WELCOME to the Wonderful World of Swans ! (-;
I have been Debating with Myself..
Do I have the Above Statement at the Beginning of this Topic Page..
……Or at the End.. (-; >> So.. I Decided Both..
To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.
When I think about Working with Swans.. I Smile..
That is-was my Happy Place.

Interacting with these BIG, Enchanting Waterfowl, that are Close to being Free…
Having Beautiful Swans Living on a Pond or Lake,
Seeing them Willingly Come Over to Visit.
… And Nod “Hello.”
Working with Swans has been a Magical Adventure.

We have Enjoyed the “Moments in Time” when we are with the Swans.

Over the Years we have had to make some Very Hard Choices for various Swans.
Trying to Balance the Sorrows with the Moments of Joy and Wonder.
Not All of our Rescue Efforts were Successful..

The Young Juvenile Above had a Deformity that Prevented him a Healthy Future.
My Goal with this Topic Page is to Summarize General Care,
to Minimize SOME of the Potential Harm or Injury and
Share Information so your Swans have a Better Chance for a Healthy, Long Life.

There is So Much to Learn about Caring for Swans..
There is NO Way I will be Able to Share Everything We have Learned.
Every Swan Adventure has had Different Problems to Resolve.

Having and Raising Swans Entails that you Keep them Fed, Reasonably Safe
and Provide them with Conditions Similar to their Natural Habitat.

Swans are Prey Animals..
Keeping them Safe from Predators is a Challenge.

When I do a Quick Inventory of the Different Swan Pairings..
Rehabs.. Losses.. Places.. Ponds.. Years..
I can not think of any One Place that has been Worry Free.

Years Ago I had to Realize I Need to Enjoy Each Visit, there may not be Another.
Things would Happen that NO One could Predict.. (Sigh)

Swans are a Challenge.. Not just the Peaceful Image from Romantic Photos..

It is Good to do your Research and Learn about Caring for Swans.
Captive Swans are “Pets” NOT Wild Waterfowl.

SWANs DO NOT Read the Various Books,
Websites or Articles Written about them.

There are NO 100% Rules of Behavior.
There are Percentages… and Many Surprises..
Just when I Think I will be able to Predict what the Cygnets or Swans will do…
They do Something UNEXPECTED.

My Husband has Coined this Phrase,
“Swans are Predictably Unpredictable.”
In England you can not be a Licensed Swan Keeper until
you Apprentice with an Experienced Swan Keeper for 25 Years.

One of my Common Mantra is..
” I Wish I Could Talk to the Swans 5 Minutes a Month.”

I Want to Ask… “Why did you DO THAT ??” or “What do You Need ” ??
“Do You Understand, Why I did this ??”
“Please Come Here, I WANT to Help You” ! !

“If you can be Patient with me for a Few more Weeks, your Life will Improve.”

But, that is Not the Case..
I Hope to Share with Anyone who Visit this Site about Swans,
Some of what we have Learned..

PONDs or LAKEs***************************************************
Most States have POND MANAGEMENT WebSites.
These are Often Associated with Major Universities..
In Pennsylvania.. Penn State has a POND MANAGEMENT WebSite.

A Pond or Lake is Never the Same Once Swans have Lived there..

Swans are Comfortable Living Out on a Body of Water..
You will do most of their Care from Land – the Water’s Edge.

Swans Need an Adequate Water Environment.
This depends on the SIZE and TYPE of the Pond or Lake.

Is this Water Available Year Round..?? Is there Flow Through ??
Does it Dry Up in the Summer ?? Or Freeze in Winter ??

You DO NOT want to Place Swans on a Water Area where they will Swim AWAY ! !
A Creek, Stream, River is not a Confined-Contained Water Environment.

Nor is a Lake that Empties..to another Body of Water..
Captive Swans NEED to Stay on Private Property – WHERE You Put Them !!

For Swans a Swift Moving Stream through a Private Property is a Fun Water Ride to Somewhere !
Take a Good Look at your Water Environment..
Removed or Reduced any Hazards as much as Possible..

Anything that can be a Tangle Hazard..
Ropes, Wires, Bucket Handles.. Large Gauge Fencing..

Another Hazard are Small Pieces of Metal, Coins,
Bottle Tabs-Caps, Screws, Nails, Broken Glass.

Shot Gun Pellets in Ponds can be a Worry for Heavy Metal Poisoning.
If it is Shiny Swans will Swallow it.
Swans are like Little Kids.. and we Need to “Baby Proof”

Common Swan Injuries
Snapping Turtles are a VERY Common Source of Injuries to Waterfowl.

Fishing.. If Anyone Fishes on Your Pond or Lake,
Ask People to be EXTREMELY Careful with Fishing Line and Hooks..
It is Safest for All the Waterfowl if there is NO Fishing Allowed..

The Young Swans above had Wonderful, Dedicated People do EVERYThing they Could
to Give her a Chance to Survive the Loss of her Leg..
The ODDs of her Adapting were Low..
In the End All the Effort was a Tough Learning Experience.
We were All HeartBroken. She was Loved to her Last Breath.
There are many Sad Stories I could share.. “PiP” is One.
He was Lucky to Survive his Tangle with Fishing Line.

His Damaged Foot will not Act like a Snow Shoe in Mud.
His Toes-Foot will Get Scratched Easily.
He has Lost the Heat Exchange in his Left Foot.
And Paddling through Water.. is Uneven..


Every Year I get Several Calls from Swan Folks who’s Swans have been HOOKED !

The Tiny Cygnet above was Out of the Nest ONE DAY. HOOKED !
What Plants are GROWING in your Pond or Lake ??? Anything Good to Eat ???

Swans can HELP to Clean Up (EAT) these EXCESS Plants.

When a Lawn is Treated to Reduce Unwanted Plants-Weeds,
these Chemical may Drain into the Water and will Alter the Underwater Plants.
CHECK your Pond for WHAT is Available for the Swans to EAT.

The Golf Course Irrigation Pond Above has NO Under Water Plant Growth.. NONE.

Drag a Rake or Cultivator TWO Feet Down Along the Water’s Edge.
See what Plants are Growing.. or What Plants are NOT There.

Some Ponds and Lakes are Treated with “Shade Dyes” to Reduce Plant Growth.
The Community Lake Above has NO Under Water Plant Growth.. NONE.

A Pond Treated with Chemical to Prevent Plant Growth is Risky.
DO NOT USE Herbicide Produces with Copper ! Copper is Toxic !
These Products are NOT Tested for Safety for Domestic Waterfowl !

Lawn Fertilizers that helps Lawn Grass become Lush and Thick..
along with other Organic Materials and Run-off.. can cause various
Unwanted Plant Grown on/in a Pond…

Some Plants are Great for Swans to Eat.. Some are not..
Some Algae and DuckWeed are GOOD..

Too much.. is just Messy and will Result in Smelly Decaying Material
Releasing Tannic Acid in the Fall and Winter.
This is Why the Water Looks like Brewed Tea.

Waterfowl… Can Foul the Pond Water with their Organic Waste..
Swans are BIG Birds and have LOTs of Poop..
Add a Brood of Cygnets.. LOTS of POOP… !

In Warm Months, DuckWeed and some Algaes are Organic,
Nutritional Floating Plants.
(Result of Excess Organic Fertilizers and Decaying Plant Material..)

The Exception is HAB – Harmful Algae Blooms
There have been various Areas around the Country that have been
in the News due to Certain Types of Algae Blooms that are Toxic or Excessive..

Penn State Extension did a Pond Sample Study in Summer..2016.
to see how Wide Spread this Toxic Algae is in PA.. And where.

Your Department of Agriculture can Advise, on Ways
to Reduce this if it is Growing in your Pond.
You would look for a Tiny Shiny Growth that LOOKs like Pea Soup.

All Plant Debris that Falls into your Pond or Lake is a Source of Organic Breakdown.

Aeration is a Good Way to help Organic Materials Break-Down.
This Improves the Oxygen Levels in most Ponds..
There are MANY New Types of Systems Developed over the Past Few Years.

This Short YouTube Video is a Basic Summary..
This is the SAME POND Seven Months after Aeration was Installed.. !

Any Aeration System Selected needs to be Safe for Swans and their LONG Neck.
Swans are Nosey – may be Cut by Spinning Propellers
that do not have a Guard Grill Cover..
“PiP” Loved to Play with the Water Current from this Aerator..

He started to put his Head DOWN the Middle
where the Propeller Fan is Located.. Risking a Cut..

There are SO Many Types of Aeration Systems now..
if you consider Installing a Propeller Type of System..
Ask the Sales People about a Grill over the Fan Propeller..
Let them know you have Swans with LONG Necks..

Captive Swans Have RIGHTS.
To Proper and Adequate Food
To Fresh Clean Water
To An Environment Reasonable Free of Danger
To Appropriate Shelter
To Veterinarian Care
Our Swans below were at the Vets for a Check-up and Parasite Medication.

Responsible Ownership of Captive Mute Swans
IF you Pinion any Cygnets that your Swans Hatch…
YOU will Reduce the Problem of them Flying Away and
becoming Feral or a Rogue Problem for another Pond with Swans.

The Life of a Rogue – Feral Mute Swan Frequently comes to a Fatal End.
To Safely Pinion an Adult Swans is Time Consuming, Multiple Vet Visits,
Weeks of Antibiotics and Wound Care, Weeks of Dry Confinement.
It SOOooo Much Easier to Pinion Young Cygnets Less then Three Weeks Old.
ADOPTING A NEW SWAN********************************************

Once your have a New Swan/Swans Home..
I would STRONGLY Suggest you put them into a Barn Stall,
or Cozy Shed.. for a few Days.

This Allows Unrelated Pairs to Get to Know Each Other before Going Out in the Water.
Visit them often.. Sit and Talk with them for a Few Minutes.
Let them get to know you..
Many Swans are Good Listeners.. (-;
You can tell them about your Day… ( NO Yelling. )
You can Read your Junk Mail to them.. Tell them Stories..
Swans Enjoy Music. They like to hear your Voice.

If you Smile while your are Swearing..
Swans will not feel Threatened..
#@%&* $#%@^ *(&%^$ (-;
After several Days.. they will become Familiar with the
Sounds and Smells, and the People who they will now Live with..

They will become Familiar with your Feed before going out
onto a Large Area of Water.
Start by Having a Shallow Bucket.. NO Handle or Secure it..
Put Water and Whole Corn in the same Bucket.
If you are Feeding Poultry Pellets..
Put in Bowl next to the Water-Corn.
Most Swans LOVE Lettuce.. Add Some to the Water.

When it is Time to Release the Swans to the Water.
If you are able to Walk the Swans to the Pond.. Great.. this is Less Stressful.
Have several People to Help Guide them..
and be Available to Keep them on the Water.

The First Things you will see the Swans do..
They will Explore, Taste the Pond, Take a Splashy Bath..
Once they Start to Preen.. that is a Good Sign..
Preening is a Social Behavior.. = Acceptance.

Place their Food Station in a Location EASY to Find..
You can move it once they know Food is Available..

Swans are Grazers..
Having Food Available Morning to Sunset lets them Eat at Leisure.

NOTE: If a Swan tries to Eat TOO Fast..
the Dry Feed may get STUCK in their Esophagus and Block Swallowing.
Forming a Condition called CHOKE. This could be an Emergency…
Always Supply Water with DRY Feed Mixtures.

IF you want to Discourage Predators.. take the Feed in at Night.
You will have Fewer Problems with Rodents..which carry Diseases in their Waste and Saliva.

Small Night Rodents may Attract the Larger Predators..
Think of the Food Chain from Mice to a Coyote-Coywolf. AN Increasing Problem.

WATCH your New Swans/Cygnets Closely for Several days until they Establish a New Routine.

When Swans are Easily Visible or Accessible along a Traveled Road, they are Vulnerable.

The Swans in the Above Images.. More then One did not Survive the Traffic.

Swans Draw Attention.. Socialized Swans are Vulnerable.
Some People want to see these Beautiful Birds.. Photograph them..
Some will do Mischief..

If People NOTICE Swans are Nesting.. Sigh !!
Goofy People may/will do Goofy Things.

The Safest Place for a Swan is on their Pond or Lake.
They Enjoy Sitting out in the Sun and Grazing on Tender Grass is GOOD for them.

It is a VERY Good Idea to have Several Openings in the Plants that Encircle a Pond,
so the Swans can Quickly Scoot Back if they feel Threatened..
Whether by an Animal or a Strange Person..

If the Opening is about 2 Feet Wide and Fans OUT > > that Works..
The Swans can Look Out from the Pond for any Danger..
The Fanned Out Shape lets them See more before Leaving the Water.

You will OFTEN See your Swans Checking for Danger.. Looking Left – Then Right !

> > > Check the Swans are on the Pond at SunSet and SunRise.
Swans are Safest over Deep Water at least 4 Feet Deep..
They will Float Quietly ALL Night. VERY Light Sleepers..

YEAH ! They were OK through another Long, Dark Night.

GENERAL YUCKs****************************************************
One Thing You will Learn VERY Quickly..
Wear Clothing, Shoes, Boots that are Washable..
Swans are Beautiful, White, Graceful.. and Messy.
THEY POOP.. and POOP a Lot..

Swans Live in WET Places.. where there is MUD !
AND, BUGs, Ticks, Mosquitoes.. Have Insect Repellent Handy.

You will observe the Swans Picking a Spot, maybe Two
where they will Preen almost every Day.
Feather Care is One of their Important Daily Activities.

These Spots will BECOME MESSY.. Lots of POOP.

All Swans should Moult once a Year.. FEATHERS – LOTs of Feathers !!!
When we had Swans we cared for Daily..
I tried to Rake this Yuck UP Once or Twice a Week..
It IS Unattractive and will Attract Flies – YUCK !

We Generally do not Pet our Swans.
Hand Feeding is Common during Visits.

Swans may Follow a Kind Person Working in the Area.
They are all different, have different Levels of Trust with People.

A Few Swans do like to be Held, Stroked. If you are Petting your Swan..
BE SURE to Wash your Hands VERY WELL..
Swans Look so CLEAN and WHITE.. BUT, they Stand, Walk, Swim in Poop..
Swans are “Dirty Birds.”

We Never Determined what “Harry” got into that he was So Dirty… ! !

SWANs have A WILD SIDE******************************************

Having Captive Swans, we are always dealing with their Wild Side.
We try to keep them in a Safe Environment, provide for all their Needs.
But, some Swans have a strong Desire to make their own Decisions.

“Harmony” lived most of her Life Feral-Wild.
For a Short Time we tried to Adapt her to Life on Private Property.
She Chose to Leave this Safety.. which Ended in her being Shot November 2009.

Swans do not Respond to us the Way a Dog or Cat will..
Swans are not Snuggly Pets.

Swans are a Little Captive-Domestic and a Little Wild..

Pinioned – Captive Swans are Pets. Swans do have some HardWired Wild Instincts.
There are some in most Domesticated Animals..
But, Waterfowl are not as easy to Control .. We Try.

Swans are a Challenge for Everyone, trying to Harness their Wild Instincts.
It has been Interesting, Relaxing, Exciting, FRUSTRATING
and we are Always Trouble Shooting.

As you Chat with and Get Information and Ideas from other Swans Folks..
Really Think about the Information. Digest it.. Store it.. Refer to it..
Look at the BIG Picture. We ALL have Different Experiences..

All Swans have Very Different Personalities,
That Change when Living Alone or with a Companion..
and with their Annual Reproductive Behaviors.

Swans are Individuals in their Behavior – Adaptability.
You will often Notice them being Curious while you are Busy.
They are Watching, Thinking and Learning.

Swans are Smart.. They have Very Good Memories..
Cygnets Start to Learn before they are Out of their Eggs.
We have Observed them Learning.. Work Out Problems..
Understand Things we were doing after Given them some Time to Think about it..

Much like a Three Year Old..
Swans Teach each Other. And We Learn from them..

Swans that Interact with People, Learn and are Smarter..
then Swans that have Little Human Interaction..

Swans as a Whole.. are Intelligent along a Bell Curve..
Some Swans are Very Smart.. Lots of Personality..
Some Swans.. Well, they Survive and are Lovable.

Some Swans seem to Respond to their Names.
Others .. No.. just the Sound of a their CareGiver’s Voice.
They understand the Tone in Voices..
Swans are Very Visual.. They have a WIDE Field of View.

Swans Incorporate their Past Experiences as they Go about their Days.
Swans are Creatures of Habit.. They Develop a Routine..

> > > Swans DO NOT Understand Future..
You can not Explain what might Happen in a Few Days.
We are Learning all the Time that Swans have a Mind of their Own.
Domesticating these Beautiful Waterfowl to Enjoy and
keeping them Healthy and as Safe as Possible is a Challenge.

I have NO Doubt that Many Swans have the SAME Range of Emotions that we have.

You will Witness Love, Joy, Happiness, Fear, Worry,
Curiosity, Dis-Like – Some Times INTENSE Dis-Like..
Sadness, Mourning.. Lonely, Depression, etc…

Swans can be Silly, Tease, Play Tricks..
They Enjoy Music and Kind People.. Swans are Amazing.

While “Swan Sitting” at a Country Wedding..
I Witnesses the Swans above Enjoying the Music Floating in the Air.
HANDLING SWANs***********************************************

Having One or TWO Large Fishing Nets are VERY Helpful.
Wal-Mart Sporting Goods.. have a GREAT Value.. See Images.
Most Sporting Goods Stores have Sale on Nets.. An Assortment of Sizes are Helpful.

I Can NOT Imagine People with Swans NOT having Large Nets.

If you ever Need to Catch/Handle a Mute Swan….
Once you have “Gentle” Control of their Neck, you have Control of the Swan.
It is Surprising how Quickly Most Mute Swans Calm Down..

NOT Trumpeter Swans.. they keep Struggling..
Talk to the Swan Calmly-Softly….
You can place your Feet on Both Sides of their Wings for Extra Control..
BE CARE NOT to STEP ON the Swan’s FEET !

Swans DO NOT have a Diaphragm and Can NOT Breathe
if they CAN NOT Expand their Ribs.
They must be able to Breathe or they WILL Struggle.

If you Carry a Swan…. Hold just below the Neck
and in Front of their Hips, TRY to Control their Feet.

Yes, Swans will be Weary if you have Caught them.. Many will AVOID you for a While.
It may take a while, but you will ReGain Trust..
They understand Patience and Kindness. And a Non-Threatening Routine.

Splashing and Chase Running over the Water is usually Playful Behavior.
Swans need to Exercise their Wing Muscles.

Swans which are unable to Fly have a greatly Reduced Cardiac Stress Capacity…..
They may Suffer with STRESS more quickly…

NEVER STRESS a Pinioned Swan for more then a Few Minutes.
Give them Time to Calm and Relax.
Swans Can DIE from TOO much Adrenalin Pumped through their Systems
during a HIGH STRESS Activity.
Example – When trying to Catch them.. TAKE CARE…

FEEDING Your SWANs***********************************************
Swans Nutritional Needs are Different from Ducks and Geese.
Swans are Grazers – Ducks and Geese are Gobblers.

Swans need a Safe Appropriate Diet.. A Lower Protein Percentage.
Discourage Bread, Crackers, PopCorn, Cookies..
Encourage LETTUCE – Salad Greens, Vegetables, Apples, etc.

Feeding Adult Swans – Captive Swans Need to be Fed

Swans Are Vegetarians

It is Best to only allow Friends or Visitors to Feed Swans Food Items you say are OK..
Plain Cereals are Nice Treats …like Kix, Whole Grain Cheerio, Plain Corn & Bran Flakes.

Swans LOVE Lettuce. They will Eat all Types of Lettuce..
Tossing a Head of Iceberg out on the Pond is a Fun Activity for Swans.
We call this “Let-Us-Play.”

Lettuce Play – “Let-Us-Play”

In Early Spring as Pond Water Warms, typical in Mid-March..
there are Tender Plants Starting to Grow in the Lower Water Levels.
The Swans Know. You will see them Up-Ending again.

IF there are Large Numbers of Fish, Carp, KOI.. in a Pond
there may be Very Little for Waterfowl to Eat..
The Fish may EAT EVERYTHING that Grows..

Swans NEED Food Support in the Winter depending where you Live.
There is almost Nothing in Northern States for Swans
to Eat Naturally during the Winter. Most Pond and Lawn Plants go Dormant..

Insects and “Bugs” are Hibernating in some Form during the Cold Months,
Waterfowl need more Calories each Day. Adult Swans need 700 more Calories each Day.

You do not want them to be Outside in the Cold-Hungry..
They need the Quick Energy of EXTRA Daily Calories to help them Stay Warm and Healthy.

I Generally tell People in Pennsylvania – Swans need TOTAL Feed Support
from Halloween to St. Patrick’s Day.


LAWN Mowers..
I do not know WHY Mature Cobs DISLIKE LAWN Mowers so Much.
This is a VERY Common Problem.

I Wonder if the Engine Creates a Painful Noise..
I have not Heard of ANY Female Swans Going after a Mower.. ???
Some Cobs will try to Attack any Machinery like Weed Whackers, Tractors, Generators, etc.

And Sadly, there have been Tragic Outcomes for Several Cobs Every Year..
Swans tend to get their Feet under the Mower Housing..

Most Pond Owners have Large Lawns to Mow..
so Riding Mowers are Common..more ZERO Turn Mowers.
AND Cobs can MOVE so Quickly.. This is TOO Often a Tragic Combination.

One Suggestion when it is time to Mow is to PUT the Cob into a Protected Area,
a Fenced Area, a Building, a Transport Carrier – in the Shade..

Or, it is a Pain, but One Person keeps the Cob Busy
while the Mowing is being done near the Pond..

Any Plant with Thorns can cause Foot Injuries.. Resulting in Painful Bumble Foot Sores..

These Infected Sores are Very Difficult to Treat.
If you have Roses or Plants or Weeds with Thorns..
Example: THISTLES Thorns may Puncture Feet and start a Painful Bumble Foot Sores.

The Thorny Thistle Plants (Weed) are a REAL Pain.. Literally !
Remove Thistles in Areas the Swans Walk Frequent.
Be Careful when Cutting your Lawn..
Do NOT Cut Thistles and Scatter the Thorns, …Especially into the Water..
You DO NOT Want your Waterfowl to Swallow Sharp Thorns.

If Possible consider Removing any Plant that has Thorns..
OR at least keep any Broken Stems or Cuttings Picked up.

I am attaching One Image of a Swan’s Foot that Stepped on a Thorn..
Very Hard to Treat.. It was close to a Year before this Swan could Walk
more then One or Two Steps without Sitting Down.. His Foot HURT !!

This Mature Cob.. Starved to Death..
His Sore Feet Prevented him Walking to the Feeder..

THE DRAIN PIPEs that Allow OverFlow Water to Leave your Pond..
If the Pipe Diameter is Large Enough for a Swan or Cygnet to put their Head in…..
When there is Heavy Rain.. that Drains.. These Drain Pipes become a Suction Trap..

The Drain Pipe below is about 8 Inches in Diameter..

The Swans get STUCK – Suctioned IN and CAN NOT GET Back Out !
I have Learned of this Happening at Least THREE Times.
SOME Type of Barrier Needs to be Placed over these Pipes for Prevent Tragedy..

It is Good to have some Brush and Twiggy Trees so the Swans will have
Natural Material for Nesting. Ornament Grasses are Good for Nesting.

In Late Winter – Early Spring.. Courting – Mating begins.
Mature Cobs have HORMONAL Driven Personalities
That is a Seasonal Swings.. GIVE THEM SPACE !

During Mating, Nesting and Raising their Young, it is BEST to give the Swans Space
and learn to Work Around and with them.. Be Understanding..

NEVER TURN YOUR BACK on a Hormonal Male Swan.

As Ground Nesting Birds, Nature Evolved the Cob to be Fierce During Nesting
to Protect his Female, their Eggs and later their Young.

Some Cobs are Easier to Work with…. Some are “Bad-As–es” All Year Round.

ALL COBs are Different.. Protective Cobs are doing their JOB..
Their Tolerance to you and your Family is UNpredictable..
If you Keep your Distance this SHOULD NEVER Happen… It is NOT FUNNY !

Socializing them, Gaining their Trust, Respecting their Space.. (-; Learn to Work With them..
Respect the “THE LINE.” (Explained on other Pages)
Do not take your Dogs to the Ponds until you know how the Cobs will behave.
Or if your Dog just Barks at the Swans.
During “Hormone Season” Keep Small Children at a Distance.. WARN Visitors..
The Peaceful and Calm Cob in the Summer can be
A REALLY SCARY BIRD during Mating and Nesting Time.

During the Winter Months most Male Swans are Hormonal.
From December to May, the Cobs will be VERY Protective of their Water Environments.

DO Not Wear White during these Months.. Earthtones are less Agitating..
Male Swan see ANYTHING White as a Territorial Threat.. and will REACT ! !

Most Mute Swans are OK with Ducks.. Wild and Domestics
Many Swans will Chase Wild Geese.. Not sure about Resident Domestic Geese..

Chasing Wild Canada Geese is good for a Captive Swan’s Cardiac Health.
Since Pinioned or Clipped Captive Swans can not Fly..
Swans Benefit from this Exercise..


How Threatening can a Mature Swan Cob Be ?????

Hissing is a Threat… It is Just Noise.. “You are TOO Close” !!

Swans will “Threaten” by “Busking” across the Water…

Swimming VERY FAST – PUSHING WATER, even Flying Short Distances….
toward Anyone or Anything they want to CHASE AWAY ! !

A Swans MAIN Defense – Attack is to Flog with their BIG STRONG WINGs ! !

Swans need Both Wings to “FLOG.” This is a RAPID, Hard Whipping Action,
which HITS around a Person’s Knees most of the Time..
IT DOES HURT!!! I have had my Share of Bruises.

Swans may Charge and Head Butt….and it may looks like they are Trying to BITE….
Swans DO NOT have TEETH !
They have Very Little “Bite Pressure.” Basically a Pinch !
The Curved Nail at the End of the Upper Mandible can Pinch Skin.

Checking for Anemia is Simple.. Gently OPEN the Swan’s Beak.. Look at Tongue Color.
Their Tongue SHOULD be a Baby Pink.

If you need to go near the Swans and you are unsure of how they may Behave…
Carry a Broom or a Pole-Fan Rake with a Soft Pillow-like End..
Stay Calm.. Prevent the Swan getting Close to you..

DO NOT SWING OR HIT A SWAN.. It is NOT Necessary to HURT them !!!
They are generally so Surprised to be Stopped….Stay in Control.
They will Back Away. THEN YOU Back Away..

Swans will become more Protective/Threatening as their Nest Matures…
It will be Best to Keep a Good Distance from the Nest. This Trust TAKE Time..

WINTER CARE*********************************************************

As I hear from Swan Folks ALL over the Country.. I Hear Different Winter Plans.
Each Person needs to be Comfortable with what they Plan and Do for their Swans..
All Swans are Different, Only a Few Mute Swans will Willingly go into a Shelter..
Most Swans Instinctively Fear being Trapped..

Winter Care for Swans
This Heated Water many Contain Dissolved Heavy Metals.
I am Putting this in… Just in Case you Every Need to Wash you Swans..
Only Wash the Area that is Dirty-Bloody.. Not the Entire Swans with Soap !
You DO NOT Want to Remove the Swan’s WaterProofing !

Have a Plan in Mind for a Bitter Cold Spells..
If your Pond or Lake DOES NOT Freeze – Yeah!

If the Swans are Frozen out of their Pond or Lake..
they are Subject to the Air Temperature.. and PREDATORS..

Swans will be Reasonably Safe in a Round-ish Area of Liquid Water 20 -25 Foot in Diameter,
over Water that is at least 4 Feet Deep..

There are Inexpensive ways to keep Pond Water Open..
IF THERE is Electric available by the Pond.

I have Several Topic Pages about Keeping a “Winter Wake.”
There are Topic Pages with Basic Information about the various
Types of Aerators and DeIcing Equipment..
Keeping a “Winter Wake” for Swans

I am going to Stop Here.. I am Rambling.. It is Easy to just Keep Adding Info.
There are Joys and Sorrows when You Love and Care for Swans.
There are No 100% Rules with Swans..
Except that they are 100% Beautiful, Enchanting, Magical.

WELCOME to the Wonderful World of Swans ! (-;
General Working with Swans Summary – OCTOBER 2021
More Notes will be Added as I think of Things. – PA SwanLover Linda

Having these Swan Adventures has Helped to Fill the Void in my Life
when I had to Stop Working due to Physical Disfunction of my Own.