A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

January 20th, 2015 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan - (Comments Off on A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan)

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan.

Swans are Social Birds.
They Behave Differently with a Companion or Mate.

Swan will Live Alone – But….

Lone Mute Swan

Click Images to Enlarge

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan.
There is a Sadness about them.
They do not Understand “Future.”
But, they Remember being Alone at SunSet, SunRise and Lonely Days.

Lone Swans can be Captive or Feral.. They are Alone.
Mute Swan
This Female Mute was a Discarded Pet.
Mute Swan

March 2024  – I can not Think of my Life without the Swans.
I have been Loving and Caring for Swans for 20 Years.

In Fact February 18, 2024 was 20 Years to the Day
I Encountered my first Swan. February 18, 2004.

She was a Discard Pet we called “Pretty Girl” that was spending
her Days at a nearby Boat Launch along the Susquehanna River.
She was Alone and seemed so Sad..

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

Thanks to the Internet,
I did Searches and started to Learn about Swans.

My Love of Swans was Firmly Set
when in 2005, a BIG, Mature Mute Male
Flew into our Area and Pair-Bonded with her.
I was Hooked after Watching them Together.

We have had MANY Swan Adventures since then.

Mute Swan
This Female Lived for Four Year Alone on the River.
Literally, “Out of the Blue” a Mature Mute Cob Flew into our River System.
He Found the Lonely Pen.. They Bonded Quickly.
Mute SwansIt was Wonderful to Witness their Happy Union.
Mute Swans
Now SunRises were Delightful.
Mute Swans

A Lone Feral Male Swan on a Large River System.Lone Mute SwanHe Toured the River Looking for People to Visit.


A Skittish Young Female Mute Alone on another River System.
Mute Swan

A Different River – A Different Female Mute.
Mute Swan AloneAfter Several Weeks Alone she Disappeared.


A Captive Bred-Released Trumpeter Swan Travels Alone.
It took Weeks to Gain his Trust.

Trumpeter Swan
He Found Winter Food Support and Visitor at a Boat Launch.
A Lonely Swan
This Juvenile Trumpeter Swan was Fed TOO Much Bread.
One Afternoon, he went to Sleep One Last Time.


This Feral Swan came from some place Up River.
Joining with Two other Swans Living in this Area..
Mute Swan

One of her Companions was Seriously Injured and Rescued.
Her other Companion was Shot.
Mute Swan
This Feral Swan was Alone for over Six Months.
Mute Swan
During the Winter we Visited her with Food every Day.
Winter Mute Swan******

Mute Swan******
Mute Swan Winter******
Lone Mute Swan
Her Story was Ended with a Hunter’s Bullet.


After 23-24 Years Together this Cob’s Brother Died. 
Mute Swan Alone
At 24 Years Old, the Lone Cob Accepted an 18 Month Old Female.
A Lonely Swan
“Prince” lived to be 33 Years Old.


This Mute Cob is Full Wing… a Lone Rogue.
Mute Swan AloneHe was Flying from Pond to Pond..All over the Area.


The Cob Below is Pinioned – his Female was Full Wing – she Flew Away.

Mute Swan AloneNow he is ALL Alone on a BIG Pond.
He was Eventually Rehomed.


This Swan is “Jakey.” He was 2 years old.
Had been Alone most of the Summer.
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan
The Swan in the Mirror is his Main Company..
He sat with the Mirror for hours each Day..
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

We Arranged a Young Female for him..

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan
“Sadie” & “Jakey” have been Happy Together for 6 Years in 2025.


Several Times a Year, I have a Call or EMail from Folks
that have Purchased a Property and a Lone Swan came with it.

It is Important to KNOW the Sex of the Lone Resident Swan
before Bringing a New Swan to be a Companion or Mate.

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

I will try to Arrange for Compatible Swans. 
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

It is Magical to See Swans Living Together


A Raccoon Killed this Cob’s Female.
They had been Together for Many Years.

Mute Swan AloneHe would Flirt when I came to Visit.
Lonely – He Walked Away from his Property.. Gone.


This Mute Cob was Living Alone.
Mute Swan AloneHis Female was Shot.. He Never Accepted another Female.


Sold with his Sister as a Pair – Both had been Poorly Fed…
Mute Swan AloneSeverely Under Weight – his Sister Died.
With a Proper Diet he becomes a BIG Health Cob.Mute Swan Cob
This Cob and his New Pen Shared Years of their Lives Together.
Mute Swans CygnetsWe Enjoyed Many Visits with this Pair.


We Moved our Young Rescued Cygnet to his New Home.
We were Arranging for Two Females to Join Him.
Mute Swan Cygnet“Meadow” Wanted NOTHING to do with us.. He was Lonely !

No Longer our BackYard Buddy..He felt Abandon.
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

His New Companions were Being Treated for an Illness.
A Lonely Swan

“Meadow” was a VERY Lonely Cygnet – Depressed. He would NOT Visit with us.
Mute Cygnet AloneThere is NO Way to Tell this Very Lonely Cygnet, “The Girls” will be Well Soon.
Mute Cygnet AloneFinally Happy Together.
Swan ThreesomeWe were Lucky – our Threesome was Together for 8 Years.
They had known One Another since they were 6 Months Old.


A Companion Sister was Killed. Lone Mute SwanAlone for many Months.
Lone Mute SwanFinally A Companion.
Young Male Mute SwanBut Not a Mate.
Mute Swan CompanionsYes, there are Two Swans on the Pond.
Mute Swan CompanionsBut they are Both Males !  UNRELATED ! 
This Relationship will be Troubled.
Yep, it DID End.


This Young Female was Chased Away from her Family.
Mute SwanWe had No Way to Catch a Full-Wing Swan on the River.
There are Too many Rocks and Shallow Place for a Boat.
Kayaks and Canoes are Too Slow.


A Feral Male Swan Living Along a Local Creek.
Lone Mute Swan

A Feral Swan Wandering from Place to Place has little Support.Mute SwanAfter Months Alone he Disappeared.
We Never Learned his Fate.


This Mute Cob is Singing into the Air.
Hoping Another Swan will Hear him.
Mute Swan
It is Suggested that Lone Females will go looking for a Male,
more often then a Male Swan goes looking for a Female.

All Birds are Driven by their Reproductive Hormones.
Winter is the Season their Hormones Increase.
Lone Swans may go Wandering.
Check they are on the Water at SunSet and SunRise.


A Mature Rogue Female Swan Stole her Male.Mute SwanWe Moved this Young Female to a Safer Home.

Lone Mute SwanIn a Few Weeks she will be Introduced to a Male.
She will be a Happy Swan Again.Mute SwansThey Nested the Following Spring.
Mute Swan Cygnet
We Lost this Beautiful Pen a Few Days after her Cygnet Hatched..
Now the Cob was Alone Again. 
A Lone Swan
Dear little “Puppy” did not Survive..


This Female was Alone – Her Mate had been Killed.
Mute Swan AloneShe Welcomed a Young Male.
Mute Swans******
Mute SwansShe has Company Again.


This Female Lost her Male Companion/Mate.

Lone Mute Swan

This Female Mute Swan is Telling the Dock Post
“I Like You.”

She has been Alone for close to Two Years.

Lonely SwanThis Gentle Female Died Alone.


Several Days Ago.. Her Mate Died.

Mute Swan
She is Alone for the First Time in Five Years.

Mute Swan
Alone No More. 
A Female Cygnet is her New Companion.
Mute Swans

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

Not Pinioned this Young Swan Flew Away.Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute SwanThere were Ducks and Friendly People at the Marina.
A Hunter Eventually Shot this Swan.


Her Companions LEFT their Safe Pond.
She Sits Alone – Waiting for their Return.
Mute Swan******
Female Mute Swan PenEven with Lots of Feathered Ducks – She was So Lonely.


First: her Female Companion Died.
Then: her Rescued Male Companion Died from Injuries.
Lone Female Mute Swan
“Pippa” was Alone for such a Long Time.
Swans have Memory of Endless Days Alone.
With No Hope of a Companion, “Pippa” was not doing well Alone.
She was Wandering the Neighborhood – Crossing Roads.

A Lonely Swan
She had Lots of Feathered Friend. But she was Still Alone.
A Lonely Swan
Finally, we Arrange for her to Move to a New Home.
Lone Female Mute SwanThe Mate of the young Pen below was Killed.
Lone Female Mute Swan******
Mute Swan IntroductionThe Young Pens are Surprised to See Each Other.
Mute Swan IntroductionWe Brought Treats for the Girls.
Mute Swan IntroductionTheir Upper Necks are Puffed-Up with Happiness.
When a Companion/Mate is Introduced their Personalities Blooms.
Mute Swan IntroductionYEAH ! !
Mute Swan IntroductionIt Only took a Short Time for these Pens to Become Best Friends.


 A Mute Cob is Facing the Winter Months Alone.Lone Mute Swan

A Paddling of Ducks are his Only Feathered Companions.
Lone Mute SwanWe Tried to Rescue him – No Luck.


This Young Female was Alone for Over a Year.
“At least they have Feathers.”Lone Mute Swan

We Introduced One of our Rescued Males
and they were Great Company for each Other.
Introducing Mute Swan &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Some Lone Swans will Seek Companionship from Ducks and Geese.Lonely Mute SwanThey want to have Companions to Preen with – Sit with.

Lone Mute Swan******

Lone Mute Swan


A Female Nesting Alone is Very Vulnerable.
She will be VERY Vulnerable to Predators.

She needs to “Sits” for 42 Days before Removing her Eggs.
“Spring” is Nesting on an Island Alone.  Fairly Safe.

Lone Mute SwanA Female Swan Nesting Alone
may NEED some Extra Protection Around her Nest.
Nesting Mute SwanIf She is Nesting on an Island.. that Helps.

A Lone Pen will DEFEND Unfertile Eggs.
which makes them VERY Vulnerable to Predators.
The Reason Swan Cobs are so Fierce during the Spring,
is Swans are Ground Nesting Birds..


This Lonely Female Swan Shared her Food with the Pond Koi.
They Grabbed her Food – Gone in a Minute.
Lone Mute SwanShe Finally Died Alone.

A “Rogue” Female Swan took the Mature Male away
from this Young Female… Now she is Alone.
Lonely Mute Swan
We Started to Look for a New Male…. It took Time.Lonely Mute SwanShe wanted some Companionship.. Enter an Egret.Lonely Mute Swan“Hannah” tried to Talk to the Egret – “Snort.”Lonely Mute SwanThey do not Speak the same Language.Lonely Mute SwanHer “Snort” scared the Egret away.Lonely Mute SwanOur Young Pond Princess was Alone for about a Month.
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan


A Lone Swan will usually Look forward to Human Company.
Male Mute Swan******
Male Mute Swan
We Helped to Arrange for a New Female.

Alone No Longer.. A Sweet Young Female joins this Older Cob.
Mute Swans
Together they Watched a Family Wedding.
Mute Swans&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

This Black Australian Cob has No Mate.
Black Australian CobHe is Nesting Alone.


This Young Male was Rescued from a Dangerous Situation.
Male Mute Swan
He Spent his First Winter Alone.
Mute Swan CobThis Pair of Ducks became his Favorite Companions.

The Following Summer he Welcomed a Shy Female Cygnet.
Mute Swans
A Year Later they are Happy – Bonded.
Mute Swans
Now Winter is a Wonderful Time of Year for them.
Mute Swans
They are Adorable Together.
Mute Swans&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Tragically, her Mate was Killed Protecting her while she was Nesting.
A Lonely Swan
Now she has a New Mate to Sleep with.  So Cute.

A Lonely Swan

Swans are Such Social Creatures. Life is Better Shared.

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

They Guard and Warn each other while Eating and Sleeping.
A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

One will Sleep while the other Stays Awake and Watches.
Swans are Very, Very Light Sleepers.

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

We were out a few Times with our Swans Late at Night just to watch what happens.
We sat Quietly by their Pond just Observing.
We were Ignored, they did not come over for Treats.
They were Silent. NO Vocals. The Swans would Float Tail to Tail.

One Swan would Rest for about 20-30 Minutes
while the other would Keep Watch. One Eye Open.
Then they would Switch.  Reposition their Location
in case they had been Floating Away from their Safe Zone.
This is a VERY Small Number of Observations.  I did find it Interesting.

A Lone Swan will Sleep/Nap more during the Day Hours..

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan
When Alone they go into a Survival Mode.. Alone they have to be on Guard 24/7.
Swans are Prey Birds.. and more Vulnerable when Alone..
They become more Cautious.. Less Relaxed.
When they try to Rest there is no way to Sleep Soundly.

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

Nap Time Above… One Swan has One Eye Open..


The Sudden Loss of her Sister Companion.. She Still looks for her.Lonely Mute Swan

We Arranged for a Rescued Male to Join her Pond.
Young Mute Swans
This Young Rescued Male was Full-Winged – Clipped Twice.. but he had WanderLust.
Rescued Male Mute Swan

We can not Explain Property Lines to the Swans.


Going into Survival Mode.A Lonely Swan A Week Ago we could Hand Feed this Young Female and her Sister.


A Feral Swan Living Alone..  with Canadian Geese. Lonely Mute SwanThey are Company… But….Lonely Mute Swan&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

A Mute Cob Alone for Months Welcomes a Young Female.
Mute Swans******
Mute Swans
Mute Swans

A Mature Pen Welcomes a Young Male Cygnet.
Mute Swans

I have seen Lone Male Swans “Singing” up into the Air.
They are Calling – Hope to Locate Another Swans.
Especially a Female..Lonely Mute SwanWinter Time Alone is NO Fun.
The Long, Dark, Nights are Cold and Lonely.

Lonely Mute Swan Singing******
Mute Swan

Mute Swans
Their Happy Relationship was Short..


These Three Mute Swans came onto our Local River System
at Different Times. Each Alone.
They found each other and formed a Threesome.
Mute Swan******
Mute Swan******
Mute SwanIn April there were only Two Feral Swans.

Swans are Very Different when they have Company.
Mute SwanIn November there were Three Feral Swans.
Mute Swan
Life is Better with Friends.
A Lonely Swan

A Lone Swan is a Lonely Swan

This Information is a Work in Progress…..
As I learn more I may add to this Topic Page.
Compiled by (C) L.M.Sweger                      Updates January  2024

One Winter Day Visit with a Lone Feral Mute Swan.
Feral Mute SwanAs soon as she saw our Van she Headed toward Us.
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute SwanSeveral People helped Feed “Harmony” during the Winter.
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute SwanShe Trusted Us..Feral Mute SwanAnd we would Bring Good Food and Treats.
And some Companionship.
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute Swan******
Feral Mute SwanA Gentle Feral Swan Living Alone.
Feral Mute SwanWe Tried to Catch her… No Luck.
In the End She was Shot to Death.
