A Wayward Swan.. An Unexpected Swan..
The Beautiful, Graceful, Captivating Rogue Swans..
I Wanted to Start this Topic with the Definition of ROGUE..
An Internet Search Yielded some Vague General Descriptions.
ROGUE: Definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
https://dictionary.cambridge.org › learner-english › rogue.
Not Behaving in the Way that is Expected or Wanted.
In other Sources – Terms and Comments Define Rogue..
>>>> Very Charming, an Idle Vagrant, Rascal,
>>>> Scoundrel, Mischievous, Scamp…
But One who is Nevertheless Like-able or Attractive.
The Rogue Cob below is a Beautiful Swan.. A Successful Rescue..
On this Topic Page…. I am Applying the Term Rogue to Swans..
A Rogue Swan is NOT Part of the Normal Swan Pairing.
A Swan who Causes Trouble in a Playful way.
A Swan who Causes Trouble on an Established Swan Pond.
Swans are Social Birds. They do not Want to be Alone..
If they are Wandering about Alone and happen to Locate
an Interesting Body of Water.. Especially with other Swans,
it is Understandable that they might Stop to Explore the Status of those Swans.
Click on Images to Enlarge to Read some Added Text.
Our Rescued Mute Cob and a Rogue Feral Pen.. their Story will Follow.
IF more Domestic Mute Cygnets are Pinioned
or Clipped to Keep them Grounded,
If we Lived in the United Kingdom.. this would be Common.
ALL their Mute Swans are Living Wild and Free Flying.
I will Share Rogue Swan Stories here in Pennsylvania.
I get Several Calls every Year from Folks who are Excited.
They have a “Surprise” Swan on their Pond.
“I Looked at our Pond One Morning and there was a Beautiful Swan..!”
The Swan has been Hanging-Out on their Ponds or Lakes.
It is Alone.
The People are Seeking Information about Feeding or Winter Care..
And they want to Find a Companion/Mate for this Swan.
My First Question: “How Stable is this Swan ?? ”
“How Long has it been on your Pond..?? ”
“How Social with You has this Swan Been ??? ”
“Do you have Photos that I might View ?? ”
Photos NEED to Be Focused and Close Enough to see Details.
The First Thing I NEED to Establish:
Is this a Feral Mute Swan.. ??? ( ORANGE Beak)
A Royal Mute Cygnet Less the One Year Old..
Will have Grey, Brown, Beige Colored Feathers – A Dark Beak.
These Cygnets are Naturally Chased-OFF by their Parents
in Very Late Fall and Early Winter..
Cygnets are Fairly Helpless as they Seek a Safe Place and Food.
Royal Cygnets have Earthtone Feathers..
Polish Cygnets are Pale in Coloration.
OR is it a Wild Tundra Swan/Swans that are in the Process
of Spring-Fall Migration. Are there More then One.. ??
Migrating Swans may Stop on Bodies of Water to Rest.
They may Remain Several Days before Leaving for their Destination.
The Tundra Swans Above have Yellow-Marks on their Beaks.
Most Folks are Unfamiliar with Swans in General..
It is Important to Know WHICH Species their Surprise Swans are..
If this/these Surprise Swans are Trumpeter or Tundra …
You can Enjoy and Feed them.. but, you can NOT Restrict them.
These are Federally Protected Swans and must be Allowed to Fly Free.
We Observed this Young Tundra Swan on a Creek Near us..
Likely Blown away from the Migrating Flock.
It Appeared after a Nasty February Storm.
It Stayed for Several Days.. We Watched it Fly-Off.
A Lady Called wanting to Adopt a “White Swan” for a Lonely Swan
at her Florida Apartment Complex.
There had been Five Swans – All Adopted Together.
Four had Flown Away.. ( Boo ! ) Not Pinioned.
She did NOT Know the Specie or Sex … I Asked for a Photo..
Yes, this is a “White Swan” > > A Whooper Swan.
An Injured Tundra Swan Walked in a Family’s Long Driveway.
It was Calm, Weak and Thirsty/Hungry.
The Wife Called Wanting to Adopt a Mate/Companion.
She did NOT Know the Specie or Sex.. I Asked for a Photo.
I had to Inform these Folks that they could Not Keep it.
As a Federally Protected Tundra Swan,
we Arranged for it to go to a Licensed Rehabilitation Facility.
IF the Surprise Mute Swans Come as a Pair.. Sigh !
These Mature Mute Swans APPEARED on a Rural Pond
in November and Stayed until March – Five Months.
They Flew-Off.. and would Occasional Return and Leave..
after another Seven Month.. they did not Return.
They have Probably Left their Original Home..
Try to Check your Area for “LOST” WayWard Swans..
Someone may be Searching for them. Social Media may Help..
Sites like FaceBook Groups, NextDoor.com.. etc.
When these Swans Left the Family Wanted to get a Pinioned Pair..
Their Experience was Wonderful.. “WE want Swans ! “
BUT, There is Nothing to Prevent these Feral Swans
from Returning Weeks or Months Later.
They Remember where they were being Fed..and May Return.
If a Lone Feral Mute Swan is on a Public Waterway,
a River, Lake, Creek, Stream
DO NOT Arrange to Release another Swan as a Companion !!
This Just Puts Another Swan in Peril..
If you Develop Trust and have an Opportunity to Catch a Feral Swan..
Arrange for a Private Property Future.
ONE WING before Releasing at a New Home/Pond.
From our Experience..
It is a Challenge to Keep a Swan in Place
Once a Swan has Learned to Fly.
The Young Male Swan Above was a Feral Rescue..
Lots of Folks were Involved in his Weeks of Care and the Adoption..
He was Clipped before being Released to his New Home..
BUT, he was Not Clipped after his Annual Moult the Next Summer.
A Rogue Feral Mute Swan Flew in for a Few Days..
And this Rescued Male Flew Off with the Rogue-Feral Swan..
FULL-Wing Rescued Swans NEED to be Clipped Annually.
Once I Establish People have a Lone Mute Swan..
on their Private Property Water Environment-Pond/Lake..
I Explain what Needs ( should ) to be Done.
Feed >> Gain Trust, Catch the Swan.
Clip One Wing and Send a DNA Sample to Learn the Sex.
You CAN NOT Arrange for a Male to be with a Male !!
## Clipping Captive Swan Pets
Many Lone Female Swans will Act like a Male as a Survival Behavior.
They Display their Wings and Busk and Snort more !
FOR Two Years we Thought this BIG, Bossy, Feral Swan was a Male.
Surprise.. He is a She !
IF they Nest and there are EGGs > the Swan is Female.
There is a Long and Winding Story to this Feral Mute Female.
She was Full-Wing.. Could Fly. The Result.. She was Shot.
Early Spring is Nesting Time..most Mature Females will Lay Eggs..
If you are not seeing any Eggs >> that can be a Clue..
Males will Collect Materials for a Nest.. But NO Eggs..
Young Male and Female Swans can not be Sexed
by Visual Appearance or Behavior.. You are Just Guessing.
## Determine the Sex of Swans-Cygnets by DNA
THIS is a GOOD IDEA – So YOU Can ID your Swan if it Leaves.
## ID Banding for Swans
If a Hunter sees a Banded Mute Swan, Maybe they will Spare it.
DO NOT CALL your State WildLife Service..
They may Destroy these Feral-Rogue Swans.
So Far, Few Free Flying Rogue Swans have been Caught
or Stayed with these Excited Folks.
Some of these Swans will Come, Eat, Enchant and Go,
Gone for a While, Maybe Returning at Random..
Especially, Folks that have Feral Full-Wing Swans.
These are “Rogue” Swans.. They are Basically Feral-Wild..
They have NO Loyalty to you or your Pond.
I Hesitate to Arrange for a Companion Swan
for any Rogue Fly-ins..
Full-Wing Swans and Cygnets
that have Learned to Fly are VERY Unpredictable..
Clipping is Helpful to keep them Grounded..
If they are Stable for a Period of Time.. then Maybe Adopt Another..
On Cool, Windy Days Swans have a Natural Desire to FLY
if they are NOT Grounded… Plus they CAN Still Walk Away..
Swans that Fly know the World is a Bigger Place.
Rogue Swans Frequently just Fly Away leaving the Pond Owners
a Bit Heart Broken.. and a Purchased Pinioned Swan Alone..
I will Share Antidotes of ROGUE Swans we have Known.
There are Too Many Stories Shared to me by Other Swan Folks.
This WHOLE Story Starts in 2006 – I have Condensed it..
This Summary Account Covers 11 Months..
The Cast of Characters in this “Swan Soap Opera.”
“Handsome Fellow” – Little “Hannah”
“Jezebelle” <<<->>> “Sweet Harmony”
Rob “Meadow” Linda
“Handsome Fellow” was our First Feral Rescue.. July 2007.
We Learned so much about Swans while Caring for him.
After Nine Months he was Finally on a Real Pond.. But Alone.
We Acquired the Only Female Mute at a Country Auction.
Little “Hannah” was Young, very Scared and Dirty… April 2008..
“Handsome” Adopted this 10 Month Old and Raised her.
Soon “Hannah” became the Pond Princess.. So Cute !
By December 2008 they were Starting to Pair-Bond.
January of 2009 the Pair were Mating.. They were Good..
We had Wonderful Summer thru Winter Days by their Pond.
Below the Swans were Play Chasing.. Silly Fun.
February 13, 2009 was a Sweet Day. The Last One.
On February 14th, 2009 a Mature Female Mute Swan
Circled and then Landed on their Pond.. ( FROM WHERE ?? )
We had NO Idea what was about to Happen.
“Handsome” was IMMEDIATELY Attracted to the New Swan.
In a Few Hours they were Mating ! We were Bewildered !
and so was our Dear Young “Hannah.”
I gave the Intruder a Name, “Jezebelle” – it Fit.
Early each Morning, One of us had been going Up River
Appx. 6 Miles to Feed a Lone Feral Swan, “Sweet Harmony.”
A Local Man would Feed “him” again after his Work Shift..
“Harmony” had gone Missing. We Checked for Weeks.
We Feared he had been Shot.. PA Hunters had that Right.
The Local Man said, he would call if “Harmony” Returned.
“Jezebelle” Charmed and Claimed “Handsome.” He was Smitten.
They Shunned “Hannah” to the Farthest Area of the Pond..
We watched her become Fearful if the Two Looked her way.
It was Hard to Watch “Handsome” Chase Little “Hannah” !!
She did not Understand “WHY ?”
“Jezebelle” started to Chase, determined to Attack “Hannah.”
Then “Handsome” joined the Chase to Drive “Hannah” Away.
We had NO way to Stop this Drama.. “Jezebelle” was in Control.
At One Point, “Handsome” was Chasing and “Hannah”
turned toward him.. Sat in the Water Facing him..
He Stopped.. He did not Chase her Again that Day..
For SEVEN Days we Watched almost Helpless…
Finally with Focused Intent “Jezebelle” forced “Hannah”
along a Muddy Bank >> Up into my Arms.
We had NO Choice, we took “Hannah” Home with us..
Sadly, we had to Rehome “Hannah” with Good Swan Friends.
Their Mute Cob had been Alone for Close to a Year.
It Took Several Months for Older Cob,”George” to Accept “Hannah.”
Dear “Hannah” was Much Loved at her New Home.
About Three Weeks Later, “Handsome” and “Jezebelle”
were a Bonded- Pair.. Mating Several Time a Day.
One Night Rob was Comparing Close-up Photos
he had Taken of “Harmony” to Photo we Snapped of “Jezebelle.”
He showed me.. We were Stunned.
THIS BIG Bossy Female, “Jezebelle” was the Missing Swan
from 6 Miles Away.. that we Thought was a Male..!!!
Her Behavior was SO DIFFERENT. But, It did Explain,
Why “Jezebelle” Liked Graham Crackers that First Day.
“Harmony” and “Handsome” were Together Again..
They had been on the River together for Two Years,
“Handsome” had been Rescued 20 Months Earlier..
We had a Protected Nesting Site Ready for the Swans.
“Handsome” Spent Time Arranging the Material..
“Harmony” Totally Ignored the Area.. Weeks Passed..
March 23, the Swans were Sitting on the Pond Bank when we Left.
The NEXT Afternoon, the Swans were GONE.. REALLY GONE !!
We Frantically Searched and Located them on the Local Creek.
They were Exploring.. Seeking their Own Nesting Site.
We had NO Way to Catch them.. Very Helpless..
Their Perfect Nesting Place was Picked.. We Asked Permission
to Visit the Water’s Edge behind that Creek Property.
We Spent most Afternoons Feeding, Watching, Guarding, etc.
Heavy Rain Flooded their Nest/Eggs Twice – All Lost.
They Recycled and Nested a THIRD Time.. 5 BIG EGGs.
During the HEAT of July, Three Tiny Cygnets Hatched.
Only One Survived to Leave the Nest.. “Meadow.”
The Happy Parents took “Meadow” Out to Explore the
World of the Creek.. We Visited as Much as Possible.
At 38 Days Old.. a Snapping Turtle Bit “Meadow’s”
Tiny Foot Almost in Half. HE was Bleeding..
Hearing “Handsome” and “Harmony” Screaming
when we Took “Meadow” from them, to Save him,
is a Sound that Haunts my Memory..
We had to Try to Save him.
Success was 11 Months of Vet Visits, Surgeries, Healing.
“Meadow” has a Badly Damaged Semi-Functional Foot.
In Summer 2023, “Meadow” was 14 Years Old.
On November 15th, 2009, “Harmony” had Lead “Handsome”
Downstream in the Creek to the River.
They were Full-Circle – back where they Started.
“Handsome” was Happy to be with “Harmony.”
He had taken his Life back as a Free Swan..
Trying to Return them to the Safety of the Private Pond
was not Realistic.. They would Likely Leave again..
Their Return to Life on the River had NO Future..
One Day Later, “Harmony” aka “Jezebelle” was Shot by a Hunter from Maryland.
“Handsome” was Spared.. and Alone..
He Searched and Called for “Harmony” for Days..
Early December 2009, “Handsome” Swam back UP
the Creek to a Parking Area of a Small Public Park.
We make Plans to Capture him and Return him to
the Private Pond… and Hope for the Best..
We Visited Daily, Spent Time Trying to Get Closer to him..
Almost.. almost… The Creek Flooded our Last Hope..
January 25th, 2010 was the Last Day we Saw “Handsome.”
We Searched for Weeks, Months.. Nothing.. No News..
At Home we had “Meadow” with a Huge Surgical
Wound to Care for.. We Focused on his Needs..
We have “Meadow” Thanks to “Sweet Harmony,”
but we Lost “Handsome Fellow” as a Tragic Outcome.
For One Summer these Swans had a Life Together.
This Rouge Swan… Changed EVERYTHING for Us.
When this Rogue Swan Flew in Out of a Grey Sky.
I will Add Two or Three more Stories..
I had to Condense-Summarize these Examples.
A Few Photo Images are NOT the Mentioned Swans.
But they are Good Examples of the General Topic.
Our Adventures with Swans has had LOTs of Twists and Surprises.
SO Many Wanted to Help this Abandoned-Feral-Rogue Swan.
This Summary Covers THREE Frustrating Months.
For Years, a Lone Swan was seen in a Very Shallow Swampy Pond
as People Drove along a Busy Highway.. Then in Summer 2022,
Plans to Develop this Property were about to begin.
A Local Couple wanted to Rescue and Find a Home for the Swan.
I Got a Call… Could we Help. I Collected Info and Made Calls.
I Contacted a Variety of People WILLING to Help.. It was June.
The Work Site Foreman said, Now that this was a Construction Site,
he could Not Grant Permission for Anyone to come on the Property..
We would have to Contact the Florida Corporate Office.
Several Calls. > NO. They would Not Allow Anyone to Feed or Rescue.
We had a Window of Time, while the Swan was Moulting..
To Rescue the Swans while it was Flightless.. BUT, NO Permission !
Earth Moving Equipment Fill-in the Swampy Water.. It was July.
The Water was Disappearing Day after Days. The Swan Flew Away.
Landed in a Township Dump-Waste Pond with a High Locked Fence.
Permission Denied.. the Area was TOO Dangerous for Public Access.
Weeks Later the Swan Flew Out.. TO… the Local Fire House..
It was Late August.
Seeking Company, the Swan Explored the Fire House..
The Firemen were Happy to Welcome this Unique Visitor..
They Posted to Social Media.. Hundreds of Comments Followed.
I Suspect from seeing the Photos.. “Charley” might be a Pen.
I CALLED and EMAILED.. Trying to Contact ANYONE at the Fire House.
>>>> PLEASE Close the Doors and Someone will Come for the Swan..!!
We had a Team of People Ready, to Rescue, Transport, Shelter..
Plans for a Veterinary Check-up.. and then to a Private Property Home.
With the Flood of Social Media Interest.. I was Ignored. UNTIL….
I Got a Call from the Fire Chief.. I Explained we wanted to Rescue..
He Informed me.. that after about 10 Days.. the Swan Flew Away.
It was Now Late September,
TWO Days.. before the Beginning of Fall Hunting Season.
The Swan they called “Charley” was Never Seen Again..
I want to Acknowledge, that there are Lots of Caring People
who are Willing to Help.. But, the Odds are Against us.
This Rogue Swan Story will be Short.
A young Pair of Seven Month Old Mute Cygnets
were Settled on their Country Pond. ALL Good.
I Got a Frantic Call from the Wife…. There was a Larger Swan
on their Pond CHASING the Two Youngsters.
The Husband was Outside, Yelling and Banging a Metal Pan,
trying to Scare the Rogue Swan Away.. Not much Luck.
But, he was Definitely Scaring their Young Pair.
The Rogue Swan would Fly-off and Returned for Several Days.
Finally Left and did not Return.
Another Day of Harassing the Young Cygnets
there would have been a Fatal End to the Rogue.
One More – A Terrible Easter Morning Memory.
In Early February a Pair of Unrelated 9 Month Old Mute Cygnets
were Adopted.. to a Family with a Lovely Four Acre Rural Lake.
The Young Female was VERY Shy.. she Kept her Distance for Weeks.
As the Weather Warmed so did her Trust of her New Family.
Early in April, I got a Call.. There were TWO LARGE Swans
Flying about their Pond and Chasing their Young Pair.
Through Social Media, they Located the Original Family.
WHO Said, “That’s Ok, you can Keep them.”
Being New to Swan Care, the Cygnet’s Family has NO Idea
what their Right were or what to do..
It is the Responsibility of the Original Family to Remove
these Two Full-Wing Wayward Swans and Rehome them..
Several People were Hired to Catch the Wayward Swans..
It was Hopeless, they just Flew about Avoiding their Attempts.
To the Horror of the Lake Family… Early Easter Morning..
A Hunter stood by the Lake and Shot both Rogue Swans.
One was Killed Immediately, the other was Fatally Wounded.
It was Left to Bleed to Death while a Four Year Old Child
was Aware and Afraid for his Pet Swans.
The Family had to Deal with the Bloody Body once it Floated to Shore.
Are there Other Rogue Swan Stories..?? Yes, but this is Enough.
Compiled & Organized by (c) Linda M.Sweger February 2024
To the Memory of “Handsome Fellow.”