The MUTE SWANS may be divided by Color Variation. The Black-Legged Swans are ROYALS and come from Great Britain. The Beige-Legged Swans are called POLISH Swans and they are from Eurasia.
Depending on the Parents Genetics.. you can have BOTH in the Same Brood.
From Late April through June, Mute Swan Cygnets are Hatching all over the Place.. and I get Questions about the Different Colors of the Cygnets.
To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.
This Topic Page will Basically be Images – Examples.. To Read more about the Royal and/or Polish.. there are Topic Pages about them.
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Polish Mute Swans have Beige/Light Brown Legs and Feet, their Beaks are more Orange then Red.
Polish Mute Cygnets are Light Cream to White with Pink/Beige Feet. Polish Mute Cygnets/Swans will have the Pale Foot Color for life. The Polish Males Feet are more Brown then Black.
The Cygnets below are from a Mixed Mute Pair.. Above is their Polish Dam.
Below is the Cygnets’ Royal Sire.
Royal Mute Swans have very Black Feet and almost Red Beaks.
Royal Mute Cygnets are a Smoky Blue-Gray-Brown Color their Beaks are Black and their Legs and Feet are VERY Dark to Black..
These 5 Cygnets are 5 Days Old. We Stopped to Help Pinion them.. Success.
When Polish Cygnets are Raised Out on the Water with their Parents they are the most Vulnerable to Predation.. They are EASY to See. PREY Predator – The Preying of One Animal on others.
A Red-tailed Hawk was Observed Carrying One Polish Cygnet Away.
Within a Few Days the Other Polish Cygnet was Gone.
Hawks and Owls are Feeding their Young at the Same Time of Year… that Mute Swan Cygnets Hatch.. Swans are Almost Helpless to Protect their Tiny Cygnets.
Two Days after this Visit we got a Call asking us to Come and Remove the Two Remaining Royal Cygnets…. to Save them.. These Tiny Royal Cygnets were 18 Days Old.
There seems to be a Fair Number of Polish Swans in Central PA..
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The Cygnets below were Unrelated Rescues.. One Female – One Male.
They were able to Grow Together.. We Planned for them to be a Pair. Sadly, the Polish Female developed a Heart Infection.. and Died.
These are Other Unrelated Polish and Royal Mute Swan Cygnets..
I Personally like to have One of Each.. It is So Difficult to Tell many Swans Apart.. Their Knobs change Size during the Years.. Many Times Owners are not sure Which Swan is the Male or their Female. Especially, when they are Alone.
Having One Polish and One Royal.. makes this Easier.. You can SEE the Color of their Legs… just above the Water..
Then there are Same Sex Pairings.. These Swans REALLY Look Alike..
When we would Stop to Visit the Young Royal Male NestMates above… I could not tell them Apart. Their Family could not Either.. Just Calling them “The Boys.”
Driving Home after a Visit.. I kept thinking… they are Like Identical Twins.
I Started to Refer to them as “Castor” and “Pollux.” The Gemini Twins.
When there are Royal and Polish Male NestMates from the Same Brood.. it is Nice to keep them Together. For People who want a Same Sex Male Pair.
When I Pinioned these Rescued Cygnets.. I Sent Samples for the DNA-Sex Determination. Each Cygnet was Color Banded to Identify them.. Leg Bands were Changed as they Grew. Make SURE Leg Bands do NOT get TIGHT !
Around (120 Days) we can Send Feathers for the DNA-Sex Determination. Before this Time.. the DNA LABs may Reject the Feathers..
When DNA Results are Back.. We can Start to Arrange for their Forever Homes.
During the First Winter the Royal Cygnet will become more and more White.
These Young Males were doing Well Together.. They Could have Lived together for Many Years.. Sadly, Fishing Injuries Ended this Pairing.
Having Two Female… Do NOT Need to be NestMates.
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Both the Royal and Polish Juvenile Females are White by 14-16 Months Old.
The Females below.. I can Tell them Apart by their Pinioned Wings.
The Main Concern when you have Two Females a Companions.. They can not Protect themselves during Nesting. They are VULNERABLE. You Need to Think of Ways to Improve their Safety from Predators..
HUM-M-m-m… The More Time I got to Spend with Swans.. I did Notice there are not Just Two Color Variants.. but a Third.. a Blend.
There is a Royal – a Polish – and a Cappuccino Colored Cygnet.
From Reading – No Special Designation is Made for the Cappuccino Cygnets. They are Classified as Royal – Their Plumage will be Similar to the Royals.
Our Little “Summer” has a DARK Beak and Pale Grey Legs..
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“Meadow’s” Legs and Feet Stayed Light Grey.. Did Not Becoming Dark..
I think ALL Swans are Wonderful.. – Including Hormonal Cobs.
They all have Different Personalities and Bring Much Joy to those who Love and Care for them.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *********************************************************************** These are Swan and Cygnet Images Snapped over the Many Years we have been Enjoying Swans. Collected by Linda M. Sweger & Robert B. Job UpDated May 2024 *********************************************************************** Below are More Photo Images of Royal and Polish Cygnets. They were Fun.
****** ****** ****** ************ ****** ****** Watching the Cygnets GROW.. and their Personalities Develop.. was a Delightful Part of our Summers. ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
COMMON NAME: Black Swan KINGDOM: Animalia PHYLUM: Chordata CLASS: Aves ORDER: Anseriformes FAMILY: Anatidae SUBFAMILY: Anserini
GENUS SPECIES: Cygnus (swan) atratus (clothed in black) ”Atratus” translates into “Dressed in Black.”
My / Our Experience with the Black Australian Swans has been Limited.. We have Visited various Pair.. Enjoyed Observing them.
And we Tried to Rehabilitate Several.. without much Success. We did what we could to give them a Chance to Heal and Improve.
I have not Checked Various States if there are Any Prohibitions for having Black Australian Swans as Captive Pets.
In Pennsylvania there are NO Restrictions to Own or Breed them..
I am not Aware of Any States Restricting Ownership. If there is a Concern.. Check with your States Department of Agriculture. And, Or your State’s WildLife Services.. WaterFowl Specialists.
I am Going to Share some Basic Information.. Not much about the Wild – Free Black Australian Swans.
This Species of Swan has Dark-Black Plumage with White Feathers in their Wings easily seen during Flight.
Their Wing Span Averages One and a Half to Two Meters. ( Estimate – Five to Six Feet)
The Cobs have a more Pronounce Ruffling of their Back to Tail Feathers..
Female Black Swans tend to hold their Necks in a Slight Curve.
And the Mature Cobs tend to have the Longest Necks among the Swan Species.
The Elongated Neck enables the Black Swans to reach Deep into the Water to Feed on Algae and other Aquatic Vegetation.
Their Beak is more Red with a White Band near the Tip.
And the Iris of their Eyes is a Bright Red.
I Realized that I could Suspect Anemia by the Color of their Iris. Anemia may be Caused by External or Internal Parasites. Blood Loss after an Injury.. Chronic Infection or a Poor Diet..
Their Legs and Webbed Feet are Dark Grey-Black.
Males – Cobs Average 18 – 20 Pounds Females – Pens Average 10 – 14 Pounds
Life Span.. from Reading.. With Good Luck and Health. 40 Years is Possible. I have No Experience with this. 10 Years seems more Realistic.
Migrating Canada Geese Line the Rim of this Public Lake..
I have Never heard any Owner of Black Swans say they are Good for Controlling the Canada Geese that are a Problem on many Ponds.
The Black Swan is the most Social and least Territorial of all Swans. There are Exceptions.. All Swans have their Own Personality.
NATURAL DIET: Herbivores, Eating mainly Aquatic Vegetation In Captivity as Pets.. the General Swan Feed Mixtures is Good. They will Live on Ponds and Lakes with Natural Vegetation.
In the Colder Regions.. Pennsylvania Included.. The Black Australian Swans may need Sheltering during the Colder Nights. They are Smaller and more Willing to be inside out of the Direct Cold.
If your Swans, any Swans are Sheltering, be SURE to Secure the Door or Opening at Night.. Inside a Structure they are Trapped. Vulnerable.
Healthy Adults are OK out on Open Water during the Day… Happier Inside on Icy Cold Nights.
Cygnets that Hatch in the Fall will need Shelter at Night through most Cold Winter Months. Remember to RAISE the Heat Lamps as they Grow.
Heat Lamps make me NERVOUS !! Use with Great Care… Chances are you will not have Fire Detection in your Out Buildings.Shelter Swans
In the Wild they would EAT LOT of Water Insects and Small invertebrates. Feeding mostly from the Water’s Surface.
The Cygnet above is NOT WaterProof… he is WET !!!
When Cygnets are NOT Raised on a Pond.. They need Pool Time to Encourage Preening.. to Aid and Improve their WaterProofing..
Black Swans will Play in any Puddle of Water. They will do OK on a Slightly Small Pond then the Larger Mutes and Trumpeter Swans.
I have not had an Opportunity to Observe Black Australian Cygnets Raised on the Pond with their Parents.. Only Hand Raised Cygnets.
The Cygnets are Too Easily taken by Predators. The Spring Brood Hatch during Chilly-Chilly March Weather.
And the Fall Brood are not Developed enough to be Outside in our Cold Winter Months.
They need to be Sheltered. Hard to do with the Parent.. who will do better out on the Pond in Cool Moderate Weather.
If they were able to Live with their Parents, they will Ride on their Parent’s Back for Longer Trips around their Waterways.
The Cygnets have Gray Down for Three to Four weeks.
Then the Beautiful Smoky Black-White Tips Feathers Emerge.
Their First True Feathers are Dark Smoky Brown not as Black as the Mature Adults.
The Male Cygnet above is about 3 Months Old. Growing Nicely.
The Beaks of Black Cygnets seem to go through some Color Variations as they Mature to the Bright Red and White.
The Cygnets need to be Ready for Life on their Own by 14-16 Weeks.. Rehoming-Adoption at 5 to 6 Months is Workable..
Since there are Fewer Black Swans being Raised.. It is a Challenge to Arrange Young Unrelated Pairs.
It is a Good Idea to seek others who have and Raise Black Australian Swans.. then Network with them..
It is Common for Pairs to be from the Same Brood.. Not a Healthy Practice. Genetic Diversity Produces Healthier Swans.
When the Adults are Ready to Start another Nesting.. I have no Experience if Two Different Broods will be OK staying with the Parent.
From Reading, it is often Stated that Cygnets will Remain with their Parents for Nine Month before they Fledge and become Independent.. Suggesting Two Broods are in the Parents’ Care at the Same Time.
Most Folks who have Captive Pet Black Swans, Arrange for New Homes for each Brood of Cygnets..
It would be Reasonable to Spoil some Clutches of Eggs.. to Limit the Number of Cygnets. There are Options..
When Black Swans are Allowed to Pair at Will.. There are Frequently Two Females and One Male.
They seem to enjoy being a Threesome.
How & Who will Breed.. ?? I do not have that Experience..
It Suggests.. One Female is a Spare.?? A “Nanny.” If something Happens to the Nesting Female, the other Female will take over the Nest.
?? Both Females share Caring for the Cygnets. One being the “Nanny.”
I can not find anything in Reading about this.. so, this might have been my Observation Experience.
After their Breeding Season the Adults Moult and are unable to Fly for about a Month. The Females Moult First, several Weeks later the Males start their Moult.
I do not know if they Moult Twice a Year.. Or just after One of their Two Nestings… ??? Spring
The Right Wing of the Right Black Swan is Pinioned.. Most White Flight Feathers are Missing.
To Care for Captive Pet Black Swans Pinioning is Suggested. If they are able to Fly.. they may simply Fly Away.
They have Little Chance of Surviving a Feral Life in Pennsylvania..
The Black Australian Swans will Live and Build their Nests in a Colony if their Water Environment will Support their Numbers..
If their Water Environment is not Flushing with Clean Water and you see Fecal Material Floating on the Surface, this is not a Healthy Place. Too many Waterfowl… will FOUL a Smaller Pond.
Males do most of the Defending and Chasing off of “Enemies.”
Territorial Disputes seem Less Severe.. Not sure how to word this.. There is more Posturing between Rival Males then “Out and Out” Battling..
The Black Swan Cobs average Weight is 18 to 20 Pounds.. Mute Swan Cobs can be 28 to 30 Plus Pounds..
BUT, we have Witnessed and there are Internet YouTube Video Clips.. of the Black Cobs being more Fierce and Aggressive toward the Larger Mutes.
There is a “Pecking Order” on most Bodies of Water among the Waterfowl.. Black Australian Males like to the at the Top of Order.. They can be Surprisingly Aggressive. – The Pond Bully.
The Black Swan NestMate Males will also become Compatible Pairs. If you Prefer NOT to deal with Nesting Twice a Year, Two NestMate Males Might be worth Considering.
We / I have had Fun visiting with Black Australian Swans..
We have tried to Rehabbed / Cared for Several.. My Experience is Limited.
I Hope I have not Misrepresented their General Behavior.
As I Read various OnLine Articles, I can see that each Swan Owner has their own Experiences and Observations.
General Fact Articles about the Black Australian Swans, seem to be largely “Cut and Paste” Information.
The has a Nice Fact Article..
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I am about to do the Same Thing…. Just a Little “Cut and Paste” History BackGround..
Before European Explorers had reached Australia, it was believed that all Swans were White.
Dutch Mariner, Antounie Caen, was the first to be Amazed at the Sight of Australia’s Black Swans on the Shark Bay in 1636.
Explorer Willem de Vlamingh Captured two Black Swans from Australia’s Swan River and Brought them back to Europe to prove their Existence.
During the Nineteenth Century, the original Western Australian Colony was called “the Swan River Settlement.”
In 1973, the Black Swan was Officially Proclaimed as the “Bird Emblem” of the Government of Western Australia and now appears on their State Flag.
Black Swans are still found Living Wild and Free in various Wetland Habitats in Australia and Tasmania. There are some Black Swans Living Free in the Regions of Sweden.
Within Australia they are Nomadic, with Erratic Migration Patterns dependent upon Climatic Conditions. Like other Swans they need Open Water during the Colder Months.
The Black Swans were Hunted to Extinction in New Zealand, but later Reintroduced.
In Victoria (Australia) and Tasmania they have caused enough Crop Damage that the Government has established a short Hunting Seasons to Control their Numbers.
In the United States, there is No Mention of Feral Black Swans. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
The Australian Black Swan have a Rare Color Variation. It is known as Silver or Merle Swan.
Knox Swan and Dog has a Breeding Program in place to try and get a Pure Strain of Silver Swans.
The Plan is to get enough Swans with the Silver Gene to match up in Breeding Pairs to produce the Silver Swans.
If you know anyone who has an Australian Swan with this Rare Color Various Bob Knox would like you to Contact him..
The Few Images included are All from the Internet..
Knox Swan & Dog LLC (847) 875-3947 Send Message 75 Saddle Tree Lane, North Barrington, IL 60010
**************************************************************** The General Information is a Blend of my Experiences and Reading. Compiled by Linda M. Sweger – June 2020 ****************************************************************
I Love this Image.. I Wish I could Identify the Photographer.. Lovely.
June 4th, 2020 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on FISHING and SWANs.. NOT a GOOD MIX)
I Understand that Fishing is an Activity Enjoyed by Many.
I am not Going to Bash or Complain about the Sport of Fishing.. It seems to be a Popular Way to Spend Time Outside.
To Enlarge Right Click Image – Open in a New Tab.
FISHING: If you Allow Anyone to Fish in Your Pond.. Ask them to be EXTREMELY Careful with Fishing Line, Sinkers and Hooks..
It is Safest for your Captive Pet Swans if NO Fishing is Allowed..
I am Always Happy to See Ponds Designated “NO FISHING.”
The BRIGHT Red Bobber… Someone was Fishing.. on a NO Fishing Pond.
The Pond or Lake Your Swans Live on.. is their Home.
What is Difficult to Accept is the Careless Disregard for the Environment by Some – Not All – People who Fish..
Fishermen Say they Love the OutDoors.. > > > Why do they Trash It. ? ?
Mute Swans get Blamed for All Kind of Negative Impacts on the WaterWays they Live on.. But, this is Not Swan Waste..
THIS is People TRASH ! !
I Want to Share with Folks interested in Having Swans what Can Happen if Fishing Hooks, Lines and Sinkers are Left in the Water where your Captive Pet Swans and other Water Birds Live.
Your Domestic Ducks and Geese will Also Suffer Injuries that Mangle them.
This Female Mallard became Entangled in a SIX-Pronged Barbed Hook. She was First Hooked in the Webbing of her Foot. Trying to Free Herself with her Beak, her Tongue became Impaled. She was Lucky, Found, Helped and Released.
Discarded Fishing Line Around the Leg of this Goose was Cutting in so Deeply, Saving the Leg was Questionable.
One Hook can Destroy the Future of an Entire Family.
WHAT YOU CAN NOT SEE ! ! An X-RAY of a Duck that Swallowed a Fishing Hook. This would Required Risky Surgery to Remove. Outcome Unknown.
If an Unfortunate Swan/Cygnet Swallows a Fishing Hook OR any Bird or Waterfowl… The SOONER it is Removed the Better the Chance that no Long Term Harm or Death will occur.
One of these Young Cygnets Swallows a Length of Fishing Line.. The Owners CUT the Line at his Beak and Released him. NO Plan to Find Out if there was a Hook or to Help him.. “He is a Wild Creature. God will take Care of him..”
My Heart SANK, when I learned they turned the Cygnet out to their Pond.
DO NOT CUT FISHING LINE SHORT – there MIGHT be a HOOK… This will Aid finding the Hook.. Leave several Inches Visible.
VERY GENTLY – Touch the Neck all around to feel for any Lump that might be the location of a Hook.
The Bird or Animal will BEST be helped by a Veterinarian.
We Arranged with the County Cruelty Officer for this Cygnet to be Removed from the Farm. He was Taken to a Veterinarian for Help. His Weight was 40 % below what he should have Weighed.
There is NO WAY: WITHOUT an X-RAY No way to know how Large the Hook is.. No way to know how the Hook is Oriented.. No way to know how Far Down the Hook has Gone.. NO WAY to know how many Barbs the Hook has..
Fishing Hooks will Dissolve/Rust over time.. Depending on the Size, this can take Weeks to Months.. Dissolving Metals will S-L-O-W-L-Y be Absorbed.. Heavy Metal Poisoning.
This Tiny Cygnet was Barely OUT of the Nest and it is HOOKED !
In the MEANTIME: As the Swan/Cygnet moves about the Hook Barbs may change its Position and Location. Swans Twist their Necks to Drink, Eat and Preen.. It will likely cause PAIN as it Stabs into Tender Tissues.
Throat Tissues may become Swollen, Sore and Ulcerate. High incidents of Infection.. Bacteria – Fungus.. Necrosis.
A Swallowed Fishing Hook may cause Chronic to Severe Bleeding.. Especially, if it Punctures a Carotid Artery or Jugular Vein. Massive Bleeding, Loss of Blood to their Brain. Obstructive Blood Clots. Many Fatal Potentials.
Plant Material, which Swans Try to Eat, may be Caught and Choke the Cygnet/Swan. Prevent Eating – High Risk of Starving.
Hook Barbs may migrate to the Trachea – cause Airway Obstruction, Bleeding into their Lungs. Painful Fatal Outcome.
Hook Barbs may migrate to their Neck Vertebrae. Damage Nerves-Impair Function. Imagine the PAIN.
By the time the Swan/Cygnet is in Distress from a FISHING HOOK, it will be more difficult to Save them. The Longer the FISHING HOOK is in the Throat the more Treatment will likely be needed. Poor Prognosis.
This Young Cygnet was Lucky. He was Rescued and taken for Help. He did not have a Fishing Hook in his Esophagus.. BUT, he did have a Wad of Balled-up Fishing Line in his Gizzard. The Line was Abrading the Lining of his Gizzard, causing Bleeding. The Fishing Line was Removed, Treated with Antibiotics, Time to Recover and Gain Weight.. Adopted to New Home.
A FISHING Hook is Literally a TIME BOMB waiting to Kill any Bird or Animal that Swallows one.
Use GREAT CARE when Capturing a Swan/Cygnet that may have ingested a Fishing Hook. Do your BEST not to handle the Neck. Keep Stress as LOW as Possible.
If you SEE Fishing Line Hanging from a Swan’s Mouth… DO NOT CUT the Line. – Leave several Inches Visible. Find a Way to KEEP it from being SWALLOWED Further. Your VET will have a BETTER Chance of Removing the HOOK.
The Young Swan Cygnet Below was Rescued – Not Saved.. Died.
Carelessly Discarded Fishing Line, Hooks and Lead Sinkers have been Responsible for “Way Too Many” Waterfowl Deaths..
Painful Tissue Injuries might be Treated after Days of Bleeding when Infections have started..
What you are Seeing is a Result of FISHING.. and NOT being Responsible for Fishing Line.. and HOOKs !
The Pain and Stress the Swans Endure May Contribute to a Poor Outcome..
At a Pond that was to be Designated “No Fishing” – Public Fishing Continued.
The Young Swans on this Pond were Hooked and Injured Several Times.
We Arrange for a Rescue to Occur on a Wednesday.. A Veterinarian Appointment was Made for that Evening.
The Owner Arranged for Someone to Shoot the Juvenile Swan on Tuesday. They were Tired of all the Expensive Veterinary Bills..
The Young Swan was a Victim Twice.. through NO Fault of his. So Sad.
They did Allow the Rescuers to Collect his Brother. We found a New Home.
The Line was Caught on Rocks.. Luckily the Swan Pulled Free.. We Could Not get Hold of her.. The Hook Eventually Rusted Off.
The Saga of a Rescued Swan.. Who Knows how Long she was Hooked.
This Swan’s Leg was Not Ok.. She Struggled to Walk.. Victim of a Hook.
SINKERs: Lead Poisoning is a BIG Problem for Wild and Domestic Waterfowl.
Swallowed Lead will Slowly Cause Toxic Heavy Metal Poisoning. Difficult and Time Consuming to Treat.
Over the Years, we have Talked with Pond Families and Helped Rescue Way TOO Many Swans and Cygnets Entangled-Snagged by Fishing Hooks, Lines.. So Far No Sinkers or Shot Gun Lead.
Distressed Swan Rescued after having Tongue Impaled by Discarded Fishing Hook.
Some Hooks will Come OUT Easily.. Some Hooks Embed Deeply.. Cause Bleeding and Pain.
These are the Painful Punctures Suffered by a Swan in the U.K. after Swallowing Fishing Line attached to TWO Hooks.
Fishing Line Tangles Wings, Legs, Necks.. Tissue Damage and Permanent Injuries are Common.
One of their Four Month Old Cygnets was Tangled, Struggling Likely Broke her Wing. She Died during the Night, before she could get to the Vet’s Office.
There are many Sad Stories I could share.. “PiP” is Another One. -He was between 4 – 5 Months when Rescued. A Caring Team of People spent Months Helping him Recover. Thanks to All.
He was Lucky to Survive his Encounter with Fishing Line.
Any Waterfowl, Birds… and other Animals can become Tangled in Fishing Line left in their Living Environment.. Fishing Line is Strong and does not breakdown..
He was Found with his Foot Tangled with Fishing Line. His Struggling to Free himself caused Mutilation of his Left Foot’s Webbed Tissues.
When Rescued, the Damaged Tissues were Surgically Removed. All the Network of Blood Vessels between his Toe Digits were Damaged.
It was Over a Year before he was Ready for Adoption to a New Home.
The Primary use of Webbed Feet is for Paddling through Water.
Webbed Feet have more Surface Area to Push Water Backwards and thus Propelling the Waterfowl Forward.
The Large Network of Blood Vessels in the Webbing is Important to Aid Waterfowl Regulate their Body Temperature.
This Nasty Damage will Affect his Life.. He will Need to Adapt. His Foot will Sink into Soft Muddy, be more Easily Cut.
Entangled Waterfowl Can NOT Fly, Swim, Forage for Food or Protect Themselves from Predators. Tightening Constriction around the Body can cause Suffocation.
If Fishing Line gets Wrapped and Tight enough it can AMPUTATE Legs, Wings,etc. The Poor Helpless Tangled Animals can easily Starve if it does not get help.. While causing Gangrene as a Body Part Slowly Dies.
Another Young Swan’s Life has been Changed.. Forever.
Once Tangled in Fishing Line, the Line Tightens to the Point it Cuts through the Skin and into the Bone.
Infections incur, Circulation is Cut Off Resulting in Amputation.
A Little Local was Given to Finish the Amputation..
This is Where the Leg was Damaged – No Hope to Repair.
She will Not be Able to Walk.. Swans are Too Large to Hop on One Leg.
It is Hard to think about this Live Bird Suffering Endless Hours for over 2 – 3 Weeks – Alone in Pain and Scared. – I do not have Words..
A Series of Dedicated People Tended Tirelessly to Help this Young Swan Recover.
An Experienced Rehab Angel in Florida.. Welcomed this Young Female. Close to Round the Clock Care.. Weeks of Therapy.
In the End, the Swan kept Trying to Stand to Preen.. Then Plop-down on her Abdomen. The Abdomen Skin was Bruised Over and Over.. Damaged beyond Healing. If this Swan would have Stayed in the Water, she might have had a Chance. Her Loss was Heart Wrenching for Everyone who Tried so Hard to Save her.
Birds/Swans often Pick-up Fishing Line to put in their Nest. This may have a Fatal Outcome for the Cygnets.
The Trumpeter Swan Parents Could Do Nothing to Help their Cygnet.
***************** Do a Simple Internet Search for ** Images Swan Fishing ** *****************
WaterFowl Do NOT have TEETH..
They Ingest their Food in Bites that can be Swallowed. Swans are Vegetarians and Eat a Diet with Lots of Tough Fiber.
These Foods Need to be Ground into Smaller Bits that will Pass into their Digestive System.
Most Waterfowl Swallow Small Bits of Gravel that Act as “Teeth” in their Gizzard, Breaking Down the Tough Plant Fibers thus Helping Digestion.
Ingested Fishing Line can cause Intestinal Blockage and Bleeding. Balled-up Wads of Line will Churn in the Gizzard Muscle.. Pain and Bleeding..Slow Starvation..
Not Being a Person who Goes Fishing.. I am Using Wikipedia for the Following Information..
A Fishing Sinker or Knoch is a Weight used in Conjunction with a Fishing Lure or Hook to increase its Rate of Sink, Anchoring Ability, and/or Casting Distance.
A Lead Fishing Sinker is a Weight used to Sink a Lure or Bait to the Bottom of the Waterway.
Sinkers are Formed into many Shapes for Diverse Fishing Applications. Depending on the Metals.. Swallowed Sinkers will Poison Waterfowl.
Most Fishing Sinkers are made of Solid Lead. Lead are Inexpensive to Produce and Mold into a Large Variety of Shapes for Specific Fishing Applications.
Fishing Sinkers may be as Small as 1 Gram for Applications in Shallow Water, and even Smaller for Fly Fishing Applications, or as Large as Several Pounds or Considerably more for Deep Sea Fishing.
There are many Environmental Concerns Surrounding the use of Lead and other Materials in Fishing Sinkers. Lead in Fishing Sinkers causes Lead Poisoning in WildLife.
Anglers should be Careful when using Lead Sinkers and if at all Possible Never Leave Lead Sinkers in the Environment they are Enjoying.
Any Lead Fishing Items Swallowed by Waterfowl will Slowly Poison the Birds.. There are MANY Articles onLine..
Treating and Saving a Swan Suffering from Lead Poisoning is a Long Process.. if Successful.
When I see Fishing on a Pond or Lake where Swans are Living.. I feel myself Tense – Cringe .. Immediate Worry.. Too Many Sad Stories.
A Clean, Litter Free Environment Benefits All.
WildLife would be Happy to See these Signs..
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Thoughts, Information and Memories Collected – June 2020 A Unfortunate Work in Progress. (C) Linda M.Sweger &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
We can Share the Great OutDoors.
Fishing, Boating, Enjoying Wildlife Safely.
Did you know you can Recycle your Used Fishing Line?
The Fishing Line Recycling Unit above was Installed by an Eagle Scout as a Community Service Project for a Large Lake Community. GREAT IDEA.
We hope more Fishing Folks will Use this Type of Recycling.
Do a Search for: Fishing Line Recycling Program
Fishing Line will be Sent Back to be Recycled into Fish Habitats.
There are Products to Help Fisher Folks Recover Line.. and Hooks.
I Learned that there are Effort to Provide Ways to ReClaim and Dispose of Hooks, Lines and Fishing Stuff… Please Help Reduce the Suffering.