A site dedicated to sharing general care of mute swans

The “Pecking Order” – Who is the Boss ??

January 19th, 2015 | Posted by LadyNerkle1 in The "Pecking Order" - Who is the Boss ??

 Who is the Boss ??  –  The “Pecking Order” 

Pecking Order

Seeing Swans Peacefully Gliding Together is what we all Want.

Pecking Order

Swans are Very Social Creatures.

When there is more then One… Swans will Establish a “Pecking Order”
and Know where they Belong in that “Order.”
They Eat, Swim, Interact by their “Pecking Order.”

Pecking Order

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition.. November 2024
https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › pecking order…
The Basic Pattern of Social Organization within a Flock of Poultry in which
each Bird Pecks another Lower in the Scale without Fear of Retaliation.

Pecking Order

Reddit · r/ENGLISH – “Pecking Order” Meaning..
The Sibling with Greatest Status is at the Top of the Order,
and the Sibling with the Least Status is at the Bottom.
This Order is called the “Pecking Order.”

In the Image below, the Larger Cygnets are Leading the Brood..

Pecking Order

ALL Swans/Birds/WaterFowl will Establish a “Pecking Order.”
That is Normal Behavior..

Pecking Order

Within the World of Swans there are several way “Pecking Order” occurs ..

When a New Swan is Introduced to be a Companion or Mate.

Pecking Order

The “Pecking Order” between them will be Established.
It may be Observed within a Few Minutes of Introduction..

Pecking Order
It may Last a Few Minutes or take a few Days.. Unpredictable.
Pecking Order

Pecking Order

From Our Experience.. Mature Resident Male Swans are Territorial.
They Naturally Claim their Waterway and Protect it.

Pecking Order

When a New Female is Released to “HIS” Pond/Lake.
The Resident Cob may see this New Swan as an Intruder.

Pecking Order

Trespassing on “HIS” Water Environment without “HIS” Permission.
Setting Up an Introduction/Chaperon Fence is a VERY Good Idea..

Pecking Order

Hopefully, the Male will start Communicating to the Female what he Expects her to do.
Pecking Order

There is Often a Brief “Shoulder Pecking” Event..
He is Establishing: “I am the Boss” !

Pecking Order
The Female must become “Submissive” to the Male.
The Swans below are Emotionally Happy… Both their Upper Necks are Puffed UP !

Pecking Order

If the Cob’s Behavior is NOT Too Aggressive,
that he is NOT Hurting the New Female..
and NOT Totally Preventing her Being on the Pond and/or from Eating..

Pecking Order
If the Female is NOT Afraid of the Male..
Stays Close by – Keeps Presenting herself to him..
they generally Settle into their Dominant – Submissive Order..

Pecking Order

The Female MUST learn the Male’s Body Language and Vocal Signals.
His Job will be as her Protector.

Pecking Order
Protective Male Swans will Swim Behind their Female..

Pecking Order

She needs to Respond to him IMMEDIATELY if there is ANY DANGER.

This Dependency/Trust between them will Strengthen
as they spend Time Together.

Pecking Order

If the Female Faces and “Bows” to the Cob, she is Letting him Know she is Submissive.

Pecking Order

BE Concerned,,,, If the Male is Attacking her.. Scaring her..
Causing the Female to FLEE the Pond..
Doing her Best to Avoid him… That “is” to Worry About..

Pecking Order

You just do not want Angry Aggression..

Pecking Order
If that happens, try to put the New Swan somewhere Temporarily..
A Shed, Garage.. a Secure Fenced area.. ( Safe from Predators )
And Allow the Swans to See, Visit each other as Much as Possible Safely.

Pecking Order

>>> Patience is Needed when the Adjustment takes Days/Weeks..
There is No Way to know ahead of time, but, Adjustment will Happen..
Keep the New Swan Safe..

Pecking Order

This is Why Planning for the Introduction with a Chaperon Fence
or Safe Barrier Area is a Good Idea..
You can Watch them for Favorable or Unwelcoming Behavior..

Pecking Order

It is GOOD to keep a Close Watch for a while..

Pecking Order
There may/will be some “Shoulder Nipping or Tail Pulling,”
some Minor Aggressive Behavior. ( Minor is the Operative.)

Pecking Order

Once the Cob Accepts her..

Pecking Order
They will Sit and Preen Together.. GOOD SIGN !!

Pecking Order

That is Social Behavior like People Watching TV Together.
The Puffed-up Neck usually is a Happy Emotion..

Pecking Order

The Acceptance may take Several Days..
Until the Swans are Comfortable Together…
BE Sure Both Swans are ON the Water at SunSet and SunRise !!!

Pecking Order

Once the Pair start Nesting, the Cob is the Pen’s first line of “Nest Defense.”

Pecking Order
Since Swans are Ground Nesting Birds, the Cob must be Fierce.
Nesting Pens are Very Vulnerable.

Pecking Order

Some Examples:
Our “Handsome” ca. 10 Years Old and Little “Hannah” 15 Months Old..

Pecking Order
We found her at a Live Stock Auction.
She was a Sad Little Thing.. SO Dirty and Scared..

Pecking Order
Pecking Order
Pecking Order
Pecking Order

The “Pecking” Behavior lasted maybe 15 Minutes..
We could only Watch.. as the young Female stayed Close to him..
She did not Flee.. but, Allowed “Handsome” to Bully her..

Pecking Order
Then “Handsome” treated her as a Cygnet and took Care of her as she Matured..

Pecking Order
In No-Time she became the “Pond Princess.” One of the Sweetest..

Pecking Order
Pecking Order


When Two Female Swans are going to Live together, ( No Male )
Usually the Resident/Older Pen will Declare Dominance.. ( No Always )
Pecking Order

Multiply Pens will Establish an Order from the most Dominant to the Submissive..

Pecking Order

Some Lone Pens are Accustom to having their “Apondment” all to themselves.

Pecking Order
She did not Advertise for a “PondMate.” Now a Strange Female Swan has Moved in.

Pecking Order

It may take some Adjustment Time for a Pen to Share her Space..
She was there First.. and it may be that she is Letting the
New Swan/Cygnet know “She is the Boss.” ( the “Pecking-Order.” )

Pecking Order

They have to Work this Out. The First Few Days may be Testy..Keep Everyone Safe.. Give them some Time to become Familiar with Each Other..

Pecking Order

As long as the New Female is getting to Eat..
Can spend Most of the Time she wants on the Pond..
Is Safely on the Pond a Night.. The Females will become Companions..
Timing.. varies. Usually Females do not take Very Long..

Pecking Order

What you Do Not Want to See.. Is ATTACKING.. !!!
Getting on the Back.. Trying to Drown the New Swan/Cygnet..

The Resident Female Below was NOT Welcoming to the Younger Female..

Pecking Order

There is NO Way to Predict this Behavior.
Pecking Order

When TWO NestMate Male are Living Together..

Pecking Order
There will be a Dominant and a Submissive Cob.

Pecking Order
Pecking Order
9 to 10 Months a Year they will be Best Pond Pals..

Pecking Order
If their Hormones do not get TOO Intense..
they will Usually Work-out their Spring Testiness.

Pecking Order
Pecking Order
Pecking Order

You might Need to Keep the Submissive One Separate for Several Weeks..


Within a Brood of Cygnets.. Who Hatch and Grow Together..
there will be a Pecking Order..  They Imprinted as a Brood when they Hatch.
Pecking Order
There will be Dominant Grabby-Pushy Cygnets..some Bullies.
and there will be Shy-Submissive Cygnets..
Pecking Order
Pecking Order

Pecking Order

Pecking Order
In a Large Brood there is often One Cygnet that seems to be the ODD One Out.

Pecking Order
??? Likely the Runt.. The Cutest Little One, Shy and Quiet..

Pecking Order

The Parent Swans will Protect their Brood..
but, I have not Observed them Interferring with the “Brood Pecking Order.”
The Dominant Cygnets will have a Better Chance to Survive..

Pecking Order

If a Submissive Cygnet/Swan is prevented from Eating by the Dominant Ones.
I have Seen-Experienced the Submissive Ones will/may not Eat..
when there is Plenty of Food Available.
Pecking Order
You may Need to Isolate these Little Ones from the Others..
to offer Food Totally out of Sight of the Others..  Especially, at Night..
HOPEFULLY, the Desire to Survived will take over.
Pecking Order
This Little Runt is an Example.
She was Barely Eating and Could NOT Stand/Walk.
Her Nest Mates were between 6-8 Pounds.

Pecking Order
We Brought this Tiny Underweight Cygnet Home for One to One Care.

Pecking Order

It was 10 LONG Days of Trying Everything I could Think of…
and Things Suggested by Others to get this Cygnet to EAT !!!

Pecking Order
We were Successful and by 16 Months “Abigal” was Beautiful.

Pecking Order
“Abigail” was Adopted for a Lone Male and they had Cygnets for Several Years.


We Adopted TWO Nest Mate Cygnets.. our “Brooke” and “Spring”
from a Farm where the Swans were OVER Crowded.
Pecking Order
The “Pecking Order” was W A Y  T O O L o n g..!!!
Swan Pecking Order

“Brooke” would Protect “Spring” but NOT Allow her to Eat..
Swan Pecking Order

“Spring” was VERY UnderWeight..
Swan Pecking Order
I had Three Feeding Stations for them.. Far Apart..
Pecking Order
“Brooke” would Chase “Spring” away after she had a Bite or Two..
Or JUST Give her a “LOOK” that Meant “Don’t you Dare.”
Swan Pecking Order

******Pecking Order

Pecking Order

I finally had to Separate them at around 7 PM each Evening,

Pecking Order

“Spring” could Eat at Night and use the Pool Every Other Night.

Pecking Order
It took WEEKs for “Brooke” to Allow “Spring” to Eat when they were Together..
Pecking Order

When we got the Sisters to a Pond where there was LOTs of DuckWeed….
“Spring” ATE to her Hearts Content…Over Time it all became OK..
Pecking Order

Pecking Order
The Sisters were the Best of Pond Friends.
Pecking Order

After Months of Recovery from a Foot Injury, we Arranged for “Meadow”
to Join Two Cygnets his Age on a Small Farm Pond.

Pecking Order
“Meadow” was SO Happy to be in a Larger Body of Water.

Pecking Order
And to See other Cygnets..
Pecking Order

But the Two Cygnets were NOT so Happy with him.
They Chased him for Several Hours..
“Meadow” was the Submissive Cygnet of the Three.
Pecking Order

     We Visited with “Meadow” several Days a Week… Watching him Grow.

Pecking Order


Information and Thoughts Compiled November 2024
from our Experiences.. PA SwanLover Linda

Pecking Order

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