A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans


January 30th, 2015 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in Check Your Area for an Avian Veterinarian - (Comments Off on AVIAN and EXOTIC VETERINARIANS.. ARE Unpredictable.)

Checking Your Area for an Avian Veterinarian.
Do This Before you Need them !!!


I am Always Happy to Talk with Folks who are Concerned for their Swans.
But, I have a Limit in what I can Do. I do NOT have any Veterinary Training..

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

Basically, if a Swan is Showing Signs of Illness.. Acting Different.. Not Eating,
Yes, they may be Very Sick..  You know Something is Wrong.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

There is NO Way to just GUESS a Diagnosis.. or a Course of Treatment.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

It is SO Important when Folks have Waterfowl.. Any Waterfowl..
to Know a Veterinarian that will See them ASAP..
So, Time is NOT Wasted making Lots of Phone Calls
trying to Arrange an Appointment..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

Trying to Guess what Might be Ailing your Swan
Delays getting Help and any Treatment that is Effective..

There are Hundreds of Possible Reasons your Swan
may NEED to be Seen by a Trained Professional..

Gather your Observations, take Photos or Video of Symptoms..
and Contact a Vet that Treats Birds and/or Exotic Animals.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

I Wish I had a Crystal Ball and a Magic Wand..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
But these Special Powers are NOT Granted to me.
I will Not try to Guess.. Your Swans Need Responsible Professional Help.

I will Always be Happy to Share Information..
Suggest when it is Important to Seek Professional Veterinary Care.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

Click Images to Enlarge.

I Believe Back Ground Information is Warranted – Bare with me.
I am Going to Summarize “some” of our Swan Saga-History..
How Unprepared we were as we Entered the World of Swans.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans For Three Captivating Years, we had become Enamored with the Feral Mute Swans
that were Living along our Local River System.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Most Days we Packed our Van with Swan Supplies and Headed Up River to Spend
Hours Enjoying the River Environment while Visiting with them.
The Swans were Living in an Approximate Six Square Mile Area.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansThey were Essential Living Free and Wild.
Each of the Swans had Come to the River at a Different Times.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansI tried not to Name them.
Hence the Names: “Pretty Girl,” “Handsome Fellow” and “Sweet Harmony.”
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

“Pretty Girl” was a Back Yard Pet Discarded to the River in 2000.
“Handsome Fellow” Flew into the River from “Out of the Blue” the Summer of 2005.
“Sweet Harmony” Floated Down River from an Unknown Place the Summer of 2006.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Rob and I spent so much Time with these Swans that we felt like they were Sorta Ours.
Observing the Swans Interact with Each Other and us.. was SO Intriguing..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansMy Knowledge of Mute Swans and their Care was limited
to the Little Bit of Information I had been able to Read onLine.
A Few Paragraphs here and there..
Many WebSites were “Word for Word” Cut and Paste Basic Facts..

There was NOT Much about Caring for Swans.. just some Basics..
We were Learning about the Swans.. One Day at a Time.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

OnLine, I had been Reading about the General “Legal Status” of the Mute Swans..
All the Legal Debates “For and Against” the Mute Swans did not seem Real..
Rob said, “You can not Believe Everything you Read onLine.”SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I Kept Reading as New Articles were Posted.
The Humane Society of the United States ( HSUS ) , Friends of Animals ( FOA )..
and Atlantic Flyway Council.. were Competing to “Save or Kill”
All the Mute Swans in the United States.

Detail History of How Mute Swans Lost their Federal Protection

The Legal Branch of the Mute Swans’ Story is Too Involved to Recount here.
It has been an Evolving Mess.. of Slaughter and Public Push-Back.

At some Point in ca. 2007-08, the Federal Courts Decided to Allow each State
to made their own Laws, Rules, Restrictions, Policies and Management Plans
for the Mute Swans in their Individual States.  SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Spring 2007 had Lovely Warm Days at the End of March..
I have Vivid Memories of Sitting on a Large River Rock..
“Handsome Fellow” Standing in Ankle ( his Ankles ) Deep Water
as he Snorted “HELLO” to Each Boat that Motored by on the River.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansThis Section of the River was his Home.  He was NOT a Threat to Anyone.
“Handsome Fellow” was a Gentle, Mature Mute Cob.
Most People Enjoyed these Swans.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans   “Handsome” was a Stunning, Healthy Mature Mute Cob..
There are Not Enough Words..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans  In April the Brood Pair Picked a Nest Site.
They Allowed us to Share this Wondrous Time.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansTheir Nest Matured in Late May.. Three Tiny Cygnets Hatched..  ( BIG SMILE )SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansThese Precious Days of Joy were Far too Few.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

In Late May 2007, Days after “our” Swans Hatched Tiny Cygnets.
We Surmised someone Hit “Handsome” with a Boat Oar while Attempting to get
Too Close to “Pretty Girl” and their Cygnets. “Handsome”s” Left Wing was Broken..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Weeks we Watched him, Wondering if he would be Ok..
“Handsome Fellow” was Slowly Losing Weight.. Sleeping More.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swan

I was Clueless.. how to Help him.. Our Joyful Experience was turning
to a Sense of Impending Loss of this Enchanting Mute Cob.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansOver the 2007 4th of July Weekend our WildLife Adventure
Changed in a Way that has Brought us/me to Today..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swan

A Cruel Person, Propelled a Large FireCracker out into the River
and it Landed Under “Handsome Fellow”  ! !
The Explosion Shredded his Left Wing.. his Broken Wing.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
I found “Handsome” Alone, Standing in Shallow Muddy River Water..
His Wing was Burned, he was “In Visible Pain”..
He was so Brave.  I Felt SOoo  Helpless.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Like many People, we had Found an Occasional Injured Bunny or Little Bird that
had been Blown out of a Nest, that Needed Help from a Knowledgeable Person.
And made a few Calls to Find Someone who takes WildLife and Cares for them..

At that Time I was Totally unaware of the Legal Confusion we were about to Confront
by taking “Handsome” from the Local River System. ALL I could See and Knew,
he was Severely Hurt and I COULD NOT Watch him Suffer and Die.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I Started by Calling the PA Game Commission.. to ask for help to Rescue “Handsome”
from the River.. We had No Boat. No Nets.. No Skills to do a River Water Rescue..
“Please Help him”.. I Told the Agent we would be Responsible for his Further Care. SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I was Told in NO Uncertain Terms.. the PAGC would Only go out to the River,
if they Could Put “Handsome” Down. !!!!SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I was Stunned..
Close to Begging for Help to Rescue “Handsome” I wanted to know “WHY” ??
All I Remember was the Statement.. “Zero Tolerance for Mute Swans in PA.”
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
The PAGC Agent on the Phone had NO Sympathy for this Injured Swan..
Her Comments were Contempt for Mute Swans – Period !
I Begged her NOT to Respond to any other Calls about him..

I Ended this Dead-End Hope for getting him Help..
We wanted a Chance to Rescue him if Possible.  ( Now it was “Panic Time.)SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

There is NO Way to ReCount the Long “Shaggy Dog” Type Story that Followed.
Countless Phone Calls.. Talking to Everyone I could Think of..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Days Passed while we did our Best to keep Track of  “Handsome.”
There was One Day, I Put a Large Trash Bag in our Van..
I was Fearful that we would Find him Deceased.. His Injury was Terrible.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

A Little at a Time, I found People who worked with Swans.
AND an Avian Veterinarian that said she would Look at “Handsome”
if we were able to Bring him in.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I Found a Large Pet Carrier.. a VERY Large Fishing Net. We Practiced our Plan..
“Handsome” had the Advantage.. he Knew the River.
For us it would be Opportunity and LUCK !SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

******SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
After Six All Consuming Days, we had Arranged for “Handsome’s” Rescue..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
There were Several Failed Attempts before Opportunity, Skill and LUCK !
Caught him in the BIG NET.. In Minutes we are off to the Vet’s Office..
“Handsome’s” Life was Changed Forever.. as was Ours.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

 The Broken Wing was a Compound Fracture..
The Bones had Punctured his Skin under the Wing.
The Wing Skin was Burned and Oozing.. It Looked Terrible.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Handsome” was Moulting when the July Injury Occurred.
His New Primary Flight Feathers were Blood Feathers..
Slight Bumps of these Broken Feathers started them Bleeding.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

When we Got to the Veterinarian’s Office.  “Handsome” was in Bad Shape.
He Collapsed – for a Few Minutes we Feared he was Dying..
We had to Try to Stabilize him and Improve his Overall Condition
before any Debridement.
We took “Handsome” to a Farm that Raises Swans..  They had Offered Help.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansIt is a Farm.. There were Flies.. The Flies were Attracted to his Injury.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

We Brought “Handsome” Home to Clean and Protect his Damaged Wing. SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans******SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

******SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
Over the Next Several Days and Weeks..
Multiple People and Multiple Veterinarians Assisted us in Saving “Handsome’s” Life.
TO ALL of Those People – Saying “Thank You.” is Not Enough.


All the Veterinarians Knew our Story of Rescuing this Feral Mute Swan
from the Local River..
There is Much to this Story I can not Tell here.  It is Too Long..
Our Primary Concern was to Help “Handsome Fellow.”

At an Animal Hospital, I was Asked to Sign “Handsome Fellow” Over to them,
Before they would take care of him..  I Said, we would be Responsible for him.
I DID NOT Understand what this would Mean..   I Just Wanted to get him Help..
His Wing was Starting to Smell.  Gangrene was Starting to Claim his Wing.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Literally, a Team of Surgical Veterinarians spent Six Hours trying to Save Parts
of him Left Wing.. In the End, they found Multiple Areas of Infected Bone from the
Original Compound Fracture in Late May.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

The Decision was made, if there was any Chance to Save “Handsome” they would need
to Remove his Entire Left Wing.  Somehow, “Handsome” Survived this Surgery..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
The Following Day, we asked to Visit him.. He Knew us..
As we Sat by his Care Cubical.. one of the Clinic’s Staff Stayed with us..
( We Realized Later, that they were Guarding “Handsome” from us. )
We shared Stories of our Years of Visiting with the Three River Swans.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Now the other Two Swans were Alone..
We tried to Visit with them Several Time a Week.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I Brought a Large Container of Feed Mixture and the Feed Pans “Handsome” knew..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

The Veterinarian that was OverSeeing “Handsome’s” Care..
let us know that they had Arranged for “Handsome” to go
to a Licensed WildLife Rehabber for his Continuing Recovery.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I Requested that I would like to Go and Help with his Care..  I had the Time and
the Desire to be there for this Swan that had become such a Part of my Daily Life.

What was NOT Said, was that the Animal Hospital had been Informed that since
“Handsome” was Rescued from the River, he was Considered Wild..
and MUST be Given to this WildLife Rehab Person within 48 Hours.
The Vet wanted to keep him Until she was Sure he was Stable..
But, the Rehab Person Stated she had the Legal Right to Take him.

I Call this Rehab Person.. Offered to Come Daily and Help to Care for him..
She said, she would let me Know when he was doing Ok..
then I would be able to Visit.. But > Not to help with his Care..

Two Days Passed.. I Called to Check on “Handsome.”
“He is Fine. Please do not Call.. He is Legally in my Care.
Only a WildLife Rehab Person can Care for a Wild Swan.”

I had done Enough Reading to Know this was NOT the Case !
I Called the PAGC WildLife Conservation Officer who was in the Same County
as this Rehab Facility.. Explained my Story..Concerns..  Please HELP !
He Called the Rehabber.. who Declared that “Handsome” was a Trumpeter Swan
and she would take care of him..

The WCO Called me.. Shared his Conversation..
I “DECLARED.” No “Handsome” is a Feral Mute.. Not a Wild Trumpeter Swan..
So, the WCO went to the Rehab Facility.. Asked to see “the Swan.”
The Rehab Lady told him.. “OK,  they can come for him..”
She Said, he was Too Aggressive for her to Work with or Give Meds to..

As soon as we got the WCO’s Call.. We were in our Van..
with our Transport Carrier.. and Heading to Pick-up “Handsome.”
When our Van Pulled into the Driveway.. “Handsome” saw it..
He STARTED to Prance.. and Cry.. Calling for us..
I was so Relieved he was Still Alive..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

When the Rehabber Opened the Large Chicken Wire Cage “Handsome” was in,
there was a Cloud of Flies around his Left Shoulder.. There was a Swarm the Size of
a Ping-Pong Ball of Shiny Blue-Green Flies under the Tape Covering his Wound..

I Scooped them out with my Fingers.. Wrapped “Handsome” in a Towel
> into our Carrier.. and Asked for his Meds and Post-Op Wound Supplies..
and the Large 25 Lb. Container of Feed Mix I had Left
at the Animal Hospital/Clinic..

In those Two Days, there was NO Feed Missing from the Bucket.
“Handsome” had Water.. I was Told he Only wanted to Eat the Grass.
And, that he was SO MEAN, she could not Work with him..

He had not Receive any of his “Post-op” Antibiotics..or Pain Meds.
His Wound was not Soaked nor the Dressing Changed.

We Left Angry !
But, Grateful the PAGC WCO had Helped us Save him..

“Handsome Fellow” was NOT Wild.. NOT Federally Protected.
He was a Domestic Swan that had Flown away from his Home.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Handsome Fellow” Spent over Two Years Living Along our River System.
“Handsome” was a Mature Cob.. that was Now less then 15 Pounds.
( A Healthy Mute Cob his Age.. could Easily be 30-35 Pounds.)SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

The Animal Hospital had NO Idea what they should Legally do with this Swan
that was Rescued from the River.. Wild ?? Not Sure.

The Rehab Lady, Said she had the Authority to Take him..
Falsely Claiming he was a Trumpeter.

On One Hand the first PAGC Agents wanted “Handsome” Put-Down.
Thankfully, the Second PAGC WCO was Willing to Help us Save him..

Two Day after we Removed “Handsome” from the Rehab Property,
Close to a Cup of Maggots were Swarming OUT of his Shoulder Eating his Skin.
It Took DAYs of Washing to End this Mess..
The Tissue Damage Set his Recovery Back Approximately 6 to 7 Weeks..

Rob and I Spent the Next Nine Months.. Caring Daily for this Mute Cob.
We had Help.. a Place for him to Stay during Most of his Recovery.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Handsome’s” Recovery was not Straight Forward – Nor Easy.
We made many Trips to Visit Veterinarians..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
Many Post-Surgery Check-ups.  “Handsome” was NOT Allowed in the Pond.
He Developed Bumble Sore on both Feet. He had Surgery for these..
More Weeks of Sheltered Care..  I did Sponge “Bird Baths” for him for Weeks.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Handsome” would Struggle when it was Time for his Meds..
He Aspirated SEVERAL Pills into his Trachea.. and had to be Sedated
so these could be Lifted Out..
We NEVER Gave Up.. Did his Care One Day at a Time.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

WE/ “Handsome Fellow” NEEDED the Help of Veterinary Care.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

“Handsome Fellow” was Amazing.


There are Seven Species of Swans..

The First Two Listed are Federally Protected by:
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) of 1918

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Wild Tundra Swans

1. Tundra Swans – Cygnus columbianus
Wild – Native to North American. > > Protected by U.S. Federal Law..
Migrate from Northern Canada to Various U.S. States for the Winter Months.

> Can Not be Privately Owned.
> Rescued Tundra Swans go to Licensed WildLife Rehab Groups.

Licensed WildLife Rehabilitation Groups – Centers
Need Veterinarian Help to Care for Any Rescued Swans.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Wild Rescued Tundra Swan

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Captive Trumpeter Swans
2. Trumpeter Swans – Cygnus buccinator
Wild – Native to North American. . . . . . >> Protected by U.S. Federal Law.
> > Can be Privately Owned – as Pets.   If Purchased from a Registered Breeder.
> > Must be Registration with the Department of Interior.
WildLife Services Should Follow All Captive Owned Trumpeters.

> Wild-Free Trumpeters are Treated by Licensed WildLife Rehabs.
> Captive Pet Trumpeters are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.

Licensed WildLife Rehabilitation Groups – Centers
Need Veterinarian Help to Care for Any Rescued Swans.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Wild Trumpeter Swan


The Following Species of Swans are ALL Prohibited from
Living Wild and Free in Any U.S. State.. They are Domestics.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans3. Mute Swans – Cygnus olor
Formerly Protected by the 1918 MBTA..
Removed from the 2004-05 Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act.

Detail History of How Mute Swans Lost their Federal Protection.

Currently Management of Mute Swans is State by State.

In States where Mute Swans are Not Prohibited,
They are Generally, Classified as Exotic, Domestic Poultry.

Each State has Policy, Restrictions, Some Require Permits.
They may be Raised, Sold Person to Person and at Auctions.
> Domestic Mute Swans are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.

In Many States Injured Feral Mute Swans will be Euthanized..
All States have Different Policies.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Black Australian Swans

4. Black Australian Swans – Cygnus atratus
They are Generally, Classified as Exotic, Domestic Poultry.
There are NO U.S. States that Regulated them that I am Aware of.
They may be Raised, Sold Person to Person and at Auctions.
> Domestic Black Australian Swans are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Black-Necked Swans

5. Black-Necked Swans – Cygnus melancoryphus
They are Generally, Classified as Exotic, Domestic Poultry.
There are NO U.S. States that Regulated them that I am Aware of.
They may be Raised, Sold Person to Person and at Auctions.
> Domestic Black-Necked Swans are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.

I have not had the Pleasure of Visiting any Whooper Swans..
I am Using Beautiful Images from the Internet.   THANKS.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians SWAN Whoopers

6. Whooper Swans – Cygnus cygnus
They are Generally, Classified as Exotic, Domestic Poultry.
There are NO U.S. States that Regulated them that I am Aware of.
They may be Raised, Sold Person to Person and at Auctions.
> Domestic Whooper Swans are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Whoopers Pair

I have not had the Pleasure of Visiting any Coscoroba Swans..
I am Using a Beautiful Image from the Internet.   THANKS.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Swans7. Coscoroba Swan – Cygnus Coscoroba
They are Generally, Classified as Exotic, Domestic Poultry.
There are NO U.S. States that Regulated them that I am Aware of.
They may be Raised, Sold Person to Person and at Auctions.
> Domestic Coscoroba Swans are Treated by Avian Veterinarians.


As Each Year Passes, and I Interact with Swan Owners in States other then
Pennsylvania.. I Learn of their Challenges in Providing Care for their Swans..

Folks with Legally Owned Domestic Swans.. Need Care for them.  They are Pets.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

We have been Lucky in PA.. to have Several Avian Veterinarians
and Animal Hospitals that will See and Treat our Swans.

Veterinarians : DVM vs. VMD… The Two are Equivalent.
For 29 of the 30 Veterinary Schools in the United States,
the Designation is DVM, which stands for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
But for Graduates of the Veterinary School at the University of Pennsylvania,
in Philadelphia, PA the Designation is VMD, or Veterinary Medical Doctor.

The Attitude/Policies of Veterinarians about Swans Varies Greatly…
Seeking Care and Treatment from an Exotic or Avian Veterinarian
is the Most Advisable..  > > Seek a Vet that is Happy to Care for your Swans.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

I have been Surprised at the Different Policies that they may Follow.
Some will NOT Pinion Cygnets.. Stating it is Unethical to Ground a Swan by Pinioning.

Pinioning is Permanent

They will offer to Clip.. and are Willing to do this Annually.
This is Tricky to do with Growing Cygnets..
It is a Challenge to Catch a Brood of 3-4 Month Olds out on a Pond..
AND there is the Concern with Active Blood Feathers.
Getting Any Swan Clipped Safely before the Cygnets/Swans takes Flight..

Clipping Captive Swan Pets

Swans Moult Annually – All Clipped Wing Feathers are Replaced with
Natural Flight-Worthy Feathers.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
If Full-Wing Swans are NOT Clipped at the Proper Time,
the Risk that these Swans will Fly Away is Increased..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

Since Male and Female Swans Moult at Different Times of the Year..
Planning to Clip them at the Appropriate Times for 10-20 Years will be Very Risky..

This is Frustrating.. Domestic Pet Swans that Fly are in REAL PERIL
if they Fly Away from their Private Property Home.. Regardless of the Swan Species.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
In Many States, WildLife Services or Hunters will Remove/Destroy Feral Swans.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

DNR WildLife Services do not WANT Domestic Swans to become Feral..
Feral Domestic Swans are Fair Game 365 Days a Year.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

A Domestic Pet Swan that Flies is at Great Risk of Dying.
If not by Injuries Associated with Flying..
then by the Department of Natural Resources.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

I DO NOT Understand Why
Safely Pinioning Domestic Swans would not be Safer for them. ? ?


Some DVM/VMDs Trained to Care for Exotics will not See Swans.. ???
They are Trained for Exotic Birds.. PeaCocks, Macaws, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, etc.
Trained for Poultry.. All Species of Chickens, Ducks and Geese ???
Exotic Domestic Pet Swans need Care.. like a Pet Cat or Dog..Horse or Cow..


MY REASON for Organizing this Topic Page..

We were VERY Lucky in 2007, when it was a Scramble to
Find an Avian Veterinarian to help us Save “Handsome Fellow.”
If ALL the People and Veterinarians that Help us Save “Handsome”
had not been there – and Willing .. Our Swan Saga would be Rather Short..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

If “Handsome Fellow” had been Pinioned..
This Swan Soap Opera would Never have Happened..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansWithin Two Years both of the Feral Female Mutes on the River were Shot to Death.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Pretty Girl” should have been ReHomed… Not Discarded to the River.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Sweet Harmony” wanted her Freedom..  She was Full Winged.
We had her Safely on Private Property for a Short Time.
“Sweet Harmony” is the Dam ( Mother ) of our “Meadow.”

With Each Passing Year, I Interact with Swan Folks who have
Trouble Getting Medical Help for their Swans for all Kind of Reasons.

Many Veterinarians have No Training with Swans..

There are Variations with Laws-Policies-Restrictions from State to State..
When a Swan of Any Species is Wild, Domestic or Feral…
It is a Tangle of When or Who Will or Won’t, or Why – if they Know..
Meanwhile, these are Living, Breathing Swans that Need Care.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

When you Acquire or Plan to have Swans.. IT would be a Good Idea to Check
with the Exotic and Avian Veterinarian Practices in your Area.. and FIND-OUT
what Services they will Provide or NOT Provide for your Captive Domestic Pet Swans..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

COMMON REASONS: Your Swans will NEED Veterinarian Care.

There is No Way to Post a Complete List of Reasons..

Snapping Turtle Bites are Common with Swans..
These NEED Treatment.. Bloody Wounds become Infected.

SNAPPING Turtles – NASTY Beasts

Fishing Line and HOOKs.. are Common Causes Injuries..
Swans are Famous for Swallowing Anything Shiny ! ( Hooks )
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
Fishing Line Entanglements will Cut a Struggling Swan.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
She was Given a Chance..  Sadly, in the End she did not Survive the Complications.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

To Prevent Illness and Death due to Parasites..
Parasites are Silent Killers.. Round Worms, Tapeworms, Lice, Mites, etc.
Internal and External Parasites are in the Swans’ Environment.
These cause Weight Loss and Anemia..

TOO Many Swans Die from Parasite Infestations that an Annual Check-up
or a Simple Stool O&P would Pick-up.
And/or a Quick Look through their Feathers for Lice…

To Keep Swans Healthy, they should be Checked Once a Year.
BEST Time after the First Heavy Frost in the Fall..

In the South.. Swans can be Infected by the Same Heart Worms
that are Common in Untreated Dogs..

If you are Treating your Cats, Dogs, Horses, Goats, Chickens for Parasite..
> > Treat your Swans..

Whether a Swan is “Wild” or “Domestic”… Rare or Common,
They are Living Creatures that Need Medical Attention..
Whether they are Rescued into the Care of a Licensed WildLife Rehabilitation Group..
or Living on a Family BackYard Pond.. Swans are Living Creatures..
They Need Wellness Check-ups.. Parasite Control. Swans Get Sick.
They Experience Injuries and Need Help to Recover and Remain Healthy..SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

This is Organized from Our Experiences with Veterinarians..
We were Lucky to Find Several that Helped us SAVE Many of the Swans we Rescued.
PA SwanLover Linda                                . . . . UpDated February  2024
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans


Many Times in the Passing Years.

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

This is a Basic List of the Types of Times we Turned to them.

For  TOO Many Snapping Turtle Bites !SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

Our “Meadow” had Multiple Surgeries on him Foot.  Months of Care.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans  I Cringe EVERY Time I see his Foot..  But, So Far he is Doing OK..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansEvery Thing Else about “Meadow” is Perfect.  He is BIG and Bad !   A Macho Male.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
For Injuries due to Fishing Line Entanglements.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

and For TOO Many Swallowed Fishing Hooks or Line.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

  The Young Female below Swallowed Fishing Line.. XRayed – NO Hook.
The First Veterinarian she was Taken to, Said she Needed to be Euthanized.
We Arranged for a Second Vet to See her..  He Sedated her and Teased the Line OUT !
This Precious Female was the New Mate of a Mature Cob that had been Alone 8 Years.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Broken Wings.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

For Bumble Foot Sores.

“Handsome” developed Bumble Sores that Required Surgery.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
“Handsome” was Not Allowed in Pond Water for Over Nine Weeks.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans  We would Not have been Able to Help “Handsome” without Veterinarian Care.

   The Bumble Sore below was Too Involved..  This Swan Eventually Died.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Several Broken Legs.

Young Swan Cygnets have FRAGILE Legs.   Handle with Care.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

For Pulled Groin Muscles and Ligaments.

This Young Female was Never Able to Walk.  She Eventually Died.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Internal Parasites.

These Cygnets had TapeWorms..
We Rescued them from a Farm that was Down Stream from a Cattle Pasture.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For External Parasites.

This Young Cygnet had a Heavy Infestation of Body Lice.
She was VERY Anemic.. We Needed to Treat her Three Times..

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Infected Injuries.

This Cob was Fighting with another Swan and Injured his Wrist Joint.
The Open Sore became Infected and he Needed Two Weeks of Antibiotics.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
This Young Swan was Injured – Bleeding..

The Owner made Calls for over a Week trying to Find a Veterinarian to See him.
Finally, the Owner had a Person Shoot the Swan to Stop his Suffering. 
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

For Older Cygnets and Swans that Needed to be Pinioned SAFELY. SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

This Cygnet was not Pinioned when he was First Hatched.
The Owner gave him to a Veterinarian that had NO IDEA how to Pinion.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

We took the Cygnet Surrendered to us to an Avian Veterinarian..  She Tried.. 
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

We Purchased the Cygnet below at an Exotic Bird Auction. 
It Horrified me – when I Realized this Young Female had her Wing Cut OFF
Without any Sedation.  Just Cleaved with a Sharp .. Something.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

“Little Hannah” became our Pond Princess. 
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
For Ingested Foreign Objects.

   Swans will Swallow ALL Kinds of Trash in their Environment.SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

For Starvation Situations.

This Tiny Cygnet “Did NOT Learn to Eat.”  She was a REAL Challenge.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For 10 Days “Abigail” Spit OUT Every Bit of Food Mush I Tried to Feed her..
Then > Finally she Learned what Food was.. A Sweet Swan Saved.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
This Mature Male was Not Allowed to Eat.  Food Competition.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

 Brought to a Domestic Waterfowl Rescue, this Young Male needed Help.
Why was he SO Under Weight ? 
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians

For Diagnosis of Birth Defected.. and their Prognosis.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

For Euthanasia When All Hope was Gone..

We would Give the Deformed Cygnets/Swans a Chance.. Then Do want was Best.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans
This Tiny Cygnet had an Intestinal Tract that was no Absorbing Nutrients
that she Desperately Needed to Grow..  She Only Gained a Few Ounces in 4 Weeks..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
Her Leg Bones were Twisting in Various Directions.. She would Never Walk..
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
She had Only Grown 3 to 5 Small True Tail Feather.
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute SwansTiny Swan your Life was Unfair.. Now your Spirit can Fly Free.

Compare a Health Cygnet with this Tiny One..  
SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians
We have Loved them ALL.. Saved Some of them One at a Time. 

SWAN Avian & Exotic Veterinarians Feral Mute Swans

From the Sky, Land and Sea…
“All Creatures Great and Small.”

Feral Mute Swans