A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans

Winter Care For Swans

July 15th, 2014 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in Winter Care For Swans - (Comments Off on Winter Care For Swans)





Winter Swan Care

  Click Images to Enlarge 

Early Fall Pond

As Fall Approaches each Year.. it is Time to Check that your Swans are Healthy.
 Good Body Condition is Very Important for Swans to Tolerate Winter Conditions.
Swans in Winter

In the Northeast United States, the Rule we follow is:
From Halloween to St. Patrick’s Day…
We Provide Total Nutritional Support for our Mute Swans.
Swan Pond Late FallFeeding Winter Swans

This Care would include any Captive Waterfowl
– Ducks, Geese, Captive Trumpeter Swans and Black Australian Swans.

Black Australian Swans

*****Pond Water Temperature

As Pond Temperatures Drop, the growth of Under Water Vegetation 
Slows and will go Dormant until Next Spring.

Winter Swan Pond Ice
Lawn Grass will become Dormant..
Or when Covered with Snow and Ice is Unavailable for Grazing.
Winter Swan Care

Water Insects and Under Water Critters Hide in the Lower Areas of the Pond.
Winter Swan Pond

Winter Swan Pond

Healthy Swans do Very Well
AS LONG AS they can Keep their Feet in Liquid Water.

Most Swans Fare BEST OutSide During the WINTER.
Winter Swan Pond

It is January 2018
Much of the United States is Experiencing an Extended Period of BITTER Cold Weather..   
Wind Chill from Frigid Polar Air Adds to the Brutal Conditions OUTSide..
Bitter Cold Winter

2018 Bomb Cyclone
Advisories are to TAKE ALL Animals into Sheltered Areas.
Barn SwanWinter Swans

It is HARD to see the Swans OutSide in the Bitter Cold.
I STILL WORRY…Bitter Cold Winter Pond

THIS Extended Bitter Cold was REALLY a Test of BASIC Swan Care.
Feeding Winter Swans
AND then the Judgement to Shelter or Keep Swans Outside in the Elements.
Winter Swan Care

Each Water Environment is Different
and Each has its Own Variables to Consider.

January 2018…
Sadly, this Bitter Cold Caught some Swan Owners Unprepared.
We learned of a Number who lost Swans.
Ponds Froze that Never Froze in Years Past.
Predators were able to get Swans…
Frozen Winter Swan Pond  Swans Need some Open Deep Water Area to be Safer.  

Winter Care will be Different for Adult Swans and Young Cygnets.

A Common Practice in the Past and Still Used
by some Caring for Swans:

Frozen Swan PondIf they do not have a way to Provide an Open Water Wake for their Swans…
 they Arranged to Put their Swans Inside for the Coldest Winter Months.

It had been an Acceptable Practice to move Swans to a Farm
and into a Barn or Stable for the Winter.  Or Send them South to a Warmer Climate.
Swan Barn Winter Shelter
Examples: Public Parks or Golf Courses that are not Open during the Winter.
Golf Course Swans
Or Northern Resorts Routinely Removed their Swans during the Off Season.
Swans Winter Farm
Or Private Swan Owners who live in Areas where their Ponds Freeze
moved their Swans Inside.

Yes, it Sounds Logical…
But, Experience and Statistics have Changed the Practice over Time.

Once these Wintered Swans were Returned to their Ponds in the Spring,
to the Dismay of their Caretakers, a Percentage of the Swans became Ill and Died.

Winter Swan Pond

Veterinarians began to Realize the Swans kept Outside
on Open Water Ponds Fared MUCH BETTER.
The Sheltered Swans were often kept in a Sunless Shelter for Two to Four Months.
Mute Swan Winter ShelterSwan Winter Shelter

The Lack of SunLight for Several Months will Deprive the Swans
of the Sun’s Important Benefits.
Swan in Winter Shelter

Being Sheltered at Night and Allowed Time Outside in the Sun on Nice Days
would  be a Compromise from being Inside Day after Day.. So Many Variables.
Mute Swan Winter

Winter Sun

Exposure to SunLight Aids Natural Vitamin-D
which Plays
an Important Role in Immune Health.  
A Deficiency of Vitamin-D Increases the Rate of Illness and Infections. Winter Care for Swans

Inside for Several Months the Swans may Develop
the same Physical Problems Humans do Without SunLight..
IF kept Inside, they would Benefit from Vitamin Supplements.  
And LOTs of Vegetables.

Feeding Winter Swans
Check the Feeds you Provide for the Vitamins and Minerals Added.

Vitamin-D is Important for Bone Health by aiding the Absorption of Calcium.  
Lack of Vitamin-D may Weaken their Leg Bones, contributing to various Problems.
Swan Cygnet Poor DietSheltered Swans are NOT getting much Exercise in a Small Barn Stall.
Mute Swan Winter Shelter

A Lack of SunLight and Freedom can lead to Depression.

The Winter Months are when Swans’ Reproductive Hormones are Starting to Increase.
Mute Swans Courting
They should be Courting, Mating, Enjoying being Swans.
Mute Swans Courting
Swans Need to have their Immune System Stimulated Constantly.
They normally Drink the Water in their Environment, Ponds, Lakes, etc.
Mute Swan Pond
There is Nothing Clean about the Water they Drink ! !
It is Full of Bacteria and who know what else. YUCK !!
This Pond Water keeps their Immune System ACTIVE.. Robust.

Many Times in our Backyard, we watched Swans and Cygnets SUCKing
into Small Muddy Puddles every chance they would get.
Swan Cygnets MudSwan Cygnets Mud
Many Routinely DUG into the Dirt near the Kidde Pools
and Scooped Beaks Full of Dirt into the Clean Pool Water.
At first it was Exasperating trying to keep their Water Clean.
Winter Care for Swans

Reading and Observing I finally realized, they Instinctively CRAVE
the Bacteria and other Microscopic Organisms in their Environment..
Swan Cygnets Mud

I Frequently Observed the Swans Drinking the Cloud of Poop they Expelled
into the Pool Water.  And NOT just their own, but from Another One
who had just added their Poop to the Mix.  >>>YUCK, YUCK, YUCK ! !
Swans Kidde Pool Poop

The Clean Water Provided in a Barn is generally from a Tap/Well…
It is TOO Clean – Long Term.   You may Start to see Wet Sloppy Poops.
Kidde Pool Swan

IF You do Shelter your Swans during the Winter Months..
Try to Bring them Pond Water to Drink Several Times a Week..
This will Help their Immune System…

It is More Important for YOU to be SAFE then to bring Pond Water to them.
Frozen Swan Pond
When your Pond is FROZEN Solid, you might ADD some Dirt
from near the Pond to your Clean Tap/Well Water ..

DO NOT USE Water from a Hot Water Tap for Drinking.
This may Contain Dissolved Heavy Metals.
Heated Water Bowl
Water Buckets in a Barn can still Freeze,
Leaving the Swans with NOTHING to Drink.

There are Heated Water Dishes available from Farm Suppliers.

Heated Water Bowl

Check their Shelter Living Area for Sharp Objects and Tangle Hazards.
Swan Tangle Hazard

Swans get Bored and will TEST Everything.
Common Swan Injuries
Common Swan Injuries
Barns, Garages, Out Buildings and Sheds are Great for Storage…
Check for Things that Might Fall or Injure your Swans. 
Swans, especially the Trumpeters and Mutes HATE being Confined
in a Building or Shelter – they feel TRAPPED ! !
Trumpeter Swans Winter

Their Primary Way of Protecting themselves is with their Wings
to Fly Away or to FLOG !!

Pinioned Swans can not Fly to Escape Danger..Male Swan Ready to Flog

In a Building they can not Spread their Wings and Flog to Drive Off Predators.

It is TOO easy for them to become Cornered.

If you Shelter your Swans be sure to Close and Secure the Door when they are inside.
Black Australian Swan

The Smaller Swans.. Black Australians and Black Necked Swans
have a harder time with Exposure during the Winter.
Black Necked SwansBlack Australian Swan
The Smaller Swans will be more Willing to Shelter at Night.
BE SURE to Secure the Door for the Night and let them out in the Morning.

ALL Swans are Subject to Frost Bite – Especially their Feet.
Frozen Swan Foot PrintsTRUMPETER SWAN Frostbitten Feet
When Temperatures are Bitter Cold.. the Risk of Frostbite is Greater.
Mute Swan Frostbite
This will NOT Happen with their Webbed Feet in Water.Winter Care for Swans

Swans are BIG VERY Messy Birds..
LOTs of POOP Waste to Clean-Up..  Another BIG PAIN ! !
Their Enclosed Shelter gets DIRTY Fast ! !
Kidde Pools need almost Daily Cleaning.  YUCK ! !
Having a Kidde Pool inside a Shelter is DIFFICULT to DUMP ! ! !

Mute Swan Winter Shelter
A Barn Stall with Straw for Bedding is a Pain to keep Clean and Dry.
Dirty, Wet Bedding-Straw will Develop all kind of Disease Risk..
Molds Promote Air Borne Diseases.   Respiratory Diseases are Common.
Swan Cygnet Aspergillosis

Aspergillosis is a Common Fungal Disease
that infects the Respiratory Tract of Poultry.  

It is Associated with Moldy Straw and has a Higher Incident if Hay is used for Bedding.
Swan Cygnet Aspergillosis
Infected Birds will be seen Gasping for Breath – a Sign of
Aspergillosis Pneumonia..
The Consequence is Increased Mortality Numbers.
Swan Cygnet Aspergillosis

Hay used as Bedding is Especially Prone to Developing Aspergillosis Spores.

Then there is their Feed… Swans Do Not Eat ALL their Feed at One Time. 
They are MESSY when Eating from Containers..

Feeding Winter Swan

LOTs of Spillage to the Floor/Ground. Barn Rodents become a PROBLEM.
Rodents Soil their Feed with Urine, Dropping and Saliva.
Various Diseases are Spread to the Swans this way. YUCK ! !
Consider the Swans’ Emotional Well-being..
Swans may become Very Depressed when they are not able to be Outside or in Water.
Winter Swan Care

They NEED to Bathe to keep their Bottoms Clean and to Encourage Preening.
Frequent Bathing helps keep External Parasites in Check. 
Winter Care for Swans
Swans Need to be Wet to Preen Normally.
Swan Preening

Preening helps Condition their Plumage for Insulation and to Maintain WaterProofing.  
The Swans’ Plumage has an Excellent Insulating Factor..

Swan Feathers Insulate

You will likely see the Swans Tuck their Feet up under their Wings at Times.  
This Allow them to Warm their Feet in an area where their Feathers are not so Dense.

Swan Winter Care

Swans have a Normal Body Temperature of 103 – 106 degrees F.
        Passive-Resting  103 Degrees   *   Active-Stressed up to 106 Degrees.

At Night, they will often Snuggle their Beak under their Feathers.
Floating Mute Swan

In Severe Cold, it is possible for the Watery Fat in their Knob to Freeze.
Swan Pink Knob Scar
This may Result in a Pinkish Scar.  I have only seen this once. Winter Care for Swans
Waterfowl have Evolved to Conserve their Body Heat.
Some Physiological Mechanism in their Feet Allows their Blood
to Flow through their Webbed Feet and NOT lose Heat.   (Amazing ! )
Mute Swan Cygnet Webbed Foot
As long as Healthy Swans can keep their Feet in Liquid Water they
are able to keep Warm.  Nature’s Magic.
Swan Feet in Water

Cold Liquid Water is Warmer then the Temperature Water Freezes at.
Air Temperature plus Wind Chill may be MUCH, MUCH Colder ! !
Frozen Swan Pond

If Swans or Cygnets are “Frozen Out” of their Water then they are Subject
to the Air Temperature and if it is Cold Enough, they May/Will Freeze.
SWAN Winter Care Froze to DeathThe Young Blue-Bill Juvenile Mute Swan in this Image Froze to Death.

I DO Know of Swans that Froze..
Swans Frozen Out
They are Helpless when they do NOT have Enough to Eat
and their Water Environment has Frozen.
 Swan Open Water

In the Wild, Full-Winged Swans will Fly to find Open Water.
Your Full-Wing Swans might Fly Away if their Water Totally Freezes.
 Winter Care for Swans
Mute Swans are NOT Migratory Swans.. they will only Fly to Find OPEN Water.
Winter Swan Care

If you Observe your Swans Shivering.. they are trying to keep Warm.
Swans that are Handling the Cold will not Shiver Much.  WATCH Them.

If >> Shivering Continues, << then it is Recommended to take them Inside for a While.
 This is a Judgement Call.. Let them Rest in a Shelter..

Winter Swan CareOR Put some Straw Down in a Sunny Area, so they can Snuggle Down off the Cold Ground.
This is not much help if it Rains or Snows..
Swan Prints in Snow

The Mute Swans’ Knob can help you Gauge their Weight – not Fool Proof.

Generally a Healthy Weight = A Nice Full Knob.
The Knob of Healthy Mute Swans will ENLARGE during the Winter Months.

Mature Healthy Mute Cob – Large Full Knob. 
Mature Mute Cob Knob
Maiden Mute Swan – Large Full Knob.Mute Swan Maiden

If you Notice a Knob Shrinking, the Swan may be Losing Weight.
Taking them Inside would give you a chance to Check their Weight.

Gently Feel them Across their Breast Area.  The Keel Bone Should NOT be Prominent.
There should be a Rounding of the Pectorals – Breast Muscles on both Sides of the Keel Bone.
Mute Swan Cygnet

From: Linda (To New Swan Owners who have First Year Cygnets.)

First Year Swan Cygnets NEED to Learn about ICE..
They are NOT Safe Frozen Out of their Pond Water..
Frozen Swan Pond
They May Freeze and are Vulnerable to Predators.

Try to move Cygnets to their New Homes in the Fall.. by ThanksGiving.
Move Swan Cygnet
Captive Cygnets do not have their Parents to Teach them about Winter.
Swan Cygnet Winter
Cygnets NEED to Learn where it is Safe to Spend their Time during the Winter Months.
Getting Healthy Cygnets through their First Winter and Seeing them OK in the Spring…
will be a Time of Learning for BOTH of you.
Swan Cygnet Winter

In Future Years, when they are more Mature and they will be Ready
to Deal with the Cold and Ice.  Most will Learn and Remember..
Swan Cygnet Winter

In Late November, December, January, February and March Young Cygnets
are Experiencing their First Winter.

Swans are Safest in an Area of the Pond with Water at least 4 Feet Deep..
Winter Care for Swans
The Depth is more Important then the Diameter of the Opening in any Ice.
The Ice will be Thin Near the Open Water Area and will NOT Support much Weight.
** You DO NOT Want Predators to Reach the Swans.

Generally, the Lower your DeIcing Equipment the Larger the Opening. Winter Care for Swans

Swans will try to find the Warmest Water in their Pond, even a Degree or Two Warmer.
Swans Winter Pond

***** Check at SunSet that Cygnets are IN Liquid Water.
Winter Swan Pond
*** Check in the Morning they are NOT Frozen Fast to the Ice.    
                                                **It Happens ! ! 

Winter Swan Pond

Have a Plan so you are Ready to Help any “Feathered Friend” Stuck in the Ice.
Winter Swan CareWinter Swan Care
Winter Swan Pond

Keep in Mind that as it gets Colder..
these GROWING Cygnets will need MANY more Calories.. Winter Care for Swans
 Increase their Feed Mixture Quantity when it is time for Total Winter Support..
A Healthy Diet their First Two Years will Benefit their Future.
Winter Swan Care

If Your Cygnets are LESS then 20 Pounds..
Keep a VERY Close Watch as Days gets Cooler and Colder going into Winter.

Mute Cygnet Shivering
A little Occasional Shivering is Expected.
But, if this Continues.. it would be BEST to Arrange to Shelter these Youngsters,
Especially at Night.
Swan Cygnet Winter Care
They are Still Growing. Harsh Weather will BURN TOO much Energy.
Outside on NICE Winter Days they will Bask in the SunShine.
Winter Swan Care

Cygnets 20 Pounds Plus, Healthy and WELL Fed do OK in OPEN Water.
Winter Swan CareWinter Swan Care

I have Worried over the Years, FEARED I might be Wrong,
Misjudging their Natural Ability to Deal with the Freezing Landscapes..
and been able to SIGH with LOUD Relief each Winter Morning..
Learning they are Just Fine.
Winter Swan Pond

Swans are Amazing Creatures. Nature has Prepared them Well.
In the Wild they will Fly to Save themselves – if Possible.

Wild Swan Winter
 Observe the Smaller Waterfowl –  How are the Ducks and Geese Doing ?  Winter Care for Swans
Daily Visits to Feed and Check on your Swans is Important. Winter Care for SwansIn Captivity, they Need us to Help them Survive.
Winter Swan Care

Swan Cygnets NEED to Learn about “ICE.”
Winter Swan Care

To the Cygnets, the Frozen Water under them should be Liquid.
This Hard, Cold, Stuff on their Pond is Unfamiliar.
010508L HKAF Royal Mute Cygnet (22BD4 600)5BFTXTAND it is Slippery.. When they try to Run on the Ice, they Wipe-OUT !!
They will Learn.   (smile)

Their Natural “Instincts” may not have Winter in their Programming.  
Dealing with the Cold, Ice and Snow are Part of their Learning Process.  
Without their Parent to Teach them.. they NEED to Learn.
Winter Swan Care

Given the chance Swans will Work-out many Problems..
And they Learn from their Experiences and each other.
Winter Swan Care

Memories of a Young Female we had Years Ago:
Little “Hannah” was Bewildered by the Ice Forming around her.
Winter Swan CareI Watched her Bite and Poke at the Thin Ice with Annoyance.

“Hannah” was with an older Male (around 10 Years Old).
He had been through many Winter Months and Knew to Keep her
in the Open Water Areas of their Pond.
Winter Swan Care
IF you have ANY Doubt about what to DO..
Do what is Safest for the Swans.
The First Year for New Swan Owners is a Learning Process..
and the First Year for a Swan Cygnet is a Learning Process..
Swan Cygnet Winter
Then WE ALL Learn.. – PA SwanLover Linda

ALL Swans NEED more Calories during Cold Weather.
About 30-40% More.
Swan Winter Feed
Increase their Feed Available so they have EXTRA Calories for Quick Energy to Stay Warm.
Swans Cereal Mix

Cereals are Good Treats… Check Ingredient Label.
NO Yeast, Little to No Sugar or Salt… No Colors or Dye.
Plain Cheerios or Corn Flakes. Swans LOVE Bran Flakes and Kix.
Winter Swan Care        Many Swans will Snort “Thank You.” 

Check their Food, Feed and Vegetables are not Frozen.
Winter Swan Care


EVERY WINTER is Different – I ENJOY the Milder Ones..
Swan Winter Wonderland
and PREPARE for the Nasty Ones.
Swans Winter StormFrozen Winter Swan Pond
If your Swans are on a Pond with a Vigorous Natural Spring that keeps
an Area of Water OPEN during the Coldest Weather..
Count Your Blessings.
Swans Natural Spring

Otherwise… Consider:
Having Equipment Ready for DeIcing – It is a Good Idea.

Be SURE you have SAFE Electrical Service.. GFCI
We had Licensed Electricians Install ours.. NOT a DIY Project for Me..
GFCI Electric Box

I am Adding the Below Information.. FYI ONLY.
Learn How To Safely Install a GFCI Outlet at The Home Depot

Installing GFCI Outlets in ALL Wet or Damp Locations like Kitchens, Bathrooms,
Laundry Rooms and Basements are a Must to Meet the National Electrical Code.  
We HIRED a Licensed Electrician.

Swan Pond Air-O-Lator

Any DeIcing Equipment “Can” be used all Year Round for Pond Water Aeration 
which is a GREAT Benefit to most Ponds.
Timers are Useful for Intermittent On/Off. Use as Desired..

Aeration-Circulation Helps Reduce Nuisance Surface Plant Growth due to Organic Decay.
 It adds Oxygen to Lower Pond Water.

OPEN Area over Water that is at Least 4 Feet Deep helps Protect
Swans from Predators that may be Stalking them.
Fox Swan Pond

Various Methods of Deicing a Winter Pond are VERY Helpful..
None are appropriate for all Ponds..

A Websites with LOTs of Information

 AirMax – Pond and Lake Aeration Systems

 KASCO Marine…Pond & Lake De-Icing – Kasco Marine

YOU DO NOT WANT Equipment that uses HEAT.
You want Circulation.. Moving and Mixing Water.


There are 4 Basic Types.. Every Pond Situation is Different.
These ALL Require having Electric Service Available.

(Fountain) Air-O-Lator – Aerators.. >>> Electric Cable in the Water.
Swan Pond Air-O-Lator

Bubble Diffusers.. Compressor and Weighted Air Hose in the Water.
        NO Electric Cable in the Water.

We had this System Installed  2016  Runs 24/7  No Problems as of 2021.
Pond Electric Cord Cable**********************************************************
Bubble Hose.. Compressor and Weighted Air Hose in the Water.
        NO Electric Cable in the Water.
Pond Bubble Hose

IF THERE is Electric available by the Pond.

Pond Electric Cord CableThreading Electric Cable through PVC Conduit is Added Safety.
Loose Electrical Cables and Extensions are TANGLE HAZARDs.
And these are Vulnerable to Rodents Chewing on them..  >>Short-OUT !!

A Submersible Pumps.. >>>> Electric Cable in the Water.

A Submersible Pump in a Large Bottom Bucket is an Inexpensive
“Just in Case” way to keep Pond Water Open..
Swan Pond Submersible Pump Sump Pumps.. Some Folks use these.. >>>> Electric Cable in Water.

Winter Swan Care

Submersible Pump for Open Pond Water in Winter

NOTE” Winter 2017-2018, As I think back I am Aware..
The Pumps that Draw Water in and Discharge have a VERY Common Problem.
They PULL Leaves, Pine Needles, Twigs, Junk, etc…
Toward the Unit.. Clogging them.  Frequent Cleaning May be Needed. Winter Care for Swans
If your Pond has a lot of Debris.. these are a Pain..
If your Pond is Fairly Clean.. then these are Workable.

Another Hazard.. to be aware of..

This Could Result in Electric Shock Drowning,
Potentially Electrocuting a Person Touching the Water.
Leading to Temporary Paralysis and the Inability to Move.
This Could Electrocute your Waterfowl..

One Pond we Visit was having Problems keeping their Aerator Unit Running.  
The GFCI would Trip-OFF after their Unit had Run for a while.  
Not sure if Dampness was the Problem.. ???

Over and Over the Unit would Turn-OFF after Running for various Periods of Time.
 The Electric Cable was Checked Several Times. Frustration – Undependable.

Fortunately, the Owner did notice there were Times All Swans and Ducks
would not get in the Water.. and other times All would be in..

Concern there was Electric Current in the Water,
they changed their DeIcing Equipment to a Compressor – Hose System..

There are Products used as Indicators of Electric Current in the Pools, Ponds and Lakes.
An Internet Search found Several.
Reading the Product information and Customer Reviews would be helpful
in Selecting the Best for your Water Environment.
We have not used these..  With each Passing Year there may be More.
We are NOW ONLY using Compressor Diffuser DeIcers
NO Electric Cables in the Pond.

Protect Your Family and Waterfowl from Dangerous
                                                                 and Potentially Fatal Electrical Shock in Water! 

I did Consider this Product.. it is Sealed..
NO Batteries to Replace – the Complete Unit is Replaced when Batteries become Low.    
               Shock Alarm 

Another Type


 A Shock Alert Water Voltage Detector

There are SO Many Types of DeIcing Systems now.. (2021)

If you consider installing an Air-O-Lator or other Aerators
with a Motorize Circulating Fan..

Ask the Sales People about a Grill over the Fan/Propeller..

Let them know you have Swans with LONG Necks..
The Propellers are Turning at a High Rate of Speed..
They could Easily Cut Beaks, Heads or Necks.

There are Under Dock Mounted Units.. (They Look like a Fan)
I have NO Experience.. but, they look Risky.
Swans are Nosey.. they like to put their Faces in the Fast Water Current.

We Used the Air-O-Lators on Two Different Ponds.
Swan Pond Air-O-Lator

An Air-O-Lator Motor-Propeller Unit Suspended down 5 to 8 Feet.
Winter Swan CareWinter Swan CareWorked Great in the Summer to Circulation the Pond Water..
Swan Pond Air-O-Lator
But, Two out of Three Winters they Quit when we NEEDed them Most.
Swan Pond Air-O-Lator

One Year our Swans Chewed and Pulled at the Ropes Securing the Floatation
Until it CAME APART and Twisted to a STOP.
Swan Pond Air-O-Lator The Water FROZE and there was No Way to Safely get to it ! !

Earlier that Winter a Plastic Bag became TANGLED in the Propeller
and had to be Removed for it to Resume Spinning.

The Second Pond.. in October the Air-O-Lator was working Perfectly.  
Mid-December it STOPPED – the Pond FROZE Again.
Air-O-Lator Frozen PondThere was NO Safe way to Service the Unit..
We WORRIED Every Day and Night until Spring.
NEVER Again !!!!


A SAD Note Summer 2016:
A Farm in Lancaster Co. lost a Swan this Summer..
The Very Low Water Level during the LONG Dry Spell allowed
the Aerator Support Ropes to become Limp-Loose..

One of their Females got her Neck Tangled in One of the Ropes
and basically hung herself.
The Farm has had their Aerator System for many, many years..
But, with this Summer’s lack of Rain their Pond was the lowest
it had ever been..  Never Dreamed the Ropes would be a Danger.

Any Loose Ropes are a Tangle Hazard.
In 2016, we were making Winter Plans.
I was TIRED of all the Problems of the Aerator Types
and the Submersible Pump needed Frequent Cleaning in that Pond.
NO Fun in COLD Weather.

After LOTs of Reading I decided to try Robust-Aire Diffusers by KASCO.
Swan Pond Robust-Aire Diffusers

These Bubble Diffusers are Placed on the Bottom of the Pond..
Air is Pumped through Weighted Hose to the Diffusers..
Streams of Bubbles move Water from the Bottom of the Pond
where the Water is Warmer.. to the Surface.
Robust Air Diffuser

Nothing for the Swans to get hurt with, Except a Rope on the Location Bottle-Buoys 
connected to the Diffusers.
These need to be kept Taunt, so the Swans can not get Tangled.
Winter 2016-2017 >>>> 2021   All Worked WELL !!
So Far Winter 2017-2018 the Diffusers are Doing their Job with NO Fuss.
As we Head into Winter 2018-2019 NO Operation Problems.
It is January 2021… The System is ON 24/7 Year Round.. NO Problems.

I am NOT Crazy about the Compressor Hum..
but, NO Electric Cord in the Water is a BIG Safety Feature.
With a Timer..
The Compressor may be used at Night.. for Quiet Days.

Winter Wake by SubSurface Diffusers

One Pond we Visit uses Bubble Hose.. and it works Very Well..
The Pond is Shallow at the End near the FarmHouse,
Not Deep Enough for the Air-O-Lator type of Aerator.
Swan Pond Bubble DeIcerPond Bubble Hose
The other Day Listening to the Weather Forecast they were Warning !!
 that Areas might lose Power with the Bitter Cold.
A Power Outage – OH NO !!

Some Rural Areas might be without Power for Long Periods of Time.
If your DeIcing Equipment Stops and Water Freezes,
that would be a Time when taking Swans, Geese and Ducks into a Shelter
might be Necessary.Winter Care for Swans

Trying to Rescue and Move Swans in Frigid Temperatures, when Ice is on
their/your Water Environment.. Lake – Pond, etc. can be VERY Dangerous.       

It is VERY Important to think Safety during the Winter..
You are Working and Moving around Water.. Ice..
Put your Safety First.

Safety is important. Ice Cleats might be something to think about.
We have used these for Years with GREAT Results.. NO Falls.
Sure Foot Ice Traction Aid YakTrax for Ice & SnowThere are a Wide Variety of “Cleats” to Pull on to Boots & Shoes.

Very Helpful when Walking on Uneven Ground. 
Swan Winter CareAND Walking Sticks – Have Many Uses.. 
Swan Winter Care

The BEST Thing you can do for your Swans is Prepare for Winter
during the Fall Months.    …Have a Back-Up Plan.
Fall Swan Pond
AND then Feed them Daily so they have the Calories for Quick Energy
to keep them Warm and Healthy.
Winter Swan Care  Plan ahead to Service a Feeding Station where YOU are Safe.
Winter Swan Care
Winter Swan CareI would Rather Enjoy Winter then Worry about It.
Winter Care for Swans
Winter is a Beautiful Time of Year with Healthy Swans.
Winter Swan Care
This Information is a Work in Progress…..
As I learn more I will add to this information..
Compiled by (C) L.M.Sweger                                UpDated JUNE 2021


Ice can be Dangerous and Beautiful.Winter Swan Care