YOUR SWANs have EGGs in their NEST that DID NOT HATCH..
NOW WHAT Do You DO ??…. WHAT to DO ?? !
Mute Swan Mating & Nesting Begins in the Winter Months.
In April & May, Nesting Swans are Hatching their Precious Cygnets..
but, a Few EGGs will Not Hatch.. “WHAT to Do ? ”
Read On.. and you will Know “What to Do..”
You have been Watch the SIX to EIGHT EGGs in your Swans’ Nest..
Your Pen has been Faithfully “Sitting” on the Eggs in her Nest..
ALL we can do is WAIT … through the Long Days & Nights..
What Seems like Endless Days Pass..
Your Cob has been a Pain in the Neck,
Chasing Everything that Moves in the Areas of their Nest..
Finally, you Hear or See the First Tiny Cygnets Moving in the Nest..
Hatching has BEGUN !! It is EGGCiting !!
All Fertile Avian EGGs Need to be Incubated at their Specie’s
Specific Conditions for the Embryo in the EGG to Develop into a New Life.
Fertile Mute Swan EGGs should Hatch on Day 37 +/_ One Day.
If there are One or Two Live Cygnets in the Nest.. Drying and Fluffing..
.. ANY Other EGGs Should Hatch within 48-72 Hours at the Most..
On Rare Occasions.. there will be an EGG that Hatches beyond 72 Hours.
At Least the First 2 Days, Watch the Swan Family from a Distance..
Leave the Swans and Cygnets Alone while they Imprint..
You will Hear the Parent Swans Squealing to the Tweeting Cygnets.
ONLY Intervene if there is an Emergency..
This is a Good Time to have Binoculars..
The Cygnets have a TWO to THREE Day Internal Energy Supply
that they Absorbed into their Abdomen just before Hatching. ( Remaining Yolk )
If they DO NOT Leave the Nest for Two Days they will be OK.
The Pen will Take her Healthy, Fluffy, Dry Cygnets OUT to Learn to Graze..
when she Feel they are Ready..
OR To a Feed Station if your are Suppling the Cygnets Food.
Remember for the First 10-14 Days.. Cygnets Need a High Protein Diet..
## Feeding Swan Cygnets
If there are EGGs that do NOT Hatch..within 72 Hours..
They are Very UNLIKELY to Hatch.. ( Not a 100% Rule. )
When the Swans are Away from the Nest, CAREFULLY SNEAK to the Nest.
It is Good to have an Assistant or Two.. Check the UnHatched EGGs.
Have a Bucket – Double Lined with Plastic Bags.
Check if these EGGs SMELL Terrible.. ARE there FLIES ?? !
Rotting EGGs can be Quite FOUL !
Before Removing Unhatched EGGs from the Nest to Discard..
HOLD Them… If an EGG Wiggles.. > > > PUT it BACK !
LISTEN to Them… If you Hear “Piping” > > > PUT it BACK !
There is a Chance that EGG is Ready to Hatch..
IF the EGGs SMELL NASTY.. ( It is Wise to Wear Gloves.)
DO NOT SHAKE the EGGs.. They are STINK BOMBs !!!
If they Explode in the Nest, it is a Nasty Mess for the Cygnets.
Their Dam will take the Cygnets back to their Nest for Several Days..
for Naps and Safety at Night.. They Need her to Brood them for Warmth..
You do not want the Pen to keep Sitting on Rotting EGGs.
You want her to Care for her Healthy Cygnets,
AND Go Out on the Water to EAT !! SHE will be HUNGRY !!!
IF you KNOW the EGGs are NOT Fertile or have been Spoiled..
( The Pen below had No Cob to Mate with..)
Her EGGs will NOT Hatch.. Just Remove them after 42 Days.
Some Reasons Fertile Swan EGGs Did Not HATCH.
Did the Swans Start their Clutch.. when the Weather was COLD ??
Spring can be Warm One Day and Very Cold.. Wet the Next..
Pens Lay their EGGs every Other Day..
She May/Will Not Sit on them Much until the Clutch is Complete..
She will be BUSY Eating.. Getting Ready to “Sit” for 37 Days..
Either Swan, Pen or Cob may Sit Off and On to Protect their EGGs.
The Pen CAN NOT Incubate the EGGs until she “Feathers the Nest.”
So, it is Possible that the First EGGs.. became TOO Cold.. Froze..
Frozen EGGs often Crack.. Those will have Little Chance to Develop.
BUT these FOUR Images.. DEFY Reason !! > THE EGGs just MIGHT Hatch !
DID the Swans have a Nest that Drains Well.. ???
OR Did their EGGs get WET with Spring RAIN.. ???
If the Pores in the EGGs Absorb TOO Much Moisture
the Embros may Not Survive.. A GOOD Draining Nest is Important..
## Swans Gather Nest Materials
ARE your Swans Young.. ???
Some Two Year Old Juvenile Maidens are Ready to Nest and Lay EGGs…
BUT, is a Two Year Old Male Mature Enough to Fertilize them ??
These First Years may have Variable Results..
When there is a LARGE Clutch.. Seven to Nine EGGs,
it is Not UnCommon for One EGG not to Hatch..
The Pen Contributes ALL the Materials for the EGGs from her Body..
The Last EGG Laid may have been Short Changed or may become a Runt..
Mute Cygnets Rejected by their Parents..
Example: A Mature Pen had 6 Cygnets Hatch..
They Hatched over 24 Hours.. The First Two Days.. ALL Ok…
Things Changed when it was Time for the Cygnets to Leave the Nest.
The Dam did not want the 3 Pictured Below to Eat.. Tried to Drown them..
( Rescued ) Two Seemed Healthy – Developed Normal.
The Tiny Runt had No Drive to Eat – Poor WaterProofing..
It Only Survived for Several Days.. ( We Gave it a Chance. )
Some Cygnet Runts have a Chance.. will Need your Extra Attention.
The Dam Did Not have a Good Diet.
It was Suspected she did not want the Competition of the Cygnets for Food.
Female Swans NEED a Good Diet to Produce HEALTHY EGGs..
A Diet of Corn is NOT a Healthy Diet..
## Feeding Adult Swans – Captive Swans Need to be Fed
## Swans Are Vegetarians
Some Parent Swans will Dispatch Cygnets that are Weak..
They will not Tend to Cygnets that will Slow the Family.
If the Adult Swans Sense there is Something Wrong with a Cygnet..
>>> InBreeding may Demonstrate Genetic Defects.. or a Runt..
Infanticide is Common in Swans..
We have Hand-Raised Cygnets that Swan Parents Rejected..
About 2/3rds do Fine.. Grow into Beautiful Young Swans..
But, there have been Others that Did Not do Well..
These Rejected NestMate Cygnets had Very Different OutComes..
One did NOT Grow.. Malabsorption. The Other became the Mate to a Mature Cob.
He Adores her, they have Nested Several Years.
General Information is From Various Spring Nestings.
Gathered for Your Information before Discarding EGGs.
PA SwanLover Linda.. Linda M.Sweger May 2024