2014-2016 New York is still trying to figure out what they are doing with the Mute Swans in their State..
The DNR-Atlantic Flyway Side is Pushing to Destroy the Swans.
The Public is Pushing back to Save them.
New York DEC wants to Eliminate the Mute Swans.
NY DEC’s plan to Kill or Mutilate healthy Mute Swans
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Reporting Problems Related to Mute Swans
If you have concerns regarding Mute Swans impacting Vegetation,
Wildlife, or Human Activities on your Property, please contact
the DEC Wildlife Office in your region.
They can provide information or assistance to alleviate the problem.
Remember, Mute Swans are protected by the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. Therefore, Swans, as well as their Nests and Eggs, may not be handled or harmed without Authorization from DEC.
NYS Mid-Summer Mute Swan Survey Results 2017
Mute Swan Surveys – DEC conducts a Mid-summer Mute Swan Survey to assess the population status of this non-native species and to help evaluate the need for and success of management efforts.
A Plan To Eliminate Wild Mute Swans Draws Vocal Opposition
**************NOVEMBER 2016 UPDATE***********
NYS Gov. Cuomo has (after several refusals)
Signed a Bill to (for a Period of time)
STOP the Slaughter of the Feral Mute Swans in New York State.
It is not a Perfect Reprieve.. but, it does give some HOPE that in some way SOMEOne will look at this terrible injustice before the Enchanting Swans are Destroyed.
Cuomo signs Bill to Save Mute Swans
SEPTEMBER 2017 UPDATE New Management Plan Draft
This draft reads like a kinder, gentler plan with a strong emphasis on reliance of non-lethal management techniques, but in truth the multiple vague and ambiguous statements regarding when lethal management will and will not be used are dangerous. The devil is in the details and this plan potentially allows hundreds of mute swans to be captured and killed every year – the DEC can use its discretion to kill swans at will.
The DEC seems to finally understand that New Yorkers want mute swans protected not harmed, but their proposal is effectively sleight of hand. The DEC fails to grasp that swan advocates disagree with the entire premise of their plan. Despite DEC’s assertions, as a matter of science, mute swans are not an invasive species. Mute swans are a non-native resident established species, adored and admired by millions of NY citizens that pose no threat or danger to New Yorkers. John W. Grandy, PhD for GooseWatch NYC
The Pegasus Foundation
The Pettus Crowe Foundation
** OHIO – Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators are already banned from
rehabilitating and releasing Mute Swans.
The possession of captive Mute Swans is regulated by Federal permit (50 CFR 21.25).
State regulations should be developed to prevent People from releasing Mute Swans into the wild and to prohibit the sale, trade, barter, and importation of Mute Swans, or their Eggs, in Ohio.
Implement control measures to reduce Mute Swan numbers in Ohio.
Policy 41 (Invasive Non-native Free-ranging Terrestrial Vertebrate Policy) already directs the Division to humanely dispatch Mute Swans, using the American Veterinary Medical Association’s 2007 Guidelines for Euthanasia, on Division-owned or managed properties.
Methods to control Mute Swan populations should include Egg addling, shooting (preferably head shots with shotguns and use of metro barrels and sub-sonic ammunition in urban/suburban areas), and live-capture/euthanasia.
There are Numerous Website with Current Information.
OHIO encourage Private Landowners who chose to have Mute Swans to keep them controlled. The ways to control them is to only purchase one Swan or two of the same sex, and keep their wings clipped or pinioned. This will help keep the Swans on the owner’s property.
Swan Owners can also addle the Eggs so Cygnets do not Hatch.
If the Cygnets are allowed to hatch out, their wings need to be clipped or pinioned so they can not leave the owner’s property.
DOW will discourage ownership of Male/Female Pairs through public education/outreach and will encourage pinioning of one wing of captive Mute Swans.
A Petition to help stop the remaining Mute Swan in OHIO from being Killed.
The Mute Swans have NO Legal Voice.. and No Animal Rights Groups have been able to Stop this Senseless Action to Eradicated them.
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/851/699/934/demand-an-end-to-the-slaughter-of -mute-swans-now/?taf_id=16074087&cid=fb_na
Save Our Swans On Portage Lakes (Ohio):
Stop the slaughter of Mute Swans on our local Lakes
Very early one morning, on Lake Logan, Ohio, The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), covertly slaughtered the entire population of Mute Swans on that lake. ODNR policy is committed to the total extermination of the Mute Swan in Ohio. The primary reason given for the carnage was the Mute Swan interferes with the “reintroduction” of the Trumpeter Swan to Ohio. The author firmly believes ODNR is badly mistaken in considering the Trumpeter Swan an Ohio native species. Most evidence seems to show the Trumpeter Swan has never nested in Ohio since before the European Settlers arrived on the scene more than four or five-hundred years ago, if ever at all. A few fossilized bones and unreliable anecdotal evidence is all that is available to justify these killings. The author hopes this book will help to open up some dialogue and stop the extermination of the Mute Swan in Ohio and in many other states where this is also happening.
Community Upset ODNR Killed Swans at Lake Logan
by Elizabeth FauglFriday, September 11th 2015
LOGAN (James Jackson) — People living by a local lake are furious tonight, saying wildlife officials are killing swans in the area. It happened at Lake Logan, in Hocking County.
Evelyn Knapp looks out of her window everyday for swans on the lake. But, the only place she gets a glimpse recently is in the form of the flower pots, made to look like the birds, by her front door. “You ain’t seen them lately or as many anymore because they are gone,” Knapp said.
Officials with Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources say they’ve recently killed swans on the lake. It’s part of their Swan Management Plan, getting rid of mute swans. They’re not from North America and compete for resources with trumpeter swans, which are threatened in Ohio.
“I think they should leave the population alone. It’s nature. It’s like the deer and everything else,” Knapp said.
Nathan Gerken owns two marinas on the lake. “I think it’s really sad day to have the swans off the lake. Many of the tourists come from all over the world in order to see the wildlife including the swans,” Gerken said.
But, wildlife officials want tourists and locals to understand, it’s also a matter of survival. Mute swans are territorial and fight the trumpeter swans for nesting.
ODNR says mute swans also impact fish, plants and vegetation that other birds feed on.
** VIRGINIA – In 2012 Ownership of Mute Swans is Prohibited
Migratory Game Birds (Captive-Bred and Raised).
“Mute Swans (Cygnus Olor), will not be permitted for Possession,
Propagation, Purchase or Sale. ” No New Permits will be Issued.
Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries 2012
Reading through the Mute Swan Management Plan of the Virginia Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries VDGIF… Posted Nov. 2012 …
I felt all the Fear again for the Helpless Mute Swans.
The Virginia Regulations are the most Strict of any that I have read so far..
** WEST VIRGINIA – Ownership Prohibited
Nothing Posted on WVDNR WebSite.
In 2015 I Spoke with The WaterFowl Management.
WVDNR Mike Peters, Waterfowl Biologist. Said,,,,, (Sept. 2016)
He needs to sent a Memo to his various Agents. They do have some very brief information buried in their WebSite Search.
But it is very Hard to Decipher. WV does not want Mute Swans brought into their State. Mike said, he will write the Policy so it is easier to find and understand.
The States Listed above border Pennsylvania.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– MUTE SWANs – California Laws and Restrictions.
Restricted Species Laws and Regulations – MANUAL 671 .pdf
Importation, Transportation and Possession of Wild Animals
Please Read Page (8) (c) (N)
Family Anatidae 1 Cygnus olor – Mute Swan (D)
Read the Bottom Line of
Mute Swans California CDFW Policy.pdf
Actions Taken if Found
If you observe this species in California,
please report your sighting to the CDFW Invasive Species Program,
by email to Invasives@wildlife.ca.gov,
or by calling 1(866) 440-9530.
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
1(916) 653-4875
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
Graceful Swans? Litchfield County Times
2012 Connecticut Officials
Consider Mute Swans an Invasive Species.
IN 2012 Connecticut is the only State on the East Coast that
does not manage their population of Feral Mute Swan.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
I would expect D.C. Regulations will be the same as MDNRs.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
KNOX SWAN and DOG, LLC is Located in Illinois
North Barrington, IL 60010 Phone (847) 304-1230
Knox specializes in properties with Canada Goose problems in the Chicagoland area. They use Border Collies and Mute Swans, individually or matched up in different packages, to “chase away” Canada Geese, keeping your lawns and landscapes clean and inviting.
Knox Swan and Dog, LLC also sells Swans and will ship them Nationwide.
– As of 2011 In Indiana, Mute Swans are currently protected.
A Permit is required to possess a Live Mute Swan or to kill one.
Live Mute Swans must be pinioned (made flightless) and kept
in an enclosure that prevents their escape into the wild.
On private property and public freshwater lakes, the DNR will
issue free permits to lake associations and landowners to take
adult Mute Swans and/or to destroy nests.
In addition, the DNR is taking measures to control Mute Swans
on State-owned properties.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
Before you Acquire Mute Swans call the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Forestry in Louisiana.
They are the Primary Agencies that Regulate Poultry.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
September 2016 Louisiana Fish & Wildlife Guidelines are for Mute Swans to be Same-Sex Pairs.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
In 2019, Private Ownership of Mute Swans is Prohibited.
From the Director of the State of Massachusetts
– Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
“It is unlawful to kill or possess Mute Swans in Massachusetts.”
Where did these beautiful birds come from?
If you would like to Speak with H. Heusmann call (508) 389-6300
He will Explain their Policy. Massachusetts Fish and WildLife will NO Longer issue
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
Shooting Mute Swans versus Mute Swans Shooting Blanks
2010 Mute Swans: an ecological overview with emphasis on the lower Detroit River.
Michigan Captive Mute Swans 2012
Mute Swans are currently held in Michigan by persons with a Permit to Hold Wildlife in Captivity.
A Michigan BackYard Mute Swan Rescue.
** HelpOurWaterfowl@gmail.com
Petition to stop the Mute Swan Killings in Michigan
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
Mute Swans are a familiar Old World Species seen across the State of North Carolina on Ponds, Residential Lakes, and other Bodies of Water.
These are Feral, non-migratory populations of Mute Swans.
Efforts are being made by NC DNR Wildlife Officials to reduce this population.
Private Property Ownership of Mute Swans is Allowed without any Permit. But, these Privately Owned Mute Swan are to be Pinioned.
And, any Cygnets need to be Pinioned.. NO RELEASE to the Wild.
These Young Swans can be Rehomed or Sold to Private Properties.
A Health Certificate is Requested by the NC Dept. of Agriculture..
if a Mute Swan or Cygnet is brought into North Carolina from another State.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
** OREGON – Importation and New Ownership Prohibited
2010 In Oregon, Mute Swans are classified as a
“Controlled Species by Oregon Administrative Rules
(OAR) 635-056-0070
(2)(a): “The possession, transport, sale, purchase, exchange
and offer to sell, purchase or exchange is allowed provided that
all males are neutered and all individuals are surgically pinioned.
(To “GrandFather” existing Mute Swans.)
If these rules are followed, breeding and thus the production
of Cygnets should never occur.
“Importation of any Mute Swan is prohibited.”
Shooting Mute Swans versus Mute Swans Shooting Blanks
From refueform.com
Any White Swan with an Orange Culmen in the wild here in Oregon is fair game according to F&W. They are trying to eliminate all the
Mute Swans that have gotten loose. We were told they are a huge threat to native waterfowl and that they need to be controlled.
Pest Risk Assessment for Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in Oregon 2010
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
April 2019, I Spoke with a Rhode Island Resident.
They had a Nesting Pair of Mute Swans on their Private Property.
Rhode Island Department Of Environmental Management wanted to Destroy these Wild Mute Swans.
The Easiest time to Locate Swans is when they are Nesting.
The Property Owners Protested. They Called their Local Police Department.
As Long as the Swans were on Private Property above the Mean Average High Water Mark, the RI DEM would need Permission from the Property Owners to Removed these Swans.
Sadly, this will only Delay the Destruction of these Swans.
Soon after their Cygnets Hatch, the Swans will take their Tiny Cygnets to the Waterway.Then the Entire Swan Family will be Vulnerable to the DEM Agents who will be Waiting for them.
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
5107 Edmondson Pike Ellington Agricultural Center
Nashville, TN 37211 ( 615 ) 781-6500 Ask.TWRA@tn.gov
I Called September 2024…
Mute Swans are NOT Listed as a Restricted Species.
NO Permit is Needed to Properly Own Mute Swans..
It is ILLEGAL to Hunt any Species of Swan in Tennessee.
** TEXAS – There are so few Mute Swans in Texas.
2016 The Texas Game Commission currently has no
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Prohibits the Importation and Sale of Mute Swans.
Requires that all Captive Mute Swans be pinioned,
sterilized (THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE) and marked for identification.
In 1997, Vermont established a policy for total removal
of all Mute Swans from the State.
Shooting Mute Swans versus Mute Swans Shooting Blanks
** WASHINGTON State – Ownership Prohibited
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
– Contact State GAME & FISH-WILDLIFE Commission
The Atlantic Flyway Council and the Hunting Lobby…
are the main driving forces against the Mute Swans.
In Maryland, the MDNR removed close to 5,000 Feral Mute Swans.
All those helpless Swans… destroyed.
There is a Program called “The Silent Taking.”
Remove Mute Swans alive and destroy the Swans out of sight
of the Public.
There are Accounts all over the Country of State DNR-Game Commissions removing from State owned WaterWays Mute Swans
that were Loved and Enjoyed by the Public. Without Warning.
OHIO DNR Shoot the Mute Swans on this Lake.
NO Warning to the Folks that live there.
Very early one morning, on Lake Logan, Ohio, The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), covertly slaughtered the entire population of Mute Swans on that lake. ODNR policy is committed to the total extermination of the Mute Swan in Ohio. The primary reason given for the carnage was the Mute Swan interferes with the “reintroduction” of the Trumpeter Swan to Ohio. The author firmly believes ODNR is badly mistaken in considering the Trumpeter Swan an Ohio native species. Most evidence seems to show the Trumpeter Swan has never nested in Ohio since before the European Settlers arrived on the scene more than four or five-hundred years ago, if ever at all. A few fossilized bones and unreliable anecdotal evidence is all that is available to justify these killings. The author hopes this book will help to open up some dialogue and stop the extermination of the Mute Swan in Ohio and in many other states where this is also happening.
Community Upset ODNR Killed Swans at Lake Logan
by Elizabeth FauglFriday, September 11th 2015
LOGAN (James Jackson) — People living by a local lake are furious tonight, saying wildlife officials are killing swans in the area. It happened at Lake Logan, in Hocking County.
Evelyn Knapp looks out of her window everyday for swans on the lake. But, the only place she gets a glimpse recently is in the form of the flower pots, made to look like the birds, by her front door. “You ain’t seen them lately or as many anymore because they are gone,” Knapp said.
Officials with Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources say they’ve recently killed swans on the lake. It’s part of their Swan Management Plan, getting rid of mute swans. They’re not from North America and compete for resources with trumpeter swans, which are threatened in Ohio.
“I think they should leave the population alone. It’s nature. It’s like the deer and everything else,” Knapp said.
Nathan Gerken owns two marinas on the lake. “I think it’s really sad day to have the swans off the lake. Many of the tourists come from all over the world in order to see the wildlife including the swans,” Gerken said.
But, wildlife officials want tourists and locals to understand, it’s also a matter of survival. Mute swans are territorial and fight the trumpeter swans for nesting.
ODNR says mute swans also impact fish, plants and vegetation that other birds feed on.
There is a GREAT Deal of Information on the Internet..
In PA, any Mute Swan/Cygnet found on Public Land or Public Waterways.. can be destroyed by anyone – anytime.
Several Swans we Loved were Shot by Hunters from Maryland,
who drove up to Harrisburg to shoot our Feral PA Mute Swans.
We do our best to Find Homes for all Mute Swans that are Rescued.
I would LOVE to share Mute Swans with everyone – everywhere.
Sadly, this is not Possible.
If your State will not allow you
to Legally have Mute Swans,
and you still want to have Swans, consider Trumpeter Swans.
If you do consider the Trumpeter Swans… They are Native and Welcome in most States. They will help you with the Canadian Geese. Be sure yours are Pinioned and that they have some Open Water areas in the Winter.
OR the Delightful Black Australian Swans. They are Fun.
************* ATLANTIC FLYWAY COUNCIL **************
The Atlantic Flyway Council is composed of 17 East Coast US States
**the States of Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia;
**the Canadian territory of Nunavut and provinces of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec;
**plus the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.
The Atlantic Flyway Council contains representatives
(usually administrators) from all the agencies that have
management responsibility for migratory bird resources in the Flyway.
The Council determines actions required for sound migratory game bird management and makes recommendations to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
July 2015 https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/AFC_mute_swan_plan1_364878_7.pdf
This Information is a Work in Progress…..
As I learn more I will add to this information..
Compiled by (C) L.M.Sweger March 2016