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SPAY – Sterilize a Female Mammal by Removing their Ovaries.
NEUTER – Sterilize a Male Mammal by Removing their Testicles.
( Hint – Hint ) Swans are NOT Mammals..
Over the Years, I have Read Various Articles onLine that Haunt me.
Articles about Attempts to Sterilize Mute Swans to Control Feral Populations.
The Inhumane Planned Cruelty toward Mute Swans is Unbelievable..
Having Spent Years Working with Mute Swans and their Cygnets,
I know how much Personality they have.
Yes, Swan Cobs have BIG Personalities, often a Challenge..
Many Swans are Gentle and Sweet.. Social, Interactive.
Growing Cygnets are Adorable, Innocent.. like Funny Young Children..
They will Nod “Hello” when just Days Old.. Their Vocals are All Different.
Many of Us, Love our Swans the Same way Others Love their Cats and Dogs..
Horses, Goats or Reptiles etc.
It is Important to be RESPONSIBLE for all the Animals and Birds
we Bring into our Lives.
The Topic of Sterilizing Mute Swans Comes Up Here and There for Various Reasons.
There are NO Mentions of Sterilizing Trumpeter or Tundra Swans.
Generally it is a DNR WildLife “Plan” to Prevent Mute Swan Reproduction.
These Surgical Procedures have been Requested by WildLife Agencies in
some States where Mute Swans are Strictly Limited and/or Require a Permit.
Many States want to Eradicate Mute Swans Completely from their Public Lands
and WaterWays and to Prohibit Private Property Ownership..
Wildlife Biologists say Feral Mute Swans cause a variety of Problems,
including Aggressive Behavior toward People and other Birds.
They are Blamed for Destruction of Aquatic Vegetation, Degradation of Water Quality,
Displacement of Native Wildlife Species.
Competing for Nesting Areas of Various Waterfowl.
And their Potential Hazards to Aviation. Especially near Airports.
These are ALL Environmental Problems that also Occur with other Swan Species.
But, I ONLY Read about Mute Swans being the Trouble-Makers.
In some States where the Public has been Pushing-Back
a few WildLife Service have been trying to find a Compromise..
In some Very Strict States, to Own Mute Swans they may NOT Reproduce.
WildLife Agencies want a more Permanent way to Stop Feral Mute Swans Hatching Cygnets..
They also want to Stop Mute Swan Culling Programs.
And/or Stop Annual Programs Addling and Oiling the Spring Eggs..
Culling – Reduction of a Wild Animal Population by Selective Slaughter.
Addling – The Act of Causing Fertilized Eggs to Lose Viability,
Killing the Developing Embryo by Shaking, Piercing, Freezing or Oiling,
without Breaking the Egg Shells.
Twice in Recent Years, Swan Owners I know have had to Push-back
when a WildLife Agency Demanded they have their Female or Male Mute Swans Sterilized.
… @1 (more details below)
There were Effort in Years Past to Sterlize Mute Swans..
Most of these Swans did not Survive these Programs.
The Death Rate after Surgery was Terrible.. Average 90% or MORE .!
They Killed Hundreds of Swans trying to do these Specialized
Procedures on Male and Female Swans. The Thought is Sickening.
It is VERY Likely a Healthy Swans will have a Fatal Outcome
from these Invasive MAJOR Surgeries.
DO NOT be Talking into this.. to Prevent Reproduction.
It is Important to have and KNOW the FACTs.
If You should NEED Supportive Information Contact Avian Specialists:
Avian Veterinarians.. Avian Specialists at Major Zoos..
Avian Pathology Specialist at your State Department of Agriculture.
Avian Specialists at Veterinarian Schools..
Another Source of Information..
Might be a VERY Experienced Swan Breeder.
The REASON you Should NOT Spay a FEMALE Bird..SWAN
IS their Anatomy is not like a Female Mammal..
They do not have an Isolated Uterus for an Embro to Develop
and their Eggs are Formed in a Tissue Ovary Mass
(No Isolated Ovaries).
This Tissue Ovary Mass is fed by a Large Blood Supply.
They would require General Anesthesia..
Very Invasive High RISK Abdominal Surgery with all the Post Op Care…
The REASON you Should NOT Neuter a MALE Bird.. SWAN
IS their Anatomy is not like a Male Mammal..
It would not be a “Snip and Clip” Procedure.
Their Gonads/Testicles are Deep inside their Body..
not in an Exterior Scrotal Pouch.
They would require General Anesthesia..
Very Invasive High RISK Abdominal Surgery with all the Post Op Care…
Avian Gonads – Ovary Mass/Testicles are Attached to
the Larger Blood Vessels in the Body.
Nicking or Ripping these Blood Supplies while Remove the Gonads
will Likely Kill the Swans. Blood Loss could be Severe with NO Way to Replace.
Attempts to Spay or Neuter MAY Kill most Swans.
ANY Avian Veterinarians will know this is VERY Risky.
These Surgical Techniques have not been Perfected.
The Risky Removal of Avian Reproductive Organs is to Treat Disease:
Examples, Testicular Cancer or Tumors of the Oviduct.
A “Last Chance” to Save a Bird..
ARTICLE: January 30, 2007
Shooting Mute Swans versus Mute Swans Shooting Blanks
The Wisconsin DNR will allow Citizens in three Southern Counties
in their State to “adopt” Wild Mute Swans and Spare them from
Approved Lethal Control Measures, (Destroying the Swans)
provided they Pay to have them Sterilized. (Average Fee $700.00)
This Barbaric Program in Wisconsin was to Allow the Public to “Adopt”
a Swan and have that Swan Sterilized.. Banded and Released.
All Neutered Mute Swans would be Banded in accordance with
USGS Bird Banding Laboratory Swan Protocol by DNR Staff prior to Release.
If WildLife Agents were Culling Random Feral Mute Swans were they able
to See the Small Metal Leg Bands.. ??
Did the Few that were Released have much Chance.. ??
Plus, if an “Adopted” – “Sterilized” – “Released” Mute Swan Flew to a
Different County… it had NOT Protection – Leg Band or No Leg Band.
This Gruesome Attempt to “Sterilize” Mute Swans ENDED..
(Thank Goodness.)
The Referenced OnLine Articles below are Available to Read
Cut and Paste into your Browser.. if you want to Read the Full Articles.
The WebSites are Checked and Active November 2020
Invasive Species Weblog Author: Jennifer Forman Orth
Friday, January 26, 2007 Adopt-A-Swan
NY eyes plan to shoot, sterilize invasive mute swans
along Lake Ontario, elsewhere 2014
LONG ISLAND …March 9, 2015
State now plans to reduce mute swan population, not kill them.
LONG ISLAND …March 20, 2015
Letter: No reliable study of mute swans
Mute Swans in New York …December 2019
A Final Management Plan to Prevent Population Growth
and Minimize Impacts of an Invasive Species
There are Other Articles OnLine.
DNR – WildLife Biologists are Either Unaware of how Difficult
“Sterilizing” Swans will be.. How Risky – Lethal…
Or they Know and are Pushing this to Eliminate more Mute Swans.
Over Time I have Talked with at Least Four Veterinarians in our Area..
Ask what they know about “Sterilizing” Birds – Swans.
Not One had any Knowledge or felt it was Worth looking into.
I have spent several Days, Searching the Internet for ANY Information.
…. Not a Single Positive Comment.
…Only Done for Serious Medical Treatment.
While Researching Information,
I have Found Suggestions for Chemical Sterilization.. which is Unreliable.
No Studies have been done to Know what Dose is Safe and Effective..
One Article Mentioned using XRay .. which Sounded DRASTIC.
Again, NO Studies to know What Treatment is Effective.
The Stress to the Swans to even Attempt this.. NOT Worth it.
Chemical Contraceptives are not commonly used on Waterfowl.
Contraceptives are increasingly used for the Control of some
Avian Reproduction Research and for Therapeutic Reasons.
@1 One Example of a WildLife Agency Demanding Young Female
Mute Swans be Sterilized occurred when a Lake Community
Home Owners Association Rescued Two Female Cygnets
through a One Time Agreement with their State DNR. (Very Surprising)
The Mute Swan Cygnets were Pinioned and DNA Checked.. Both Female.
The Young Female Cygnets (Same Sex Pairing) were Release to Live
on a Lovely Lake Surrounded by a Number of Homes..
The Home Owners Association taking the Responsibility for these Cygnets
and their Future Care had No Previous Experience with Swans.
Lots to Learn.. The Neighbors Welcomed these Young Swans.
The DNR WildLife Service Required the H.O.A. to Prevent any Future Cygnets Hatching.
The H.O.A. Planned to do this Requirement they had Agreed to.
(THE BIG CONCERN) As I talked with their Primary SwanKeeper,
we Discussed they had Agreed to have these Female Swans Sterilized by the Time
these Young Female Swans would be Two Years Old. !!!!!
The State’s Reason: There are enough Rogue Feral Male Swans that might Fly-in
– Visit these Females during the Early Spring, Resulting in Fertile Eggs.
… @2 (Note to Follow)
When I heard this, the Hair on my Neck went into Panic Mode..
I REMEMBERED the onLine Articles from Years Ago..
All the Swans that Died when they Attempted to Spay/Neuter Swans…
I started to Search /Read.. and I have not found ANY GOOD Outcomes..
or Anyone Recommending this Type of Procedure..
For Three Months the DNR Waterfowl Agent INSIST that the Females,
now 18-20 Months Old be Surgically Sterilized.
The H.O.A. Provided information and Contacts to Avian Veterinarians
who would Attesting to the Very High Risk this would be..
The DNR Agent did not Care and Continued to Insist..
This was their Terms for this Rescue-Adoption to Private Citizens.
Stating that this is the Same as Agreeing to Spay a Cat or Dog
Adopted from a Rescue Group..
The H.O.A. spent many Hours making Calls, Seeking Attorney Advice..
There was NO Reasoning with the DNR Agent..
It was a Scary Fact that the DNR Could Remove the Females and Destroy them
if the H.O.A. did Not Comply.
Finally, Getting in Touch with the Swan Experts at the
Regal Swan Foundation in Florida. A Letter from them ENDED
this Demand.. and Annual Spoiling their Eggs would be Acceptable..
This took Months of Worry for the H.O.A. who were willing to do
what is Safe and Responsible.. Spoiling their Eggs..
As I Write this Account.. These Beautiful Swan Maidens are doing Fine.
Adored by their Lake Community.. (Maiden Swans have not Nested Yet.)
To ME: The Safest and Most Responsible way to Prevent their Eggs Hatching
is to OIL or Spray with Baking Spray.. and Spoil the Eggs.
OR Remove the Real Fertile or Unfertile Eggs and Substitute Dummy Replacement Eggs.
I had Wooden Eggs Turned to use under our Female..
The Pen Below was Another “Must be Sterilized” Story.. @3 Notes Below.
The Eggs our Pen Lays are seldom Fertile and become FOUL before she is done “Sitting.”
So, we Replace the Nasty Eggs and allow her to finish her Incubation Time.
Mute Swan Pens NEED to “Sit” on Non-Fertile Eggs for 42 Days
to Prevent Recycling. (And Laying another Clutch of Eggs.)
@2 Here in PA, even with very few Feral Mute Swans, we have had to DEAL
with at least Three Rogue Swans MESSING up a Stable Swan Pond Situation.
So, I do know Male and Female Rogue Swans are a Real Possibility..
I Frequently Speak with Folks who have a Lone Feral Swan Fly into their
Ponds or Lake. Some Rogues Stay for a Period of Time to the Delight of these People.
They are Usually Full-Wing.. then Gone with a Cool Breeze.
The Above Feral Rogue Female Changed our Entire Swan World.
@3 In a Different State.. On a Large Resort Pond where Swans had Lived for over 30 Years,
there is NOW a Strict DNR Management Policy. – NO CYGNETs may Hatch..
For the Swans to Stay on the Resorts’ Pond, DNR was Insisting Either
the Female (6 Years Old) or Male (33 Years Old ) be Sterilized.
We had Done a Wooden Egg Swap-Out.. but that was not Acceptable.
This time Several Phone Calls to a Large Zoo, and a Avian Expert or Twos..
the DNR Accepted these the Professional Information.
Instead INSISTING on Spoiling the Spring Eggs themselves, to be Sure it was Done..
We Checked the Eggs we Removed from their Nest.. None were Fertile.
Professional Information Resources in 2021
The Regal Swan® Project, Veterinarians Study and Document
the Care of Swans in Captive Settings such as Hotels, Resorts,
Golf Courses and other related sites.
Contact Sheila Bolin, Orange Lake Resort & Country Club
(Email: or tel: (407) 239-2292 or
Address: 1305 E Robinson St, Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 1 (407) 931-6838
KNOX SWAN and DOG – Bob’s Cell (847) 875-3947
Knox Swan & Dog LLC
Canada Goose Control Service in North Barrington, Illinois
Address: 75 Saddle Tree Lane, North Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (847) 304-1230
Information Compiled by (c) L.M.Sweger …. UpDated May 2021