This Title Speaks for Itself..
Swan Cobs can be Quiet and Quick.
NEVER Turn Your Back on a Hormonal Male Swan.
The Term for People are Afraid of Aggressive Swans – Anatidaephobia.
Is in “Spring HORMONE HELL.”
Many Swan Cobs are “Hormones with Wings.”
Male Swans are Programmed by Hormones,
when they See WHITE to Drive off the “Intruder.”
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ALWAYS Know Where Your Cob is ! !

If a Hormonal Cob Thinks you are NOT Watching…

He may be on you in Seconds.

Mantra: “Never Turn your Back on a Hormonal Male Swan.”

Swan are Enchanting Birds.. The Cobs have BIG Personalities.
All Species of Swans have their Hormonal Season and Behaviors.

Mature Male Swans have TWO Personalities..
One without Hormones and ONE With !!!

You will Need to Learn to Work with them.
Get to Know them Well.. Expect Seasonal Behavior Changes..

Swans are Beautiful to See. But, they can be a Challenge to Work with.

I am not Posting this to make you Afraid of Mature Swan Cobs..
But, to Prepare you as you are Researching having Swans.
This Territorial, Aggressive Behavior is Normal.. BE Prepared.

IF you have Small Children or Frail Seniors who Enjoy your Pond.
You many want to Consider their Safety.. Warn, Keep a Safe Distance.

If you want to Boat, Kayak, Swim, Fish in your Pond..
You will be Sharing HIS Space.. He may NOT want to Share.

The Photo above Posted on a Humor Site. It is NOT Funny !

This Young Kayak-er.. Learned TOO Late ! ! !
This will Happen SO FAST ! !
I Love Male Swans. For Years I Learned how to Work with them.

Now at this Stage in my Life. I have to be Very Careful..
I Know I can No Longer Work with them Safely without Help.

A Well Socialized and Gentle Cob most of the Year.. WILL Change !

“Hormonal Male Swans” are Mentally Altered during their Reproductive Season.
“Dr. Jekyll – Mr. Hyde”
Mellow – MACHO

I had WHITE Things in my Cart.. And a WHITE Bucket. I Learned Quickly.

Visiting with a Hormonal Cob is Challenging..
Some will Calm Down ONCE they Make their Point.

I will add a Note here…
We have Known some Cobs that have an Aggressive Attitude Year Round..
Less so in the Summer.. But, Never Easy Going..

We had to be ON GUARD Every Minutes with this Mature Mute Cob.

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall… Best to be On the Other Side of his Fence.

In Early Spring our Cob is Displaying all his Beautiful Aggressive Wing “Display.”
He is “BUSKING” and “Pushing Water.”

Territorial Behavior may Include.. You CAN NOT get Near the Pond.
Two Weeks Ago I could Hand Feed our Cob…. NOT TODAY !!

We have known Mature Cobs that Chase Cars, Trucks, People on Bikes,
Joggers, Walkers, Folks with Strollers, Dog Walkers, etc..

I had a Message from a Trumpeter Swan Owner whose Cob
Attacked a Pasture Horse.

The Cob did not Fare Well, the Horse Kicked the Swan in the Head.
It is Common for Swans to Walk into Pasture Areas Near they Ponds..
Grazing on the Same Plants as the Horses and Cows. THINK Parasites.

On Many Country Properties there are a Wide Variety of Animals and Pets.
Swans are Not Going to Protect their Territory from Just People…
All Animals in their Pond Area may be a Target when they are Hormonal.
Weed Whackers, Loud Engine Noise..
FedEx and Postal Trucks and their Delivery Workers.

We heard Stories of a Black Australian Cob, who would weigh about 20 Pounds,
that would CHASE Fire Engines.. Hated the Sirens..

During the Winter Months Healthy Mute Cobs Increasingly
become Hormonal Preparing for Mating and Spring Nesting.

Having a Female will Stimulate his Reproductive Hormones..

You will notice his KNOB Swelling and his Beak becoming Brighter in Color.

Without a Female, a Mature Cob will be “More Testy then a Mess.”

From December to May,
the Cob will be VERY Protective of HIS Water Environments and his Female.

He is going into the Annual Phase I “Lovingly” call “Hormone Hell.”

IT IS “Hormone Hell” Season ! !

A Male that is Gentle and Easy Going in the Summer and Fall,
will become a Holy Terror.

Hormonal Cobs will Expand the Area of your Property that he is Claiming..


DO Not Wear White during these Months..
Earth Tones are LESS Agitating..

Male Swans see ANYTHING White as a Territorial Threat.. and will REACT.

For Many Feeding their Swan during the Spring is Challenging.

It is Wise to have a WARNING
TOO Many People will Try to Get Close to the Nesting Swans.

WARN ALL FAMILY and Friend, Visitors..
Avoid a Bad Encounter. GIVE him Space. He can not help this.

Recently, an Older Swan Family Member just wanted to Visit the Pond.
Nice Early Spring Day. She Walked TOO Close..
The Cob came out of the Water to Chase her Away.. She “Crossed the Line.”


Another Family Member saw what was Happening..
and Ran to Save his Grandmother from being Attacked.
He Pushed the Cob with his Foot to Prevent the Flogging..

Unfortunately, this Firm Push Broke One of the Cob’s Legs.
Resulting in the Need for Pinning the Leg by their Veterinarian.
Weeks in the Barn on Antibiotics. Long Months of Recovery.
The Cob had LOTs of Care but Did NOT Recover Well.. He Finally Passed.
So Sad to Lose this Cob we had Known for many Years.

Many Male Swans – Cobs.. become “Hormones with Wings.”

” KEEP OUT ” Mode


Most Cobs have a “LINE” that if your Cross it… YOU are his Target.

BEST to just give him more Space – If you stay beyond it, he will be OK..

Step Across the “Line” and he will become Territorial and Challenge you.

Male Swans are BLIND with Hormones in the Spring..

Unless there is a Good Reason to Get Close to the Nesting Area..
Use Binoculars to Watch the Nesting Swans..

Most Cobs are Wonderful Protectors of their Nesting Female.
Sharing the Nesting Responsibilities and Patrolling.
As Ground Nesting Birds.. the Cob MUST be FIERCE !

In the Image Above… Our Cob has just Flogged a Tire of our Van.
We Parked by his Pond. He Walked up to our Van.. We Waited..
“Meadow” Whacked the Tire Several Times.. then Walked back to his Pond.
Most of the Time Cobs are Gentle Giants with their Cygnets.

Generally in January you will start to notice the Cob becoming “Testy.”
He will start to “Busk” – Challenge you when you get close to the Pond..

When you Observe FAST Busking
Rocking Horse Foot Paddling – Pushing Water..

This is Serious Threat Behavior.. Step Back.. GIVE HIM SPACE.

Keep Something with you, like a Large Broom.. or Large Trash Can..

I Made Several – Cheap Fan Rakes Padded with Bubble Wrap
Covered with a Washable Material.. DO NOT USE WHITE.



Use a Busy Colorful Pattern to be Distracting…

Do not Swing or Hit the Cob..but, Carry as a Barrier to Protect yourself..

Keep a Repelling Tool in a low Position and Move it Slowly Side to Side.

It keeps the Cob Distracted. You may have some Games of “Chicken.”
Just be Calm, NO Yelling.. Do NOT BE a THREAT !!

Always KNOW Where the Cob is..

Often when the Cob gets Tired of the “Keep Away Game,”
They will just Slip Back into the Water..

OR the Cob May NEED to Release that Aggressive Emotion.
Let them Attack the Repelling Tool.. NOT YOU !!

…NEVER Turn your Back on a Hormonal Male !!!!
They are Surprisingly FAST and Quiet..



IF your Cob is FULL-WING..
He can Fly and CAN be where you are Standing in Seconds.

They can Launch at you.. I Know..
I have had my Share of Bruises.. as I LEARNED.

This Aggressive Behavior has ONE BIG Advantage..
Male Swans are EASY to Catch when they are Hormonal.

This Cob thought he was Chasing me.. This got him Away from his Pond.

Have a Net.. Help.. and the Cob will Come to you.. NET !!

If I Walk Toward the Pond, in Short Order, our Hormonal Cob will Head in my Direction..
My Husband is Waiting with the Net.. Success..
ONE Big Mad Cob is Under Control.

When we Needed to Work around the Pond.. Putting our Cob in his Carrier Kept ALL Safe.

It is COMMON to hear Swan Owners Complain that it is Difficult
to Mower the Grass by their Ponds.. that the Cobs Confront them and the Mowers.

If you Want to Mow Your Lawn, it Helps to have a Temporary Fence Area.
Put him inside.. and you are Both Safer..
Every Summer I Learn of Another Cob that was Seriously Injured Attacking a Mower.


Numerous Cobs have be Killed Attacking Riding Lawn Mowers..

Always Know WHERE your Swans are as You Work around your Lawns.

Most Mute Swans are OK with Ducks.. No Real Competition for Food..

Many Mute Swans will Chase Migrating Canada Geese..


Many Swans are Acquired for the Purpose of Keeping Migrating
and Resident Canada Geese OFF PONDS.

During the Winter to Spring Migration Canada Geese are Looking for
an Open Body of Water to Rest on as they Head North..

They will Land on Unfrozen Ponds and Lakes across the Northern States.


The Chasing Begins.. An Established Mature Cob and some Pens,
will let the Trespassing Geese know they are NOT Welcome.


I am Not sure about Resident Domestic Geese..
White Geese might want to keep their Distance..
Chasing Wild Geese is GOOD for a Captive Swan’s Cardiac Health.
Since Pinioned or Clipped Captive Swans can not Fly.. they need this Exercise..

I Love Male Swans.. GIVE Them EXTRA SPACE…
Try to Understand and Respect their Seasonal Behaviors.

Compiled from Our Swans & Pond Visit Experiences..
PA SwanLover Linda M.Sweger – Updates March 2024

Below is a Series of Images… Makes me Laugh.
We were Safe in a Gazebo.

I Miss “George.”
We have many Wonderful Memories of Visiting.
“George” Lived to 30 Years Old.