There are Common Behaviors that Swans use to Express their Moods
and “Talk” to each Other.
If you take the Time to Watch them Closely, you will Learn
many Things about them and How they Communicate with Each Other.
AND How they will Communicate with YOU !
Mute Swan Body Language & Vocals
TheCornellLab – All About Birds Mute Swan Sounds
Mute Swan Call
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The More Time we Spend with our Animal and Bird Pets,
the More we try to Communicate with them and
the More they try to Communicate with Us.
Having the Privilege of Spending Time with many Swans over the Years,
we are Aware of some of the Common Ways Swans Communicate with Each Other.
Nodding a “Hello” Reply.
The Quick Head Nod with Eye Contact as you First Come to Visit.. is “Hello”
The Throaty Rumble from their Chest is a “Happy Greeting.”
Their Body Language can Speak Volumes.
Happy Joy
Happy Greeting
At a Waterfowl Rescue, a Young Rescued Cygnet is Introduced to the Pond
And is Welcomed – Accepted..
Head Turning is a GOOD Sign they Like Each Other.
Some Times a LOOK Says it All.
Happy Display
Snorting “Thank YOU” for Food and Treats.
The Three Quick Snorts with their Heads in the Air is “Thank You.”
Swans May Nap Floating Upright in the Water.
*****“I Like You.”
Young Male Hugs a New Female.
Snorting a Welcome to a New Female Swan.
Juvenile Swan Listens to Cygnet’s Story.
A Real Swan Lake Ballet
Mute Swans do have Vocals..
Young Cygnets “Whistle and Chirp.”
Very Young Cygnets Naturally Greet Friendly People. *****
Older Cygnets and Adults “Snort’ and “Grunt” and “Arf.”
Some Swans “Mutter” and “Hum.”
Several of our Female Swans “Mutter” little Humming Songs as they Eat..
Happy Sounds. Sounds a bit like a Giggle..
We had one Male. who would make a Small ‘Shuus-Shuus” Sounds
when he Wanted more Treats.*****
He Enjoyed Cereal Treats.
IF you See a Swan Panting.. it Might TOO HOT.
This can Happen when You Hand Raise Cygnets.Try to Get them INTO Cool Water and Share ASAP.
Remember the Water in a Kidde Pool in the Sun can GET HOT !
When you Approach your Swans for a Visit,
as you make Eye Contact, Nod “Yes” and Say “Hello.”
There is a Good Chance your Swans
will Quickly Raise and Lower their Head to Greet You.
Both Adult Swans and Cygnets will Nod “Hello.”
Many Swans will “Snort, Snort, Snort” to say
“Thank You” when you Bring them Food or Treats.
Swans are Polite and will take Turns with each other.
Playing – Swans Sharing a Head of Lettuce.
Taking Turn with a Chunk of Lettuce.
Swans are Emotional Creatures.
Young Mute Juvenile Swans – “I Like You” Vocals
Necks Puffed-up with Happy Emotions.
One Mating Pair at the VERY End…
A Swollen Upper Neck is Happy Emotion..
Swans Expressing Happiness.
They Express Happiness, Love, Patience, Loyalty,
Trust and Distrust.
Happy Snorting
Preening Together is Social Time.
Male Swan Tells his Female he Loves her.
Young Swans Pair Bonding
Mother’s Love – A Loving Dam
Watching the Gentle, Loving Care with their Tiny Cygnets.
Suddenly Alone this Young Female is Afraid to Trust Us.
Male Swans are Known for their Aggression.
Aggressive Mute Swan Cob
They Threaten, Display Anger,
Fear, Concern, Sadness, Loneliness.
Never Turn Your Back on a Hormonal Male Swan.
When a Male Swan is Pushing Water – LOOK OUT ! !
Angry Swan Cob
Mute Swan Cob “Killing” White Pillow
Swan killing Swan in High Park, Toronto
THE People just stand there WATCHING..
They do not understand what they are Seeing. SAD.
Swans will Alarm when they are Afraid.
We See Wing Flitting… Might be Tenseness.
*****Hand Raised Mute Swan Cygnets Miss their Parents.
Swans can be Silly, Joyful, Playful and Tease each Other..
Claudiu Claus FaceBook Page
Swan Plays Ball with a Beach Person..
Swans can get Excited when they are Happy.
The Swan “Play Chases” a Duck that Teases her.Teasing – Playing a Joke.
Whooper Swans and Mute Swans Dancing
Why are their Feet in the Air ??
Swans Doing the Paper Work.Blowing Bubbles
Swans Establishing Pecking Order – Shoulder Nipping.
Swan Cob Protecting his Female.
Swan Cob-Sire Protecting his Family.
Swan Pen-Dam Chasing Cygnet from Danger.
Busking can be Hard to Read…
Some Times it is a Threat…
Some Times it is an Excited Greeting…
BEST to be Careful…
I Walked TOO Close to his Pond.
Adult Male is Chasing off his Cygnet.
As you Spend Time with Swans, you will Realize how Intelligent they are.
It may not Happen Immediately, but they will Problem Solve.
Male Swan Thinking and Planning to Build a New Nest.
Swans are Curious, Suspicious, Cautious.
Swans Getting into Trouble.
Swans and Cygnets are Aware of Planes and Large Birds Over Head.
Alert to a Strange Sound.
Mute Swan Alarm Calls
The Alarm Call we know, is a Loud “ARF” – Almost like a Bark..
They Hold their Neck Tall and Straight…
TheCornellLab – All About Birds Mute Swan Sounds
Mute Swan Hissing
“HISSSssssing” – Trying to Scare Me Away.
Swan will Hiss LOUDLY and Arch into a Tense Posture.
They Hope to Look BIG and Scary. It Worked for our Cat.
Give them Space or You May get Whacked.
Good to have a Barrier.. Heavy Clothing.
Swans have Excellent Memories.
They Start to Learn their Life Lessons before they Hatch.
Swan Dam Talks to her Cygnets.
A Bird does not Sing because it has an Answer, it Sings because it has a Song.”
Chinese Proverb
Some Swans like to Sing.
Swan May Sing when they are VERY HAPPY !
The Swans are Singing a Joyful Announcement.
A Lone Male Swan will “Sing-Snort,”
Calling for a Female to come Find him.
If a Swan’s Mate is Missing – Has Died or Flown Away or been Removed..
The Remaining Swans will Call for them.
MUTE SWAN Calling a Lost Mate CRYing
Trumpeter Swans have a Victory Laugh.
Swans will Watch the Sun Rise and the Sun Set.
Swans Change their Vocal Sounds during the Evening-Night Time.
They Become VERY QUIET.
They Whisper Quite Little Whistles.
OR They Make No Sounds at All.. To Avoid being Noticed.
Many Swans are Good Listeners..
You can tell them about your Day…( NO Yelling ! )
You can Read your Junk Mail to them..
Tell them Stories.. They like to hear your Voice.
If you Smile while your are Swearing.. they will not feel Threatened..
This Information is a Work in Progress…..
As I learn more I will add to this information..
Compiled by (C) L.M.Sweger UpDated May 2021