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What Bedding is Safe for Swans ???

August 16th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in SAFE Swan Bedding - (Comments Off on What Bedding is Safe for Swans ???)

Straw vs Hay vs Wood Chips & Shavings.

SAFE Swan Bedding

I want to Share this General Information with you..
from Articles I have found Online when I was Researching
Safe Bedding for our Rescued Cygnets & Swans.

Hay vs Wood Shavings vs Straw..

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It GOOD to Understand the Difference in these Materials.

It does Depend on How various Bedding Material is being Used..
Inside or Outside.

SAFE Swan Bedding

As Shelter Bedding or Nesting Materials..

SAFE Swan Bedding

Wet or Dry Environments.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Straw vs. Shavings – for Coop Litter


First a Summary of Hay.
Learning about HAY is a BIG Subject. Lots of Info OnLine.
THE MOST Important to Know.. Is to KEEP Stored Hay Dry.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Hay is Used as a Livestock Feed.
There are Different Field Grasses that will be Baled as Hay.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Timothy and Alfalfa are Common as Animal Fodder (feed).

SAFE Swan Bedding

Hay is Part of the Diet for Horses, Cows, Goats, Sheep,
especially during Winter Months.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Hay is Part of a Healthy Diet for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs..

SAFE Swan Bedding

Wet or Damp Hay is Prone to Mold/Mildew.
Due to the Carbohydrates/Starch in these Plant Fibers.

Hay Molds Easily when it Gets Damp..
Humidity >>> Dampness = Micro-Organisms will Grow.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Hay will Grow Bacteria, Mildew – Molds.
Hay can become a Fungus **Spore BOMB** over Time.


Straw is used as Bedding.
Straw is Drier, Coarse Plant Fiber.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Straw is Harvested after Grain Crops have Died.

SAFE Swan Bedding

There is Very Little Nutritional Value.
Using Straw is Generally the most Economic Choice for Bedding.

SAFE Swan Bedding


Wood Shavings – Chips – Plain or Cedar..
are very Small Pieces.. with LOTs of DUST..

SAFE Swan Bedding

When we work with it, Cleaning, Sweeping, Raking or Spreading,
we are there for a few Minutes.
We are Standing and are Several Feet above the Shavings Dust..

SAFE Swan Bedding

The Swans, Poultry or other Pets are Sitting in and
Shuffling their Feet through this Light, Dusty Material..

The Dust is Easily Inhaled and is an Increased Risk of
Causing Lung Problems..

SAFE Swan Bedding

In an Emergency for a Night inside.. An Old Blanket will Do.
to keep his BIG Feet off the Cold, Rough Concrete..

Maybe Outside Once Wood Shavings are Wet they are less of a Risk..

When we had Guinea Pigs, many years ago,
I Remember DISLiking the Smell of the Cedar Wood Shavings.
I would NOT want to Live in that Stuff. The SMELL is Irritating.

Young Swan Cygnets are Eating and Pooping Machines.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Cygnets are GROWING SO FAST ! !
Especially, the first 3 Months.. >>>>>> They are Very Messy Babies.
While Inside for Safety… I Used Layers of NewsPaper..
Easy to Roll-up and Discard.. Cygnets like to Snuggle into a Pile of Towels.

SAFE Swan Bedding

If you are Hand Raising and Sheltering for Safety..
Their Shelter Bedding will need to be Changed Frequently..

SAFE Swan Bedding

Fresh Straw is the Safest.. for Bedding.
Needs Frequent Changing.. Inside or Outside.

SAFE Swan Bedding




The Main Goal is to keep the Dust at a Minimum
to Protect the Swans/Cygnets’ Lungs..

SAFE Swan Bedding

And, Keep Mold and Mildew Spores as Low as Possible..

SAFE Swan Bedding

from Exposure to Damp Feed, Droppings, and Bedding
Especially in Hot and Humid Weather Conditions.


A Highly Contagious Fungi is Aspergillosis.
Aspergillosis can be Acute or Chronic in Poultry.

These Fungi Spores are Common in Old Stored Hay..

SAFE Swan Bedding

Aspergillosis Bronchomycosis, Pneumomycosis
www.poultrydvm.com This needs to be Copied and Pasted to View.

Aspergillosis is an Opportunistic, Noncontagious Fungal Infection
caused by Inhalation of Fungi Spores of Aspergillus.

There are Three Common Species of Aspergillus.

SAFE Swan Bedding

These Fungi may affect the Respiratory Tract and also can Infect the Skin,
Bones, Eyes, Intestinal Tract, and Central Nervous System.

Aspergillosis is a Factor when Poultry are Exposed to Moldy
or Dusty Environments with Poor Ventilation.

SAFE Swan Bedding

The Disease may be Chronic or Acute when Exposure to Spores is OverWhelming.
Most Acute affected Birds will Die within a Few Days
without Emergency Veterinary care.

 SAFE Swan Bedding

The most Common Symptoms include:
Dyspnea – Gasping = Difficult Labored Breathing..

SAFE Swan Bedding

This Black Australian Cygnet had been kept in a Shed
with OLD Moldy Hay, he developed Aspergillosis and died.

SAFE Swan Bedding

He came to us too late to even get him to the Vets..

Respiratory Fungus Infections are Difficult to Diagnose
and Harder to Treat..

There are MORE then 100,000 Species of Fungi.
Fungi = Molds, Mildews, Yeasts, Mushrooms, and Toadstools.

SAFE Swan Bedding

Fungi Spores are EVERYWHERE – AnyWhere there is DUST..

SAFE Swan Bedding

The Ones that cause infections are Yeasts and Molds.
Various Fungi cause Respiratory, Skin, Bone, Gizzard,
Digestive Tract, Internal Organ Infections..

Some Fungi-Molds Secrete Lethal Toxins.
If Feed becomes Damp and Moldy.. THROW IT OUT !

SAFE Swan Bedding

POULTRY >>>>> I Found an Article with a Summary..
Backyard Poultry Contributor • September 23, 2017
What Causes Fungal Infections In Poultry?
Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of Chicken Illnesses Can Save Their Lives.
Copy and Paste to Read this Article..

SAFE Swan Bedding
SAFE Swan Bedding

Some Mushrooms should be REMOVED.. from Areas Swans will Graze.


I Would NOT Use Wood Chips or Shavings for Swans..
Safest to Use a Fresh Bale of Straw.. NO Hay !!
AVOID any Mildew or Mold -Wet or Rodent Damaged Materials..

SAFE Swan Bedding


For Nesting Materials.. Neither Straw or Hay is Recommended.
Sitting Outside for 6-7 Weeks.. in Spring Rainy Weather..
these Both Mold, Mildew, stays too Damp, etc.

SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material

This “May” Spoil the Swan Eggs during Incubation..

SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material

The Safer Nesting Materials are BIG Piles of Clean, Fungus Free
Tree-Bush Twigs and Dried Coarse Grasses.. Dense Plant Blades..
Any Materials that will Drain Well..

SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material
SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material
SAFE Swan Bedding
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
Swan Nesting Material
SAFE Swan Bedding


This is VERY General Basic Information.. (c) Linda M.Sweger
(-; PA SwanLover Linda > > > Compiled August 2020

SAFE Swan Bedding