I Frequently Speak with Swan Owners who are not Sure if their Swans are Pinioned.
Properly Pinioned means the Swans are Grounded – Flightless.
If you have Acquired a Cygnet or Swan from a Rescue Group,
it is VERY Common for the Rescued Swans to be FULL-Winged.
Able to Fly !!!
It is Sad to hear the Anguish of these Folks, who are Excited to have a Swan,
then the Swan Suddenly Flies Away.. I have heard this Story Too Many Times.
I WISH the Rescue Groups would Share this Information with
People New to Swan Care..
I Wish ALL Rescue Groups would CLIP to Keep their Rescued Swans Grounded.
When these Cygnets and Swans Fly Away,
they are out in Feral Conditions AGAIN.. And in Peril.
These Swans were Lucky to be Rescued the First Time.
A Second Rescue … Poor Odds..

This Topic Page will Mainly be Images for you to Study and Learn
what to Look for.. Basically ONE Wing Missing the Primary Flight Feathers.
To Enlarge Images – Right Click and Open in a New Tab.

It does Help if you Watch for your Swans to Stretch and Flap.
This is Usually Part of the Preening and Bathing Activity.. FLAPPING.
Flapping will Allow ALL the Wing Feathers to Shake Out and Lay in Order.

View these Photo Images and then Watch your Swan to see
if you can Tell if they are PINIONED or NOT
When a Swan is Properly Pinioned Part of One Wing is Removed.
Comparing the Swan’s Wing to a Human Hand and Arm.

Lets Start with the Basic Wing Anatomy – the Beautiful Feathers.

BEST Time to Pinion a Swan is before they are Two to Three Weeks Old.
IF you want to see if your Swans are Pinioned… Gently Extend their Wings…
IF the Wings are BOTH the Same Length… with Three Distinct Sections..
. . . . . . . . . NOT PINIONED !
IF Pinioned – ONE Wing will be Shorter.
. . . . . ( The Distal Section will be Missing. )

I Love the Beautiful Colors of a Royal Mute Cygnet’s Plumage !


Now Look at the Wings from Behind and See what is Different..

The Swan Below is Pinioned. She is Grounded – Unable to Fly.
There are a Few Primary Flight Feathers on her Right Wing.

The Black Australian Swans have BRIGHT White Primary Wing Feathers.

There are Lots of Poses and Times when it is Impossible to Tell…

A Moment of Just Plain Cuteness – Nap Time

These Swans are Both Pinioned – One the Right Wing – One the Left Wing.

Their Pinioned Wings are Now on the Far Side..
You can See their Primary Flight Feathers in this View.

It does Help when the Swans Hold their Wings Up in Display.

Look Close – Do You SEE the Difference ???



This is a True Sad Swan Story.
This is a Summary of the Events.
A Person who Found an AD on Craigslist for a Free Swans..
had No Experience with Swans..
He Arranged to Pick-up this Young Male Swan..
He was Told the Swan was Pinioned..
That the Original Farmer had done the Pinion
and Said the Swan was Permanently Grounded.
The Family Advertising to Rehome this Young Swan had
Never Seen this Swan Flying while Living on their Pond.
He was Adopted, Transported to the New Home/Pond..
Released the Same Day.. Lots of Happy Smiles.
Looks Great on the New Family’s Pond..
Next Day, the Swan was Missing.. ??
He >> Flew << Away to a Nearby Neighbor’s Pond.
Several Days Later, a Stiff Wind during a Summer Storm..
and OFF this Young Male Flew.. GONE..This Young Swan had NO Trust with the New Family or their Pond.
Apparently, this Swan was Only Clipped by the Original Farmer..
It is GOOD TO CHECK the Wings when you are Adopting any Swan.
Check their Wings YOURSELF.
I hope these Examples will Help you SEE
What is Missing or Not Missing. Pinioned or Full-Wing.
To Keep a Full-Wing Cygnet or Swan Grounded
and Safer from the Perils of Flying.. PLEASE Consider Annual Clipping.
Clipping Captive Swan Pets
There was a Sad End for this Beautiful Female Swan that was Full-Winged.
She is the Title Picture on this Topic Page..
We were Never Able to Get Hold of her to Clip..
“Sweet Harmony” was a Feral Mute Swan.
She lived most of her Life on our Local River System.
We shared many Delightful Hours with her.
She is the Dam of our “Meadow.”

She Flew to an Area where Hunting was Allowed. A Public WaterWay.
“Sweet Harmony” was Shot on a Fall Day during Hunting Season.
The Hunter was Bragging about Shooting her,
while he ate Dinner at a Nearby Restaurant.
We were Heart Broken.. and Learned this Lesson.

If your Cygnets or Swans are Full-Wing they are Not Safe.
Images Collected as of April 2022 by (C) Linda M. Sweger