August 16th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in SAFE Swan Bedding - (Comments Off on What Bedding is Safe for Swans ???)
Straw vs Hay vs Wood Chips& Shavings.
I want to Share this General Information with you.. from Articles I have found Online when I was Researching Safe Bedding for our Rescued Cygnets & Swans.
Hay vs Wood Shavings vs Straw..
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It GOOD to Understand the Difference in these Materials.
It does Depend on How various Bedding Material is being Used.. Inside or Outside.
First a Summary of Hay. Learning about HAY is a BIG Subject. Lots of Info OnLine. THE MOST Important to Know.. Is to KEEP Stored Hay Dry.
Hay is Used as a Livestock Feed. There are Different Field Grasses that will be Baled as Hay.
Timothy and Alfalfa are Common as Animal Fodder (feed).
Hay is Part of the Diet for Horses, Cows, Goats, Sheep, especially during Winter Months.
Hay is Part of a Healthy Diet for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs..
Wet or Damp Hay is Prone to Mold/Mildew. Due to the Carbohydrates/Starch in these Plant Fibers.
Hay Molds Easily when it Gets Damp.. Humidity >>> Dampness = Micro-Organisms will Grow.
Hay will Grow Bacteria, Mildew – Molds. Hay can become a Fungus **Spore BOMB** over Time.
Straw is used as Bedding. Straw is Drier, Coarse Plant Fiber.
Straw is Harvested after Grain Crops have Died.
There is Very Little Nutritional Value. Using Straw is Generally the most Economic Choice for Bedding.
Wood Shavings – Chips – Plain or Cedar.. are very Small Pieces.. with LOTs of DUST..
When we work with it, Cleaning, Sweeping, Raking or Spreading, we are there for a few Minutes. We are Standing and are Several Feet above the Shavings Dust..
The Swans, Poultry or other Pets are Sitting in and Shuffling their Feet through this Light, Dusty Material..
The Dust is Easily Inhaled and is an Increased Risk of Causing Lung Problems..
In an Emergency for a Night inside.. An Old Blanket will Do. to keep his BIG Feet off the Cold, Rough Concrete..
Maybe Outside Once Wood Shavings are Wet they are less of a Risk..
When we had Guinea Pigs, many years ago, I Remember DISLiking the Smell of the Cedar Wood Shavings. I would NOT want to Live in that Stuff. The SMELL is Irritating.
Young Swan Cygnets are Eating and Pooping Machines.
Cygnets are GROWING SO FAST ! ! Especially, the first 3 Months.. >>>>>> They are Very Messy Babies. While Inside for Safety… I Used Layers of NewsPaper.. Easy to Roll-up and Discard.. Cygnets like to Snuggle into a Pile of Towels.
If you are Hand Raising and Sheltering for Safety.. Their Shelter Bedding will need to be Changed Frequently..
Fresh Straw is the Safest.. for Bedding. Needs Frequent Changing.. Inside or Outside.
The Main Goal is to keep the Dust at a Minimum to Protect the Swans/Cygnets’ Lungs..
And, Keep Mold and Mildew Spores as Low as Possible..
from Exposure to Damp Feed, Droppings, and Bedding Especially in Hot and Humid Weather Conditions.
A Highly Contagious Fungi is Aspergillosis. Aspergillosis can be Acute or Chronic in Poultry.
These Fungi Spores are Common in Old Stored Hay..
Aspergillosis Bronchomycosis, Pneumomycosis This needs to be Copied and Pasted to View.
Aspergillosis is an Opportunistic, Noncontagious Fungal Infection caused by Inhalation of Fungi Spores of Aspergillus.
There are Three Common Species of Aspergillus.
These Fungi may affect the Respiratory Tract and also can Infect the Skin, Bones, Eyes, Intestinal Tract, and Central Nervous System.
Aspergillosis is a Factor when Poultry are Exposed to Moldy or Dusty Environments with Poor Ventilation.
The Disease may be Chronic or Acute when Exposure to Spores is OverWhelming. Most Acute affected Birds will Die within a Few Days without Emergency Veterinary care.
The most Common Symptoms include: Dyspnea – Gasping = Difficult Labored Breathing..
This Black Australian Cygnet had been kept in a Shed with OLD Moldy Hay, he developed Aspergillosis and died.
He came to us too late to even get him to the Vets..
Respiratory Fungus Infections are Difficult to Diagnose and Harder to Treat..
There are MORE then 100,000 Species of Fungi. Fungi = Molds, Mildews, Yeasts, Mushrooms, and Toadstools.
Fungi Spores are EVERYWHERE – AnyWhere there is DUST..
The Ones that cause infections are Yeasts and Molds. Various Fungi cause Respiratory, Skin, Bone, Gizzard, Digestive Tract, Internal Organ Infections..
Some Fungi-Molds Secrete Lethal Toxins. If Feed becomes Damp and Moldy.. THROW IT OUT !
POULTRY >>>>> I Found an Article with a Summary.. Backyard Poultry Contributor • September 23, 2017 What Causes Fungal Infections In Poultry? Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of Chicken Illnesses Can Save Their Lives. Copy and Paste to Read this Article..
Some Mushrooms should be REMOVED.. from Areas Swans will Graze.
I Would NOT Use Wood Chips or Shavings for Swans.. Safest to Use a Fresh Bale of Straw.. NO Hay !! AVOID any Mildew or Mold -Wet or Rodent Damaged Materials..
For Nesting Materials.. Neither Straw or Hay is Recommended. Sitting Outside for 6-7 Weeks.. in Spring Rainy Weather.. these Both Mold, Mildew, stays too Damp, etc.
This “May” Spoil the Swan Eggs during Incubation..
The Safer Nesting Materials are BIG Piles of Clean, Fungus Free Tree-Bush Twigs and Dried Coarse Grasses.. Dense Plant Blades.. Any Materials that will Drain Well..
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *************************************************************** This is VERY General Basic Information..(c) Linda M.Sweger (-; PA SwanLover Linda > > > Compiled August 2020 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
To ANY Extent that you can Prevent Angel Wing Deformity the Time is Before this Condition Develops.
Angel Wing is Generally a Permanent Disability. The Distal Section the Wing Points OUT Laterally rather than Resting against the Body.
This is Likely a Diet-Related Health Issues – Along with Genetics..
Processed Foods are not Nutritious nor are they Healthy for Wildlife and may lead to Disease and Developmental Disabilities. Angel Wing in Waterfowl is an Example.
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An Article no longer available, Read: Swans are Prone to a Condition called “Angel Wing.” Apparently, so are Geese and Ducks. Aquatic Waterfowl..
As I Read, I found a Number of other Names given to this Deformity.. “Airplane Wing,” Slipped Wing, Crooked Wing, Drooped Wing, Dropped Wing, Carpel Deformity, Carpometacarpal Deformity, Flip Wing, Rotating Wing, Sword Wing, and a few other Odd Names.
Various Articles State: Males develop the Deformity more often than Females. It seems to Develop on the Left Wing more Often..
Unless BOTH Wings are Affected..
Flight Feathers Stick Out and Fray Easily. Just Looks like Something is Wrong..
This Wing Deformity usually Prevents Flight.
The Condition is Generally Deadly for Young Birds/Waterfowl in the Wild. They are Left behind by their Parents.
Unable to Fly from Danger, they are Easy Prey..
If the Wild/Feral Cygnets can not Leave when it is Time for them to Head-off ( Fledge ) in the Late Winter the Parents may Kill them.
This Wing Joint (Wrist) Sags/Twisting Outward in Young Birds.. as they are GROWING their First Primary Wing Feathers. They are Growing so Rapidly..
When Swan Cygnets are appx. 60 to 75 Days Old their FIRST Primary Wing Feathers are about to Develop..
In Swan Cygnets, the Angel Wing Typically begins when their FIRST Primary Flight Feathers are Growing due to their Weight.
Start to Watch at 10 Weeks of Age.. It will be Noticeable by 12 – 16 Weeks.
It is Felt the Weight of the Growing Primary Blood Feathers cause the Distal-Primary Section (Wing Tip) to Sag Outward instead of Lying Normally against the Body.
This Sagging puts a Strain on the Joint’s Developing Ligaments and Muscles.
The Cygnet’s Fragile Bone Structure is not Strong Enough to Support the Weight of the New Primary Flight Feather which are Heavy with Blood. (Blood Feathers)
If the Cygnets Wings are in Normal Position by 5 – 6 Months, there is a Good Chance this Deformity will NOT Develop.
A Beautiful Mute Swan Cygnet Wing – Healthy – Normal !!!
A Nice Summary of Information about Angel Wing is here..
AS You Read this Article.. REMEMBER Swans need a LOWER PROTEIN DIET.. 6 – 8 Percent.. VERY DIFFERENT then a Duck’s Diet.
“IF” Angel Wing is Corrected while the Cygnet is still Growing, it has a Chance to be Set Right.
If Attention to the Sagging Wing is Delayed until the Cygnets are Older, then the Deformity will likely be Permanent.
People Unfamiliar with this Deformity, who Observe an Affected Swan on a Pond, Lake or Waterway.. OFTEN think this is a Broken Wing.
Reporting this to the WRONG People can be Fatal for an Otherwise Healthy in a Public Captive Setting.. “Angel Wing” Waterfowl in Captive Care Generally do Ok..
It is Possible for a Wing Injured or Broken to have a Similar Look.. Look for any Sign of Trauma – Blood or the Whole Wing Dragging. Ask if the Swan has been like this before or was it Normal before.
These Images are of a Mute Cob that had Perfect Wings.. before he was Injured.
His Left Wing had to be Removed to Save his Life.
Photos can be VERY Helpful to Evaluate Waterfowl. This Mature Cob’s Wings were Perfect before he was Injured.
To Rescue ANY Waterfowl is Challenging.
Observe the Primary Feathers, are they Shabby, Frayed.. ??? Is the Cygnet/Swan Eating and Behaving Normally ??? Then “Angel Wing” is more Likely the Reason..
Before CALLING for HELP …. Or Before a Visit to an Avian Veterinarian.. SEND a Photo or Photos to a Knowledgeable Person..
************************************ Whether Wild or Captive..
For a Nicer Look and to Help the Swans be more Comfortable, the Feathers that are Out of Place can be Clipped AFTER their Annual Moult..
>>> ONLY After the Blood has Atrophied from the Feather Shafts..
This Young Rescued Male Mute Swan.. had a Grade 2 – Medium Angel Wing. The Feathers were in Sad Shape.. He was Clipped to Help his Appearance.
************ ********
This Young Trumpeter Cygnet’s Wing is Grade 3 – Severe. He has Learned to Live with this in an Almost Wild Environment. He gets Support from the Lake Community. He Swims and Walks – Unable to Fly.
****************************************** Suspicions and Theories.
Various Studies over the Years “Suggest” Angel Wing May be the Result of a Genetic Weakness ???
It is Common for Annual Broods from the Same Pair of Swans to Exhibit the Deformity.. A Genetic Weakness.. ??
And/Or a Diet Too High in Carbohydrates ( Bread ) and Protein and Too Low in Various Vitamins and Minerals.. like Calcium, Selenium Deficiency, etc.. are Contributing Factors.
Please do not Feed Quanities of Bread to Birds, including Waterfowl. Small Amounts of Fresh Whole Grain Bread during the Winter Months may Generate Energy for Warmth.. Small Amounts of Plain Cereals like Cheerios are Good Treats.
An Example List from One Article.. High Protein Diet, Hypovitaminosis D, Manganese Deficiency, Vitamin E Deficiency, Genetic Factors, Excessive Growth Rate, Restricted Exercise , Incorrect Incubation, Hatching Problems, Trauma, Weight of Blood-Filled Growing Primary Feathers. (UGH) !!
Most Articles DO came back to the Importance of a Good Nutrient Balanced Diet.. All Creatures Great and Small Benefit from an Appropriate Diet..
Having a High Calorie/High Protein Diet is Felt to Contribute to the Angel Wing Deformity During the Time the First Wing Feathers are Growing In..
IF Cygnets are Getting a Rich Diet the Primary Feathers “MAY” become HEAVY and Twist the Wrist Joints Tendons Outward..
This Deformity Begins when Cygnets are Between 50 to 110 Days Old.. After that the Wings should be Safe from Developing Angel Wing. Unless they have a Genetic Weakness..
It is Advised to Avoid the High Protein Pellets Until the Primary Feathers are in and the Wings are OK..
Swan Cygnets DO Need a High Protein Diet their First 2 Weeks.. After that their Diet should become More and More Plant Based.
Most Commercial Poultry Feeds have Vitamins (esp. Vit A, E, B-Complexes) BUT, they are High in Protein.. Too High Out of the Bag for Swans. Mixed with Corn – helps Reduce Protein to a Safer Level..
The Mazuri and Poultry Pellets.. are TOO HIGH in Protein.. that is Why it is Important to Mix with Corn to Lower the Protein Value.. But, Corn is High in Starch.. Calories..
Supplying Start-n-Grow to Newly Hatched Cygnets is OK for the First Two Weeks. Then Taper it Off.
In the Summer on a Body of Water where there are Plenty of Natural Plants Cygnets will Naturally Balance their Diet..
This way the Cygnets will Eat Bugs and Slugs and Worms and TadPoles, etc.
Lots of Green Pond Plants, DuckWeed, most Algae.. are GOOD.
A Diet of Only Corn will lack Vitamin A, as well as other Vitamins and Minerals Necessary for Good Health..
We Share Lots of Vegetables with Our Swans.. ESPECIALLY, Carrots.. for Vitamin A..
Carrots SINK – Place in Shallow Water.
Give them “a Little” Food or Treats.. so you can Visit with them.. To Check that they are Ok.. NO Injuries or Fishing Line Tangles.
Swans Love some of the Natural Lawn Weeds.. ( No Herbicides ) Clover, Dandelions, Fresh Cut Grass Tossed out on the Water.
Avoid Thistles.. or Thorny Plants.. Lettuce is Good, it is LOW in Calories and High in Fiber.. A Head of Lettuce becomes a Toy.. “Lett-Us” Play..
Romaine Lettuce has more Vitamins.. Shredded Carrots are GREAT for Vitamin A.. Often Deficient in a Variety of Waterfowl Ailments..
Slices of Apple, Watermelon, Salad Greens, Green Peppers, Sliced Cucumbers, Kale, Squash, Zucchini, Broccoli,etc. NO Onions or Garlic.. or Mushrooms.. Nope..
Save the Pellet Feed and Corn for the Winter Months when there is NO Natural Cafeteria for them…
SUPPORTIVE TREATMENT: Wrapping or Taping..
If you Think about Support Taping or Wrapping a Wing Tip Close to the Body.. It is BEST to Ask for Guidance from a Professional..
Try Gentle – Intermittent Support NO MORE then a Week.. DO NOT PUT the Birds in/on any Large Body of Water. Until you take the Wrap/Taping Off.. Keep them in a Safe Place..
Start with 2 Days.. then Remove Wrap to Allow the Wing some Time to Move Freely.. Wait 4-6 Hours before ReWrapping.
Many Saggy Wing Tips will Benefit from a Few Days with this Extra Support.
The Elastic, Self-Adhesive Vetwrap is Great for this.
Wrap the Tape around the Metacarpals (Hand) and the Radius/Ulna (Primary), so that it is held in a Normal folded Position.
Some Folks Support the Sagging Wing with a Bandanna Tied around the Body.
I have Used Painters Tape to Hold Wound Dressing in Place. It Sticks to Itself.. but NOT to Feathers and Skin..
Wrapping TOO Tight or TOO Long MAY Constrict Blood Vessels which WILL Alter Feather Growth and Even Affecting Bone Growth.
For Juvenile and Adult Swans with a Severe Angel Wing, Surgical Pinioning of the Affected Wing may be an Appropriate Treatment where the Wing Tip and Feathers are being Damaged.
I have Observed a Few Adult Swans with a Few Wing Feathers that became Misaligned where they were Pinioned.. These were just a Bit out of Order – No Problem.
Watch for this Wing Sagging as your Cygnets are Growing. You Might be Able to Help..
We Brought Little “Hannah” into our Lives when she was 10 Months Old.
Our Little “Hannah” came from a Farm of Very Poor Care.. She had a Very Minor Wing Tip Twist. Just “a Little Angel Wing.”
She Matured into a Very Sweet “Maiden” Swan..
I have Observed more “Angel Wing Deformities” then I have Worked with them.
I do know a BackYard Domestic Waterfowl Rescuer that has Successfully Corrected Ducklings Wings, that Start to Develop “Angel Wing Deformity.”
I have Done Lots of Reading along the Way. Which has Contributed Greatly to my “Basic Understanding” of this Waterfowl Syndrome..
I SO WISH I Could Find this Article ONLine Again.. It has been Taken Down.. BUT, I am Posting this FYI.. Just as I Found this Article… Copied into my Notes..
Debra Bourne.. in this Outline Summary.. has Included the Many POSSIBLE Contributing Factors that “Might” Result in the Development of Angel-Wing.
**********READ this FYI… Angel Wing is NOT a Simple Topic..
Water Fowl Angel Wing – GENERAL INFORMATION Disease Author Debra Bourne
Summary Disease WATERFOWL Deformity developing during growth, resulting in one or both wings sticking out from the body.
Disease Type Miscellaneous / Metabolic / Multifactorial High protein diet, hypovitaminosis D, manganese deficiency, vitamin E deficiency, genetic factors, excessive growth rate, restricted exercise, incorrect incubation, hatching problems, trauma, weight of blood-filled growing primary feathers.
Physical agents Accommodation construction Calorie/protein intake excessive Daylength-incorrect /abnormal Restriction of normal movement Temperature-high ambient
Non-Infectious Agent associated with the Disease Manganese-deficiency Protein (Dietary)-excess Vitamin D-deficiency Vitamin E – deficiency
Detailed Clinical and Pathological Characteristics General WATERFOWL Deformity of one or both wings in which the affected limb turns outwards and the bird is unable to fly.
WATERFOWL One or both wings initially droops and later turns outwards. The condition is permanent if not corrected in the early stages. The left wing is more commonly affected than the right wing. Initially becomes apparent while the flight feathers are growing, with the weight of the primary feathers appearing to be too great for the carpal joint muscles, leading to drooping of the wing tip. Primary flight feathers may become damaged. Extension of the wing may allow a return of the carpometacarpus to normal orientation; examination may show a slight (e.g. less than five degrees) decrease in range of motion of the wing. Affected birds are unable to fly.
Progressive lateral (outward) rotation of the distal carpometacarpus; third and fourth metacarpals involved, with displacement of the distal bone laterally. Proximal portion of metacarpals may appear normal, with rotation developing distally. Articulation of distal metacarpus with the first phalanx of the third digit is normal but malpositioned. Sometimes slippage of the propatagial tendon over the carpal area. Development of the condition appears to begin when the primary flight feathers are growing.
Mortality /Morbidity WATERFOWL Not life-threatening in a sheltered situation, such as in a captive collection or on a park lake where safe roost sites (e.g. islands) are present. In the wild an affected bird, being unable to fly, would be unlikely to survive.
General information on Susceptibility / Transmission WATERFOWL Transmission: Thought to be related to excessively fast growth in relatively slow-growing temperate and tropical species.
Overfeeding, both a too-high protein diet and too-high energy diet is thought to be important, and a relative vitamin E deficiency (too low for the high growth rate) has also been suggested as being relevant.
Canada geese fed high protein levels (20%) developed the condition more frequently than those fed lower protein diets (J1.20.w6).
A possible role of incorrect incubation conditions and/or hatching problems has also been suggested. Mechanical damage to the wing may precipitate the problem in some cases. Susceptibility: Angel wing has been reported more commonly in geese and swans than in ducks. Temperate and tropical, naturally slower-growing, species appear more susceptible. Slipped wing has not been reported in species which breed in the high Arctic and have naturally very high growth rates.
The possibility of genetic predisposition has also been considered. Domestic breeds, which have been bred for rapid weight gain, appear more susceptible. Males may be more susceptible than females. The reason for the disproportionate occurrence affecting the left wing is unknown.
Disease has been reported in either the wild or in captivity in:
General Information on Environmental Factors/Events and Seasonality Environmental factors which may predispose to the development of slipped wing include:
Long lighting periods provided for tropical and temperate- breeding species (by providing excessive time for eating).
Small enclosures, either absolute or in relation to the number of birds being reared (insufficient room for exercise).
Excessively high temperatures during rearing (energy not being used to keep warm, therefore more energy available for growth).
Regions/Countries where the Infectious Agent or Disease has been recorded UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, USA
WATERFOWL Diagnosis is by clinical examination. Radiographic examination may confirm a bone deformity.
Related Techniques History and Documentation Similar Diseases (Differential Diagnosis) WATERFOWL Broken wing (wing droops). May be seen in association with Calcium / Phosphorus / Vitamin D Imbalance, Manganese Deficiency, Vitamin E / Selenium deficiency.
General Nursing and Surgical Techniques – WATERFOWL Taping/Supporting the feathers up to the wing for several days (three to seven days) may be effective in early cases. Taping must be removed after a maximum of seven days to allow for wing growth. The level of protein in the diet should be decreased and exercise encouraged. Cosmetic and sometimes flight-worthy correction may be achieved surgically by osteotomy, insertion of an intramedullary pin into the radial metacarpus and realignment of the distal limb (see: Surgical Correction of Angel Wing. Pinioning of the affected wing may be an appropriate treatment where the wing tip is being damaged (see: Pinioning- Adult).
Environmental and Population Control Measures General Environment Changes, Cleaning and Disinfection WATERFOWL Avoid excessive growth rates, particularly of temperate and tropical species. Restrict protein level to e.g. 16-19%. Never use turkey grower crumbs (may be 26-28% protein).
If using crumbs with relatively high protein level, ensure diet includes substantial amounts of other, low-protein items e.g. greenfoods such as grass, lettuce.
Encourage exercise: give sufficient room for movement. Food and water bowls may be kept apart to encourage movement between them. Restrict Day length for low-latitude species: use brooder lamps which do not give off light for lower-latitude species.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Organized and Compiled by Linda M. Sweger – UpDated August 2023 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
If I had a Magic Wand ! I Would FIX ALL their Wings..