A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans


April 7th, 2021 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in TIMING SWAN EGGs to HATCH


When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Your Mute Swans are EGGSpecting.. Now What ??

“TIMING the NEST & EGGs” will be Helpful.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.

This will be a BASIC OUTLINE.. General Behaviors.
There are LOTs of Exception.. NO 100% Rules.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I do not have Much Experience with other Species of Swans.
We have Worked and Visited Mostly with Mute Swans.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Toward the End of this Topic Page I will have a Few Notes
about the Black Australian and Trumpeter Swans Nesting.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

As I Worked on this Topic Page.. I had Lots of Nesting Notes from Our
Years of Swan Visits.. And Photo Images to help Support my General Notes.
Keeping a Diary as Your Swans Nest can be VERY Useful in Future Years.


Mute Swans will Start more Affectionate Courting Behavior in the Late Fall.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

On Average, Sexual Mating will Occur Starting Mid-Late January
and Continue until the Female Starts to “Sit” Full Time on their Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

In Late February-Early March, Swans will Start Looking for a Nest Site.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Do Your BEST to Keep them On Your Private Property.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


There are SWAN NESTING RULEs for Early Spring:

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

#1 >>> DO NOT WEAR WHITE in the Spring while Swans
are Mating and Nesting. WHITE is a Trigger for the Cobs to Attack..
NO White Buckets or Bags. > > > > Earth-tones are Less Agitating.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

“Hormonal Cobs” see WHITE as Invaders in his Territory.

#2 >>> Keep ALL Feed/Food at Least 30 Feet from their Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

You DO NOT Want to Invite Mice, Rats, Raccoons or Insects to the Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is the Cob’s “JOB” to Protect his Female, the Nest and their Precious Eggs.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Since Swans are “Ground Nesting Birds,” the Pens are Very Vulnerable.
Protecting a Swan Pen from Predators is a BIG Challenge.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Pens are Very Vulnerable During Nesting.
Especially without a Cob for Protection.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

THEY are FAST and Quiet.. Give him SPACE and Understanding.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

* * * * * Inform – Warn ALL Your Visitors to KEEP Their Distance * * * * *

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

There is a “Line” > > That if you Cross it..
You are in the Cob’s Protected Space and he WILL Defend it..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swans can COME Across a Body of Water or a Lawn.. IN A BIG HURRY.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

We keep a Barrier with us.. A Padded Fan Rake. Or Large Vinyl Trash Can.
Timing Swan Eggs to Hatching

Never Hit your Swans.. >>> Just Keep them from Hitting YOU !
Swan’s Bones are NOT as Dense as Our Bones.  They Break Easily.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

OR We Keep a LARGE Net with us.. To Contain the Cob if Necessary.
Cobs are Easy to Catch when they are Hormonal..
When they Come to Chase or Attack.. Just Net them. 

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

#4 > > > DO NOT REMOVE ALL Eggs to Prevent Cygnets Hatching..
 > > > > Pens MUST “Sit” on Several Eggs for 42 Days
                                     to Prevent Recycling and Laying more Eggs.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Instead Oil, Spoil the Eggs or Swap-Out with Replacement Eggs.

SPOILING SWAN EGGs-Prevent Cygnets

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


If you want to Reduce the Number of Eggs that might Hatch,
Wait for the Pen to be “Sitting” about 7-10 Days.
This Pen was “Sitting” on 8 EGGs – We Removed 5 – Leaving her 3.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

IF you REMOVE any EGGs.. KEEP them COOL Just in Case they are Needed.
If the Remaining Eggs Start to Disappear you may Need them.
Unless they are Cracked or Smell Nasty. Discard Those !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


My Plan with this Topic Page is to Share “TIMING Swan EGGs to Hatch”
I Plan to get into more Details in Future Pages.. Much to Share.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swan Nesting is a Wonderful Time… Enchantment in the Air.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If you are Able to Relax for a Few Minutes each Day…
Sit and Watch – It is a Magical Time..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Although some “Waiting” Days (37 – 42) are like “Watching Paint Dry.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

During this Time you May NOT be Able to Mow the Lawn in the Nest Area..
BE Patient..
Many Cobs HATE Lawn Mowers..
They WILL Attack Them.. BE AWARE !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob above was Lucky. He Attacked the Mower HIT the Metal.
Broke Open the Skin on his Wrist Joint. It Hurts ! Risk of Infection !
His Wound was Cleaned and Triple Antibiotic Cream Applied for Several Days. 
His Owner was Surprised How Quickly this Hormonal Cob Settled Down Once Caught.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is the MOST Magical Time Watching Swans in Love.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

How they Work Together, Protect and Care for Each Other.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is a “BIG SMILE Day” when we Find Tiny Cygnets in their Nest !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If Tiny Cygnets Hatch, most Mature Swans are Devoted Parents.
There are Exception.. NO 100% Rules with Swans.
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

IF the Swan Parents Perceive something is Not Right
with any of their Cygnet.. Infanticide is Common. 

If you Rescue Cygnets that are being Attacked by the Parents
you will Likely Need to Hand Raise these “Little Ones.”

Timing Swans Eggs to Hatching
When will Swan Eggs Hatch

Tiny Cygnets are Very Vulnerable until about 12 Weeks Old..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

There are Lots of Things to Learn when Caring for Swans..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swans are NOT Fond of the Nets.. They will Try to Avoid being Caught.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


Reproductive Hormones Increase During the Winter Months >> Spring !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

As the Time for Mating Begins
You will See the Mute Swans’ Beaks Flush Pinkish-Red.
This is the Result of their Reproductive Hormones Increasing.
You will ONLY See this with the Mute Swans..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

One of the First Anxious Times is WHERE will the Swans Decide to Nest..
The FIRST Year or Two.. are the Biggest Worry.
Do EVERYTHING you can to Encourage them to Nest ON your Property.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Nest Building will Begin Mid-Late March…
It is Weather Dependent. ??? Which is Still a Mystery to me.

Nest Building may take 5 – 14 Days. Swans will be Mating.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Gather the Larger Coarse Twigs for the Nest Base.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Pen will Spend her Time EATING, EATing, Eating !!

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Female will Line the Cavity with Smaller Materials.
Dried Grasses, Leaves and FEATHERs, etc.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Egg Laying may Starts as Early as Mid-Late March.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

“Sitting for Incubation” might Start the Early Weeks of April..

While the Pen is Laying her Clutch..
She may Sit on the Eggs before the Clutch is Finished.

Check the Nest for Feathers.. If there are Very Few Feathers..
the Pen is NOT Ready to Incubate – She is Protecting her Eggs.
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
The Pen Needs to “FEATHER the Nest.”
Shedding Feathers from her “Brood Patch” 
to Allow her Skin to Warm the EGGs to 101 Degrees. 

MARK the DATE your Pen Starts to “SIT” FULL-Time ! ! !
AND has Lots of Feather in the Nest Cavity.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Somehow, Swans Instinctively Know when there will be LOTS
of Insects Available for their Newly Hatching Cygnets.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

******  BUGs – BUGs – BUGs  ******
Timing Swan Eggs to Hatch“BUGs are the GRUB” for Tiny Cygnets.
Timing Swan Eggs to Hatch

Whether a Female Swan has been Mating or Not ( No Male Mate ),
by Age Three ( Some at Two Years ) Pens will Want to Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Once the Main Nest Material is Collected and in Place,
AND the EGGs are in the Nest… 
the Pen’s Hormones will Prompt her to Pluck-Preen
Soft Fluffy Contour Feathers from her Lower Breast and Abdomen.
Her “Brood Patch.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Term “Feathering the Nest” Comes from this Nesting Process.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Pen Arranges the Fluffy Feathers in the Nest Cavity
to provide Additional Warmth and Insulation.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Her Thinner Layer of Feathers Allow the Blood Vessels
that Run Close to the Pen’s Skin in the “Brood Patch” to Pass her Body Heat
( Passive – Resting 101-103 Degrees ) Directly to Incubate the Eggs at 101 Degrees.
A Swan’s Active Temperature is ( 103-106 Degrees )  Excited – Stressed or Flying. 

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swan Pens.. Lay ONE EGG Every Other Day (Favoring Mornings)
until All her Clutch is in the Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

A Clutch of 3 Eggs:  3 Laying Days.. and 2 Days in-between =  5 Days.
A Clutch of 4 Eggs:  4 Laying Days.. and 3 Days in-between =  7 Days.

A Clutch of 5 Eggs:  5 Laying Days.. and 4 Days in-between =  9 Days.
A Clutch of 6 Eggs:  6 Laying Days.. and 5 Days in-between = 11 Days.

A Clutch of 7 Eggs:  7 Laying Days.. and 6 Days in-between = 13 Days.
A Clutch of 8 Eggs:  8 Laying Days.. and 7 Days in-between = 15 Days.

A Clutch of 9 Eggs: 9 Laying Days.. and 8 Days in-between = 17 Days.

The Pen will NOT “Sit” Full-Time on her Eggs 
while she is Laying them.. SHE will be Out EATING !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Protect and Keep Eggs Warm, but Can NOT Incubate.
The Feathers on his Breast and Abdomen are Too Thick to Transfer Adequate Heat.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

During the Egg Laying Time, the “Cob” will “Sit” with/or on the Eggs.
They Enjoy being Close to and Protecting the Eggs in their Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
******When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

During the Laying Stage, Swans may Bury or Cover their Eggs
to keep them Safe until the Clutch is Complete and Ready to Incubate.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

ONLY the Mute Pen can Incubate their Eggs – The Clutch.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

IF Both Swans are Out on the Water.
You Might get a Chance to Sneak a Peek at the Nest/Eggs..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Swans are VERY QUICK to Head back to their Nest
if they SEE you in that Area !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

EATING: The Pen will be Seeking Soft Muddy Places to Find Insect Larva..
and will be EATING, EATing, Eating.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Their EATING Frenzy Starts about Three Weeks Before Egg Laying Starts.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

She is Getting Ready for 5 Long Weeks on her Nest..
The Average Mute Pens Weighs 22-26-28 Pounds.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Average Mute Clutch: 4-9 Eggs. Average Egg Weighs 13-14 Ounces.
7 Eggs = 6.00 Pounds of the Pens Body Weight.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Most Swan Eggs are Light Olive Tea Stained in Color.
Some ??? are a Very Pretty Pale Blue..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Make a Note of the Date the Pen is “Sitting” Full-Time,
Count Ahead 37 Days.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If All Goes WELL, and Nothing Happens to this First Spring Clutch,
Hatching will occur -/+ 37 Days.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

When the Pen’s Egg Laying is Complete,
“Sitting” will Begin Around the Clock to Incubate her Eggs.
This Way all the Eggs will Incubate at the Same Time.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

During the Next 35-37 Days, the Pen will Need to take Short Breaks
for to Drink and to Relieve herself. Breaks are Short 4 to 6 Minutes.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Stay with the Nest and Eggs until the Pen Returns.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Frequently Switch Places for these Short Breaks..
and Protect the Eggs-Nest. You may See him Nod for her to “Get-Up.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

You may Observe them “Counting their Eggs.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Sometimes, Eggs will Crack as the Parents Trade “Sitting Duties” and Never Develop.
If they Leak the Clear Albumin, this will Attract Flies and Insects..
Try to Remove Cracked-Sticky or Stinky Eggs.

The Pen will Turn the Eggs Numerous Times a Day.
This Warms the Eggs Evenly and Helps Prevent the Embryos
from Sticking to One Spot in the Shell…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Cobs will “Patrol” the Water’s Edge by the Nest…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Usually Join his Female On or By the Nest near SunSet…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If the Swans are Comfortable with you Walking Toward their Nest,
Collect a Handful of Twigs or Greens like Ferns.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Lay the Twigs or Greens where they can Easily See them..
Be Safe doing this – Not TOO Close..

The Swans will Accept the “Gift” for their Nest.
The Next Day these will Likely be in the Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I have Done this Over and Over, I think it Helps with Trust..
They Understand you are not a Threat to their Nest.
Be Sure to “Nod” Hello as you Approach them.. Stay Calm.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch



When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

DAY 35: Two Days before the Cygnets Hatch, you may hear “Cheeping.”
The Term is “Pipping.” The Pen may Quietly Squeal to the Eggs..
The Pens Vocal – Sounds like Tiny Puppies Squealing.. 

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cygnets will Wiggle in their Eggs..
This will Cause the Pen to Stand more and Leave the Nest more Often.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Hungry, the Pen WILL Seek Food – Watch for her to EAT.
The Pen’s Hunger is a “Signal” of Imminent Nest Maturity.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Pen will get into the Water Frequently and Bring Moisture
on her Breast-Abdomen Back to the Nest to Help Soften the Egg Shells..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Do Your Best NOT to Interfere with this Process…
The General Advise is:  NEVER Help a Half Hatched Egg..
The Swans’ Instinct will do the Best Job.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

AND the Swans Need Time for the Imprinting with their Cygnets..
Best to just Observe.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Soon After the Eggs Hatch, the Pen will Eat the Shells..
She is Reclaiming the Calcium her Body Provided for the Shells.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

All Eggs should Hatch within 36-48 Hours up to 72 Hours.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cygnets MUST go to the Water by the Third Day to Start Eating.
“BUGS are the GRUB” for their First 10 Days…. LOTS and LOTS of Bugs…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swans will Gently take their little Cygnets back to the Nest for Mid-Morning Naps
and Short Rest Periods for Several Days.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is a TOTAL Joy to Watch Swan Parents Care for their Tiny Cygnets…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

To Supplement Feed for the Cygnets – > > NON-Medicated “Start-n-Grow”
or a NON-Medicated Poultry “Crumble” in a Shallow Pan near the Water
will help if BUGS are Scarce…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

READ: Feeding Swan Cygnets.. for more Info..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

In Some Situations it may be Necessary to Remove and Hand Raise Cygnets.
If Predators to Numerous. – If the Parents Reject some of the Cygnets.
If Cygnets Hatch in a Location they are Not Allowed.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Hand Raised Cygnets have a Better Survival Rate. It is a Big Job.


If the Swan Eggs are UnFertile and Not Going to Hatch..
Try to Remove after 42 Days.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If the Eggs are Not going to Hatch… for whatever Reason,
Some Female will Simply Continue to “Sit”… and “Sit.”
OR if the EGGs are REALLY STINKY.. the Pen may just Leave on her Own.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


If you are able to Check the Eggs when the Pen Stands Up
or is OFF the Nest for a Few Minutes…

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Look for any Eggs Attracting Flies…
They are likely Rotting – Carefully Smell Them.
> > > Rotting Eggs that Smell BAD… SHOULD be Removed.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If the Eggs DO NOT Hatch by Day 42 there is Little Chance they will..
They will likely SMELL TERRIBLE – Attracting FLIES..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Flies Around a Nest are a SIGN of Trouble.
Remove any Cracked or Foul Smelling Eggs.
Flies Carry Many Types of Diseases.

>>>> AND Flies May Lay Eggs – in 3 Day there will be Maggots in the Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

WE have Replacement EGGs to SWAP-OUT Nasty Smelling EGGs.

OR Consider a Fly Repellent:

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

ABSORBINE FLYS-X Natural Fly Repellent
Ready-to-Use For Multi-Species Live Stock Use.
Repels & Controls Biting Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats and Ticks.
Natural Ingredients: Rosemary Oil, Thyme Oil, Citronella Oil,
Cedar Oil, Clove Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Geraniol.

DO NOT SPRAY Directly into the Nest.. Use ORGANICs – ONLY if Needed..
Spray 4-5 Feet OUT from the Center of the Nest..
Spray Away from the Pen.. On Calm Day.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

42 Days on Eggs that will not Hatch.. is SIX Long Weeks.
Your Pen is not Eating more then a Few Bites during that Time.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Best to Remove/Discard the Eggs so your Pen will Start to Eat.
(From Articles) Report 20% of Swan Pens will Sit until they Starve to Death.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Hopefully, the Pen will Leave the Nest Naturally…
If you Wait TOO Long.. the Eggs will EXPLODE.. YUCK !!

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Some Cobs will Encourage their Female to Leave the Nest..
Somehow, they know.. I have Witnessed this.. It is Sad.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Double Bag-Line a Small Bucket to Remove UnHatched Eggs.
If they Explode or you Drop them.. IT IS a BIG Mess.. Been There.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I can not Imagine what a Pen does if an Egg Explodes
while they are Turning them.. They are “Stink Bombs !”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Removing the Eggs is NOT a One Person Job..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Extra Hands.. and Make a Plan so you Know Who will do What.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

You will NEED to Contain the Cob in a Safe Place.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

This Makes the Job Safer for Us and for the Swans.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

We Put Our Cob in a Transport Carrier in a Safe, Shady Area.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I use a Folding Lawn Chair – Turned Around as a Protection-Barrier.
Moving Closer Slowly to the Pen on her Nest.. be Patient.
Hopefully she will Move Off the Nest for a Few Minutes..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

IF the Pen will NOT Leave the Eggs on her Own..
Wrap a Large Beach Towel around her… Gently Move her off the Nest.
This is a VERY Stressful Time for a Pen.. Keep Calm – Work Quickly.

NOTE: When the First Cygnets Hatch.

Usually you will have Most Hatch within 24 Hours.. then maybe a Few more by 36 Hours..
IF there are UnHatched Eggs at 72 Hours they are Unlikely to Hatch..

Removing these will Stop the “Dam” from Continuing to try to Incubate them..
It is Time for her to take the Healthy Cygnets to the Water…
They NEED to Start Eating.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is VERY Common for One or Two Egg Not to Hatch.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is More Unusually for ALL the Eggs to Hatch.

There are MANY Reason Eggs do Not Hatch..
Maybe they are Not Fertile.
Maybe an Egg has a Tiny Crack.. Bacteria gets in..
Maybe the Air Exchange was Poor..
Maybe there is a Physical Defect ..
Maybe Deficient in Materials..
Maybe it Froze..
Maybe it Got TOO Wet..

Time to Remove and Discard the UnHatched and/or Eggs you know are Unfertile.

WHEN YOU Pick UP the UnHatched Eggs..
“Carefully” Smell.. Listen for Piping.. Feel for Wiggling..
IF you Hear Piping.. OR the Egg Wiggles.. > > Leave IT !
and it does NOT Smell Nasty.. PUT it Back in the Nest.
IT JUST Might Hatch..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Most Pens will Quickly Return to their Nest.. It is a Sad Time but Necessary.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Once the Nest is Empty.. the Swans will Likely Return for about a Day..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Taking the UnHatched Eggs Away Allows the Cob to “Close the Nest.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Now the Swans will Face ALL the Perils of Summer.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Nest Below is a Different Nest.. Built by Different Swans.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Most Swans are OUT on their Water the Next Day..
The Pen will be Eating.. Provide her a Good Quality Feed.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Reproductive Hormones for Both Swans will Decrease over the Next Two Weeks..
The Summer and Fall will be more Peaceful..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If you have Cygnets Hatch… Then the Summer and Fall will be Busy !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Young Cygnets out Grazing for Crunchy BUGs !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swan Cygnets GROW SO Fast.. They Need to be Strong and Healthy by Fall.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Swan Cygnets Grow SO FAST

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

GENERALLY ALL SWANs INCUBATE their EGGs a Similar Number of Days.

MUTE Swans …………………………………. Aver. 36-*37 days
BLACK AUSTRALIAN Swans ………….. Aver. 36 days ………….. Twice Annually
BLACK NECKED Swans …………………. Aver. 36 days
COSCOROBA Swans ………………………. Aver. 35 days
TRUMPETER Swans ……………………… Aver. 35-36 days
TUNDRA-(Whistling) Swans ………….. Aver. 35-36 days
WHOOPER Swans …………………………. Aver. 36 days

BEWICK Swans ……………………………… Aver. 36 days
– I am trying to Figure Out where these Fit.

( While Reading, I did find a Variety of “Days for Incubation”)
Ranging from 32 – 45 Days. I Suspect some Guessing.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Black Australian Swans Nest Twice Annually.
Broods Hatching in March and October.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Black Australian Swans BENEFIT from Sheltering.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Basics for Nesting Swans is Similar. The Time of Year they Nest will Vary.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Trumpeter Swans Nest about a Month Later then the Mute Swans.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

It is a Good Idea to Remove the Nest Material when you are SURE
your Swans are Finished for the Season.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Decaying Nests make Great Homes for Mice, Rats, Bees, Snakes,
Spiders, Mold, Fungus, On and On, etc.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

In the Fall or Very Early Spring Pile some New Twigs for a Fresh Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


Swan Eggs are Lost for Various Reasons..

Swan EGGs are Commonly Lost to Freezing, Flooding, Raccoons..
People..Kids.. !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Spring Weather can Vary Greatly… Warm then COLD !
Uncovered Eggs may Freeze.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Spring Flooding – OH MY !!
When Heavy Rain Flash Floods their Nest Site !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

WET – Soaked.. Water will Enter the Eggs.
There are Very Fine Pores in the Shell that Allows Air to Enter-Exchange..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

More likely then not any Embryos that are Developing will Drown.
OR Bacteria will Enter and Damage the Contents of the Eggs..
Timing Swan Eggs to Hatch

Nesting Material that Does NOT Drain.. Can Spoil the Eggs.
This Nest is Mostly Last Fall’s Leaves that are Mush after Days of Rain.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

WET Swan Eggs will turn Blue..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Days of Heavy Spring Rain.. Spoiled this Pen’s Eggs.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

These will be the “Anyone’s Guess” Eggs..
It is “Anyone’s Guess” if they will Hatch.. Few Do.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I have Seen Swans Roll these Blue Eggs out of their Nest.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Disappearing EGGs – Raccoons are the Common Reason.
You may Find Broken, Empty Egg Shells in the Area Near the Water.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

As Long as there are One or Two Eggs in the Nest,
Most Pens will Continue to Incubate them.. And not Recycle.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

If All Eggs are Lost there is a Good Chance the Pen will Lay more Eggs.
She will EAT for 7-14 Days to Replenish her Body… “She will Recycle.”

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

You will See Mating AGAIN, if they Recycle for another Clutch – MORE Eggs.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Swans will START their Nesting ALL Over Again !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Incubating – “Sitting” in the Summer Heat is Very Hard on the Pens..
Try Providing some Shade.. Below the Pen is Using her Wings for Shade.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

The Cob will Notice the Pen Panting, Blinking.. Looking Distressed..
and will give her more Breaks on Hot Days.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

>>> Never Place Food Near the Nest… ! NO Closer then 30-40 Feet…
But, a Pan or Bowl of Clean (Change Daily) Cold Water on Hot Days
Placed Several Feet from the Nest is often “Welcomed” by the Pens.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

This Pen Trusted me.. I could Place a Cold Drink on her Nest..
I Learned it is BEST NOT to Add Salad Greens to the Water Tube.

Watch/Remove ANY Pan of Water Close to Hatching..
If the Container is Too Deep a Tiny Cygnet MIGHT Climb IN

and NOT be able to Get Out..

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch


When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

With or Without Cygnets it is Time for Swans to be Out on their Water.
Swans are Safer on their Water Environment !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Enchanting Memories.


I Found a Memory Summary Written by a Man that had been Caring for
the Swans on a Large Community Lake for a Number of Years.

There had been Way Too Many Injuries due to Discarded Fishing Hooks and Line.

In all his Years of Carrying Out Swan Rescue Missions,
he had been Unsuccessful Only Once.
One Nesting Pen was Determined to Incubating a Tennis Ball and Coke Bottle.
She had Accepted them as her “Eggs.”
These Items of Trash were Not Rotting. They did not Smell Bad..
There was NO “Wiggling or Pipping” Signal for her to Expect them to Hatch.

Quoting the SwanKeeper:
“They’ll starve themselves to death before they leave the nest,”
“She wouldn’t get up.”

He knew the Only Way to Save the Pen was to take these Object out from under her.
But every time he Braved the Swampy Marsh where her Nest was Located,
he was OverPowered by her Mate’s Protective Aggression.

The Pen Eventually Wasted Away “Sitting” on Items of Trash.TIMING Swan Eggs to Hatching

The Image Above is from the Same Lake.. Not the Same Nesting Pen.
Gathered for YOUR Information (FYI) …May 2021
From our Years of Visiting Nesting Swans Far and Wide.
We had Experiences with Feral Mute Swans and Private Captive Swans.
Thanks to Folks in My Swan Network for your Shared Images.

We have Learned.. There are NO 100% Rules with Swans.
Swans Do NOT Read the Books Written about them..
… SwanLovers Linda & Rob

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Protect Yourself from the Hormonal Cob..
He will be a Challenge to Work Around.
BUT, it is his JOB to Protect his Family.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Give him Space and Understanding.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

Working Safely with Swans is a Challenge.

 When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

These Bubble Wrapped Fan Rake are a BIG Help.

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

I Prefer the Cobs Whack my Repelling Tool.. then ME !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch
When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

A Large Vinyl Trash Can is a Great Object for a Cob to Flog !

When Will Swan Eggs Hatch

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