Who We Are
My Husband and I LOVE Swans.
We have Rescued, Rehabbed and Found Good Homes
for many Lost, Injured, Sick or Unwanted Swans.
We’ve had “Hands-On” Experience Working with our Local Avian Veterinarians
to Help Recover these Swans to the Best Health possible,
before Arranging and Transporting them to their “Forever Ponds.”
Due to our Getting to Know Lots of Swan Folks,
the Last Several Years I have been Helping Connect Folks
with Summer Cygnets to People Interested in having Swans.
Years Ago, as I was Walking Along our local River for Exercise
Camera in Hand, I met my First Swan.
She was Alone, Swimming among a Flock of Noisy Canada Geese,
Hundreds of Mallard Ducks and Countless Sea Gulls.
I often Photographed her in the Early Morning.. as the Sun was about to Rise.
We learned she was a Discarded Pet.
Two Years Passed – her Loneliness Ended,
When a Mature Male Mute Swan Flew over the River and Found her !
Watching them Together was Delightful..
Their Hardships were Many as they were Living Feral – Wild and Free.
They spent Two Years Together, before a Cruel Person Tossed a Large Firecracker
Under this Magnificent, Loving Mute Swan Cob.
The Explosion Shredded and Burned his Left Wing.
I Could NOT Watch this Amazing Swan that had become our Friend
Suffer and Die without Doing SOMETHING !
I had NO Idea what I was Doing or What would Happen if I was Successful.
WITH LOTs of Help, I was able to Arrange a “Rescue” for “Handsome Fellow.”
His Entire Left Wing had to be Amputated..
Everything in our Life was Put on Hold,
as we Spent as much Time as Needed to Care for “Handsome.”
He Required Nine Months of Daily Care before he had Recovered Enough to be on a Pond.
Finally he was Allowed to Take a BIG Splashy BATH ! !
We had the Privilege and Joy of Caring for “Handsome” for Two and a Half Years.
I Can NOT Count the Hours of Joy and Adventure that Followed.
My Husband, Rob was Totally Involved with ALL the Time and Care Required.
This was Two and Half Years after “Handsome Fellow” was Injured.
My Husband and I have Continued to Learn and Care for other Swans
with a Wide Variety of Needs..
We are Grateful to All the Swan Folks who have Welcomed our Swans
on their Ponds, Provided Safe Care and Allowed us to Spend Precious Time
with these Magical Beings. It has been a Wild and Crazy Adventure..
My Goal with this WebSite for “SwanLovers” is to Encourage Responsible Care of Swans,
to Share Information we have Learned with Anyone Interested in Swans..
This WebSite is a Work In Progress..
I am Adding Topic Pages as Time Allows.
I Add to and UpDate Topic Pages as New Information is Learned.
My Motto: “It is a Good Day when I have Swan Poop on my Shoes.”
With Each Passing Year we Expand our Swan Network
and the Swans we Assist with.
There are the Sorrows that have been Hard to Bare..
Nature has SOOoo Much Beauty to Embraced..
and a Flip Side of Cruelty that Jerks the Joy Out of Me.
I Never Tire of Spending Time with Swans.
Swans take my Breath Away.
I Dearly Miss Spending Time with the River Swans.
The Joys and Heart Breaks have been Many.
Hope as you Read and View these Topic Pages, you Find Information
that will Help you Care for the Swans you have Welcomed into your Life.
I Want to Share this Fact about myself.. I am Dyslexic.. (Sigh)
Please, try to Read my Text with that Tid-Bit of Information in Mind.
I can Proof Read and ReRead my Text 10 Times and still find “Oops,”
when I go back and Read the Same Text 24 Hours Later.. a Week Later.
Very Frustrating.
I WANT to Develop this Website for ALL the Swans..
so, I just DO MY Best and Ask for Your Understanding.
I Post Information to my WebSite.. and I find Errors Every Time
I go to Add Text and Proof-Read..
But, the Content is Here.. it is Worth this Effort..
My Goal is to Improve the Fate of Swans. Please Bare With ME !
The Rescued Swans we Love will be 15 Years Old in 2024.
PA SwanLover Linda > UpDated February 2024