YOUR SWANs have EGGs in their NEST that DID NOT HATCH.. NOW WHAT Do You DO ??…. WHAT to DO ?? !
Mute Swan Mating & Nesting Begins in the Winter Months.
In April & May, Nesting Swans are Hatching their Precious Cygnets.. but, a Few EGGs will Not Hatch.. “WHAT to Do ? ” Read On.. and you will Know “What to Do..”
You have been Watch the SIX to EIGHT EGGs in your Swans’ Nest..
Your Pen has been Faithfully “Sitting” on the Eggs in her Nest..
ALL we can do is WAIT … through the Long Days & Nights.. What Seems like Endless Days Pass.. Your Cob has been a Pain in the Neck, Chasing Everything that Moves in the Areas of their Nest..
Finally, you Hear or See the First Tiny Cygnets Moving in the Nest.. Hatching has BEGUN !! It is EGGCiting !!
All Fertile Avian EGGs Need to be Incubated at their Specie’s Specific Conditions for the Embryo in the EGG to Develop into a New Life.
Fertile Mute Swan EGGs should Hatch on Day 37 +/_ One Day.
If there are One or Two Live Cygnets in the Nest.. Drying and Fluffing.. .. ANY Other EGGs Should Hatch within 48-72 Hours at the Most.. On Rare Occasions.. there will be an EGG that Hatches beyond 72 Hours.
At Least the First 2 Days, Watch the Swan Family from a Distance.. Leave the Swans and Cygnets Alone while they Imprint..
You will Hear the Parent Swans Squealing to the Tweeting Cygnets.
ONLY Intervene if there is an Emergency.. This is a Good Time to have Binoculars..
The Cygnets have a TWO to THREE Day Internal Energy Supply that they Absorbed into their Abdomen just before Hatching. ( Remaining Yolk ) If they DO NOT Leave the Nest for Two Days they will be OK.
The Pen will Take her Healthy, Fluffy, Dry Cygnets OUT to Learn to Graze.. when she Feel they are Ready..
OR To a Feed Station if your are Suppling the Cygnets Food. Remember for the First 10-14 Days.. Cygnets Need a High Protein Diet..
If there are EGGs that do NOT Hatch..within 72 Hours.. They are Very UNLIKELY to Hatch.. ( Not a 100% Rule. )
When the Swans are Away from the Nest, CAREFULLY SNEAK to the Nest.
****** It is Good to have an Assistant or Two.. Check the UnHatched EGGs. Have a Bucket – Double Lined with Plastic Bags.
Check if these EGGs SMELL Terrible.. ARE there FLIES ?? ! ****** Rotting EGGs can be Quite FOUL !
Before Removing Unhatched EGGs from the Nest to Discard.. HOLD Them… If an EGG Wiggles.. > > > PUT it BACK ! LISTEN to Them… If you Hear “Piping” > > > PUT it BACK ! There is a Chance that EGG is Ready to Hatch..
IF the EGGs SMELL NASTY.. ( It is Wise to Wear Gloves.) CAREFULLY REMOVE to Bucket > DISCARD..
DO NOT SHAKE the EGGs.. They are STINK BOMBs !!! If they Explode in the Nest, it is a Nasty Mess for the Cygnets.
Their Dam will take the Cygnets back to their Nest for Several Days.. for Naps and Safety at Night.. They Need her to Brood them for Warmth..
You do not want the Pen to keep Sitting on Rotting EGGs.
You want her to Care for her Healthy Cygnets, AND Go Out on the Water to EAT !! SHE will be HUNGRY !!! ******
************************************************* IF you KNOW the EGGs are NOT Fertile or have been Spoiled.. ( The Pen below had No Cob to Mate with..) Her EGGs will NOT Hatch.. Just Remove them after 42 Days.
Did the Swans Start their Clutch.. when the Weather was COLD ?? Spring can be Warm One Day and Very Cold.. Wet the Next..
Pens Lay their EGGs every Other Day.. She May/Will Not Sit on them Much until the Clutch is Complete.. She will be BUSY Eating.. Getting Ready to “Sit” for 37 Days..
Either Swan, Pen or Cob may Sit Off and On to Protect their EGGs.
The Pen CAN NOT Incubate the EGGs until she “Feathers the Nest.” So, it is Possible that the First EGGs.. became TOO Cold.. Froze.. Frozen EGGs often Crack.. Those will have Little Chance to Develop. BUT these FOUR Images.. DEFY Reason !! > THE EGGs just MIGHT Hatch !
DID the Swans have a Nest that Drains Well.. ??? OR Did their EGGs get WET with Spring RAIN.. ???
If the Pores in the EGGs Absorb TOO Much Moisture the Embros may Not Survive.. A GOOD Draining Nest is Important..
ARE your Swans Young.. ??? Some Two Year Old Juvenile Maidens are Ready to Nest and Lay EGGs… BUT, is a Two Year Old Male Mature Enough to Fertilize them ?? These First Years may have Variable Results..
When there is a LARGE Clutch.. Seven to Nine EGGs, it is Not UnCommon for One EGG not to Hatch.. The Pen Contributes ALL the Materials for the EGGs from her Body..
The Last EGG Laid may have been Short Changed or may become a Runt..
**************************************** Mute Cygnets Rejected by their Parents..
Example: A Mature Pen had 6 Cygnets Hatch.. They Hatched over 24 Hours.. The First Two Days.. ALL Ok… Things Changed when it was Time for the Cygnets to Leave the Nest.
The Dam did not want the 3 Pictured Below to Eat.. Tried to Drown them..
( Rescued ) Two Seemed Healthy – Developed Normal. The Tiny Runt had No Drive to Eat – Poor WaterProofing.. It Only Survived for Several Days.. ( We Gave it a Chance. ) Some Cygnet Runts have a Chance.. will Need your Extra Attention. The Dam Did Not have a Good Diet. It was Suspected she did not want the Competition of the Cygnets for Food.
Female Swans NEED a Good Diet to Produce HEALTHY EGGs.. A Diet of Corn is NOT a Healthy Diet..
Some Parent Swans will Dispatch Cygnets that are Weak.. They will not Tend to Cygnets that will Slow the Family.
If the Adult Swans Sense there is Something Wrong with a Cygnet.. >>> InBreeding may Demonstrate Genetic Defects.. or a Runt.. Infanticide is Common in Swans..
We have Hand-Raised Cygnets that Swan Parents Rejected.. About 2/3rds do Fine.. Grow into Beautiful Young Swans.. But, there have been Others that Did Not do Well.. These Rejected NestMate Cygnets had Very Different OutComes.. One did NOT Grow.. Malabsorption. The Other became the Mate to a Mature Cob.
He Adores her, they have Nested Several Years.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& General Information is From Various Spring Nestings. Gathered for Your Information before Discarding EGGs. PA SwanLover Linda.. Linda M.Sweger May 2024 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ****** ******
A Wayward Swan.. An Unexpected Swan.. The Beautiful, Graceful, Captivating Rogue Swans..
I Wanted to Start this Topic with the Definition of ROGUE.. An Internet Search Yielded some Vague General Descriptions.
ROGUE: Definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary › learner-english › rogue. ************* Not Behaving in the Way that is Expected or Wanted.
In other Sources – Terms and Comments Define Rogue.. >>>> Very Charming, an Idle Vagrant, Rascal, >>>> Scoundrel, Mischievous, Scamp… But One who is Nevertheless Like-able or Attractive.
The Rogue Cob below is a Beautiful Swan.. A Successful Rescue..
On this Topic Page…. I am Applying the Term Rogue to Swans..
A Rogue Swan is NOT Part of the Normal Swan Pairing. A Swan who Causes Trouble in a Playful way. OR A Swan who Causes Trouble on an Established Swan Pond.
************************** Swans are Social Birds. They do not Want to be Alone.. If they are Wandering about Alone and happen to Locate an Interesting Body of Water.. Especially with other Swans, it is Understandable that they might Stop to Explore the Status of those Swans.
Click on Images to Enlarge to Read some Added Text.
Our Rescued Mute Cob and a Rogue Feral Pen.. their Story will Follow.
IF more Domestic Mute Cygnets are Pinioned or Clipped to Keep them Grounded, THERE WOULD BE FEWER ROGUE MUTE SWANs.
If we Lived in the United Kingdom.. this would be Common.
ALL their Mute Swans are Living Wild and Free Flying.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I will Share Rogue Swan Stories here in Pennsylvania. FIRST the SURPRISE ROGUE SWAN..
I get Several Calls every Year from Folks who are Excited. They have a “Surprise” Swan on their Pond. “I Looked at our Pond One Morning and there was a Beautiful Swan..!”
The Swan has been Hanging-Out on their Ponds or Lakes. It is Alone. The People are Seeking Information about Feeding or Winter Care.. And they want to Find a Companion/Mate for this Swan.
My First Question: “How Stable is this Swan ?? ” “How Long has it been on your Pond..?? ” “How Social with You has this Swan Been ??? ” “Do you have Photos that I might View ?? ” Photos NEED to Be Focused and Close Enough to see Details.
The First Thing I NEED to Establish: Is this a Feral Mute Swan.. ??? ( ORANGE Beak) A Royal Mute Cygnet Less the One Year Old.. Will have Grey, Brown, Beige Colored Feathers – A Dark Beak. These Cygnets are Naturally Chased-OFF by their Parents in Very Late Fall and Early Winter.. Cygnets are Fairly Helpless as they Seek a Safe Place and Food.
Royal Cygnets have Earthtone Feathers.. Polish Cygnets are Pale in Coloration. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
OR is it a Wild Tundra Swan/Swans that are in the Process of Spring-Fall Migration. Are there More then One.. ?? Migrating Swans may Stop on Bodies of Water to Rest. They may Remain Several Days before Leaving for their Destination.
The Tundra Swans Above have Yellow-Marks on their Beaks.
Most Folks are Unfamiliar with Swans in General.. It is Important to Know WHICH Species their Surprise Swans are..
If this/these Surprise Swans are Trumpeter or Tundra …
You can Enjoy and Feed them.. but, you can NOT Restrict them. These are Federally Protected Swans and must be Allowed to Fly Free.
We Observed this Young Tundra Swan on a Creek Near us.. Likely Blown away from the Migrating Flock. It Appeared after a Nasty February Storm. It Stayed for Several Days.. We Watched it Fly-Off.
Then there were these TWO !
A Lady Called wanting to Adopt a “White Swan” for a Lonely Swan at her Florida Apartment Complex. There had been Five Swans – All Adopted Together. Four had Flown Away.. ( Boo ! ) Not Pinioned.
She did NOT Know the Specie or Sex … I Asked for a Photo.. Yes, this is a “White Swan” > > A Whooper Swan.
A Very Expensive White Swan.
An Injured Tundra Swan Walked in a Family’s Long Driveway. It was Calm, Weak and Thirsty/Hungry. The Wife Called Wanting to Adopt a Mate/Companion. She did NOT Know the Specie or Sex.. I Asked for a Photo. I had to Inform these Folks that they could Not Keep it. As a Federally Protected Tundra Swan, we Arranged for it to go to a Licensed Rehabilitation Facility.
IF the Surprise Mute Swans Come as a Pair.. Sigh !
These Mature Mute Swans APPEARED on a Rural Pond in November and Stayed until March – Five Months. They Flew-Off.. and would Occasional Return and Leave.. after another Seven Month.. they did not Return.
They have Probably Left their Original Home.. Try to Check your Area for “LOST” WayWard Swans.. Someone may be Searching for them. Social Media may Help.. Sites like FaceBook Groups, etc.
When these Swans Left the Family Wanted to get a Pinioned Pair.. Their Experience was Wonderful.. “WE want Swans ! “
BUT, There is Nothing to Prevent these Feral Swans from Returning Weeks or Months Later. They Remember where they were being Fed..and May Return.
If a Lone Feral Mute Swan is on a Public Waterway, a River, Lake, Creek, Stream DO NOT Arrange to Release another Swan as a Companion !! This Just Puts Another Swan in Peril.. If you Develop Trust and have an Opportunity to Catch a Feral Swan.. Arrange for a Private Property Future. CLIP the PRIMARY FLIGHT FEATHERs of ONE WING before Releasing at a New Home/Pond.
From our Experience.. It is a Challenge to Keep a Swan in Place Once a Swan has Learned to Fly.
The Young Male Swan Above was a Feral Rescue.. Lots of Folks were Involved in his Weeks of Care and the Adoption.. He was Clipped before being Released to his New Home.. BUT, he was Not Clipped after his Annual Moult the Next Summer. A Rogue Feral Mute Swan Flew in for a Few Days..
And this Rescued Male Flew Off with the Rogue-Feral Swan.. FULL-Wing Rescued Swans NEED to be Clipped Annually.
Once I Establish People have a Lone Mute Swan.. on their Private Property Water Environment-Pond/Lake.. I Explain what Needs ( should ) to be Done. Feed >> Gain Trust, Catch the Swan.
Clip One Wing and Send a DNA Sample to Learn the Sex. You CAN NOT Arrange for a Male to be with a Male !!
Many Lone Female Swans will Act like a Male as a Survival Behavior. They Display their Wings and Busk and Snort more ! FOR Two Years we Thought this BIG, Bossy, Feral Swan was a Male.
Surprise.. He is a She ! IF they Nest and there are EGGs > the Swan is Female.
There is a Long and Winding Story to this Feral Mute Female. She was Full-Wing.. Could Fly. The Result.. She was Shot.
Early Spring is Nesting Time..most Mature Females will Lay Eggs.. If you are not seeing any Eggs >> that can be a Clue.. Males will Collect Materials for a Nest.. But NO Eggs..
Young Male and Female Swans can not be Sexed by Visual Appearance or Behavior.. You are Just Guessing.
************** THIS is a GOOD IDEA – So YOU Can ID your Swan if it Leaves.
## ID Banding for Swans ************************* If a Hunter sees a Banded Mute Swan, Maybe they will Spare it. DO NOT CALL your State WildLife Service.. They may Destroy these Feral-Rogue Swans.
So Far, Few Free Flying Rogue Swans have been Caught or Stayed with these Excited Folks.
Some of these Swans will Come, Eat, Enchant and Go, Gone for a While, Maybe Returning at Random.. Especially, Folks that have Feral Full-Wing Swans.
These are “Rogue” Swans.. They are Basically Feral-Wild.. They have NO Loyalty to you or your Pond.
I Hesitate to Arrange for a Companion Swan for any Rogue Fly-ins.. Full-Wing Swans and Cygnets that have Learned to Fly are VERY Unpredictable.. Clipping is Helpful to keep them Grounded.. If they are Stable for a Period of Time.. then Maybe Adopt Another..
On Cool, Windy Days Swans have a Natural Desire to FLY if they are NOT Grounded… Plus they CAN Still Walk Away.. Swans that Fly know the World is a Bigger Place.
Rogue Swans Frequently just Fly Away leaving the Pond Owners a Bit Heart Broken.. and a Purchased Pinioned Swan Alone.. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I will Share Antidotes of ROGUE Swans we have Known. There are Too Many Stories Shared to me by Other Swan Folks.
This WHOLE Story Starts in 2006 – I have Condensed it.. This Summary Account Covers 11 Months..
The Cast of Characters in this “Swan Soap Opera.” “Handsome Fellow” – Little “Hannah” “Jezebelle” <<<->>> “Sweet Harmony” Rob “Meadow” Linda
“Handsome Fellow” was our First Feral Rescue.. July 2007.
We Learned so much about Swans while Caring for him. After Nine Months he was Finally on a Real Pond.. But Alone.
We Acquired the Only Female Mute at a Country Auction. Little “Hannah” was Young, very Scared and Dirty… April 2008..
“Handsome” Adopted this 10 Month Old and Raised her. Soon “Hannah” became the Pond Princess.. So Cute !
By December 2008 they were Starting to Pair-Bond. January of 2009 the Pair were Mating.. They were Good..
We had Wonderful Summer thru Winter Days by their Pond. Below the Swans were Play Chasing.. Silly Fun.
February 13, 2009 was a Sweet Day. The Last One.
On February 14th, 2009 a Mature Female Mute Swan Circled and then Landed on their Pond.. ( FROM WHERE ?? ) We had NO Idea what was about to Happen.
“Handsome” was IMMEDIATELY Attracted to the New Swan. In a Few Hours they were Mating ! We were Bewildered ! and so was our Dear Young “Hannah.” I gave the Intruder a Name, “Jezebelle” – it Fit.
Early each Morning, One of us had been going Up River Appx. 6 Miles to Feed a Lone Feral Swan, “Sweet Harmony.” A Local Man would Feed “him” again after his Work Shift..
“Harmony” had gone Missing. We Checked for Weeks. We Feared he had been Shot.. PA Hunters had that Right. The Local Man said, he would call if “Harmony” Returned.
“Jezebelle” Charmed and Claimed “Handsome.” He was Smitten. They Shunned “Hannah” to the Farthest Area of the Pond.. We watched her become Fearful if the Two Looked her way. It was Hard to Watch “Handsome” Chase Little “Hannah” !! She did not Understand “WHY ?”
“Jezebelle” started to Chase, determined to Attack “Hannah.” Then “Handsome” joined the Chase to Drive “Hannah” Away. We had NO way to Stop this Drama.. “Jezebelle” was in Control.
At One Point, “Handsome” was Chasing and “Hannah” turned toward him.. Sat in the Water Facing him.. He Stopped.. He did not Chase her Again that Day..
For SEVEN Days we Watched almost Helpless… Finally with Focused Intent “Jezebelle” forced “Hannah” along a Muddy Bank >> Up into my Arms. We had NO Choice, we took “Hannah” Home with us.. Sadly, we had to Rehome “Hannah” with Good Swan Friends. Their Mute Cob had been Alone for Close to a Year. It Took Several Months for Older Cob,”George” to Accept “Hannah.” Dear “Hannah” was Much Loved at her New Home.
About Three Weeks Later, “Handsome” and “Jezebelle” were a Bonded- Pair.. Mating Several Time a Day.
One Night Rob was Comparing Close-up Photos he had Taken of “Harmony” to Photo we Snapped of “Jezebelle.” He showed me.. We were Stunned. THIS BIG Bossy Female, “Jezebelle” was the Missing Swan from 6 Miles Away.. that we Thought was a Male..!!!
Her Behavior was SO DIFFERENT. But, It did Explain, Why “Jezebelle” Liked Graham Crackers that First Day. “Harmony” and “Handsome” were Together Again.. They had been on the River together for Two Years, “Handsome” had been Rescued 20 Months Earlier.. *******************
We had a Protected Nesting Site Ready for the Swans. “Handsome” Spent Time Arranging the Material.. “Harmony” Totally Ignored the Area.. Weeks Passed..
March 23, the Swans were Sitting on the Pond Bank when we Left.
The NEXT Afternoon, the Swans were GONE.. REALLY GONE !!
We Frantically Searched and Located them on the Local Creek. They were Exploring.. Seeking their Own Nesting Site. We had NO Way to Catch them.. Very Helpless..
Their Perfect Nesting Place was Picked.. We Asked Permission to Visit the Water’s Edge behind that Creek Property. We Spent most Afternoons Feeding, Watching, Guarding, etc.
Heavy Rain Flooded their Nest/Eggs Twice – All Lost.
They Recycled and Nested a THIRD Time.. 5 BIG EGGs.
During the HEAT of July, Three Tiny Cygnets Hatched.
Only One Survived to Leave the Nest.. “Meadow.”
The Happy Parents took “Meadow” Out to Explore the World of the Creek.. We Visited as Much as Possible.
At 38 Days Old.. a Snapping Turtle Bit “Meadow’s” Tiny Foot Almost in Half. HE was Bleeding..
Hearing “Handsome” and “Harmony” Screaming when we Took “Meadow” from them, to Save him, is a Sound that Haunts my Memory.. We had to Try to Save him.
Success was 11 Months of Vet Visits, Surgeries, Healing. “Meadow” has a Badly Damaged Semi-Functional Foot. In Summer 2023, “Meadow” was 14 Years Old.
On November 15th, 2009, “Harmony” had Lead “Handsome” Downstream in the Creek to the River. They were Full-Circle – back where they Started. “Handsome” was Happy to be with “Harmony.” He had taken his Life back as a Free Swan..
Trying to Return them to the Safety of the Private Pond was not Realistic.. They would Likely Leave again.. Their Return to Life on the River had NO Future..
One Day Later, “Harmony” aka “Jezebelle” was Shot by a Hunter from Maryland.
“Handsome” was Spared.. and Alone.. He Searched and Called for “Harmony” for Days..
Early December 2009, “Handsome” Swam back UP the Creek to a Parking Area of a Small Public Park.
We make Plans to Capture him and Return him to the Private Pond… and Hope for the Best..
We Visited Daily, Spent Time Trying to Get Closer to him.. Almost.. almost… The Creek Flooded our Last Hope.. January 25th, 2010 was the Last Day we Saw “Handsome.” We Searched for Weeks, Months.. Nothing.. No News..
At Home we had “Meadow” with a Huge Surgical Wound to Care for.. We Focused on his Needs.. We have “Meadow” Thanks to “Sweet Harmony,” but we Lost “Handsome Fellow” as a Tragic Outcome.
For One Summer these Swans had a Life Together.
This Rouge Swan… Changed EVERYTHING for Us.
When this Rogue Swan Flew in Out of a Grey Sky.
I will Add Two or Three more Stories..
I had to Condense-Summarize these Examples. A Few Photo Images are NOT the Mentioned Swans. But they are Good Examples of the General Topic. Our Adventures with Swans has had LOTs of Twists and Surprises.
SO Many Wanted to Help this Abandoned-Feral-Rogue Swan.
This Summary Covers THREE Frustrating Months.
For Years, a Lone Swan was seen in a Very Shallow Swampy Pond as People Drove along a Busy Highway.. Then in Summer 2022, Plans to Develop this Property were about to begin.
A Local Couple wanted to Rescue and Find a Home for the Swan. I Got a Call… Could we Help. I Collected Info and Made Calls. I Contacted a Variety of People WILLING to Help.. It was June.
The Work Site Foreman said, Now that this was a Construction Site, he could Not Grant Permission for Anyone to come on the Property.. We would have to Contact the Florida Corporate Office. Several Calls. > NO. They would Not Allow Anyone to Feed or Rescue.
We had a Window of Time, while the Swan was Moulting.. To Rescue the Swans while it was Flightless.. BUT, NO Permission !
Earth Moving Equipment Fill-in the Swampy Water.. It was July. The Water was Disappearing Day after Days. The Swan Flew Away.
Landed in a Township Dump-Waste Pond with a High Locked Fence. Permission Denied.. the Area was TOO Dangerous for Public Access.
Weeks Later the Swan Flew Out.. TO… the Local Fire House..
It was Late August. Seeking Company, the Swan Explored the Fire House..
The Firemen were Happy to Welcome this Unique Visitor..
They Posted to Social Media.. Hundreds of Comments Followed. I Suspect from seeing the Photos.. “Charley” might be a Pen.
I CALLED and EMAILED.. Trying to Contact ANYONE at the Fire House. >>>> PLEASE Close the Doors and Someone will Come for the Swan..!! We had a Team of People Ready, to Rescue, Transport, Shelter.. Plans for a Veterinary Check-up.. and then to a Private Property Home. With the Flood of Social Media Interest.. I was Ignored. UNTIL….
I Got a Call from the Fire Chief.. I Explained we wanted to Rescue.. He Informed me.. that after about 10 Days.. the Swan Flew Away. It was Now Late September, TWO Days.. before the Beginning of Fall Hunting Season. The Swan they called “Charley” was Never Seen Again..
I want to Acknowledge, that there are Lots of Caring People who are Willing to Help.. But, the Odds are Against us.
This Rogue Swan Story will be Short.
A young Pair of Seven Month Old Mute Cygnets were Settled on their Country Pond. ALL Good.
I Got a Frantic Call from the Wife…. There was a Larger Swan on their Pond CHASING the Two Youngsters.
The Husband was Outside, Yelling and Banging a Metal Pan, trying to Scare the Rogue Swan Away.. Not much Luck. But, he was Definitely Scaring their Young Pair.
The Rogue Swan would Fly-off and Returned for Several Days. Finally Left and did not Return. Another Day of Harassing the Young Cygnets there would have been a Fatal End to the Rogue.
One More – A Terrible Easter Morning Memory.
In Early February a Pair of Unrelated 9 Month Old Mute Cygnets were Adopted.. to a Family with a Lovely Four Acre Rural Lake. The Young Female was VERY Shy.. she Kept her Distance for Weeks.
As the Weather Warmed so did her Trust of her New Family. Early in April, I got a Call.. There were TWO LARGE Swans Flying about their Pond and Chasing their Young Pair.
Through Social Media, they Located the Original Family. WHO Said, “That’s Ok, you can Keep them.”
Being New to Swan Care, the Cygnet’s Family has NO Idea what their Right were or what to do.. It is the Responsibility of the Original Family to Remove these Two Full-Wing Wayward Swans and Rehome them..
Several People were Hired to Catch the Wayward Swans.. It was Hopeless, they just Flew about Avoiding their Attempts.
To the Horror of the Lake Family… Early Easter Morning..
A Hunter stood by the Lake and Shot both Rogue Swans. One was Killed Immediately, the other was Fatally Wounded. It was Left to Bleed to Death while a Four Year Old Child was Aware and Afraid for his Pet Swans.
The Family had to Deal with the Bloody Body once it Floated to Shore.
Are there Other Rogue Swan Stories..?? Yes, but this is Enough.
Compiled & Organized by (c) Linda M.Sweger February 2024 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I Understand that Fishing is an Activity Enjoyed by Many.
I am not Going to Bash or Complain about the Sport of Fishing..
It seems to be a Popular Way to Spend Time Outside.
To Enlarge Right Click Image – Open in a New Tab.
FISHING: If you Allow Anyone to Fish in Your Pond or Lake..
Ask them to be EXTREMELY Careful with Fishing Line, Sinkers and Hooks..
It is Safest for your Captive Pet Swans if NO Fishing is Allowed..
I am Always Happy to See Ponds Designated “NO FISHING.”
A BRIGHT Red Bobber… Someone was Fishing on a NO Fishing Pond.
The Pond or Lake Your Swans Live on.. is their Home.
What is Difficult to Accept is the Careless Disregard for the Environment by Some – Not All – People who Fish..
Fishermen Say they Love the OutDoors.. > > > Why do they Trash It. ? ?
Mute Swans get Blamed for All Kind of Negative Impacts on the WaterWays they Live on.. But, this is Not Swan Waste.. ****** ****** THIS is People TRASH ! !
I Want to Share with Folks interested in Having Swans what Can Happen if Fishing Hooks, Lines and Sinkers are Left in the Water where your Captive Pet Swans and other Water Birds Live.
Your Domestic Ducks and Geese will Suffer Injuries that Mangle them. Many of these Fishing Related Tangles and Puncture Wounds will Require a Visit to a Veterinarian.. Wounds can be Time Consuming to Treat. Many are Fatal….
This Tiny Cygnet was Barely OUT of the Nest and it is HOOKED !
This Female Mallard became Entangled in a SIX-Pronged Barbed Hook. She was First Hooked in the Webbing of her Foot. Trying to Free herself with her Beak, her Tongue became Impaled. She was Lucky, Found, Helped and Released.
Discarded Fishing Line Around the Leg of this Goose was Cutting in so Deeply, Saving the Leg was Questionable.
One Hook can Destroy the Future of an Entire Family.
A FISHING Hook is Literally a TIME BOMB waiting to Kill any Bird or Animal that Swallows One.
Use GREAT CARE when Capturing a Swan/Cygnet that may have ingested a Fishing Hook. Do your BEST NOT to handle the Neck. Keep Stress as LOW as Possible.
VERY GENTLY – Touch the Neck ALL Around to feel for any Lump that might be the Location of a Hook !!
WHAT YOU CAN NOT SEE ! ! Below an X-RAY of a Duck that Swallowed a Fishing Hook. This would Required Risky Surgery to Remove. Outcome Unknown.
If an Unfortunate Swan/Cygnet Swallows a Fishing Hook OR any Bird or Waterfowl… The SOONER it is Removed the Better the Chance that no Long Term Harm or Death will occur.
One of the Young Cygnets above Swallowed a Length of Fishing Line.. The Cygnet’s Owner CUT the Line at his Beak and Released him. NO Plan to Find Out if there was a Hook or to Help him.. “He is a Wild Creature. God will take Care of him..” ( B… S… ! )
My Heart SANK, when I learned they turned the Cygnet out to their Pond.
DO NOT CUT SWALLOWED FISHING LINE SHORT – there MIGHT be a HOOK… This will Aid finding the Hook.. Leave Several SECURED Inches Visible.
The Bird or Animal will BEST be helped by a Veterinarian.
We Arranged with the County Cruelty Officer for this Cygnet to be Removed from the Farm Pond. He was Taken to a Veterinarian for Help. His Weight was 40 % below what he should have Weighed.
There is NO WAY: > > > WITHOUT an X-RAY No way to know how Large the Hook is.. No way to know how the Hook is Oriented.. No way to know how Far Down the Hook has Gone.. NO WAY to know how many Barbs the Hook has..
If a Painful Puncture and Bleeding does Not Kill the Animal/Bird, Fishing Hooks will Dissolve/Rust over Time.. Depending on the Size, this can take Weeks to Months.. Dissolving Metals will S-L-O-W-L-Y be Absorbed.. Heavy Metal Poisoning.
In the MEANTIME: As the Swan/Cygnet moves about the Hook Barbs may change its Position and Location. Swans Twist their Necks to Drink, Eat and Preen.. It will likely cause PAIN as it Stabs into Tender Tissues.
Throat Tissues may become Swollen, Sore and Ulcerate. High incidents of Infection.. Bacteria – Fungus.. Necrosis.
A Swallowed Fishing Hook may cause Chronic to Severe Bleeding.. Especially, if it Punctures a Carotid Artery or Jugular Vein. Massive Bleeding, Loss of Blood to their Brain. Obstructive Blood Clots. Many Fatal Potentials.
Plant Material, which Swans Try to Eat, may be Caught and Choke the Cygnet/Swan. Prevent Eating – High Risk of Starving.
Hook Barbs may Migrate to the Trachea – cause Airway Obstruction, Bleeding into their Lungs. Painful Fatal Outcome.
Hook Barbs may Migrate to their Neck Vertebrae. Damage Nerves-Impair Function. Imagine the PAIN !!
By the Time the Swan/Cygnet is in Distress from a FISHING HOOK, it will be more Difficult to Save them. The Longer the FISHING HOOK is in the Throat the more Treatment will likely be Needed. Poor Prognosis.
This Young Cygnet was Lucky. He was Rescued and taken for Help. He did not have a Fishing Hook in his Esophagus.. BUT, he did have a Wad of Balled-up Fishing Line in his Gizzard. The Line was Abrading the Lining of his Gizzard, causing Bleeding. The Fishing Line was Removed, he was Treated with Antibiotics, Time to Recover and Gain Weight.. Adopted to a New Home.
If you SEE Fishing Line Hanging from a Swan’s Mouth… DO NOT CUT the Line. – Leave SEVERAL Inches Visible. Find a Way to KEEP it from being SWALLOWED Further. TIE the Fishing Line Around a Kids SOCK.. or a Small Wash Cloth. Something Soft that the Swan/Cygnet can NOT Swallow. Your VET will have a BETTER Chance of Removing the HOOK.
The Young Swan Cygnet Below was Rescued – Not Saved.. Died.
Carelessly Discarded Fishing Line, Hooks and Lead Sinkers have been Responsible for “Way Too Many” Waterfowl Deaths..
Painful Tissue Injuries might be Treated after Days of Bleeding when Infections have started.. All Blood Loss is an Emergency !
What you are Seeing is a Result of FISHING.. and NOT being Responsible for Fishing Line.. and HOOKs !
The Pain and Stress the Swans Endure May Contribute to a Poor Outcome..
At a Pond that was to be Designated “No Fishing” – Public Fishing Continued.
The Young Swans on this Pond were Hooked and Injured Several Times.
****** We Arranged for a Rescue to Occur on a Wednesday.. A Veterinarian Appointment was Made for that Evening.
The Owner Arranged for Someone to Shoot the Juvenile Swan on Tuesday. They were Tired of all the Expensive Veterinary Bills.. The Young Swan was a Victim Twice.. through NO Fault of his. So Sad.
They did Allow the Rescuers to Collect his Brother. We found him a New Home. In 2023, he was a Sire to Three Cygnets.
****** ******
The Line was Caught on Rocks.. Luckily the Swan Pulled Free.. We Could Not get Hold of her.. The Hook Eventually Rusted Off.
A Lost Bobber.. Floating out in the River..
The Saga of a Rescued Swan.. Who Knows how Long she was Hooked.
A Family that had been Visiting and Feeding her… Took her Home.
It Took Repeated Tries to Capture this Feral Mute Swan.
A Trip to their Veterinarian.. Hook was Removed and Treated.
Weeks of Recovery Time.. the Swan Continued to Struggle.
She was Using her Wings to Assist her Walking.
This Swan’s Leg was Not Ok.. She Struggled to Walk.. Victim of a Hook.
Now she has a Home.. Beautiful and Graceful in the Water.
SINKERs: Lead Poisoning is a BIG Problem for Wild and Domestic Waterfowl.
Swallowed Lead will Slowly Cause Toxic Heavy Metal Poisoning. Difficult and Time Consuming to Treat.
Over the Years, we have Talked with Pond Families and Helped Rescue Way TOO Many Swans and Cygnets Entangled-Snagged by Fishing Hooks, Lines.. So Far No Sinkers or Shot Gun Lead.
Well, that has Changed.. Late July 2023.. I Received a Call.. A Young Cygnet was being taken ASAP to an Animal Medical Hospital.. It was Found early in the Day.. Very Weak.. An XRay at a Local Vet’s Office showed a Fishing Split. It had to be Resuscitated on Arriving at the Hospital.. Sorta Stable for 36 Hours.. Then Seizures Ended this Tiny Life.. Before Treatment could be Started.
The Cygnet above with the Weak Neck Muscles.. Very Suspicious of Lead Poisoning..
This OnLine Image became Real for One of Our Swan Friends.
The Female is Young, the Cob is Older. They were Getting to Know Each Other.
A Fishing Bobber Floating into their Pond from the Source Stream. The Young Female Swallowed it ?? Hook and Line. ??? It was NOT going to Pull OUT.. WAS there a HOOK ??? The Fishing Line would CUT if Tugged to Hard.
An XRay did not Show a HOOK.. But the Fishing Line was Very Tight in the Gizzard Muscle. First Vet Said, Nothing Could be Done… but, Euthanize her.
I Recommended taking this Young Female to another Vet… that we Know.. Dr. L. gave her a Little Sedation.. That Relaxed the Gizzard Muscles and the Fishing Line was Gently Pulled UP and OUT !!!
It was a 90 Minute Drive Home.. By then she was Totally Awake.. And Released Back to her Adoring Mate.. LUCKY & Happy Ending.
A Distressed Swan Rescued after having Tongue Impaled by Discarded Fishing Hook.
Some Hooks will Come OUT Easily.. Some Hooks Embed Deeply.. Cause Bleeding and Pain.
These are the Painful Punctures Suffered by a Swan in the U.K. after Swallowing Fishing Line attached to TWO Hooks.
Fishing Line Tangles Wings, Legs, Necks.. Tissue Damage and Permanent Injuries are Common.
One of their Four Month Old Cygnets was Tangled, Struggling Likely Broke her Wing. She Died during the Night, before she could get to the Vet’s Office.
There are many Sad Stories I could share.. “PiP” is Another One. He was between 4–5 Months when Rescued. A Caring Team of People spent Months Helping him Recover. Thanks to All.
He was Lucky to Survive his Encounter with Fishing Line. Any Waterfowl, Birds… and other Animals can become Tangled in Fishing Line left in their Living Environment.. Fishing Line is Strong and does not breakdown..
He was Found with his Foot Tangled with Fishing Line. His Struggling to Free himself caused Mutilation of his Left Foot’s Web Tissues.
When Rescued, the Damaged Tissues were Surgically Removed. All the Network of Blood Vessels between his Toe Digits were Damaged.
It was Over a Year before he was Ready for Adoption to a New Home.
The Primary use of Webbed Feet is for Paddling through Water. Webbed Feet have more Surface Area to Push Water Backwards and thus Propelling the Waterfowl Forward.
The Large Network of Blood Vessels in the Webbing is Important to Aid Waterfowl Regulate their Body Temperature.
This Nasty Damage will Affect his Life.. He will Need to Adapt. His Foot will Sink into Soft Muddy Dirt, be more Easily Cut.
Entangled Waterfowl Can NOT Fly, Swim, Forage for Food or Protect Themselves from Predators. Tightening Constriction around the Body can cause Suffocation.
If Fishing Line gets Wrapped and Tight enough it can AMPUTATE Legs, Wings, Strangle their Neck Affecting Breathing, etc. While causing Gangrene as a Body Part Slowly Dies. The Poor Helpless, Tangled Swan can easily Starve if it does not get help..
Another Young Swan’s Life has been Changed.. Forever.
Once Tangled in Fishing Line, the Line Tightens around her Leg to the Point it Cut through the Skin and into the Bone as she Struggled to Free herself.
Infections incur, Circulation is Cut Off Resulting in Amputation.
A Little Local was Given to Finish the Amputation..
This is Where the Leg was Damaged – No Hope to Repair.
She will Not be Able to Walk.. Swans are Too Large to Hop on One Leg.
It is Hard to think about this Live Bird Suffering Endless Hours for over 2–3 Weeks – Alone in Pain and Scared. I do not have Words..
A Series of Dedicated People Tended Tirelessly to Help this Young Swan Recover.
An Experienced Rehab Angel in Florida.. Welcomed this Young Female. Close to Round the Clock Care.. Weeks of Therapy.
In the End, the Swan kept Trying to Stand to Preen.. Then Plop-down on her Abdomen. The Abdomen Skin was Bruised Over and Over.. Damaged beyond Healing.
If this Swan would have Stayed in the Water, she might have had a Chance. Her Loss was Heart Wrenching for Everyone who Tried so Hard to Save her.
Birds/Swans often Pick-up Fishing Line to put in their Nest. This may have a Fatal Outcome for the Cygnets.
****** The Trumpeter Swan Parents Could Do Nothing to Help their Cygnet. ***************** Do a Simple Internet Search for ** Images Swan Fishing ** ***************** WaterFowl Do NOT have TEETH..
They Ingest their Food in Bites that can be Swallowed. Swans are Vegetarians and Eat a Diet with Lots of Tough Fiber.
These Foods Need to be Ground into Smaller Bits that will Pass into their Digestive System.
Most Waterfowl Swallow Small Bits of Gravel that Act as “Teeth” in their Gizzard, Breaking Down the Tough Plant Fibers thus Aiding Digestion.
Ingested Fishing Line can cause Intestinal Blockage and Bleeding. Balled-up Wads of Line will Churn in the Gizzard Muscle.. Pain and Bleeding..Slow Starvation..
Not Being a Person who Goes Fishing.. I am Using Wikipedia for the Following Information..
A Fishing Sinker or Knoch is a Weight used in Conjunction with a Fishing Lure or Hook to increase its Rate of Sink, Anchoring Ability, and/or Casting Distance.
A Lead Fishing Sinker is a Weight used to Sink a Lure or Bait to the Bottom of the Waterway.
Sinkers are Formed into many Shapes for Diverse Fishing Applications. Depending on the Metals.. Swallowed Sinkers will Poison Waterfowl.
Most Fishing Sinkers are made of Solid Lead. Lead is Inexpensive to Produce and Mold into a Large Variety of Shapes for Specific Fishing Applications.
Fishing Sinkers may be as Small as 1 Gram for Applications in Shallow Water, and even Smaller for Fly Fishing Applications, or as Large as Several Pounds or Considerably more for Deep Sea Fishing.
There are many Environmental Concerns Surrounding the use of Lead and other Materials in Fishing Sinkers. Lead in Fishing Sinkers causes Lead Poisoning in WildLife.
Anglers should be Careful when using Lead Sinkers and if at all Possible Never Leave Lead Sinkers in the Environment they are Enjoying.
Any Lead Fishing Items Swallowed by Waterfowl will Slowly Poison the Birds.. There are MANY Articles onLine..
Treating and Saving a Swan Suffering from Lead Poisoning is a Long and Difficult Process.. if Successful.
When I see Fishing on a Pond or Lake where Swans are Living.. I feel myself Tense – Cringe .. Immediate Worry.. > > > Too Many Sad Stories.
******* A Clean, Litter Free Environment Benefits All.
WildLife would be Happy to See these Signs..
****** ****** ****** ******
****** ****** ****** ****** An OnLine Search: Fishing Hooks Swans.. Lots of Sad Photos. ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
You Get the Idea.. Swans and Fishing do NOT Mix Well !
You will have FEWER Injured Swans, Ducks, Geese !
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Thoughts, Information and Memories Collected – September 2023 An Unfortunate Work in Progress. (C) Linda M.Sweger &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
We can Share the Great OutDoors.
Fishing, Boating, Enjoying Wildlife Safely. Did you know you can Recycle your Used Fishing Line?
The Fishing Line Recycling Unit above was Installed by an Eagle Scout as a Community Service Project for a Large Lake Community. GREAT IDEA.
We hope more Fishing Folks will Use this Type of Recycling.
Do a Search for: Fishing Line Recycling Program.
Fishing Line will be Sent Back to be Recycled into Fish Habitats.
There are Products to Help Fisher Folks Recover Line.. and Hooks.
I Learned that there are Effort to Provide Ways to ReClaim and Dispose of Hooks, Lines and Fishing Stuff…
It is Important with Young Swan Cygnets to be Careful Handling them.
IF Possible ! > > NO Chasing ! No Twisting when you Pick them UP. > > > Set Cygnets Down on the Ground Gently.
Look that those CUTE LITTLE LEGs..
As I have been Gathering Examples.. It has been Disheartening how many Swans/Cygnets We know that have had their Legs Injured Permanently. Many will not be Mentioned here.
It is Important with Young Cygnets to be Careful Handling them. IF Possible. > > NO Chasing ! No Twisting when you Pick them UP. Set Cygnets Down on the Ground Gently.
********************** Within Hours of Hatching Swan Cygnet are Ready to Leave their Nest.
Within 24-36 Hours Swan Cygnets are READY to Leave the Nest and will Learn to EAT !
I Had to Laugh Seeing the Tiny Cygnet Tasting his Sire’s Feathers.
For THREE Months Swan CYGNETs are Eating Machines ! They EAT and Poop ! Lots of Poop !!
Cygnets have VERY Fragile Legs when Young.. A Poor Diet the first 5-6 Months.. does not Help..
Calcium is the Main Mineral they need to Develop Strong Bones. Tiny Water Insects are Rich in Calcium and Proteins..
“Crunchy Munchies.”
They will Soon be Floating on the Water that is Only a Very Short Waddle from their Nest to Start Life as Very Young Swans..
Imprinted they Follow Close to the Tail Feathers of their Parents.. Their Little Legs will be Very Active. Swan Cygnets will Grow VERY FAST.. When Cygnets Hatch.. Their Tiny Bodies are Much like a Balloon before you Inflate with Air.. ( One Way to Think of it. )
In 4 to 5 Months they will be 12-20 Pounds.. Depending on Many Factors..
Their Bones can not be Firm, they must be able to Stretch into the Proper Shapes. Their Bones are just Thin Scaffolding..
First the Cute Little Webbed Feet >>>GROW..!! Exaggerate for Fast Paddling. They Must Keep Up with their Parents..
Then their Necks Shoot UP … Within 5 Months they are Close to the Size of their Parents.. !!
Healthy Cygnets will be “Feathered OUT..” by 5 Months.
Swans Evolved to Float and Fly.. Not to Stand or Walk.. When we Pinion them.. we Change this.. Pinioned Swans are Safer as Domestic Pets.
For Cygnets that are NOT Pinioned.. ( Please Pinion your Cygnets ) 4 to 6 Months is their Instinctive TIME to Learn to Fly and Leg Injuries are Common. ( The Cygnet Below is Pinioned.) Their First Primary Wing Feathers are Larger then they will be the Rest of their Lives.. Larger Feathers for more Control.. Softer Landings.. These are Nature’s “Training Wheel.”
At Six Months their Bones are Close to the Adult Size.. NOW it is Time for Bone Development Changes and for Minerals to Start to Strengthen the Bone Scaffolding. They will SLOWLY become Firm – more Solid/Dense.. This will take Another Year + Plus..
BUT, Their Bones are Still Developing.. Their Legs are Still Fragile ! HANDLE Cygnets Gently. Very Little Pressure on their Legs. They Bend Easily.. Handle like a Fine Stemware Wine Glass..
The Cygnet Below: Notice her Leg Bone ( Blue Cable Tie) is Bent.
Cygnets at 4-6 Months are Old Enough to be Cared for as Adults.. >>>Except for being VERY CAREFUL with their Legs, which are Still Fragile and Injure Easily..
DO NOT Chase them or Put ANY Pressure on their Legs, No Twisting their Legs as they are Growing.. Take Care when Traveling with Young Swans/Any Swans that you DO NOT take Turns TOO Fast or STOP Suddenly and Knock the Swans OFF their Feet.
If there is Room in their Travel Container Swans may Stand to Stretch their Leg while your Vehicle is Moving.
Any “Pressure Bends” CAN NOT be Corrected. The Internal Struts in their Hollow Bones are Damaged.
The First 6-9 Month the Legs of Cygnets are Growing Fast.. Stretching into their Adult Shape and Size the Structures are Thin..
Cygnet Legs Start to Firm from ca. 8 to 24 Months.. Swan Bones are NOT as Solid as Mammal Bones. Bird Bones Remain Light Weight.. so they can Fly..
If Hand Raised Cygnets are Kept in a Shelter with Very Little SunShine, Depending on their Diet, they may have an Inbalance of Bone Healthy Vitamins, Minerals and Exercise.
Bone Density Reflects Mineral Content for Bone Firmness.
Some Years Mute Cygnets Hatch VERY Early in the Spring. and they are Sheltered to Protect them from the Cold… and/or the Predators that Snatch these Tiny Fuzz Balls..
The Swan Family below Started with 6 Cygnets.. A Red-tailed Hawk Snatched 3 Cygnets within 10 Days.
Black Australian Cygnets often Hatch in COLD Weather (March) and are Often Sheltered the First Several Weeks when they Legs are Growing SO FAST. Not Sure Most will have even a Kidde Pools.. or SunLight
Being in the Water to Work their Legs is GOOD. Allow them to SWIM as Much as Possible. ( being Safe..) Be Sure they can get IN and OUT of the Water Easily…
Below we Used a Kidde Pool on a Slope with the Side Cut to the Ground. This Cygnet’s Legs were Bent when an Adult Male Sat on her.. Her Legs were Bent-Very Sore, she Scooted on her Belly.
Cracked Corn is NOT a Complete Diet.. !!!! The General Cygnet Feeding Tips are on this Topic Page..
We had Several, NOT a Large Sample of Cygnets, that had some Leg Issues due their Poor Diet.. Correcting their Poor Diet most Cygnets did Improved.. “Abigail” is an Example..
The Commercial Poultry Feeds will have Vitamins and Calcium..etc. Swan are Birds – Poultry Feed is for Birds..
They Need to Keep their Body Weight in Balance with their Leg Growth.. This can be Tricky..
As they Rapidly Gain Weight, their Legs are often under Stress.. Stress may Cause the Leg Bones to Twist. The Bones are Stretching and Growing RAPIDLY.. They are Thin.. At Times the Cygnets Walk as if their Legs are Sore..
Some Young Cygnets may have Shaky Legs when Walking or Standing.. They Avoiding being Out of the Water.. Sitting more then Walking..
Young “Philo’s” Owner was Worried about his Shaky Legs. As he Grew his Shaking Legs did Stop.
I Presume this is Similar to Kids with “Growing Pains.” I have Observed this when we Hand Raised Cygnets.
************************************ So being in Water Helps keep their Weight OFF their Legs. And Works ALL their Leg Muscles.
SUNLIGHT is Important for Vitamin D.. ( Shade on HOT Days. ) Hopefully as they Grow, their Legs will Strengthen in the Proper Shapes. Nature is Moulding them.
Personally, I would Add some Crushed Boiled Egg Shells. A TSP to a Gallon of Feed Mixture….( OR Fine Oyster Shell )
The Cygnets with Injured Legs were Never Quite Right.. In the Mute Swan Community, MANY Swans Limp..
The Precious Young Female below was Lucky. She was Attacked by a Bob Cat and Escaped. One Leg was Twisted. It took Close to a Year for her to Walk well. She Limps. In her Pond she is “Princess Hannah.”
Swans that Limp or have Some Leg /Foot Issues is VERY Common. In the Water they do Fine.. On Land.. Far from their Pond/Water.. they are more Vulnerable.. Especially when Pinioned.. Encourage your Swans to Stay Close to their Water.
I have Learned of Too Many Swans who had Broken Legs.. They are Seldom OK.. Most of the Cygnets or Swans with Displaced Leg Fractures.. did not Survive very Long.. These Fractures did not Heal.. A Poor Blood Supply and Damaged Nerves the Legs will not Function.
These Two Black Swan Cygnets had Poor Union of their Fractures..
One had been Dropped Over a Fence, the Impact Broke his Leg..
The Other ( Poor Diet ) his Leg Broke when he was Hit with a Chunk of Lettuce.. OUCH !
This Mature Cob was Pushed Sideways.. It Broke his One Leg. It was Pinned and he was Confined for Weeks.. It did not Heal..
Their Legs Died..and so did they.
The Xray Attached is of a Young Cygnet.. who was Fluttering Down a Hill and Landed in Shallow Water. His Foot Hit a Flat Rock and Cracked his Leg Bone..
He was a Lucky One.. his Leg Healed.. Xrayed Three Times. His Adoption was Delayed 6-7 Weeks.
Be Gentle with Swan Cygnet Legs..
Some Broken Wings … Can be Splinted or if Needed be Removed.. Captive Waterfowl will Adapt to a Damaged Wing being Removed. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I am Only going to Provide Basic Information about Avian Bones..
Watching with Aww Birds Flying is Something many of us have Done. Soaring High in the Sky.. Zipping into Trees.. Landing on Lawns. OR Watching Waterfowl Glide onto a Water Surface.
A Bird’s Skeleton must be Very Strong to Meet the Demands of Flight. And Birds Need to be as Light as Possible in Order to Fly. The Bones of Birds are Lighter in Weight than those of Mammals.
What is the Main Difference between Bird Bones and Mammal Bones?
Bird Bones are Hollow or Semi-Hollow and have Large Air Chambers.
Mammal Bones are Filled with Bone Marrow and Spongy Tissue.
All Birds that Fly have Hollow Bones that have many Pockets of Air. Their Bones are held together by Thin Bar-like Structures called Struts.
The Struts Prevent the Bones from Collapsing Inward with the Pressure of Landing.. Healthy Mature Bird Bones are Stronger than Mammal Bones because their Bones have Denser Calcium-Minerals.
When Bird Bones Break, they tend to Shatter and Splinter while Mammal Bones tend to Break Relatively Cleanly.
Birds have Evolved for Flight by a Reduction in Absolute Bone Mass. Unlike Humans, who have Massive Bones, Birds have Pneumatized Bones. Their Bones contain Hollow Structures Accessible to Air.
Their Hollow Bones are Part of the Avian Respiratory System. These Hollow Air Chambers are Honeycombed with Criss-Crossing Struts which Increase Structural Strength while Reducing Bone Mass.
The Pneumatic Bones, include the Skull, Humerus, Clavicle, Keel, Pelvic Girdle, Lumbar and Sacral Vertebrae.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Organized for Your Information by Linda M. Sweger August 2023.
Below I am Adding some Individual Cygnet-Swan Stories. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Sadly we have to Rescue and Move a Brood of Cygnets. After Hours Traveling together the Cygnets were a Poopy Mess.
We had the Cygnets in our Spare Shower for Several Days. The Slippy Surface Caused their Legs to Splay in ALL Directions. Terry Towels on the Shower Floor Provided Traction. This Brood was SO CUTE !
I Pinioned them and we Arranged for them to go to a BackYard Rescue with a Pond to be Hand Raised.
One more Shower Clean-up and we are Heading to the Rescue.
The 7 Cygnets Grew that Summer and ALL were Adopted. A Rescued Mute Cob cared for them as his. So Cute. Some Adult Swans will Accept Unrelated Cygnets OTHERs will Reject and Attack them.
The Story of “Little Cutie.”
My Summary of her Groin Injures will be Brief..
There were a Number of Unrelated Swans and Cygnets on a Pond of a Swan Breeder.
One of the Adult Female Swans got behind this Cygnet, Put her Feet between the Cygnet’s Legs, and Flipped the Cygnet’s Legs Back and Upward. This Pulled the Groin Muscles.
This Action Disabled the Cygnet.. She could not Walk. The Muscles were So Sore she would Barely Swim. For Months “Little Cutie” had to be Carried from Place to Place.
It was Puzzling to me.. This Cygnet Stopped Growing. Her Nest Mates on the Pond Grew Normally. By December of that Year.. “Little Cutie” Passed.
I have Witness this Disabling Behavior by Adult Pens. If they Disable Unwanted Cygnets.. they do not Survive. In the Wild these Cygnets would be Left Behind and Perish.
Many Adult Swans want Nothing to do with Unrelated Cygnets.
This Young Cygnet’s Legs were Bent When a Adult Cob Sat on her.. to Kill her. He wanted to Push the Air OUT of her Lungs.
WEEKs of Quiet and she was Standing ! Her Overall Growth Slowed Down.. She Stunted.
Stunting occurs when there is Insufficient Nutrition to Grow and Develop. It is often Exacerbated by Disease and Poor Health. “Regina” did not have a Good Appetite..
We Named her “Regina” – Little Queen.. Her Adopters Renamed her “Queen Elizabeth” > “Lizzie.” It was Several Months before “Regina”/”Lizzie” was able to Leave the Pond and Graze in their Grass Yard.
Watching “Lizzie” Struggle to Walk was so Sad.. She was Very Vulnerable out of the Pond.. A Predator Ended her Struggle. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
“Lily” was Found in our Neighborhood after a Tropical Storm Blew Through. She was Full-Winged. She was taken to a Swan Farm as a Rescue. If Possible it is Good for Swans to have Company. BUT…
The Older Swans Attacked her Over Night. We brought her to our BackYard Enclosure to Recover until we could Arrange a Forever Home.
Her Groin Muscles had been Pulled. She could barely Stand. It took WEEKs for “Lily” to Stand, Walk and Turn Normally.
We Arrange for “Lily” to be Pinioned by a Veterinarian.
“Lily’s” New Home was Full of Adventures.
” Why is this Happening ? “
I Received a Call and an EMailed Photo of this Trumpeter Swan Cygnet.
He was One of a Brood of Four. Three Cygnets were Healthy. This Cygnet was Under Weight and Withdrew from the other Cygnets, and his Legs were Turning Inward. ???? Is this a Runt.. It is Not Developing Normally. This Cygnet did not Survive very Long.
Hardware Disease is a Problem for All Pets, Farm & Wild Creatures.
Click Images to Enlarge.
A Basic Definition.. “Hardware Disease” in backyard Chickens and other Birds is caused by the ingestion of Metal Objects present in their Environment. These Objects range from Sharp Objects that Abrade and ultimately Penetrate the Gizzard to Objects that may contain Zinc or Lead leading to Zinc or Lead Toxicosis or some other Heavy Metal Toxicosis > POISONING !
The Term, “Hardware Disease” is a Misnomer. It is not a Disease. But various Health Complications that can Result when Poultry and Waterfowl Eat Coins, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Nails, Staples or other Metal Fragments in their Environment.
Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Waterfowl are Attracted to Shiny Things they find on the Ground or in their Water. Things like Coins, Nails, Screws, HOOKs, Staples, Aluminum Foil, Jewelry, Bits of Wire > TWIST TIES. ( Broken Glass is ALSO Shiny. ) Pieces of Broken Glass or Pottery.
This is Extremely Dangerous and can Lead to Serious Health Problems and Death as the Metals Break Down.
The Dissolved Metal enters the Blood Stream and Slowly Poisons the Birds or Animals.
Small Pieces of Broken Glass or Pottery are the Cause of Internal Cutting of the Digestive Track..
The Esophagus, Gizzard, Intestine Lacerations or Punctures from the Ingestion of Sharp Things are Likely Fatal. Causing Bleeding and Infection.
One of the 2 Year Old Female Trumpeter Swans in my Swan Network was found Floating by her Pond Edge.. Her Necropsy found Several Cuts in her Intestine – She Bleed to Death. WHAT did she Swallow ?
Heavy Metal Disease is the Number One KILLER of Healthy, Domestic Waterfowl.
It may take Days or Weeks for Symptoms to Emerge, and by that Time it is generally Too Late to Save them.
The Birds may have a Delayed Crop Emptying, Sour or Impacted Crop, Green Diarrhea, Stained Vent Feathers.
If you Suspect your Chickens or Waterfowl have Swallowed something they should not have, get you Bird to a Vet ASAP for X-Rays.
A Blood Test for Metal Poisoning may be Requested. And if Possible Check for Internal Bleeding. ( Bloody Poop )
Pieces of Heavy Metal within the Upper Digestive Tract may be Removed Endoscopically, via Gastric Lavage or Surgically.
Awareness and Prevention is Easier then trying to Treat Birds/Waterfowl that have Swallowed any Foreign Object. This is True for ALL Animals or Birds that Live InSide or OutSide.
Birds/Poultry/Waterfowl do NOT have Teeth. They Do NOT Chew what they Eat. Their Digestive System has Adapted to Unmasticated Foods. They “Just Swallowing ANYthing” that Fits in their Beaks.
There are a Number of Processes that Modify Ingested Foods to make the Nutrients and Organic Molecules Accessible for Cellular Function.
AVIAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DRAWING Avian Digestive Systems are VERY Different from Mammals.
In the Esophagus of many Birds there is a Pouch called a Crop, which Stores Quickly Eaten Foods.
Swans are Grazers not Gobblers like Ducks and Geese. When there is Adequate Foods Available, Swans will Eat Small Amounts throughout their Day.
Ergo, Swans do NOT Seem to have much of a Crop. Ingested Foods/Items Settle at the Bottom of their LONG Neck..
Food Passes from the Crop to the first of two Stomachs.
The First Stomach is the Proventriculus, which Produces Digestive Juices that helps Soften Firm/Fibrous Foods.
The Second Stomach of Birds is the Gizzard, where Food is Stored, Soaked, and Mechanically Ground.
AVIAN GIZZARD – is the Muscular Part of their Stomach between the Sac-like Crop and the Intestines. It Needs and uses Grit – Small, Hard Particles of Pebbles or Sand to Mechanically Grind Seeds, Grains and Plant Fibers into Smaller Particles. Food is Ground-Mashed-Softened into a Digestible Mush.
Birds/Swans Swallow small Stones or Grit as they Graze to Aid the Grinding Process in the Gizzard. These Hard Objects from their Environment remain in the Gizzard longer then Softening Food Materials.
From the Gizzard, Digestible Food Passes into the Small Intestine. Chemical Digestion and Absorption Occurs in the Intestine so Nutrients can be used by the Body.
Birds do not have Separate Openings to Excrete Urine and Feces. Instead, Uric Acid from the Kidneys is Secreted into the Large Intestine and combines with the Waste from the Digestive Process. This Waste is Excreted through an Opening called the Cloaca.
HARD Metal Objects DO NOT Just Pass through a Bird… Depending on the Size.. If they Ingest a Hard Object, such as a Coin, Screw, Lead Fishing Sinker…
… these will NOT Pass through their Digestive System the way they “might” in a Cat or Dog.. Instead they remain Rolling in the Gizzard and Slowly Dissolving.. Releasing Toxic Metal Chronically.
Iron, Lead, Copper, and Aluminum. These Metals are Prone to Corrode-Dissolve over Time.
When “Hardware” is Swallowed the Grinding Action of the Muscle can cause Damage to the Gizzard. These Birds-Poultry Die from Septicemia (Blood Infection or Sepsis). This is a Very Painful Process.. they are SUFFERING !
The Trumpeter Cygnet below.. Has NO Pink Color in his Tongue.. It is Severely Anemic and can Barely Breathe.. Few Red Blood Cells..
The Birds and/or Animals are Helpless to Tell Anyone.
The Larger Pieces will Remain in their Gizzard, Smaller Objects “may” pass through the Digestive Tract Causing Lacerations, Perforations, Bleeding and Infections.
Domestic and Wild Waterfowl Pick up Lead Shot in the Waters where Wild Birds are Hunted. Waterfowl sift Mud and Silt through their Beaks, swallowing the Grit and other Small Items. These Small Lead Pellets are Ingested with the Grit Fowl need to Grind Down Food in their Gizzard.
A Swan’s long Neck allows them to reach further down under Water and this is why more Swans become Poisoned by Lead than Ducks or Geese.
The Lead, being soft, is ground down by the Gizzard and Absorbed into the Blood Stream, Resulting in Muscular Problems. The Young Cygnet below.. Can not hold its Neck Erect..
This Gives Swans the Appearance of having a Kinked Neck, as the Muscles Weaken and the Swans are unable to Support their Neck Correctly.
It is Suspected that Low Levels of Lead Poisoning may Contribute to Deaths caused by Flying Accidents, as Agility and Eyesight may be affected. >>> No Studies have been Conducted..
The Young Cygnet below.. Flew into the Side of a Bridge..
The Birds/Waterfowl become Victims of their Environment.
Some Birds are able to Regurgitate Undigested Material > Food Pellets. Birds of Prey > Eagles, Falcons and Hawks, Spit-up Pellets. Pellets allows them to remove some Indigestible Material from their Proventriculus. BUT, Even these Birds may Retain Metal Items.. and become Poisoned.
This Eagle’s XRay Shows Two Lead Pellets Retained It only takes ONE Lead Shot Gun Pellet to Kill an Eagle.
Having Domestic Poultry/Swans is like having Small Children. We NEED to be Aware of Objects within their Environment that may be Ingested.
An X-ray can Detect Hardware in a Bird’s Gizzard. The Sooner this is Checked the Better the Chance the Object can be Removed Successfully by a Scoping.
But without Symptoms of Illness or Suspecting or Seeing an Ingested Metal Item NO X-Ray is ordinarily taken of a Bird/Waterfowl/Animal with Hardware Disease.
After the Metal Object is in the Gizzard for a While.. Surgery into the Gizzard is Technically Possible, but usually too Risky to be Considered a Reasonable Option. Especially when the Bird is Weakened by Metal Poisoning. ***********************
Early Symptoms of Hardware Disease include:
Decreased Appetite and Spending Time Alone. ( they are in Pain..)
More Advanced Symptoms may include:
Loss of Appetite ( possibly increase of fluid intake) Dehydration . . . . .Vomiting Weight Loss . . . . . Weakness and Lethargy Watery Bright Greenish or Bloody Droppings Drooping Wings . . . Loss of Vision Unsteadiness . . . . Difficulty Walking Seizures . . . . . . Death ( Suffering Ends )
The Fact that SOMEONE would offer for SALE.. Photos of Dead Swans.. WHY ?? !! So Sad..
Check Areas around your Pond, Barns, Pastures and Home where your Waterfowl might be Wandering and Foraging.
Make Frequent Inspections of any Free Range Area for Small Metal Objects, Coins, Glass or ANY Trash.
Small Items of Construction Materials Buried in the Dirt from a Former Owners may Resurface. Chickens are Good at Digging Things Up that have been Dropped and Covered with a Thin Layer of Soil.
The Chickens are Less likely to Eat these Metal Pieces.. but your Ducks, Geese and Swans are at Risk of Ingesting them.
They will Suffer Copper, Zinc or Lead Poisoning from Eating Lost Coinage.. Pennies, Dimes, Nickels, etc.
Sweep with a Metal Detector after Construction or Building – Fence Repair Projects.
Keep Track of Earrings or other Jewelry that could be Lost.
Avoid using Galvanized Metal Feeders, Waterers and Fencing.
DO NOT use Glass or Pottery in Areas the Waterfowl Visit.
When using Weed Whackers, Lawn Mowers, Chainsaws or other Types of Equipment near your Poultry/Pond Area be Aware these may cause Small Metal Pieces Flying about !
Check Bales of Hay, Straw and Shavings for Debris before using them as Bedding.
Potential Sources of Lead Toxins
Fishing Weights, Sinkers and Lures. Lead Gun Shot.
Lead-based Paint and Paint Chips (especially Around older Structures) Christmas ornaments, Toys and Toy Parts Imported from China Coins, Costume Jewelry, Batteries.
Potential Sources of Zinc Toxins (also known as New Wire Disease)
Galvanized Aviary Wire, Galvanized Nails and Staples. (the more Shiny the Wire, the Higher the Zinc content) Galvanized Metal Feeders and Waterers. Coins, Fertilizers, Metal Contaminated Soil.
They are Hard to See in this Picture.. there are Dozens of 2 Inch Pieces of Wire Fence Trimmings Left Laying on the Ground…. So Careless.. Deadly.
Zinc Hardware (Washers, Nuts, Wire) U.S. Pennies Minted after 1983
Potential Sources of Iron Toxins
Nails, Water from Older Iron Water Pipes High Levels of Iron (Ore) in the Soil. Scrap Metal, Machine Parts, Decaying Metal Structures. Insecticides Check Ingredients and Follow ALL Instructions. Multi-vitamins (especially a Concern if you have House Chickens or Ducks)
*********************** Burn Pits where Folks might Burn Old Wood may have Small Pieces of Metal in the Ashes.. NAILs, STAPLEs, SCREWs, ETC. CHECK.. BOTTLE CAPs, SODA CAN TABs.. FOIL !
************************************************* Most Nickels are 25% Nickel and 75% Copper. 1916 – 1938 Buffalo Nickel are 25% Nickel and 75% Copper. 1942 TO 1945: the SILVER WAR NICKELS War Nickels are 56% copper, 35% Silver, and 9% Manganese.
************************************************* Our Tiny Silver Dimes.. Easier to See and Swallow.
1796 to 1837 Dimes were Composed of 89.24% Silver & 10.76% Copper. The Silver Percentage was Increased to 90.0% with the Seated Liberty Dime.
Dimes from 1965 to the Present are Struck from a Clad Metal Composed of Outer Layers of 91.67% Copper & 8.33% Nickel Alloy, Bonded to a Pure Copper Core.
************************************************* Today’s Quarters are “Clad,” which means Coated. Both the Quarter and Dime have a layer of Pure Copper inside layers of a Nickel-Copper Mix. On the Outside of a Quarter “the Bread” is a Nickel-Copper Mixture that is Silver in Color. The “inside Filling” is Copper. The layers of Metal help the Coins last longer in Circulation.
A Quarter’s overall Composition is 8.33% Nickel & 91.67% Copper.
Before 1965, U.S. Quarters were made of 90 % Silver. The U.S Mint stopped making Quarters with Silver in 1965. ************************************************** U.S. 50 Cent Piece.. In 1965, the U.S. introduced layered-composition coins made of a pure Copper Core Sandwiched between two Cupronickel Outer Faces.
The Silver Content of Dimes and Quarters was Eliminated, but the Kennedy Half-Dollar composition contained Silver (reduced from 90% to 40%) from 1965 to 1970.
The Kennedy Half Dollar has been struck in four different compositions: 90% Silver, 40% Silver Clad, Copper-Nickel, Clad, and Gold.
The Kennedy Silver Half Dollar refers to Half Dollar Coins struck by the U.S. Mint from 1964-1970. Only the 1964-minted Coins were composed of 90% Silver.
1965 through 1969, the U.S. Mint issued a circulating Half Dollar with 40% Silver.
************************************************************ What is the Metal content of the Susan B Anthony Dollar? 75% Copper, 25% Nickel, clad to a pure Copper Core.
The Information for the Penny and Dime Metal Contents is from Wikipedia.
ENOUGH EXAMPLES: You get the Idea.. Metal is Dangerous. NOT for Eating.. So is Broken Glass, Pottery and Shards of Hard Plastics. ********************** Hardware Disease is EXTREMELY SERIOUS. This NEEDS to be Treated ASAP – Should NOT be Ignored.
A Visit to a Veterinarian is the Only Way to Know what can be done.. and what Treatment will Help you Pets.
If you Suspect ANY Type of Poisoning. Treatment by your Vet may include:
A Chelating Agent which Works by Binding With and Filtering the Heavy Metal OUT of the Body. Takes TIME !
Vitamin B Complex (Thiamine in particular) to Prevent further Poisoning and Allow the Body Tissues to Recover.
Anti-Convulsants to Prevent Seizures.
Bulking Agents can be Fed to Assist in Removing Small Particles from the Intestine.
Surgery under Anesthesia to Remove Large Piece of Metal.
Antibiotics to Prevent Infection while the Bird is Recovering.
Euthanasia if Surgery is not an Option. It is Unkind to allow these Birds to Suffer and Slowly Die.
Prevention IS Better then Treatment ! Be Vigilant at Keeping their Area Free of Metal Debris.. All Human Trash has a Potential to Cause Harm.
Hardware Disease ( and/or Heavy Metal Poisoning ), is Very Difficult to Treat, but Most is Preventable.
Metal Detectors to Clean Pond Areas of Small Pieces of Metal.. Great Idea.
Magnetic Sweepers.. WIDE Range of Prices. Doing a Sweep for Hidden Metal may SAVE your Chickens and Waterfowl from this Painful Condition.
A Magnetic Sweeper Pickup Tool has Limits. U.S. Coins are NOT Attracted to Magnets.
DO NOT TOSS Money in WATER where Waterfowl Live.
THIS TOPIC PAGE was Organized.. During 2022 and 2023. After a Sad, Tragic Death. “What did he Swallow ?” Compiled by PA SwanLover Linda .. (c) Linda M. Sweger
My Soul is in the Sky. — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act V. Scene I. ******************************************************** &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& THIS TOPIC PAGE will be Cross Referenced with another TOPIC Page.. about Heavy Metal Poisoning.. Coming Soon..
This Topic Page will be Much Like the Subject, BIG and MESSY… And Filled with Memories.
February 2nd is “Ground Hog Day.”
It is a Good Time to Start Planning for your Swans Nesting. In Six Weeks they will be Nesting.
I Realize how often I have Attempted to Shared this Information Verbally with Folks New to having Swans..
They are Excited to Experience Swans Nesting for the First Time.. Many want to Know “WHAT Can we DO to Help the Swans ?” or Simply What to Expect..
We have had the Fun of Visiting a Fair Number of Nesting Swans. Some were Feral Wild – Most were Domestics on Private Property. Some we had Visited Several Years..
If you can See what Natural Mute Swan Nests Looks Like.. Then you will Know what Materials to Gather for them.
Folks in my Swan Network have Shared their Nesting Photos. As a Result, I have Lots of Examples.. Thanks to ALL !
Here Goes..!
To Enlarge Images – Right Click Image then Open in a New Tab.
Remember there are NO 100% Rules.. working with Swans. These are General Common Behaviors.. What I am Sharing are from our Swans Adventures.
I am Sharing this Info about Nesting Material FYI.. To Reduce the Loss of Fertile EGGs by Dampness Spoiling.. AND to Reduce the Risk of Fungal Lung Infections for the Pens..
In the Image Below.. the First Cygnet has Hatched..
First a Basic Time Line of the Mute Swan Reproductive Season… These General Behaviors are Similar with all Swan Species. When they Nest during the Year will Vary.
Late Fall – Early December The Annual Reproductive Hormones of Mute Swans are Increasing. Pair Bonded Mute Swans will Start Courting. Swimming Side by Side.. Sometimes Dipping their Heads.. Watch for the Cobs to Start Moving Twigs About.. Cute !
. . . and More Chest to Chest with Head Turning – a Display of Affection.. The Swans will Often “Snort” with Happy Affection to Each Other. This is a Mature Cob ( 23 Years Old ) and a Maiden Pen ( 3 Years Old.) This was their First Year as a Bonded Pair.
By this TIME YOU Need to Give the Cob more Space ( and Understanding ) Your Cob will be Protective and Aggressive..
” NEVER Turn your Back on a Hormonal Cob ! “ DO NOT Wear White or Take White Objects when you Visit. WHITE Triggers the Cob to Attack..
GIVE him SPACE and Understanding.. He is doing the Job his Instincts Require. Swans are Ground Nesting Birds.. Cobs NEED to be Fierce when Protecting their Female. Pens are MOST Vulnerable while Nesting.
Nesting Swans will Draw Attention.. The Curious Public can be a BIG Problem !!! From Getting TOO Close > > Causing the Cob to Attack.. Doing Harm to Stationary Pens or Destroying the EGGs. Nesting is a VERY Vulnerable Time for Swans.
If the Swans’ Nest is Easily Viewed by the Public..
It is a Good Idea to Protect your Swans and their Nest. You may need to Erect a Temporary Fence ! Be Sure the Swans have Access to their Water.. And a Sign to Warn the Public to Keep a Safe Distance.
The Pen will Depend on her Cob to Protect her and their Cygnets. DO YOUR BEST to ENCOURAGE your Swans to NEST on your Property.
This Nest Needed LOTs of Coarse Dry Material.. Her Pond has Over Flowed at this Spot.. Draining Under her Nest.
We Spent a LOT of Time with Some of these Nesting Swans.. Some Trusted us..
Some we just had to Respect and Keep our Distance.
You WANT your Cob to Protect their Nest !
This Mute Pen in a Public Park is Standing over her EGGs. Her Nest is a Huge Pile of Old Tree Leaves.. Her EGGs did not Hatch..
Mating Activity will Begin in January..
Mute Swans will Mate Frequently until All their EGGs are in their Nest and Incubation has Begun.
Early to Mid-March the Mute Swans will Select a Nesting Site..
Sometimes the Cob Picks the Site, Sometimes the Pen Decides.
This Pair of Mute Swans were Nesting in a Wild Feral Setting.
You will See the Pen EATING, EATING. She will be Poking into Soft Mud for Insect Larva..
This Supplies Protein and Calcium for her EGG Development. It is a Good Idea to Provide a Feed Mixture with Layer Pellets Starting in January – And again when Nesting is Over. Female Mute Swans Eat VERY Little while “Sitting.” This is NORMAL !!
The Cob will Gather Branches and Twigs for the Base.. One Piece at a Time.. Often Tossing them Over his Shoulder.
The Cob Swings a Twig in the Direction of the Nest, Picks it Up AGAIN and Swings the Twig Closer to the Nest.
It can be Interesting to Watch ALL this from a Safe Distance.
The Cob has Claimed this Area.. and he WILL Protect it !
The Cob will become more Protective of his Female. She will be EATING, EATING, EATING !
The Cob below is Guarding the First EGG in their Nest. The Pen will NOT Spend much Time on the Nest until she is Ready to Incubate her EGGs.
Mute Swans Gather Lots of Twigs and Branches.. for Drainage.
This was a Very Cute Behavior.. “Pretty Girl” was Out on the River. It was Very Breezy. She would Lift her Wings and “Sail” Up the River while Singing to “Handsome Fellow.” So Cute. She would Turn, Float back Down River.. and Repeat..
Mute Swans will Select a Nest Site near Water.. Their Cygnets will be taken to the Water soon after Hatching. The Cygnets Need Lots of Insects their First Two Weeks.
Somehow, the Pens know where there will be LOTs of BUGs !
It is a Good Idea to Learn about Feeding Domestic Cygnets. So you are READY if/when they Hatch.
Female Swans without a Mature Male to Protect them are VERY Vulnerable.
As the BIG EGGs are Being Laid.. One Every Other Day.. The Pens will Preen Loosening Contour Feathers from her Brood Patch. Her Brood Patch has Extra Blood Vessels to Transfer Warmth.
This Allows her Warm Skin to get Close to Incubate her EGGs.
And this Lines the Nest Cavity with Soft Feathers. “Feathering the Nest.”
A Mute Swan Clutch may Vary from 3 to 9 EGGs.
Six BIG EGGs is a Nice Average.
A Clutch of SIX EGGs takes ELEVEN Days to Complete. A Clutch of EIGHT EGGs takes FIFTEEN Days.
Healthy Swan EGGs can Support 25-26 Pounds of Weight Pressure.
We were Learning. I did Put Food Near the Nest. >>WRONG ! Then I Read that this is NOT a Good Idea.
Do your Best to Remove Hazards from the Nest Area. Things like Ropes, Cords, Wires, Trash, etc.
The Swans will Rarely Poop In or Near their Nest.
If you want to Assist your Swans by Gathering Materials for them… These Examples will Give you Ideas of what they would Collect Naturally.
I am Sharing this Info about Nesting Material FYI.. To Reduce the Loss of Fertile EGGs by Dampness Spoiling.. AND to Reduce the Risk of Fungal Lung Infections for the Pens..
IF POSSIBLE.. Avoid Hay or Straw as Nesting Material.. NO Pine Tree Branches.. Pine Pitch gets Sticky.. NO Wood Chips.. TOO DUSTY.. for Inhaling..
Small Tree Twigs.. DRY Grasses.. like Ornamental Grass..> > are Good.. OR Last Fall’s.. GRASS that turned Dry Over Winter..
YOU want the Nest to DRAIN Well.. Somethings do not Drain.. and the Nests develop Mildew and Mold..
Over the Years, I have Observed that Nests with Hay or Straw have more Failures.. And the Risk of the Pen Inhaling Mold Spores when Turning her EGGs increases.
These Lung Infection Over Time Weaken the Pens.. and they Eventually Succumb. Fungal Infections in the Lungs are VERY Difficult to Treat.. It can takes Months of Medications.. By the Time a Fungal Infection is Diagnosised, it is Often TOO Advanced to Treat to Save the Swan..
The young Swan below was Housed in a Building with Old Hay for Bedding. When it was Noticed he was having Trouble Breathing.. it was Too Late.. He was Surrendered to us.. He Died before we could get him to see a Veterinarian..