The Image of Two Graceful Swans Gliding Quietly
Across the Water is a Classic Picture.
Click to Enlarge Images
But Swans are far more Exciting, FULL of Surprises.
Resources for SwanLovers
The Main Resource about Swans has been the Swans.
We have had Years of Interaction with many Wonderful Mature Swans, Juveniles and Cygnets.
We have seen the Beautiful and the Ugly Side of the Lives of Swans.
No Two Swans have been Alike.
No Two Swans Adventures have been Alike.
When I first Started to Read and Learn about Swans,
it was for my own Personal Information to Help the Few Swans we First Met.
I did not Keep a Record of all the Places I Acquired Information and Ideas.
I have Read various Books and many Articles by other Swan Observers,
Swan Rehabbers and Swan Owners. Gleaning Information from their Personal Accounts.
My Husband and I have met Swan Owners from all over Pennsylvania.
And a Few beyond the PA Borders.
We have had the Help of Dedicated Veterinarians.
The Internet has brought Information (Resources) from Far and Wide.
We have been Blessed for Years having Permission to Visit Swan Ponds
where we have placed a Swan or Two.
Having the Opportunity to Photograph so many Swans, in different Situation
through all the Seasons of the Year has provided me with a Wealth
of Visual Examples to Support my Text.
It has been a Joy Watching these Swans Develop Relationships with each other,
their Ponds, their Owners.. Their Sad Moments have also been Shared.
I am Grateful to Everyone, who has ever shared their Knowledge and Experiences
, so I might Share with Folks who Read Topics on
We all Want the Same End, to Help these Enchanting Swans to Live Healthy and Happy.
There is NOT Enough Space to List All the Sources of Information
and Help we have had over the Years.
A Very Special THANK YOU to Nate
for the WebSite Designing.
A Grateful THANK YOU to Saif and Ahsan
for Helping Untangle some WordPress Problems for me.
I will place Links on Topic Pages to WebSites where you will find Additional Information.
I have Learned and Learned.. And I am still Learning.
I can say with Certainty, I have NEVER been BORED.
SwanLover Linda UpDated (c) August 2021