A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans


October 10th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in FEEDING STATIONS for Swans - (Comments Off on SWAN FEEDING STATION IDEAs)
Swan Feeding Stations

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Swan Feeding Stations

There are as MANY Ways to Feed your Swans as there are Ponds.
“Try This” and then “Try That”.. (Sound Familiar)

Swan Feeding Stations

Until you find what Works Best for Your Swans.
AND You..

Swan Feeding Stations

I have Organize some Information for you to be Aware of..
and Various Images of Swan Feeding “Ideas” we and others have Tried.

Swan Feeding Stations

Some were NOT Safe.. We were Learning..
  Above – The Hanging PVC Flower Pot Worked Well on a Steep Bank…
                                   .  .  but the ROPEs > > > a Risky Tangle Hazard. 

Some Examples are from Swan Ponds we would Visit..
Example this Golf Course Pond. A Very UNSAFE Way to Feed their Swans.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Good, the Bad & the UnSafe.

Beautiful, Graceful, Healthy Swans are a Delight to Behold.

Swan Feeding Stations

Once Pinioned or Clipped to Ground Swans,
They depend on their Caretakers to Provide a Healthy Diet.
Captive Swans are Exotic, Domestic Pets.

Swan Feeding Stations

If a Pond or Lake has Lots of Natural Plant Growth, Insects, Tadpoles, Worms,
Snails, Grubs, etc. Swan will Do Well with a Small Amount of Supplemental Feed..

Swan Feeding Stations

Non-Toxic Algae Blooms and Tiny Floating DuckWeeds are a Swan Buffet..
A more Natural Diet.. “Pond Stew.”

Swan Feeding Stations

Observe what Water Plants are Available through the Seasons..

Swan Feeding Stations

Plants Growing in the Water are FULL of Natural Minerals and Vitamins.

Swan Feeding Stations

Not All Ponds have Adequate Plants for a Compete Healthy Diet.
Wild Waterfowl will moved from Ponds to Lakes to Rivers for their Nutrients.
Captive Pet Ducks, Geese and Swans CAN NOT do this.

Swan Feeding Stations

Ponds, Lakes and Lawns Treated with Herbicides will Alter Under Water Plant Growth..
Beautiful to View.. May be Barren of Food for WaterFowl.

Swan Feeding Stations

A Public Lake Treated with a VERY Dark Shade Plant Control Product.
THERE is NOTHING for the Swans to Eat.. 

Swan Feeding Stations

The Pond below has a Summer Growth of DuckWeed..
DuckWeed is a Great Natural Food for Waterfowl.

Swan Feeding Stations

There will be Tender Plants and Water Insect Critters for Munching.

Swan Feeding Stations

Consider NOT ALL Plants are Edible.. Observe what the Swans are Eating.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Large Populations of Pond Fish… Koi, Carp, Chinese Grass Carp, etc.,

Swan Feeding Stations

Will Consume a Large Quantity of UnderWater Plants..
As the Population of Fish Increase.. Fewer UnderWater Plant are Available.


Feeding Swans in the Winter – Be Careful and Creative.

Swan Feeding Stations

Remember to Supply More Commercial Feed/Corn Mixture in Colder Months.
Total Food Support in Pennsylvania is from Halloween to Saint Patrick’s Day.
There are FIVE Long Cold Months with Little Natural Food for Waterfowl.

Swan Feeding Stations

Depending on the Winter Conditions, Swans will NEED more
Calories when they are Subject to Winter’s Cold Temperatures.
They need Daily Food for the Quick Energy Calories to keep Warm.

Swan Feeding Stations

The MAIN Goal in the Winter is for the Swans to have a Healthy Diet..
and for you to be Safe when you are Feeding them.

Swan Feeding Stations

We used an Extra Long Handle Pond Skimmer Net to Push the Food OUT
to the Edge of the Ice Ledge. These Feral Swans were Living along the River.
We Never Knew Where we would be Visiting Them.
We could not Leave a Feed Container for them.

Swan Feeding Stations

During the Winter, inside a Shelter..
You will need to have a Heated Bowl for Water or the Water may Freeze.
Heated Bowls are Available OnLine and at most Farm Supply Stores.

Swan Feeding Stations

Feeding Adult Swans – Captive Swans Need to be Fed

Swan Feeding Stations

Grazing on or in the Water is more Natural for the Swans.

Swan Feeding Stations

These Swans are on Private Ponds.

Swan Feeding Stations

IT is IMPORTANT to CHECK the AREA you are FEEDING your Swans for TRASH !
Check on the Land and in the Water where they will be Dipping for Food. 

Swan Feeding Stations
Remove any Metal, Coins, Plastic, Glass Pieces >> Junk
so these DO NOT Get Ingested by Mistake.

Avoid Placing Feed Station where there are LOTs of  Pine Needles
Swan Feeding Stations
Ingesting Dry Pine Needles may Puncture a Swan’s Digestive Tract. 

Swan Feeding Stations


Swans are Able to Reach Down Two to Three Feet into the Water.

Swan Feeding Stations

Years Ago, While doing an Online Search I came across these Images.
The Article was Written in Russian.. I was intrigued.

Swan Feeding Stations

Spending Years Visiting and Feeding Swans.. Camera in Hand.
These are Views I have not had the Ability to Capture.

Swan Feeding Stations

I want to THANK Victor Lyagushkin for Pursuing this Photo Project.

Swan Feeding Stations

Why Swans have Long Necks…Posted by ms.tk
By Daily Mail Reporter March 7, 2012

Swan Feeding Stations

Swan Dive: National Geographic Photographer Victor Lyagushkin,
took these Incredible Underwater Pictures of Swans Diving for Food
at the Blue Lake in Southern Russia.

Swan Feeding Stations

Because they can not Dive like Ducks, Swans need their Long Necks.
Photographer, Victor Lyagushkin’s Eye-Popping Underwater
Pictures of Swans Stretching for their Food Shows,
“Why Swans have such Beautifully Long Necks.”

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations


This Topic Page has Examples.. to Spark Ideas for your Pond.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans are Grazers.. they Nibble throughout the Day.

Swan Feeding Stations

When Food-Feed is only available Once or Twice a Day, shared from a Tub
or Bucket for Assorted Waterfowl, a Swan will Gobble in a hurry knowing
there will be Nothing until the Bucket is filled Later or the Next Day.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

This is NOT Normal Eating Behavior for a Swan.
This is the way Ducks and Geese Eat.. they are Gobblers.
The Frantic Eating Behavior of Gobblers will Overwhelm the Swans. 

Swan Feeding Stations

If at all Possible, ONLY Feed Swans by their Pond – Lake.

Swan Feeding Stations

Try to find a Way to Feed your Swans so they do Not Need to Leave the Water.
Swans are SAFEST in the Water.

Swan Feeding Stations
On this Pond there were NO Ducks or Geese.. A Vinyl Basket Worked GREAT !
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

About a Cup of Mixed Floating Cereals is a Nice Treat.

Swans Enjoy Plain Whole Grain Cheerios, Kix, Plain Corn and Bran Flakes.


Well Fed Swans Eat VERY Little at Night..
They Naturally Grazed from SunRise to SunSet.

Swan Feeding Stations

Instinctively, Swans Float Quietly out in the Deeper Water at Night..
Trying not to be Noticed. They are Prey Birds..

Swan Feeding Stations

They Sleep VERY Lightly at Night.. Taking Turns. (unless alone)
They may Sleep more during the Day along the Banks..

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Put Feed out in Early AM – have Available During the Day.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans Normally Start Grazing around SunRise..
They do Look Forward to BreakFast… Cute..

Swan Feeding Stations

You will See them Nodding “Hello” and Snorting “Thank You.”

Swan Feeding Stations

It is Wise to take the Feed Container in at SunSet to Discourage Rodents
Raiding the Feed. Smaller Rodent may Attract Larger Predators..

Swan Feeding Stations

Feed and Corn will Attract Mice, Shrews, Moles, Voles, Rats, Muskrats, Mink,
Squirrels, Rabbits, Woodchucks, Opossums, Skunks, Deer, Raccoons.
.. I am Sure I Missed a Few.

Swan Feeding Stations

All these Rodents may be Carrying Dangerous Diseases/Parasites.
As they Raid a Feed Container, Rodents Contaminate the Feed
with Saliva, Urine and Droppings.

Swan Feeding Stations

There are Several Nasty Diseases carried by Raccoons.
Raccoons – Their CUTE Faces.. Mask Many Dangers..

Swan Feeding Stations

Raccoon are a known Rabies Vector.
They Carry other Pathogens – Baylisascaris,
Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, Tetanus, and Tularemia.

Swan Feeding Stations

Baylisascaris infection is caused by a Roundworm
Found in an Average of 80% of Wild Raccoons.
This Roundworm can infect People as well as a Variety
of other Animals, including Dogs.

Swan Feeding Stations

Children MAY pick up Raccoon Roundworm by Playing
in their own Back Yard!

The Parasites Invade the Eyes (ocular larva migrans),
Body Organs (visceral larva migrans)
And/or the Brain (neural larva migrans).

You do not want Raccoons “Pooping” where Children will be Playing.

Swan Feeding Stations

Raccoons are a Predator for your Swans/Waterfowl.
They Steal their Eggs. Raccoons are Feeding their Young in the Spring Time.

Swan Feeding Stations

Many Swans have their Eggs Stolen during the Night by Raccoons.

Swan Feeding Stations

Scuffle Scratches with your Swans may become Infected..
AND, Raccoon are Responsible for Killing MANY Swans..
They Typically take only the Head.

Needing to Remove Raccoons seems to be an Endless Problem..

Do NOT Hesitate Arranging to have Raccoons REMOVED from you Property.
There are Professional Wildlife Removal Services
who will be able to do this Safely.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Smaller Rodents may Attract the Larger Night Predators.
The Carnivores – Fox, Coyotes, Coywolves, Bobcats, Roaming Feral Cats.

Swan Feeding Stations

Depending on your Location maybe a Bear would be Attracted to a Feed Container.

Swan Feeding Station

Feed and/or Small Rodents may Attract Skunks, Weasels, Mink.
These may Snatch the small Ducklings, Goslings and Cygnets.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Keeping the Swans’ Feet in the Water while they Eat helps keep them Safe.

Swan Feeding Stations

Thanks to D.Long for Raising Healthy Rescued Cygnets.
   All were OFF to Forever Homes.. by the End of Summer. 
Swan Feeding Stations
Swans WANT Water with their Feed-Food.
Wet Feeds goes down the Swan’s Esophagus Easily..

Swan Feeding Stations

For Swans to Eat DRY FEED, Extrudes or Pellets without Water,
there is a RISK of the Feed Absorbing a little Moisture in their Esophagus,
Clumping, getting STUCK, Blocking Swallowing, and Causing
a Condition called “CHOKE.”

Swan Feeding Stations

Especially, if a Swan tries to Eat Dry Feed TOO Fast.

“CHOKE” can be VERY Serious.. an Emergency ! ! !

Swan Feeding Stations

In our Back Yard Rescue/Recovery Enclosure…
This Polyvinyl Toboggan Worked Well as a Water and Feed Station.

Feeding Station for Swans



Swan Feeding Stations

Dumping Swan Feed on the Ground or on Rocks is Wasteful..
Swan Feeding Stations
The Feed is Very Difficult for Swans to Pick-up..

Swan Feeding Stations

Wet Feed, Corn and Vegetables can be Sucked-up Easily with Water.

Swan Feeding Stations

There is Always some Feed Left in the Dirt.

Swan Feeding Stations

Leftover Dry Feed or Corn on the Ground Encourages Rodents,
Mold, Insects, Parasites, etc. Plus Swans Poop in/on the Feed..
This is a VERY Poor Practice.

Swan Feeding Stations

Feed on the Ground will lead to More Environmental Diseases.
Bacteria, Fungal, Mold, Mildew, Protozoal & Parasite Disease.

Roundworms are intestinal Parasites that can affect both you
and your Pets AND SWANs.

Swan Feeding Stations

Roundworms include Hookworms and Whipworms.
Hookworm Infections can cause Anemia and Affect Physical Growth.
AND Death.

Swan Feeding Stations

Your Swans can be Infected by the Same Parasites as your Dogs.

Ascaris Roundworms can cause Intestinal Disease,
leading to Blockages and Perforation of the Intestinal Wall.

Swan Feeding Stations

A Common Parasite – Giardia is very common in Pennsylvania Pond/Lake/River Waters.

During Warm Weather Insects and All Types of Flies will lay their Eggs
in any Feed Material that is Damp on the Ground.
…There will be MAGGOTs in a few days.

MAGGOTs : This was a Sub-Topic that I Learned some Surprising Things.

Swan Feeding Stations

I do not want to get into the Details.. But, there are BackYard Poultry Folks
that Raise Maggots in their Vegetable Scraps. Then Feed these Protein Rich
Maggots to their Chickens and other Farm Animals.
This Maggot Farming is Controlling the Flies-Insect Larva they are Growing.

Swan Feeding Stations

Free Flying Flies and Insects may Carry Disease from their Out & About
Feeding Behavior. They are Attracted to POOP !!!
There is Risk of Serious Diseases in the Maggots found in Spoiling Poultry Grains-Feeds.
On Average, it takes 3 Days for Insect Eggs to Hatch into Maggots.

INSTRUCTIONs on FEED BAG.. “Provide Fresh Feed and Water Daily.”

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

DO NOT PUT FEED for Swans on the Ground.

Swan Feeding Stations

Even a Cheap Frisbee would Keep the Feed OFF the Ground. 

Feeding Swans Stations Frisbees

Mute Swans can Live a Very Long Time with Good Care. (And Luck)
The Less they need to Dig in the Mud/Dirt for Nutrition,
the Less Chance they will acquire Parasites, Ingest Toxic Molds, etc.
You will NOT Prevent All Diseases – but you can Reduce the Risks..
Swan Feeding Stations
It is Safer to Put their Feed Mixture in a Pail of Pond Water..
Swans will Enjoy this Soggy Wet Food. There is Very Little Waste this Way.
The Feed is WET and the Swans just “Suck it Up.” 
Great to do in the Cold Weather Months.. when we Supply more Feed.

The Pail Works Well.    THANKs T.J.Millichap for Sharing this Photo.

Swans will need to Trust a Feed Bucket.. that it is Safe to Put their Head in.

Swan Feeding Stations

You may have to start by Laying the Container on it side on the Ground
until the Swan understands there is Feed in it….
Wet Feed Smells like Dog Food.. Just start with a Cup of Feed Mix…

Put Chucks of  Yummy Lettuce in the Bucket.. 
Swans are Smart, they will Learn Quickly….

WATCH for Dangerous Plant Growth in the Water..  Be Aware ! 

Swan Feeding Stations

The Retention Pond Above was not Tested for Blue-Green Algae.
The Swans Left the Pond on their Own in the Mid- July Heat
and Spent Several Weeks on the Property Stream.
The Pond Water was NOT Safe for them to be in.. The Swans Knew it.

Swan Feeding Stations

During Warm Dry Months, Stagnant Muddy Water may put Waterfowl
at Risk of Fatal Clostridia Bacteria. 
 Avian Botulism is Associated with Decaying Organic Mud – Muck.

We Lost Two Beautiful Females to Clostrida Infection they Developed during Nesting..
When they were Not Eating and Flushing these Pathogenic Bacteria through
their Intestinal Track.. It was HeartBreaking. They were the Sweetest Pens.

Swan Feeding Stations

We Learned what caused their Deaths.. by having a Necropsy
Preformed at the PA Department of Agriculture Pathology Laboratory.


There is Value in having a Necropy when Swans Die of Unknown Cause.
You may be able to Treat and Save their Companion or Mate..
Some Diseases can be Treated.. Or Nutrient Deficiencies can be Corrected.

Years ago, when a Basically Healthy Male Swan died, the Owner thought
she might have Poisoned the Cob by Putting Rat Poison out.
The Cob was Found not Sleeping – but Dead..

Swan Feeding Stations

There was Spilled Feed all over the Ground.. (Several Feeding Stations)
and Rats were Scurrying about Raiding the Feed Buckets.
Rat Droppings were Readily seen in the Feed.

The Cob Frequently Ate the Feed that was Laying on the Ground..
PLUS the Feed Stations were Large Metal Galvanized Trash Cans.
WHICH are a Potential for Heavy Metal Poisoning !

Swan Feeding Stations

The Rat Poison had been Carefully placed where the Swans
would not get into it.. Could he have Gotten some of the Poison ???

We Arranged for a Necropsy at the PA Department of Agriculture
Animal Pathology Laboratory, to Learn what really happened.

There was NO Sign of Ingested Rat Poison in the Cob’s Body..
Most Rat Poisons have a Blue-Green Dye that can be Seen
during the Gross Necropsy.. …The Lab Studies told the Story.

Swan Feeding Stations

So Sad, “Lynn” a Gentle Cob, Died from Avian Cholera.
Likely from Rat Saliva Contaminating the Feed on the Ground.


Whole Corn Softens in Very Shallow Water.. Swans Love Softened Corn.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Swans can Suck-Up the Wet Feed/Corn.

Swan Feeding Stations

Always put in Shallow Water where they can See the Bottom.  
This will Help them Avoid Snapping Turtles that Sneak Close..
Frequently CHECK for Trash in their Feeding Areas. 

Swan Feeding Stations

By 3-4 Months Mute Cygnets will do OK with WET Whole Shell Corn.

Swan Feeding Stations

With the Smaller Black Australian.. Wait until they are Older.
Watch them Closely when offering Wet Whole Corn..

Swan Feeding Stations

Any Feed Put Out for Swans should be Checked Daily.
In the Summer it Spoils VERY Easily if it gets Wet. 
                                   .  .  . Especially Above 65 Degrees.
Spoiled/Soured Feed can make a Swan VERY Sick.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Not Sure Why…. but, the Swans Show Little Interest in Eating on Rainy Days.

Swan Feeding Stations


Swan Feeding Stations

DO NOT use Metal Containers as Feed or Water Dishes..
Use Clean Dedicated Polyvinyl Containers for Feed Safety.

Swan Feeding Stations

Is PVC Safe for My Bird?

Swan Feeding Stations

Although the Manufacture of PVC is NOT an Environmentally Friendly Process,
the Stability of the final Product in its Rigid Form Renders it Non-Toxic
and Safe for Birds.

Swan Feeding Stations

Most Farm and Feed Supply Stores will have an Assortment
of Animal Safe Containers.

Swan Feeding Stations

Is Plastic Safe for Birds?

Brittle Plastics should not be given to Larger Birds because
when they Break Very Sharp, Cutting Edges are formed and
if Swallowed Accidentally could Result in Ruptured Organs.

Swan Feeding Stations

Degrading Plastics release Environmental Damaging Chemicals
– Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Dioxins.
We had One Precious Rescued Polish Cygnet Die from Elevated Levels of PCB..
We have NO Idea how she was Exposed.. It was Ingested… ???

DO NOT use a Container that had any Chemicals in it..
You can Wash them.. but, there will be Residuals in the Surface.

Swan Feeding Stations

A Container Originally used for FOOD.. OK.. Like Flour, Donut Mix, Ice Cream, etc.
We Found Very Nice 5 Gallon Buckets at a Donut Store for $1.00.

Swan Feeding Stations

You can get NEW Food Safe 5 Gallon Buckets for about $6-8.00.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swan Feeding Stations

Thanks for Sharing..  K.Anderson.   

One of My New Swan Friends Shared this Idea… I LOVE This..

Their Swans are Safely Eating in the Water ! ! !

Swan Feeding Stations

GREAT Idea… A 5 Gallon Vinyl Bucket and Kitchen Vinyl Colanders.. !!
This Feeding Station Bucket has the Bottom Removed. That Allows the
Bucket Base to be Twist-Wiggled into the Soft Silt-Mud in their Pond’s
Shallow Water. Easy to Move About as Needed.
Having the Bucket Bottom Removed makes it Extra Easy to Clean.

Swan Feeding Stations

In Many of the Ponds and Lakes we have Visited, the Rocks and Shale would
Prevent Pushing the Bucket into a Soft Silt-Mud Substratum.
It is Likely, that Partially Filling with Water,
the Bucket with Intact Bottom would be Stable in Shallow Water.
This is a Great Idea – With or Without the Bucket Bottom.

Swan Feeding Stations

Adjust the Height for Easy Eating for the Swans..

Swan Feeding Stations

Hello, Sweet Swans. It Time for Dinner !

Swan Feeding Stations

THANKS for SHARING – H.Thomas..


Swan Feeding Stations

This Saucer Feeder is at a Level Good for the Swans.. Not for the Ducks.
The Terra Cotta Strawberry Planter is a Solid Support to Cradle a Vinyl Bowl.
THANKs for SHARING – S.Mesry.


A Swan Cafeteria (I Love this One)

Swan Feeding Stations

Be Careful with Any Ropes.. KEEP them VERY Taunt !

THANKs for SHARING – L.Arfaras

OR Skip the Ropes.. Keep the Feed Dishes Very Close to the Water.
Swan Feeding Stations

Thanks for Sharing this Photo… S.Campanelli 

This Lake has LOTs of  Wild Ducks.. that Love the Swan Feed..  So…

Swan Feeding Stations
This is a Creative Feeding Container..  Thanks…  B.Foy.

Wood Feed Boxes.. Often Build by Creative, Caring Hands..
They Look Nice. But, Out in the Elements.. they are Not Safe.

Swan Feeding Stations

Feed will get Wet. These are Difficult to Clean Completely.
Molds, Fungus and Bacteria will Grow in the Wood Cracks.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Wooden Feeder above…Over Time became UNSAFE !!
This Did Prevented the Canada Geese from Reaching the Feed..

Swan Feeding Stations

Glass – Ceramic – Pottery BREAK – Small Broken Pieces might be Eaten.
In the Gizzard these Sharp Pieces will Cut the Gizzard Muscles..and NOT Pass Through.

Try to Remove all Visible Debris from your Pond Area. 
Prevent Hardware Disease.



Aluminum, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Lead, Brass, Iron will
Contaminate their Feed, Risking Heavy Metal Poisoning..

Swan Feeding Stations

Birds are VERY Sensitive to Heavy Metal Poisoning.
I was Surprised.. Even Stainless Steel is to be Avoided.

Swan Feeding Stations

The MOST Common Heavy Metal Concern is Lead Poisoning.
Old Fishing Sinkers, Lead Shot in the Water..
Flaking – Rusting Galvanized Metal Chicken Feed Containers.

Swan Feeding Stations

Porcelain Pans – Bowls Most Cook Ware have Metal Cores.

I Love these Red Cast Iron Enameled Casserole Pot..
But, they are NOT Safe to use for Feed or Water for Birds.
Swan Feeding Stations
Cast Iron and Aluminium Pots React with Fermenting Feeds.

Swan Feeding Stations

*** Swans are VERY Sensitive to METAL.
Best NOT to Store their Extra Feed Mixture in a Metal Container.
UNLESS it is Lined with a HEAVY Plastic Bag..
or Kept in the Original Feed Bags.

Stored Feed will Attract Rodents..
Storing in a Sturdy Metal Container may be Necessary..
Line it So the Feed does not Touch the Metal..

It is Good to have Extra Feed in the Winter Months. Stored in a Cool, Dry Place.

In Warmer Months.. Having Extra Commercial Bag Feeds is Less Ideal.
Stored in a Place where there is Heat and Humidity.. the Feed may Spoil.

High Humidity may Result in Mold Forming in the Feed. DISCARD ! ! !

Summer Heat will Cause the Tiny Insect Eggs in ALL Feeds to Hatch.

Corn Weevils do NOT Fly, Wheat Weevils DO Fly..
If there are Only a Few that Hatch.. Waterfowl will Enjoy these Tiny Bugs.

Swan Feeding Stations

Many Commercial Feed Products are Now Available for Home Delivery
when Ordered from Chewy.com > > > Very Convenient.


Having a Mixed Population of Waterfowl – Swans, Geese and Ducks..
you will need to have Different Feeding Containers.

Swan Feeding Stations

Shallow Dishes around the Pond for the Shorter Ducks and Geese..

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

And a Swan Feed Container Mounted or Arranged for the Swans.

Swan Feeding Stations

Some Corn and Pellets BroadCast out on the Pond Surface for Grazing .
Floating the Lettuce for all the Waterfowl.. A Welcome Treat for ALL..

Swan Feeding Stations

There are Ways to Discourage Wild Geese..

Swan Feeding Stations

Arrange the Feed Containers about 18 Inches High..
Adjust for your Shortest Swan..

Swan Feeding Stations

This Covered Bucket Feeder was Home Crafted…. Nicely Done.
The Front Opening to Access the Feed Mixture is 18 Inches above the Water.
The Swans can Keep their Feet in the Water. They can Eat some of the Feed
Mix they Drop.. AND, their CareTakers can Safely Service the Feeder.

Swan Feeding Stations

Thanks for Sharing Your Photos  ..  R.Becker.

Swans are VERY Messy, Wasteful Eaters.
A Few Ducks are Good for Clean-up.

Swan Feeding Stations

We have Noticed that on Snowy or Rainy Days..
the Swans Eat Much Less – if at All. Not Sure Why… ??
But, we would just put some Corn Out on Bad Weather Days.

Swan Feeding Stations

During Winter Months, the MOST Important thing to Consider
is the Safety of the People Feeding the Swans..
Working around a Pond, or Lake .. Frost, Ice, Packed Snow..
Take Extra Care..

Swan Feeding Stations

Are you Familiar with Ice Cleats.. ??? THESE WORK. !!!
Most Sporting Goods Stores Carry these.

These were the First Cleats I Found.. I have Used them for YEARS !
There are Small Spikes that Grip into Packed Snow and Ice.

Swan Feeding Stations

There are Cleats that will Fit on Boots and Shoes.
There are a Wide Variety of Brands to Choose from.

DO NOT Walk on a Solid Surfaces with these..
Like Side Walks, Asphalt or a Tile Floor … there they are Slippery ! ! !

Swan Feeding Stations

Try to Find a Place you will be SAFE Servicing their Food in the Winter.

Swan Feeding Stations

Winter, with Snow and Ice.. think ahead where you will be Safe.
The First Year you will be getting to know the Swans
and all the Variation that make Things Work for your Pond.

Swan Feeding Stations


Stationary Feeders Work Well for a Pond where the Water Level
is Fairly Constant.

Swan Feeding Stations

SWAN FEEDER – Aut-O-Dine 25
A Dry Dog Feed Container Adapted for Swans.

This is a Common Feeder Used by Folks with Swans..
These will keep all but a few Geese OUT.. if Positioned Properly.

Swan Feeding Stations

These LOOK like a GREAT Idea.. Well, Review this Topic Page.

Swan Feeder – Aut-O-Dine 25

When there are Canada Geese.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Basic Idea is to have the Opening about 18 Inches High..
Watch to be sure the Shortest Swan can Reach the Feed..
This way Very Few of the Canada Geese can Raid the Feed..

If the Water Level goes UP Canada Geese can Help themselves.

Swan Feeding Stations

If the Water Level goes DOWN the Swans may not be able to Reach..

Swan Feeding Stations

If you see the Swans Nibbling Comfortably then they are Happy..

Swan Feeding Stations

Over the Years I have “Heard” of Several Problems with Box Type Feeders.

These Feeders are OUT in the Summer Sun and Humidity.. Morning Dew.
Feed in the Feeder for Several Days may become Moldy.

In the Winter if the Feed Gets WET.. It Can Freeze.

Tube Nests of Mud Dauber Wasps..

Swan Feeding Stations

Wasp Nests inside the Roof.. YOU MAY GET a PAINFUL SURPRISE !!!
Wasps or Bees or Hornets or Yellow Jackets.. Could Sting You or the Swans.

A Paper Wasp Nest… Constructed Inside the Feeder..

Swan Feeding Stations

Another One, Maggots from Flies being Attracted to the Protein
in the Feed..after it was Damp.. You have NO Idea what Pile of Poop these
Flies may have Visited before Depositing their Eggs in the Damp Feed.
YUCK !!!! Frequent Cleaning Helps.. Best to ONLY have Two Days of Feed.

Swan Feeding Stations

It takes about 3 Days for Insect and Fly Eggs to Hatch..

Seems there is Always Something to Worry with.. Sigh !


Swan Feeding Stations

A Simple Bucket can be an Easy Feeder.. and EASY to Clean.
Be Aware Handles can be a Tangle Hazard.
Tie them Fast.. or Remove.. or Anchor with a Stake..

Swan Feeding Stations

WE Sat with these Swans while they Ate from this Bucket..
Then Dumped the Left Overs in Shallow Water for the Remainder of the Day.

Swan Feeding Stations

A Five Gallon Bucket is an Easy Feeder. Propped on an Angle it is Hard for Geese to Raid.

Swan Feeding Stations

Just Laying on the Bank, Supported by Plant Clumps.

Swan Feeding Stations

We Used this Feeding Bucket to Catch Several Swans..
When they Put their Head into the Bucket.. Quickly get HOLD of their Neck…
DO NOT JERK.. Just Hold. Have Someone Nearby to HELP !

Swan Feeding Stations


Swan Feeding Stations

A BIG BASKET with a Vinyl Bowl Liner..
Try Different Containers.. The Swans will Adapt…

Swan Feeding Stations

Depending on Container.. Some will need to be Weighted with a Heavy Flat Stone..
or Anchored with a Stake.. Avoid “Loose” Ropes.. Tangle Hazard..

When we had our Swans at a Local Country Club we used these Large Baskets.
(Used – from the Good Will Stores) One Lined with a Gallon Vinyl Bowl.

Swan Feeding Stations

Another Basket for their Vegetable Salad.

Swan Feeding Stations

It allowed the Cold Pond Water in and kept the Vegetable from the Large Carp in the Pond.
The Swans could Graze all Day.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans Are Vegetarians

Swan Feeding Stations

We Dumped any Left Over Veggies & Feed – Refreshed Daily.
(The Carp and Blue Gills Cleaned-up.)

Swan Feeding Stations

We could move the Baskets when needed..

Swan Feeding Station

We used a Garden Tool
– Cultivator to Move the Baskets in and out of the Shallow Water.

Swan Feeding Stations

Rob keeps the Cultivator with him to Grab any Trash he finds in the Ponds..
as a Walking Stick.. Multi-Purpose Tool.

Swan Feeding Stations

There were few Canada Geese Visiting that Pond.
The Canada Geese can be a Worry for the Swans.
The Swans may Spend MORE Time Chasing then Eating….
All the While, Geese are Snatching Bites of the Feed-Foods.

Swan Feeding Stations

When you have Spring or Fall Migrating Canada Geese..
You many need to Change your Regular Feeding for a Few Days.


My Favorite Feeding Station is a Tire and Bucket..
It has more Flexibility.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

When the Bucket is Angled the Swans can Reach inside..
the Geese and Duck can Not.. Well Most can Not..

Swan Feeding Stations

The LARGER Canada Ganders might Help Themselves..

Place the Tire and Bucket Close to the Water’s Edge..

Swan Feeding Stations

The Cygnets/Swans want Water with their Food.. Dry Feed can get Stuck in their Throat..

Swan Feeding Stations

You will have a Cleaner Yard with the Feed Station Close to the Water..
Swans are Messy Eaters..


A VERY Clean Bucket that did not have Chemicals in at some Point.
PolyVinyl is Safe… The Spackling Bucket in these Images.. Used Along the Creek.
Had been Washed Over and Over for Years…

Swan Feeding Stations

An Internet Search.. Spackling Compound has a Very Low Toxic Concern.
We were Using this Improvised Feeding Station along a Local Creek..
We were Learning.. Now we use New Food Dedicated Buckets.
Metal Buckets are NOT Safe … Risk- Heavy Metal Poisoning.

Swan Feeding Stations

You can Move this Feed Station when the Water Level Changes..
Some People do not like the Look of a Tire and Bucket..
BUT, it Works.. is Easy to Clean..

Swan Feeding Stations

Pick a Nicer Tire.. THEN Cut Drainage Holes on the Bottom Side..
to Prevent Water Pooling Inside and Creating a Mosquito Breeding Puddle.

DO NOT Place Feed Near a Nest.. Keep at Least 30 Feed Away.
That is why we were along a Local Creek.. Our WayWard Swans were Nesting.
They Left the Safety of a Private Pond..  Things were Never the Same.. 


Swan Feeding Stations

One of the Ponds.. “The Feathered Friends Pond” used the “Bucket-Tire”
for a few weeks. Lovely Green Lawn.. It made the Expected Marks.
Had this been almost in the Water less Damage to the Lawn.

Swan Feeding Stations

If Left out, Deer may Find the Feed Buckets.
Over Night these Buckets are a Free WildLife Buffet.

Swan Feeding Stations


I Tried this Vinyl Flower Pot Hanging by Ropes from a Stake. Watching for a Few Weeks.
I Started to Worry that the Rope would be a Tangle Hazard. Time for a New Idea.

Swan Feeding Stations


Swan Feeding Stations

Dry Feed is Not Easy for Swans to Eat, they Drop about 1/2.
You will have Ants and Insects.. and Rodents if there is Feed on the Ground..
Mixed in the Water..they can Suck up the Dropped Feed..

Swan Feeding Stations

Make Sure the Shortest Cygnet/Swan can Reach..
One Day’s Worth of Feed.. then Refresh Next Day..

Swan Feeding Stations

We were Learning.. New to Swan Care.
.. Trying Different Ways to Feed Our Swans..

Swan Feeding Stations

We used this Flower Pot Feeder for Several Weeks..
The ROPE Could be Adjusted as the Water Level Changed..
I Started to Worry about the Swans getting Tangled in the Rope..
We Stopped using this Pot Feeder.. TOO Risky.

Swan Feeding Stations



Swan Feeding Stations

We have Never Assembled One of the PVC Pipe Feeders..
We had Swan Friends who had been using this PVC Gravity Feeder for a Number of Years.

Swan Feeding Stations

I know D.R. had been Tinkering with the Design..
He Started with the Lazy S Downward Turn at the Feeding End..

Swan Feeding Stations

I Think he was trying to keep the Feed Mixture Dry..
But over time, Changed to the Basic Candy Cane Shape.
Easier for the Swans to Reach in… Easier to Clean.

Swan Feeding Stations

Only a Few are using these PVC Pipe Feeders.
There is a LOT of Wasted Feed if Positioned Over Deeper Water..

Feeding Station for Swans

The Feed Falls Down. Any that does not Float is Lost to the Fish.
The Swans want their Feed Wet – So they Dip and Lose a Lot..

Swan Feeding Stations

All I have are the Photos to Share this Idea..
I Think the Parts are All General Plumbing PVC Items.

Swan Feeding Stations

This Feeder Works.. just Watch the Water Level..
Do Not Over Fill.. If the Feed Mixture gets Damp.. it can Clump or Spoil..
About 2 Days Worth of Feed at a Time.. 3 at the Most in Cool Weather.
When the Pond Water Level goes UP… the Canada Geese can reach in..

Swan Feeding Stations

When the Pond Water Level goes Down.. the Swans may not be able to Reach.

Swan Feeding Stations

So, it is Good to have a Way to Adjust the Height..
Ideal Average Height is 18” above the Water..
Then be sure your Shortest Swan (Cygnet) can REACH.

Swan Feeding Stations

This Tiny Cygnet was READY for the Wet Floating Pellets.

ASSORTED Domestic WaterFowl are Fun Pond Pets.

Swan Feeding Stations

A FUN IDEA.. Worth a Look – DUCK Feeder

I SMILED through the Entire Video.. What a GREAT Idea..

Swan Feeding Stations

NOW to Adapt for the Swans.. Suggestions.
Larger Diameter Pipe – Maybe a 6 or 8 Inched PVC Pipe.. & Shorter..
But, that would depend on what Puzzle Parts would Work..

Swans are MESSY Eaters.. They can WASTE 30-50% of their Feed..
If this Design Helps to Control some of the Splattered Feed..
Worth a Try.. I LOVE the Idea.. We have NOT Tried this.

Not Helpful if Canada Geese are a Problem. Well Maybe if Elevated..

Feeding Stations to Discourage Canada Geese.
Arrange Feeder 18 Inches High or Deep like a 5 Gallon Bucket..
Most Geese (and Ducks) can not Reach the Feed.. One Day’s Rations.

Swan Feeding Stations

I Found this Idea onLine.. A Bucket and PVC Pipe Combination.
Wonder if this would Work.. Hummm….

At Least One Swan Pond, just Sits the 5 Gallon Bucket Out..
The Swans can Reach their Feed..The Geese CANNOT !!!

Swan Feeding Stations

Smooth Side Bucket Sitting Up-Right makes it Difficult for Mice and Rats
to Contaminate the Feed.  Rodent Saliva and their Droppings Spread DISEASE.

Swan Feeding Stations

I Suggest Either Removing the Handle.. or Securing it ! !
It May Never Happen.. but, Nosy Swans Might get Tangled in the Handle.
Swans can get their Necks and Legs in the Darnedest Places ! !


Observe the Mute Swans’ Knobs.. Mutes are Unique.
Their Knobs will be Full and Round when they have a Healthy Weight.
Their Knobs will Shrink when they are Losing Weight.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Cobs have more Swollen Knobs from December through May..
After Nesting, the Cob’s Knob will be Full but not AS Large.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Females – Pens do the Same. Their Knob SWELLs and then Shrink after Nesting.
Pens do Lose Weight during Nesting.. and NEED Good Nutrition afterwards.
You will get to know their Annual Cycle.


Swan Feeding Stations

Containers Tall Enough will Discourage Canada Geese Raiding Feed.
A 5 Gallon Bucket – Works well for Adult Swans.
Use a Smaller/Shorter Container for Smaller Juveniles or Cygnets.

Swan Feeding Stations

When you Set-up a New Feeding Container..
It May take a Few Days for the Swans to Accept New Objects in the Pond.
– it may need a Few Adjustments.
Try to Watch for a Few Minutes that the Swans are Able to Reach the Feed..

Swan Feeding Stations

This will not Discourage Raccoons and probably not the Muskrats…
Sorry. Taking the Feed in at Night Helps with Night Raiders.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations


FEEDING Cygnets..
Tiny Cygnets are So Cute.. AND Very Messy.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

If you have a Shallow Feed Dish with Wet “Start-N-Grow,”
(Never Chick-Starter)
it Helps to Place a Stable Object in the Middle.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

OR the Cygnets will Climb into the Food Dish to Swim. > > > And POOP !

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

As Cygnets Grow during their First Four Weeks.. IMPROVISE.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Watch that ALL the Cygnets are Eating..
A Long “Pecking Order” might be a Problem for the Smaller Cygnets.
Large Cygnets may be Pushy..
Below the Polish Cygnet is NOT Eating with the Brood.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Cygnets will Graze from the Pond as Soon as they Leave the Nest.
Float various SMALL Food Treats..

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Swan Cygnets GROW VERY Fast.. Change their Feed Stations as Needed.

Swan Cygnets Grow SO FAST    ( This is a Fun Page.)

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

I Liked this Basic Idea.. Handle to the Back PLEASE..
The Feed Mix inside Container CAN be in Water.. Or Veggies in Water.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

THANKs for this Feeder Idea..  D.Reindollar.

This was Used to “BAIT” the Cygnets into a Catch Fence.. Without STRESS.
A Dish Pan with Yummy Salad Greens.   

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

This Young Swan walked into the Fenced Area..  We just Closed the Gate.


Some Fun Ways to Feed your Swans.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Lettuce Play – “Let-Us-Play”


Hand Feeding the Swans

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

We had the Pleasure of Visiting a Variety of Swan Ponds.
Most were Swans we Rescued and Arranged Forever Homes for.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Hand Feeding the Swans is Enjoyable. Some Swans will Easily Hand Feed..
Some will Come Close.. but NOT take Food from your Hands. Trust Takes Time.
Try No Eye Contact.  Holding the Food and Do NOT Looking at the Swans. 

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

The Cobs above.. One would take Lettuce from us.. the Other would Not.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

When Trust is Established with Your Swans..

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Trust – Regaining Trust

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

Well Socializing Cygnets make them Wonderful Pets.

Some Cygnets are Grabby…. Some are Shy…. It is Fun to Hand Feed.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations

We have NO Pond. Our Swans have Lived on Various Ponds.
Welcomed and Cared for by Wonderful Folks.
Many Thanks to ALL of You.

Swan Cygnet Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Swans have Very Good Memories.. We might only get to Visit Once a Month.
The Swans know us. Know we will have Veggies and Treats. Come to Visit.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

We were Very Fortunate to have One Pair of Our Rescued Swans
Live at a Private Golf Course for close to a Year.
We were able to Visit and Feed them Every Day.. Sweet Memories..

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Hand Feeding Mature Cobs will NOT be Possible When…
They are HORMONAL ! ! Watch for more Aggressive Behavior.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

It is Best to GIVE Hormonal Cobs LOTs of Space..

Swan Feeding Stations

and Wait for their Hormones to Decrease.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans with Cygnets will Vary in their Behavior…
Some will be Very Protective.

Others will be more Trusting. Allowing more Social Visits.

Swan Feeding Stations

Keep Yourself Safe.. at a Distance or with Some Type of Barrier..

Swan Feeding Stations

This was TRUST.. for the Swan Family to Come Close for Treats…
We Knew this Swan Family well.. They knew we were NOT a Threat.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Trust we Established Paid-off when it was time to Collect DNA Samples,
Color ID Banding them.. And Later when it was Time to ReHome- Transport.
We Enjoyed our Visits with this Large Swan Family. ALL 10 of them.

Swan Feeding Stations


Tender Lawn Grasses are Part of a Swan’s Summer Diet.

When Waterfowl Eat Grass they Ingest Microorganisms that their Gut needs to
Produce an Enzyme called Cellulase, which breaks down the Cellulose in Grass.

Grass is Surprisingly Rich in Protein, Carbohydrates, Minerals such as Iron,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Grass is a Great Source of Fiber..
and may HELP to Push Intestinal Parasites through their System.

Swan Feeding Stations

Grasses will include many Insects.. “Crunchy Munchies.”  Protein and Calcium.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans like the Tender Blades of Growing Grass..
Try to Leave Alternating Areas UnCut for an Extra Weeks..

Swan Feeding Stations

Maybe Divide Three Areas.. Cut One.. Leave Two.. Rotate.

Swans are Prone to Under Tongue-Chin Impactions..
Grazing on SHORT Cut Grass is a Common Culprit.

Swan Feeding Stations

Under Tongue-Chin Impactions. These Make Eating more Difficult.

Swan Feeding Stations

Swans/Cygnets LOVE “Fresh” Cut Grass..
Dump some Clean Grass from your Mower Bag on the Water..
A Gallon or So.. Floating in Shallow Water is a Favorite Treat.

Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations
Swan Feeding Stations

Clover and Dandelions are Tasty Lawn Weeds.

Swan Feeding Stations

Thorny Thistle Plants are a Grazing Hazard.. OUCH !!
Try to Remove these from Grazing Areas.. They are Difficult to Control.

Swan Feeding Stations

From a Swan Friend in OHIO…. What Fun !!
“We made “Frozen Food Patties” in Muffin Tins so we could use
a Ball Thrower to get their Food out into the Lake.” J.Heidy 2019

Swan Feeding Idea Station

On HOT Summer Days.. I Froze Chopped Vegetables in a Jello Mold
> > > > to Float out on their Pond..

Swan Feeding Stations

As it Melted the Veggie Treats were Scattered About for Grazing.

Swan Feeding Stations

A Pile of Lettuce Leaves with Mixed Veggies Along the Water’s Edge is a Swan Picnic Lunch.

Swan Feeding Stations


We Tried Many Ways to Feed our Swans over the Years..
Methods Varied with the Seasons..
Ideas Compiled by – Linda M.Sweger  Updated DECEMBER  2022
IDEAs from Lots of Pond Visits and Shared by Other Swan Folks.


I WISH ALL the Swans could be 100% Safe and Healthy..
My Goal… more “Joy” and Fewer “Sorrows.”

Captive Swans are No Different then Pet Dogs, Cats, Horses, etc.
They need to EAT. They NEED Adequate, Appropriate Foods.

Out of the Bag, the Protein Percentage of U.S. Poultry Feed is TOO HIGH
for SWANs.   A Swan’s Diet – Protein Level 6 – 8 % <<<< Less then 10 %.

Mixing to a Safe Nutritional Value for Swans is Our Responsibility..

Commercial Feed & Corn or Crimped Oats – Very Important.

“GROWER” or “FINISHER in the Name.
DO NOT FEED THE SWANS “Game Bird Feeds.”

The Lysine Levels are too HIGH… Greater then 1.0 %.
These Feeds are Formulated to increase the Muscle Tissue
and are for Poultry Fowl Headed to Someone’s Dinner Table.

Keep the Lysine Level at 1.00% or Less.

Most Extruded Poultry Feeds Dissolve Sitting in Water.
It is more Efficient when using these Products to place
the Mixture in a Container/Bowl. Water Close-by.

For their Safety Keep your Swans’ Feet in the Water..

Swan Feeding Stations

Below are Several Pages of Feeder Ideas from:
SWAN Breeding and Management by Loyd Stromberg

Swan Feeding Stations

I did not want to Alter these Pages.. This Page Talks of Feeding
Turkey Breeder Feed.. The Protein Level is TOO High. NOT Safe.
These Pages were Written Many Years Ago.. We have Learned.

Swan Feeding Stations

The Ideas are Here.. BUT… Try to USE POLYVINYL Materials.
NO WOOD or METAL Materials…

Swan Feeding Stations

If you Create an Interesting Feeding Station.. and Want to Share Your Idea..
Send me Some Nice Photos and Basic Instruction.. and I will Share Here.

Swan Feeding Stations
  SWANs will DO Some Very Silly Things..   SIGH ! 

Swan Feeding Stations