Swans Just Want to have FUN !
Teasing – Play Chasing – Happy Fun

These Young Females were Moved to their New Home.
We Moved Two Cygnets at a Time – One Week Between Moves.

The Cygnets were Happy to be Together Again. AND Finally a Real Pond.
For Several Minutes they Expressed how Happy they were.

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There are Happy Times when Swan will Play Chase each Other.
I heard Lots of Splashing.. and the CHASING was On. Happy Silly Fun.

The Fun was Contagious.

This was Just Spontaneous on a Sunny Day.

The Dark Duck below would Splash in Front of “Spring” Encouraging her to CHASE !

It Worked. “Spring” would Spring into Action and Chase the Duck.

Just a Burst of Happy Fun on a Beautiful September Day.

This Video is Worth a View..
Video of Playing Ball with a Swan Claudiu Claus – Gestern in Ludwigsfeld.

A Tangle of Fallen Branches formed a Gazebo Shaped Structure.

“Hannah” would Sit under the Branches like a Kid in a Pretend Tent.

Swans do Play Tricks on Each Other. This Happened so Quick..

I Wish my Camera had Caught “Hannah” Pulling on “Handsome’s” Tail.

We Never Knew what would Start them Running Across the Water Surface.

The Swans like to Play in the Currents of Aerators.

Playing the Fountain Spray.

Sprinklers were Fun for the Cygnets and for Me.

A Head or Large Chunk of Lettuce is a Fun Treat.

Even in a Small Kidde Pool… Silly Play would Happen.

Our “Little Hannah” liked to Untie Rob’s Boot Laces.”
She was So Pleased with Herself. Silly Girl.

We had these Five Cygnets for a Week.. “Cygnet Sitting..”

They were VERY Happy to be back on their Pond.. PLAY TIME !!!

All Five in a Line Fast Paddling in a Circle..

This was our Little Singer. I Named her “Adelle.”
She would Sing and Sing. So Cute.

This Time I did Catch “Hannah” Pulling “Handsome’s” Tail.

Gotcha !

Within Seconds “Handsome” Tugged on “Hannah’s” Tail. “Gotcha” Back !

After Weeks out of the Pond.. Post Surgery.
“Handsome” was SO Happy to be in Water Again !
He Splashed for over 20 Minutes.

One Swan Started to Run and within Seconds they all were Running.

This was a Surprise. Five Day Old Cygnets Diving and Playing.. Feet in the Air !

These Young Males Learned How to get Up on the Dock..

And Enjoyed Jumping OFF into the Water.. They would Go Round and Round.

I have Used this Image for “Happy Leap Year” Greetings.

This Shared Image Made me Laugh. (-;

This Little Polish Female had her Own Water Slide.

She would Slip into the Stream Above the Pond.

And Let the Water Flow her Under the Bridge…..

And she would Plop Out into the Pond.. Smart Little Cygnet.

Swans will Often Watch the Sun Set.. The End of Another Day.

The Holiday Light were a Wonderful Addition to their Pond.

There are Joys when you have Swans.. Many Moments of Fun.
This Topic Page Holds Many Happy Memories. June 2021
Collected and Organized by Linda M.Sweger 2021 ******************************************************************************